

6617 Uppsatser om Pćfrestande situation - Sida 3 av 442

VÀgen bort : En textanalytisk studie av rÀttsdomar

The intention with the study is to describe the home and life conditions for boys at the age range between 13 to 18 year, who has been under custody according to the § 2 LVU.The empiric is 21 real court cases, judged in Stockholm and to Stockholm counted surround-ings 2006, in which the range of the boys were representative.A text analyze method is used to execute the study. The study penetrates the life situation of the caregiver and how their situation affects the boy and the boys actions.The total conclusion of the study, based on an ecological evolution perspective, is that life-situation of the caregiver affects the boys and the boys actions.The boys are affected negatively by the situation of their caregivers, and according to the study, the boys have established own problems, like difficulties in school, criminality, or other psychological diagnoses. They are also often exposed to physical or psychological violence by the caregiver. Additionally the conclusion is that the caregiver neglect the boys in many other ways, prior themselves and their needs before the boys..

Barns upplevelser av att leva i en familj med knappa ekonomiska resurser : en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to examine what previous research says about children?s experiences living in a low-income family. Its aim was to found out what children themselves say about their life living in a low-income family and what consequences, practical and emotional, low-income environment has on children. More specifically our aim was to find out how children themselves experienced their situation compared with their peer?s economical situation.

Resan frÄn Tyskland till SmÄlÀndska TorsÄs : Tyska fritidshusturisters dilemma mellan  resekostnader och lönsamhet

I början av 1990-talet utbröt den svenska fritidshusboomen bland tyska turister. Den dÄvarande lÄga konjunkturen i Sverige drev pÄ försÀljningen av övergivna fritidshus i gles- och landsbygd.  För mÄnga tyska turister kunde dÀrmed drömmen av ett eget fritidshus pÄ landet förvekligas. Husköpen ansÄgs vara en bra investering. En möjlighet att fly det tÀtbebodda Tyskland, i hopp om ett bÀttre liv pÄ fritiden. En del blÀndades dock av Astrid Lindgrens sagolika land och de frestande lÄga fastighetspriserna.

NÀr jag Àr stressad Àr jag inte den pedagog jag vill vara : Pedagogers stress pÄ förskolan

AbstractThe purpose with the study is to contribute knowledge of teacher?s thoughts of, and actions in potentially stress filled situations at preschool. The methods I?ve been using are qualitative interviews and unstructured observations of hallway situation at dressing and the transit between lunch and rest.At the interviews with the teachers it showed that none of them feels stressed but there are stress filled situations. The lunch and transit between lunch and rest is a stressful situation, where there is a lot to do, like the dishes, the teachers break and the lie-down.

Situationsanpassat ledarskap - en studie om vad i situationen som pÄverkar ledarskapets utformning :  

The purpose of this study has been to examine what it is in the situation that affects which leadership that is applied on the members of the organization. Our questions that we have explored were; What is it in the situation that influences the leadership applied on an individual or staff group? What similarities and differences have emerged by Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model?Further, we used qualitative semi-structured interviews at the interview procedures with three managers and three employees. Hersey and Blanchards situational leadership model and Goffmans theory in the book "The presentation of self in everyday life" have been used as a foundation and inspiration in this study.We have found that circumstances like the size of the staff group along with the organizations financials and the resources affect the leadership behavior and how well it is matched with the employees. The function of the leaders position in the context, and the purpose of the situation influences how the leadership is formed.

Sport som brottsprevention för ungdomar. En kriminologisk litteraturstudie

Denna litteraturstudie behandlar anvÀndandet av sport som medel för att bekÀmpa ungdomsbrottsligheten. Fyra centrala frÄgestÀllningar eller teman diskuteras. Studien försöker (1) ta reda pÄ om det verkligen Àr brottsförebyggande för ungdomar att sporta och (2) ge exempel pÄ hur det i sÄ fall kan verka preventivt att utöva idrotterna. DÀrutöver strÀvar studien efter att (3) identifiera sportens möjliga roll i brottspreventionen, i samhÀllets generella prevention men Àven rollen för enskilda ungdomsgrupper. Till sist undersöks (4) om det gÄr att hitta nÄgra sporttyper som Àr sÀrskilt intressanta ur brottspreventionens synvinkel eftersom begreppet sport innehÄller mÄnga olikartade grenar.

Kan du jobba pÄ lördag?: vikariers upplevelser av sin arbetssituation

Syftet med vÄr uppsats var att undersöka hur en vikarie upplever sin situation av att arbeta som vikarie. Det kan vara mycket pÄfrestande att inte veta nÀr man ska jobba, man har inte möjlighet att planera sin tid och ekonomi pÄ samma sÀtt som fast anstÀllda. Den empiriska studien skedde genom intervjuer med fyra vikarierande undersköterskor pÄ ett Àldreboende. Resultatet visade att alla respondenterna upplever situationen som vikarie som pÄfrestande. Detta beroende pÄ att det finns begrÀnsade arbetstillfÀllen och att man lever i en oviss ekonomisk situation.

Produktionsanalys pÄ Efterbehandling

Arvika Smide is a supplier to the automotive industry with a focus on advanced drop forgings including powertrain and bearings. The great experience and high quality is Arvika Smide?s speciality. Today's competition in the industries puts high demands on the efficiency where each company has a quest for perfection.Arvika Smide has been through the thesis of Karlstad University, called for a situation analysis of aftertreatment whose effectiveness has not been fully desirable. The department includes the production steps blasting, quality control and packaging.The thesis contains the results from the situation analysis and comparisons of the calculations for selected reference period Q4 2009th.

LÀgesbild : ProblemomrÄden vid skapandet

Within the framework of the concept of Network Based Defence (NBF) services should be available in the network, in order to increase the aggregate capacity. A common situation picture is one of these services.The aim of this paper is to answer the problem "What are the main problem areas in the creation of a situation picture in the land arena, with the help of the technical sensors that exist today?" and to develop a basis for continued research in the field situation in the concept Networking Enabled Command, Control and Collaboration (NEC3) at JCDEC (Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Centre). To answer the problem, a descriptive method is to be used in descriptions of the land arena, the information arena and the sensors and a deductive method is used when analyzing the asensors in the land arena.The problems that exist in the creation of a common situation picture, is that different types of obstacles makes it difficult for the sensors, the large number of people who are not combatants and that it is difficult to judge if a civilian vehicle is a threat, then it could be driven by civilians or by combatants..

Familjens förlÀngda arm : - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga mÀns situation inom hederskontexten kan se ut.

The aim of this study has been to highlight the situation for young men within the context of honour. The aim has also been to highlight the restrictions of young men within the context of honour, and how they rebel against those demands. The study was based on a qualitative research method and carried out in Sweden. The results have been analyzed using the hermeneutic perspective. The results showed that the situation for young men within the context of honour is often manifested by controlling their sisters and the expectation that the young men support their families in the future by marring a woman who has been approved by the collective.

Att leda det oförutsedda: en studie av fyra ledares uppfattning om sin situation, sitt ledarskap och behov av stöd i en kris

The aim of the study is to get a better understanding of leader's reactions in a crisis situation, and to examine whether locus of control and coping strategies can be related to leaders need for social support. The role of a leader in a crisis situation is complex and includes several aspects which must be illustrated to understand the leader's situation. Four leaders have participated in the study. The methods that have been used are questionnaires for measuring locus of control and coping and semi-structured interviews. The results show that search for social support cannot be seen as an outcome of a specific locus of control or coping strategy.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetstillfredsstÀllelse vid en medicinavdelning

Abstract:Job satisfaction has great significance for nurses. The job is very demanding and requires a great deal of responsibility. Low job satisfaction and organisation changes affect their work negatively. The aim of the study was to investigate the nurses? job satisfaction and job situation.

TillÀmplig lag för arv och testamente

AbstractSweden applies two different private international statutes to establish which countryÂŽs domestic law that is applicable in a certain situation regarding succession and will with connection to two or more states. The first private international law is the one used in relations between Sweden and the other Nordic states. The other private international law is the one used between Sweden and all other states than the Nordic ones. A proposal for a Regulation that regulate jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession has been prepared by the Commission and was published in October 2009. This regulation will, if it enters into force, modify the situation in Sweden for applicable law on a situation regarding succession and will.

?dÀr var jag ett barn, nu kÀnner jag mig som en man? - En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande barns sociala situation och identitetsutveckling

The purpose of our research was to explore the social situation of unaccompanied children. We also aimed to reveal the relation between their social situation and their identity development. The overall purpose were to describe their social situation, the value of significant others, how different languages influence their identity development and finally how their origin affects their future dreams.In order to achieve the best result in our research a qualitative method was used. This was based on qualitative interviews and was disposed around a very loose set of questions in order to let the interviewees lead the way. The analysis of the result was conducted on the basis of a set of theories and concepts in order to understand the identity development.

FörskollÀrares erfarenheter av sÀrskilt stöd i förskolan

Much of the everyday work of teachers in pre-schools, schools and youth centers is based on experience. This study is a qualitative interview study intended to make visible the experiences of pre-school teachers in situations when children are considered to be in need of special support. I have looked at pre-school teachers? descriptions of the kinds of situations in which a child is estimated to be in need of special support, what teachers look for in a child to identify it as a child in need of special support in a specific situation, and how the teachers define special support. Both this study and previous research show that children?s estimated need of support depends on the situation and context the child is in. The pre-school teachers in this study identify common situations where children are estimated to be in need of special support, namely: in interaction with others, in structured situations, during changes of activities and during free play.

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