3163 Uppsatser om Outcome assessment tools - Sida 4 av 211
INTRANÄT : Ett medium för kommunikationsverktyg
This report explains how different communication tools can be used in a company?s intranet. It gives a short description of the different parts in an intranet and their field of application, and what communication means. It?s only the communication tools that the company uses that we are illuminating in this report.
Förmedling av discovery-verktyg vid högskole- och universitetsbibliotek ? En enkätstudie om undervisande bibliotekariers inställningar till discovery-verktyg och hur de förmedlar dessa vid referenssamtal och användarundervisning
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Swedish highereducation librarians mediate discovery tools to its users. Thisstudy aims to investigate higher education librarians? generalattitudes towards discovery tools, their perception ofstudents? discovery tool usage, and how they mediatediscovery tools to students through reference interviews anduser training. The empirical ground of this study is a semistructuredsurvey that was answered by 115 instructinglibrarians. The study concludes that although librariansgenerally have a critical attitude towards discovery tools theyalso think that the discovery tools serve a useful purpose,especially as a starting point in the information searchprocess.
Fysisk aktivitet- En social gemenskap : Motionsgympans effekt på den upplevda fysiska och psykosociala hälsan
Background: Examinations with the intent to assess neurological functions and level of conciousness are common in neurocritical care, but the effect on the patient is not entirely researched.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe the patient?s situation at the neurological wake-up test concerning the environment, nursing interventions and the possibility given the patient to become awake, and if these conditions affect the outcome of the wake-up test.Methods: A quantitative observational study took place at a neurocritical care unit, where 20 patients were observed from interruption of sedation to the neurological assessment, which was performed by a neurosurgeon or a specialized critical care registered nurse. Nursing interventions, environmental factors and physiological parameters were documented.Result: Twelve intervention varieties to control patients? physiological parameters were used. CPP > 80 mmHg was found in 90 % of observations.
Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och säkerhetsklimat: en explorativ studie på mindre flygplatser i Sverige
The aim of this paper is to examine the psychosocial work environment and safety culture in minor Swedish airports. The purpose is also to investigate the relationships between these two. The paper deals with theories regarding psychosocial work environment, organizational culture and safety as well as safety culture and safety climate. The participants are air traffic controllers working in minor airports in Sweden. The psychosocial work environment was measured with Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire (COPSOQ) and the safety culture with the safety culture assessment questionnaire (SCAQ).
Har ni någon bra bok?: Om biblioteksanställdas användning av readers advisory verktyg
Studies have shown that library employees often choose not to use readers? advisory tools but to instead rely entirely on their own experience, often doing the library user a disservice. However, very few have looked at why this is so. This thesis looks at to what extent thirty individual employees in thirty Swedish public libraries use readers advisory tools when helping a patron find a good book, with the major focus on what motivates them to use these tools and why some choose not to use them. It was found that readers? advisory tools where not used with any consistency and that many things influence the library employees? use of these tools.
Analoga och digitala verktyg i svensk?mnets skrivundervisning
The purpose of this study is to investigate how twelve middle school teachers use educational
tools and what influences their choice of educational tools in Swedish language writing instruction.
To answer this purpose, three research questions were formulated: What does writing
instruction look like for middle school students according to the teachers in the study?
What influences teachers' choice and use of educational tools in writing instruction? What
opportunities and challenges do teachers experience in Swedish language writing instruction
when using different educational tools? Twelve teachers from variously sized municipalities
and with different experiences participated in the study through purposive sampling and
convenience sampling. The chosen method is qualitative semi-structured teacher interviews.
To analyse the results, this study employs analytical tools from the sociocultural perspective,
using concepts such as mediation, appropriation, the zone of proximal development, and
scaffolding. The results show that both analogue and digital tools are used in the teachers'
writing instruction. The choice of tools should be based on pedagogical considerations, with
an emphasis on social interaction and collaboration during the learning process.
Elevers perspektiv på bedömning för lärande
The aim of this study was to examine the students' perspectives on formative assessment, partly about how students perceived the assessment in general, partly about what students' opinions were on formative assessment, and partly about students' view of how assessment could be organized to stimulate learning process. The study consisted of qualitative interviews with six students in grades one in an upper secondary school.The survey showed that students primarily perceived assessment with summative purpose: tests and scores. Majority of the students experienced that there were too many tests occasions. Those high-performing students were positive to tests. However, those lower-performing students felt more negative and became more stressful with the exams.Results showed that they were lack of experience of formative assessment. All the six students thought that they had not got any chance to involve in the assessments process. They realized that they had not got adequate feedback about their learning-situations. With regard to students' wishes about how assessment could be developed in order to improve their learning, it was mainly about more and concrete feedback on tests and assignments.Two models were developed in the final discussion, which showed the author's own perception of formative and summative assessments..
Alternativa verktyg, tillgänglighet och måluppfyllelse för elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En fallstudie i årskurs 8 och 9
This study investigates how assistive technology tools are used in the classroom by students in reading and writing disabilities in the school years immediately prior to moving to gymnasium. Through observations and interviews with two students and two teachers this study also considers if the use of these tools can lead to increased accessibility and goal fulfilment, and whether these elements are prerequisites for success. The result shows that the students use laptops in the classroom, primarily for writing longer texts, and that in order to be successful, an early start, equipment, time and positive attitudes towards the tools are important. The students use the tools in the classroom, but they have very different feelings about how included they are in the class. The participants see a clear link between the use of assistive technology tools and increased goal fulfilment. .
Lärare och digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen : En kvantitativ studie om lärares inställning och kompetens kring användningen av digitala verktyg i årskurserna F-3
The purpose of this study is to examine in what extent primary school teachers, teaching children in the age of 6 to 9, choose to use digital tools in their teaching of mathematics. I also want to examine what these teachers think, in terms of advantages and disadvantages, about using digital tools on their mathematics lessons. Finally I want to examine what skills they possess about digital tools.I am using a quantitative method to collect my data. The quantitative survey consisted of a questionnaire survey of ten questions that 38 primary school teachers have answered.The results of my study show that the teachers to some extent use digital tools when they teach mathematics and that the availability of various digital tools are generally good. But it turns out that the availability of tools is not a guarantee that they are used in teaching of mathematics.
INTRANÄT - Ett medium för kommunikationsverktyg
This report explains how different communication tools can be used in a
company?s intranet. It gives a short description of the different parts in an
intranet and their field of application, and what communication means. It?s
only the communication tools that the company uses that we are illuminating in
this report.
Miljöbedömning av mark- och vattenresurser i kommunal översiktsplanering : en fallstudie av en del av planprocessen i Tierps kommun
This paper describes the integration of environmental assessment in Swedish municipality
comprehensive planning through a chosen case study. The implementation of a new EGdirective in Swedish law, concerning Assessment of the effects of certain plans and
programmes on the environment, should lead to some changes in the way Swedish
municipalities' deals with environmental issues in their comprehensive plans. This could later on lead to new preconditions for municipality comprehensive planning.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the planning organisation in the municipality adapts to new regulations for impact assessment of comprehensive plans required by the Planning and Building act. Secondly the purpose was to partly participate in the early stages of the planning process and thereby indicate and identify possible environmental impacts regarding the aspects of land and water. This was done as a case study in a well defined part of the process.
Betyg, bedömning och sociala relationer : En studie om hider och möjligheter för likvärdig bedömning
This study examines assessment and how the teaching staff at one school reason around equivalent assessment. More specifically, it aims at studying what obstacles and possibilities the teachers identify to achieve this. Furthermore, the study wishes to gain insight about the current state of the equivalent assessment within the examined teaching staff. The study is based on five semi-structured interviews as well as previous research on the subject matter. To deepen the understanding and highlight case problems that surround assessment, the participating teachers also assess an authentic essay.
Lärares använding av formativ bedömning i matematikundervisningen : En observationsstudie av lärare i årskurs 4-6
The aim of this study was to investigate what formative assessment means and get information about how teachers? assessment practice in formative assessment can look like, based on five key strategies. I have observed five teachers in grade 4 to 6 during a week of their mathematics teaching. Formative assessment is assessment for learning and has the purpose to support students? knowledge development.
Utvärdering av Sensus amningsutbildning för blivande föräldrar
ABSTRACTStatistics show that breastfeeding prevalence for Sweden has fallen since the mid 90´s. Studies show that breastfeeding offers health benefits to both mother and child and that the mothers' belief and confidence in their ability to breastfeed is a key factor to having a positive breastfeeding outcome. In 2010, Amningshjälpen in collaboration with Sensus studieförbund, started a nursing course, for mothers-to-be, who wished to breastfeed their babies and its aim was to prepare them for a successful and enjoyable experience.Objective: To examine whether a preparatory breastfeeding course can affect mothers' confidence in their ability to breastfeed and if that ability can affect the breastfeeding outcome when the child reaches four months. A further aim is to investigate the experience of perceived problems surrounding breastfeeding and what affect these might have on the mothers' confidence in breastfeeding when the child reaches four months.Design/Methods: A quantitative approach with prospective experimental design was used to evaluate the study. The questionnaire Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (BSES-SF) was used three times to measure women's trust in lactation.
Att bedöma på basis av alternativa verktyg : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur ämneslärare i svenska beaktar användandet av alternativa verktyg vid bedömning av kunskaper hos elever i dyslektiska svårigheter
This study aims to examine the regard paid to the use of Assistive Technology (AT) when assessing the knowledge of Year 9 pupils with dyslexia in the subject Swedish. A starting point was to examine the knowledge of a group of teachers in the areas of dyslexia and AT. The issues then developed as to which AT a dyslexic pupil is allowed to use in an assessment situation and how the use of these tools affects the assessment. There was an examination of the guidelines that the teacher group can use as support when assessing the knowledge of dyslexic pupils on the basis of AT. The method used was qualitative semi-structured interviews.