

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 42 av 46

Utveckling av metod för erfarenhetsåterföring vid stadsbyggnadsplanering

The paper is a thesis made by three students in the engineering program at Jönköping School of engineering. The thesis was overseen by the urban planning office and features data from Jönköping County.The purpose of the thesis is to improve future central districts by improvement of work methods. The aim of this thesis is, through an evaluation of process mapping, develop a model for systematical work methods with better experience feedback in the urban planning. The following three questions have been answered:? How is the process mapping of the urban planning in Jönköping County built today and how did it affect the current district Kålgården?? How can the urban planning of Jönköping improve with a more systematical work method with better experience feedback?? How can critics elaborate the developed method to make it enough stable and in general applicable method to enforce on future districts?Literature studies and interviews were made to review the work methods of the office of urban planning as well as how their experience feedback works.

Bil- och järnvägstrafikens inverkan på inomhusmiljön med avseende på ljud och luft : - I planerade bostäder på Haga

NCC has given us a commission to investigate a planned housing area in Haga, Karlstad, situated close to the traffic route Hagaleden and the railway. The housing area consists of one hundred apartments in five different houses. The houses are linked to each other by balconies with glass panels. A long carport is situated between Hagaleden and the housing area to absorb part of the noise from the road. The design of the housing area is creating a silent backyard.

Affärsrelationer inom ett köpcenter

Aktuell forskning indikerar att antalet köpcenter växer för varje år som går, vilket grundar sig i att detaljhandelsindustrin under de senaste decennierna expanderat allt mer. Mycket av köpcentrens succé har att göra med dess bekvämlighetsfaktor, vilket resulterat i att denna detaljhandelsform snabbt hittat hem hos gemene man. Detta eftersom de erbjuder ett smidigt och effektivt shoppingalternativ jämfört med den klassiska gatan kantad av butiker. Dess placering tenderar även att vara lättillgänglig från både bostad och jobb vilket ökar attraktionsvärdet för köpcentret som i sin tur också har att göra med den ökande betydelsen av en välbalanserad hyresgästmix. Det vill säga den sammansättning av butiker som gallerian har.

Mötesplatser i små tätorter : funktion och gestaltning

This bachelor thesis in Landscape Architecture is about the planning and design of public spaces in small towns in Sweden. My opinion is that the small towns often are overlooked and my determination is to see if that is right. The purpose with this thesis in Landscape Architecture, with focus on a durable society is to find the central public places in small towns and evaluate their function. This thesis has a focus on good design of central public spaces, designed for the inhabitants of the small towns. A small town, which is the focus of this thesis, is defined to have 200-2000 inhabitants. The small towns, which often are built around industries or the railway, have since the nineteen seventies a problem with people leaving them for the cities in the urbanization. Currently there is also the opposite trend with people moving out from the cities, but to live on the country side, not in the small towns.

Ahmed, Adam och de asatroende : En undersökning av två samtida skildringar av offer i den fornnordiska religionen

This essay takes its start in the problematic situation concerning source material in the study of the Norse religion before the Christianization of Scandinavia. There is a lack of written sources from the time when the religion was still practiced. There are plenty of archeological sources economic situation than their religious beliefs. The Icelandic stories written in the 13th and 14th centuries give us a broad pictureof the Norse mythology, but the writers were Christians which makes their reliability questionable.The focus of this essay is therefore on two texts written during the time when the Norse religion was still in practice. The first source is the travel notes written in 922 by the Muslim scholar Ahmad ibn Fadlan who met a group of the Rus? people.

Rabatt- och upplevelsesajters civilrättsliga ansvar vid konsumentköp : särskilt om rabattsajten Groupon

En ny trend inom internethandeln är företeelsen av så kallade rabatt- och upplevelsesajter. På den svenska marknaden är Groupon marknadsledande rabattsajt samtidigt som LiveIt anses störst inom upplevelseförmedling. Affärskonceptet ? att marknadsföra priserbjudanden eller upplevelser och sedan hänvisa konsumenter vidare till leverantörer ? har tagits efter av en rad aktörer och den nya trenden får antas fortsätta en tid framöver.Det faktum att den aktuella typen av förmedling är relativt ny har lett till en osäkerhet kring vilket ansvar rabatt- och upplevelseföretagen har gentemot konsumenter. Inte sällan använder de sig av varierande affärsupplägg vilket bidragit till ytterligare oklarhet.Det saknas direkt tillämplig tvingande lagstiftning och företagen begränsar ofta, genom mer eller mindre långtgående friskrivningar, sitt civilrättsliga ansvar.Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att undersöka vilket civilrättsligt ansvar som företagen har gentemot konsumenter vid dröjsmål och fel i vara och tjänst.I uppsatsen, som inledningsvis diskuterar innebörden av termerna kollektiv shopping och gruppköp, redogörs för de tre affärsmodeller som det marknadsledande rabattföretaget Groupon använder sig av.

Marknadskommunikation mot en bred målgrupp ? En studie av Gina Tricot

The companies of today compete about the consumers? attention. In a society where the speed is increasing and the trends are constantly changing the marketing of today will soon be obsolete. This is something that is clearer in the fashion business where the consumers always are looking for news at lower costs. It?s no longer an economical question to be able to wear the latest fashion trends, the availability of cheap fashion clothes is constantly increasing.

Landskapsideal : hur uppväxtens landskap formar individen

The landscape can be something that you rest your eyes on, something that goes quickly past outside the windscreen or the place for the daily work. To me, landscape is everything around us ? the city, the field and the forest. But what is landscape for you? What does the idea of the landscape stand for? How does our view of the landscape become influenced of the place where we grow up? And the differences between peoples different views of the landscape ? what does they depend on? My point of the view for this paper is that the landscape ideals mostly depend on the landscape where you grow up and that it depends less on the differences between the individuals. As a landscape architect the idea of the landscape is the essential. The more we learn, the more we realize how complex it is, but deep down we always have our own experiences and memories and that shapes our personalities.

Public Plays : offentlig arena för aktivitet

This project is a contribution in the debate of sustainable city planning. The conceptual ideas in this project can be used on many places and are here applyed on the center of Nacka, outside of Stockholm. The essay is based on an entry in the competition Europan 9, advertised by Europan in collaboration with the municipality of Nacka. The theme of the competition is ?sustainable city and public space?. The discussion of the sustainable city is a very wide subject which needs to be narrowed to suite the context of Nacka.

Medborgarinflytande, former och verkan : En studie av motståndet mot etableringen av ett ungdomshem i Kristinehamn 2005-2007

Abstract"Citizen Influence, Forms and Effects - A study of the Resistance Concerning the Establishment of a Juvenile Detention Center in Kristinehamn 2005-2007"Political Science, Johan Utter This essay circles around the concepts of citizenship and the questions if and how citizens in the modern democracy can influence and effect the political decisions made by the governing body on the local level. This is done by the means of a case-study concerning the establishment of an institutional facility for convicted youths in Kristinehamn. The planning of this facility and especially its planned location in Sunneberg aroused a significant negative response from the citizens, demanding a better alternative for the location.The proposition resulted in heavy protests from the citizens as the planned location was viewed as an important recreation area, where the citizens could experience nature first hand, close to the centre of town. As a result, some citizens living close to the planned location, formed a network called "Bevara Sunneberg", whose purpose was to influence the decision-makers and make the citizen?s voices heard.

Utnyttjar konsumenter möjligheten att agera rationellt? : En uppsats om konsumenters sökbeteende inför ett köp med avseende på irrationella köpbeslut eller möjliggörandet av rationella köpbeslut genom informationssökningsprocessen

The buying decision process describes how the consumer makes a purchase decision through a rational process (Markin, 1979) and an understanding for how consumers make a purchase decision can according to Sands et al. (2010) be obtained by increased knowledge for the information search process (the second part of the buying decision process) before a purchase. Today?s society offers great opportunity to obtain information (Rahim & Clemens, 2012; Bawden & Robinson, 2009) and by that there are in other words good opportunities for a rational acting by the consumers. However, there are factors working against that consumers act rationally and seek information prior to their purchases primarily in the form of the concept of information overload (Bawden & Robinson, 2009) which claims that consumers are limited in their information search because there is too much information but also other factors such as lack of time (Wood & Neal, 2009) and ability to find information (Slegers et al.

DELMIA V6 Machining

Staden Sulaymaniyah ligger i den kurdiska delen av Irak och har på senare år utvecklats då många valt att flytta från landsbygden till den centrala delen av staden. Nybyggandet sker under tidspress och långsiktigt hållbara lösningar prioriteras inte. Målet är att ta fram ett hus som är anpassat för majoriteten av befolkningen och samtidigt få ett bra och energieffektivt inomhusklimat. En faktainsamling genomfördes för att ge bakgrundsinformation till projektet. Vidare gjordes en planlösning till huset i AutoCAD vilken har använts som grund till utformningen av huset och smarta lösningar.

Legetimus AB - En kundorienterad marknadsanalys

Staden Sulaymaniyah ligger i den kurdiska delen av Irak och har på senare år utvecklats då många valt att flytta från landsbygden till den centrala delen av staden. Nybyggandet sker under tidspress och långsiktigt hållbara lösningar prioriteras inte. Målet är att ta fram ett hus som är anpassat för majoriteten av befolkningen och samtidigt få ett bra och energieffektivt inomhusklimat. En faktainsamling genomfördes för att ge bakgrundsinformation till projektet. Vidare gjordes en planlösning till huset i AutoCAD vilken har använts som grund till utformningen av huset och smarta lösningar.

Cultural Capital? - On the view of culture and cultural policy in Lund's application process to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the ways in which culture and cultural policy are being articulated in the process of Lund's application to become Sweden's European Cultural Capital of 2014.I have used Dorte Skot-Hansen's three cultural political rationalities: the humanistic-, the sociological- and the instrumental rationality, as well as and Jenny Johannisson's extension of those into three cultural-political discourses, as sensitizing concepts in my analysis. The questions raised are: How are the three rationalities/discourses articulated in the chosen central documents and in the process surrounding them? Which themes and arguments dominate the chosen documents?The main objects of my study have been four texts that have been produced in the applicationprocess: a Prestudy, a Plan of action, a Broschure and a Cultural policy. Along with them local political protocols, newspaper articles and other related material have been used. The research method applied was a qualitative eclectical textual analysis with emphasis on the content and on tracing the way the rationalities were expressed in the material.The rationalities were all found to be articulated in the four texts.

Sustainable shopping : consumer behavior in purchasing and donating secondhand clothes

Textiles are made in an unsustainable way and there is a need to find alternative ways and material to reduce the negative impacts on the environment, humans and animals. Problems like pollution, excessive water consumption and loss of soil fertility is a result of this lack of diversity. It is a necessity to find innovative alternatives in other fabrics due to the unsustainable use of cotton and polyester fibers. As in many other countries in the Western part of the world, in Sweden there is a rapid turnover and increased selling of clothes that result in increased textile waste. About 15 kilogram of textiles (net inflow) is consumed per person each year.

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