

685 Uppsatser om Out-of-town shopping centres - Sida 30 av 46

Kvinnors organisering : hur ser svenska kvinnoorganisationer på betydelsen av statligt bidrag?

AbstractC-level essay in political science, by Frida Orlinder, spring semester 2008Supervisor: Susan Marton?Good contracting? ? A study of contracting in public procurement regarding the transportation of school children?Over the last decades models influenced by the market have been gaining influence in public administration all over the world. New Public Management has been presented as a theoretical ?shopping basket? from which concepts can be applied to the administration of municipal services. The purpose of this essay is to investigate in an explorative way how New Public Management (NPM) views contracting and the role of the internal customer in contracting.

Brandskyddsindex Visby innerstad

The aim for the project was to develop a risk analyse tool for measuring the fire safety level in Cultural Heritage buildings of Visby, Gotland. In 1995 Visby were taken into the Unesco:s World Heritage List with the explanation ?Visby is an outstanding example of a Northern European walled Hanseatic town which has in a unique way preserved its townscape and its extremely valuable buildings? One of the demands for the tool was that it should be easy to use and result into a ranking level in examined buildings. The user of the tool is recommended to be personnel in the fire department. To develop the tool a Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method was used.

Nivågruppering i matematik : Ur ett elevperspektiv

The question how teaching should be organized in order to give the students the help and support they need to reach their goals is always of vital interest. All students are unique individuals with different prerequisities, possibilities and needs. Streaming in mathematics could be one solution.The first week at upper secondary school a diagnostic test is carried through. Thereafter, the result is used as a basis for dividing the classes into different teaching groups. Thus, the groups working with mathematics become more homogeneous and the students? previous knowledge is approximately at the same level.

City i samverkan - en studie av strategiskt samarbete mellan kommun, fastighetsägare och detaljhandel

Problem: På grund av stora pensionsavgångar kommer det inom de närmsta åren att behövas ett stort antal chefer. Forskare och praktiker har emellertid uppmärksammat att unga människor i mindre utsträckning verkar vilja ta över denna roll. På bankföretaget Nordea har likväl detta problem uppmärksammats. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera ungas föreställningar om chefskap ur ett organisationskulturellt perspektiv. Metod: Uppsatsen baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer i kombination med en observation på ett utvalt fallföretag.

Kvarboendeprincipen i äldreomsorgen

This essay aims to examine and compare the attitudes of decision makers in the local government and representatives of pensioners in two different geographic areas. The main questions were:- their attitudes towards the "stay home principle" (kvarboendeprincipen, a principle that aims to make it possible for people with a handicap, disease or age to stay in their homes instead of moving to nursing homes).- their attitudes towards nursing homes for old people- their attitudes towards the possibility of staying at home when you are old and handicapped and in need of care.The essay is built on qualitative research methods, based on interviews and on a review of research in the field.The author found a complex picture of attitudes. Everybody thinks that the best is to live in your own home as long as possible, except from those who live with Alzheimer´s disease. They showed different opinions on the issue of the need for moving to nursing homes. This might result in forcing people to stay at home.

Brandsäkerhet i ett småhus

This essay includes the planning and designing of a house as well as writing a rapport about howto increase fire safety in small buildings.More than 6000 homes burn in Sweden every year (Brandskyddsföreningen, 2012c). Thedevastation and the costs are usually very high. This report examines possible measures to reduceboth personal injuries and economic losses resulting from house fires in small buildings.Swedishbuilding regulationsplay a major role when it comes to constructional fire safety. However therequirements inSwedish building regulations are very low for small buildings and this is anargument for raising the requirements.The report shows and describes possible methods to build safer with regards to fire in terms ofmaterials and different building structures. Major focus has been on fire cells but other solutionsare also examined and described.

God kontrakstyrning? : En studie av kontraktstyrning vid offentlig upphandling av skolskjutstrafik

AbstractC-level essay in political science, by Frida Orlinder, spring semester 2008Supervisor: Susan Marton?Good contracting? ? A study of contracting in public procurement regarding the transportation of school children?Over the last decades models influenced by the market have been gaining influence in public administration all over the world. New Public Management has been presented as a theoretical ?shopping basket? from which concepts can be applied to the administration of municipal services. The purpose of this essay is to investigate in an explorative way how New Public Management (NPM) views contracting and the role of the internal customer in contracting.

Barns föreställningar om gud : En undersökning av årskurs 1 och årskurs 3 ?elever

The purpose of this essay is to examine different conceptions of God children express in speech and image. The essay also concern how children's images of God are shaped in a secular and pluralistic society, such as Sweden. The children included in the investigation are in first and third grade in middle-sized Swedish town's primary school. In the essay, two methods are used, which is picture analysis and qualitative interviews. The material consists of 47 children's drawings and a smaller selection of interviews with the child's drawing as a starting point.

Ute och cyklar? : på jakt efter en metod att mäta upplevelse

Well-functioning bicycle paths are relevant issues in today´s society as a way to increase active transport. Active transport means working for a better global climate, urban environment and public health. What we experience on a bicycle affects the choice of a bicycle path and is a subject where there is much left to explore. This essay examines methods in environmental psychology literature that measure the experiences of landscape. The aim is to find and apply methods to measure the experience of two bicycle paths in the Skåne plains.

Secondhandapparnas dilemma: milj?hj?ltar eller konsumtionsdrivare. Analys av secondhandappars inverkan p? unga vuxna kvinnors konsumtion

This thesis examines how marketing by secondhand apps affects young adult women's consumption habits, investigating whether these platforms promote or counteract overconsumption. While the secondhand market is considered more sustainable than buying new, these apps may still encourage overconsumption. The study focuses on the marketing strategies of three major secondhand apps in Sweden: Tradera, Sellpy, and Vinted, analyzing their impact on consumer behavior using the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Based on qualitative interviews with eleven women aged 20-27 and the authors observations of the apps marketing activities, the study finds that secondhand apps often emphasize environmental benefits and makes secondhand shopping accessible and appealing. However, the marketing tactics used by these apps, including frequent push notifications, targeted advertisements, and influencer collaborations, may lead to increased consumption. Overconsumption causes significant environmental damage, and while the secondhand market can mitigate these effects by extending the lifecycle of items, the emphasis on convenience end environmental benefits can inadvertently encourage more consumption. The study concludes that secondhand apps play a complex role in consumer behavior, balancing the potential for sustainability with the risk of promoting overconsumption.

Ny konsumtion av gamla kläder : ? En studie om konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och motiv till att köpa second hand kläder på Myrorna

The world?s consumption is increasing at an accelerating rate and it´s produced and consumed more goods and services than ever before. A large part of people's consumption consists of clothing that is bought and discarded increasingly leading to a number of environmental problems such as global warming, pollution, loss of biodiversity and the depletion of natural assets. One way to save the earth's resources is to buy used clothing, so called second hand, instead of new ones. The store chain ?The Ants? (in Swedish ?Myrorna?) has specializing in second-hand goods and sells, among other things, clothes.

- Jag kunde prata med min son : En fokusgruppsstudie av föräldrars deltagande i föräldragrupp

The purpose of our study is to examine how parents experienced their participation and their involvement in a solution-focused parenting group. The parenting groups are a part of the social welfare system in a town in south of Sweden. The study is conducted as a qualitative study with focus groups. 11 parents have participated. The study´s theoretical framework considers solution focused theory, social constructionism and process within groups.In the study we found that participants generally perceived their participation as positive and that they received confirmation by meeting other parents in the same situation.

"På det viset får vi ju någon sorts ofrivillig insikt, i deras ekonomiska problem då" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolechefers tankar kring barnfattigdom i Uppsala

This essay is included as a sub-study of a survey about child poverty, which the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University, the Ombudsman for Children and Gillbergska Stiftelsen (the Gillberg?s foundation) has been commissioned by Uppsala Town to implement. The intent of this essay is to investigate how three pre-school managers in the municipal preschool in Uppsala describe child poverty, how they see the preschool?s social responsibility and how they manage child poverty in their practical operation. The essay is a qualitative study and informants' responses has been analyzed and related to symbolic interactionism, the thesis theoretical basis.

Faktorer som skapar den underhållande/icke-underhållande shoppingupplevelsen - En explorativ studie ur svenska konsumenters perspektiv

Syftet är att urskilja faktorer som påverkar en svensk konsuments uppfattning om vad som är en underhållande respektive icke-underhållande shoppingupplevelse. Genom att vara explorativa kan vi generera de faktorer som visar på vad det är i shoppingen som kunder uppfattar som underhållande respektive icke-underhållande beståndsdelar i shoppingupplevelsen. Vidare vill vi få en förståelse för hur en underhållande och rolig shoppingupplevelse kan skapas för svenska konsumenter och hur denna kunskap kan användas rent praktiskt ur ett konsumentperspektiv. Den ökade förståelsen medverkar till att vi ska kunna beskriva konsumentens upplevelse. Resultatet av undersökningen blev tolv faktorer som påverkade den underhållande respektive icke-underhållande shoppingupplevelsen.

Arkitekturtävlingar och platsbesök : the core project competition

Competing is a well established work model among Swedisharchitects as well as in the international architect work force.Through this study we set out to get better acquainted with thiswork model in theory and in practice, and to hopefully gainknowledge that will be of use to us and to others working in thefield of architecture.Techniques, materials as well as the artistic expression ofcontemporary architecture is international and today?s architectsoperate on a global labour market. Architects often commit to workon assignments far away from where they are based. Therefore,to physically visit the site of interest may be time consuming,expensive as well as harmful to the environment. Is it possible fora designer to accomplish relevant proposals on how to develop andimprove a place that he or she has never visited? May there evenbe situations in which the outsiders point of view is preferable?These are questions that we aim to investigate, and we do sothrough participation in an international design competition.

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