674 Uppsatser om Out-of-sample forecasts - Sida 45 av 45
Skogseldens påverkan på epifytiska trädlavar på tall i relation till brandintensiteten :
Not much is today known about how epiphytic lichens are effected by fire. A considerable part of the fires in Sweden today are prescribed fires for the purpose of environmental conservation. How these fires affect lichens is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to find out how epiphytic fruticose and foliose lichens on Scots pine are affected by fire, and to elucidate the relationship between fire intensity and the survival of lichens and later re-colonization.
The study was performed at three locations just outside Umeå in Västerbotten that were burned 5-7 years earlier. In all locations there were larger groups of surviving Scots pines with varying amount of fire-damage in the crown, which enabled a reconstruction of fire intensity.
Attityder hos lastbilsförare gällande mat i samband med långa, korta -respektive blandade transportsträckor
Martinez, A (2011). Attityder hos lastbilsförare gällande mat i samband med långa -respektive korta transportsträckor. Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv, Högskolan i Gävle. AbstractBackground: The profession as a lorry driver is in many aspects very risky. Factors such as time directive, poor diet and shift work characterize the profession and puts drivers' health at risk. Current research shows that the vast majority of lorry drivers are overweight, suffer from high stress related to work and have on average a very low consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Samverkan på svenska mötesdestinationer.
Not much is today known about how epiphytic lichens are effected by fire. A considerable part of the fires in Sweden today are prescribed fires for the purpose of environmental conservation. How these fires affect lichens is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to find out how epiphytic fruticose and foliose lichens on Scots pine are affected by fire, and to elucidate the relationship between fire intensity and the survival of lichens and later re-colonization.
The study was performed at three locations just outside Umeå in Västerbotten that were burned 5-7 years earlier. In all locations there were larger groups of surviving Scots pines with varying amount of fire-damage in the crown, which enabled a reconstruction of fire intensity.
Värdet av en Virtuell Relation : Aktivitet i förhållande till kontext ? Spotify ur ett praktikperspektiv
The increased interest in relationship marketing and the potential of the Internet as a platform for relationship building activities have given rise to new ways for companies to interact with their customers, such as services based on a freemium pricing model. Based on the premise that relationships are processes consisting of interactive moments of value-creating activities, value is considered subjective, relative and dependent on the context in which the activity takes place. Value is therefore variable given its context and cannot be pre-defined without nuances being lost. Despite the Internet's given role in societal development, our understanding of what contributes to customers' intentions to build relationships with online services is yet to mature.As the music industry is well established on the Internet, alongside the change in how music is consumed, it is thus appropriate to examine activities in accordance with a freemium based service that distributes music online, since it still lacks in academic understanding.This study aims to provide insights about virtual relations and how online services that provide cultural content should relate to there users as well as contributing to the ongoing academic discussion regarding value and how it is manifested by highlighting contextual impact on relational activities. For a rapprochement of relations to online services in cultural industries, this study assumed a practice perspective.
Analys av individinriktad ekskogsskötsel i Blekinge : en metod för tillämpning i ett kontinuitetsskogsbruk?
Ett ökat brukande av skog enligt skötselprinciper som leder till skiktade beståndsstrukturer, en blandad trädslagssammansättning och kontinuerligt skogbeklädd mark har potential att öka den biologiska mångfalden och värdet för rekreation (Emborg m.fl. 2000, Berg m.fl. 1995, Mattsson & Li 1994, Holgen m.fl. 2000). I ljuset av detta, tillsammans med svårigheterna som finns att nå goda ekonomiska resultat vid skötsel av ädellövskog (Lindén & Ekö 2002), ses det idag som angeläget att uppmärksamma och studera alternativa skogsskötselmetoder (Cedergren 2008) .
I östra Blekinge har ett antal skogsägare under längre tid praktiserat en metod att sköta naturligt föryngrad ek i blandbestånd som går ut på att, mer eller mindre tidigt, frihugga ekhuvudstammar, och att dana kvalitet genom stamkvistning/beskärning.
Environmental variables determining the occurrence of the red-listed Carbonicola anthracophila and C. myrmecina in boreal forests
The global biodiversity loss is mainly due to human activities such as an intensification of forestry. Boreal forest ecosystems in Fennoscandia are characterized by disturbances such as forest fires, storms and floods. However, industrial forestry practices suppress forest fires and change the landscape, leading to a loss of habitats and associated species. Particularly lichen species with slow adaptation abilities and a strong substrate specificity face an extinction debt in boreal forests since their substrates are long-lived but no longer created. In this study the species-substrate relationship of two red-listed forest-fire dependent lichen species Carbon-icola anthracophila and C.
Användning av satellitdata för lokalisering av skogsområden där lövröjning bedöms angelägen : en analys av användbarheten med fjärranalys som hjälpmedel till röjningsrådgivning
This master thesis project is a part of a project called ?Järboprojektet? at the regional board of forestry, the district of Gästrikland. The project will give answers to questions regarding if an analysis of satellite images can be used to contact and inform landowners of the located areas where precommercial thinning is useful. The whole project is a part of the National Board of Forestrys IT-stake where the analysis of satellite images will, at the latitudes possible, be adapted to each district in purpose to identify these areas in need of precommercial thinning. This master thesis project is based on a field inventory of identified objects where precommercial thinning is useful.
Peritonitis in horses : a retrospective study of 69 cases admitted to a university hospital during a ten year period
Peritonitis is a potentially life-threatening disease in horses. With no published work from Sweden, the objective of the study was to describe the occurrence and demographics of horses with peritonitis and to evaluate the outcome of treatment in terms of short-term survival during a ten-year period in a large clinic in Sweden.
Data were examined in a retrospective manner in 69 horses diagnosed with and treated for peritonitis at Universitetsdjursjukhuset (UDS) in Uppsala between 2002-2012. Demographic data examined included age, breed, gender, history, duration of illness before arriving at UDS, reason for seeking veterinary care, initial clinical findings (general state of health, heart rate, respiratory rate, mucous membrane appearance, rectal temperature, abdominal sounds, rectal examination, nasogastric tube results), abdominocentesis results (abdominal fluid analysis including visual inspection, leukocytes and protein, cytology, bacterial culture and sensitivity pattern), complete blood count (CBC), Serum amyloid-A (SAA) upon presentation and a follow up, plasma fibrinogen, plasma protein and albumin, treatments, length of hospitalisation and outcome.
All medical records with the diagnosis of peritonitis were extracted from the medical records system Trofast. All records with any other diagnosis code referring to trauma such as rectal tear or ruptured uterus, recent abdominal surgery, external trauma or rupture in the gastrointestinal tract were excluded. To be included in the study, the peritoneal fluid should contain more than 20.000 cells/?L, have a peritoneal protein value of >30 g/L; or have a significantly changed peritoneal fluid sample (orange with increased turbidity or worse) in cases where no data on cells or protein were available.
The horses were divided into two groups; one where the peritonitis was deemed to have an idiopathic aetiology (primary peritonitis) and the other group where the peritonitis had a possible aetiology such as intestinal parasites, impaction etc.
Impact of hygiene training on dairy cows in northeast India : en hygientränings påverkan på mjölkkor i nordöstra Indien
Mastitis in dairy cows is an emerging and challenging disease in the tropics, including India. Nation-wide reports suggest that the incidence of clinical mastitis varies from 3.94% to 23.25%, and for subclinical mastitis from 15.78% to 81.60%. In Assam, a northeastern province of India, dairy is an essential part of the mixed farming system that exists in the state, but the milk yield is far below domestic standards. In 2009-2010, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and local associates started to develop a training program for local farmers in Assam, in order to enhance the informal bovine dairy sector in and around Guwahati, India. The project continued until mid-2013.
Human-cattle interactions and attitudes within dairy farming in Sweden and The Netherlands
Human-animal interaction is suggested to be a main feature within livestock production. The quality of handling, for instance, appears to be greatly depending on the attitudes and behaviour of the stock people. Various studies have been conducted on relationships between human and animals, but few have looked upon differences in human-animal interaction and attitudes between countries. Two countries often discussed in livestock production are The Netherlands and Sweden. It would be of interest to compare these two countries to find out whether (assumed) differences are reflected in the attitudes between animal handlers.
Till synes orörd skog : naturvärden och kulturhistoria i Rekdalen under 400 år
Nature conservation has for a long time been founded on the assumption that high ecological values depend on low human impact. In Sweden this has led to forests with these characteristics being strictly protected from human influences. However, it is also known that historical land-use can enhance ecological values in forests. Mountainous forests in Sweden, which have not been affected by modern forestry, have for a long time been considered as untouched by people. However, forest history research has in recent years shown that even these areas have been used by people for a long period of time.
Påverkar järninjektioner risken för ledinflammationer hos smågrisar? :
Hemoglobin is built up from protein and heme groups which give the blood its red colour . Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and other tissues in the body. Normally, a piglet has a hemoglobin value of 130-150 gram per liter blood, and the lower limit before anaemia appears is 80 grams per liter blood. The immune defense is also dependent upon the presence of iron in hemoglobin, since iron participates in different enzyme systems. When the piglet develops anaemia, it becomes pale and thicker around the neck.
Ett parti i marknadsföring - Strategier på en föränderlig spelplan
På modemarknaden råder idag en stor konkurrens och det blir allt svårare att differentiera sitt företag. Ett ökat mediebrus distraherar kontinuerligt det budskap företaget vill sända ut till kundgruppen. Idag tvingas företagen ta ett allt större socialt ansvar främst av kommersiella skäl. Miljöengagemanget blir allt större och framför allt attityden och beteendet hos konsumenterna leder till en annan slags konsumtion eller rent av till en ny trend. Utifrån problematiseringen har vi undersökt, beskrivit samt analyserat marknadsförings-strategin av en kedjeägd- respektive en privatägd butik.
Potentiell fosforfrigörelse från sedimentet i Bornsjön, sydvästra Stockholm : The potential leakage of phosphorus from sediment in Lake Bornsjön, south western Stockholm
Lake Bornsjön is situated 30 km southwest of Stockholm in a rift valley lake and consist three basins outstretched in northwest-southeast direction. The surface area is 6,7 km2 with a maximum depth of 18,3 meters, a mean depth of 9,8 meters and a retention time of the water of 6,5 years. The drainage area is 42 km2 and consists mainly of arable land (ca 1000 ha) and productive forestry land (2500 ha), but in the drainage area there are also restored and fairly newly constructed wetlands.Today the Stockholm area receives its drinking water from Lake Mälaren, but if there would be any pollution of this source, Lake Bornsjön would act as the water source. The area surrounding the lake was bought already in 1899 by Stockholm Stad for protection of the lake and was taken over 1993 by Stockholm Vatten AB. It has been a water protection area from 1988 and it was also accepted as a nature reserve in 1995.