674 Uppsatser om Out-of-sample forecasts - Sida 23 av 45
De ska vara objektiva : En kvalitativ studie om elevers förväntningar på religionskunskapslärare gällande deras livsåskådning och religionsundervisning
In this study emphasis was on pupils? expectations regarding beliefs and conceptions of life among teachers within the school subject of religion. Additionally this study also concentrated on the consequences of teachers? beliefs on their legitimacy and teaching. The study?s method was qualitative including semi-structured interviews in two separate schools.
Kapitalförvaltarnas arbetsmetodik vid förvaltandet av den diskretionära potföljen
Background: The devolopment in the exchange market has attract a large number of investors. The information flow is extensive and it might be hard to follow the dynamic market. Some investors therefore choose to place their capital in a stock portfolio which is manged by a professional firm with no influence from the capital owner, this management is called discretionary managing. Purpose: the purpose of the thesis is to examine the working methods and the rationality regarding the management of the discretionary portfolios. The purpose is also to try to examine whether there is a relation between the selected risk, return and fees.
Evaluation of a Flow Cytometry Method for Identifying and Quantifying Fetal Red Blood Cells in Maternal Blood
Hemoglobin is an oxygen binding protein in erythrocytes. Hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptide chains. During the fetal stage the type of hemoglobin called fetal hemoglobin (HbF) dominates. After birth HbF is replaced by adult hemoglobin (HbA). HbF persists in concentrations less than 1%.
Vilken uppfattning har socialsekreterare kring sina arbetsuppgifters innehåll? Fem Socialsekreterare berättar.
En elementär beståndsdel av en fungerande marknad är tillförlitlig finansiell information. Ämnet Earnings Management består av olika teorier och metoder för att mäta manipulationer av den finansiella informationen som redovisas av bolag. Anledningen till manipulationer beror bland annat på agentproblemet mellan bolag och intressenter. Bolag (eller tillämparen) har incitament att vilseleda sina intressenter genom redovisningen för att nå fördelar. Ett sätt att motverka agentproblemet och kvalitetssäkra redovisningen är att låta en revisor genomföra revision på bolagets räkenskaper.
Drivkrafter till att använda sig av Social CRM ? En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om Social CRMs bakomliggande drivkrafter
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of how customer engagement, communication / interaction and customer insight are driving forces behind the use of Social CRM from a leadership perspective.Method: The purpose of the study, we believed it was appropriate to use a qualitative approach to conduct the study. The empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of 10 companies located in the Gävle area who are active on social media. The interviews were coded to obtain keywords and patterns. These patterns and keywords are then analyzed to arrive at the study's results.Results and contributions: Our results suggest that all the identified benefits, customer engagement, customer insight and communication are driving forces to make use of social CRM.
Comparison between different freezing and thawing methods for human spermatozoa
Preservation of cells and tissues by freezing at temperatures below 70°C has led to new possibilities for the storage of germ cells for fertility preservation. During the freezing process problems might occur, the greatest being ice crystallization which can cause membrane destruction and thus cell death. To minimize this risk, solutions that reduce the freezing point can be added to reduce crystallization and increase survival rates. These solutions are called cryoprotectants. The best method for freezing is still not known.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of various parameters on the survival rate of human semen frozen with liquid nitrogen.
Effektivisering av urvalsprocesser vid analysering av björnspillning : Ett förslag till den svenska förvaltningen av brunbjörn Ursus arctos
The aim with this report is to formulate a strategic method to optimize selection processes of DNA-samples from a faeces inventory to identify as many individuals in as few analyzes as possible, and by that keep down the costs of brown bear management. Brown bear management in Sweden founds today on results from faeces inventory and is substantially led by the county administration boards. Data from the years of 2004 and 2009´s inventories in Västerbotten was used to test and evaluate different methods in selection processes of which faeces that should be sampled. Comparison were made between making selection by chance, by spatial distribution and by calculating variations in logistic regressions coefficient b, in other words bear density and probability in finding same individual in several faeces. We can show making selection by chance is the most uncertain method.
Utveckling och lärande genom fri lek i förskolan
Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.
Konst som investering: En studie av investeringar i svenska kvalitetsmålningar under perioden 1985-2006
This paper analyses how Swedish fine-art oil paintings sold at auctions has performed as a monetary investment during the period autumn 1985 until spring 2006. An average price technique as well as a hedonic regression technique, applied to a sample of 19 213 auction sales, is used to construct price indices. The indices show somewhat different results, which is explained by the inability of the average price model to adjust for relative differences in quality between periods. The hedonic regression model on the other hand captures this effect, why the hedonic index is applied in a financial return model. By adjusting for transaction cost, the financial return of an average investment in paintings is calculated.
Föräldrastress hos föräldrar till förskolebarn med och utan en funktionsnedsättning: Upplevelse av barnets påverkan på familjesituationen
Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.
Salutogent förhållningssätt och ett värdigt liv inom äldreomsorgen
Our study aims to examine whether managers in elderly care are
working from a salutogenic approach to create a dignified life for
the residents. By this we are trying to find out how you look at life
in dignity and what meaning it has, what similarities and what
differences there are. We also want to explore what they want to
achieve with their work and what they do to enable it. The
questions we asked ourselves what the salutogenic approach is for
managers working in nursing homes. How do they look at a decent
life and we ask ourselves the question of the salutogenic approach
is just a "buzzword" in a working man always had or there are real
differences? The method we have chosen to use is a web-based
questionnaire that we sent to our sample.
Utvärdering av AKKTIV föräldrautbildning: föräldrars bedömningar av barnens kommunikativa utveckling
This study investigates, through parental evaluations, communicativeand adaptive abilities within a group of children with various developmentaldisorders, after the parents had participated in AKKTIV (Augmentative andAlternative Communication ? Early Intervention) parental education. The studyalso investigates through case studies how parents experience the influence ofAKKTIV-intervention in their children?s development a few years aftercompletion. The parents estimated their children?s abilities using three differentquestionnaires; the Swedish Communicative Developmental Inventories(SECDI), Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) and parts of theform? Parents? perception of the interaction with their child?, before and afterthe intervention.
Genetic variation in local Swedish sheep breeds
Sheep have played a very important part in rural history. In Sweden there were many kinds of
small native breeds, kept for their meat and fleece. Women cared for the flock that often had
very little to feed on during the cold and sometimes harsh winter months. This meant that
these sheep over time acquired special phenotypic properties depending on the environment
they lived in, and easily fed compared to modern breeds kept for meat. Most of these sheep
have since become extinct.
PennTags: En kvantitativ empirisk studie av en read/write OPAC
The aim of this thesis is to study the phenomenon of read/write OPAC by looking at how students at Pennsylvania University use PennTags in order to influence document descriptions in the library catalogue. The main questions to be answered are to what extent PennTags is being used in different subject areas and what users contribute to document descriptions through tagging in different subject areas. Studying the posts created by a sample of PennTags users from a quantitative approach I try to find out if there is reason to believe that the activity of users and users? possibility to make meaningful contributions are dependent of the subject matter being dealt with in documents described, as anticipated by the theory of pace layering. I find that user interest in influencing the library catalogue through PennTags appears to be low in general, with exception for in the subject areas of the main classes Language and literature and Social sciences in Library of Congress Classification.
Eldens arkitektur : En studie av de medeltida varmluftsugnarna och deras betydelse
AbstractThis thesis examines and discusses a sample of the medieval hypocausts (stone-heating ovens) in the Baltic area. The medieval construction is thoroughly explained as well as the antique hypocaust in order to establish a base for the following discussion. The medieval hypocaust has been almost forgotten for a long period of time. The last time someone dealt with this category of finds were in the 1960?s by Swedish archaeologist Iwar Andersson and in the 1970?s by Danish archaeologist Johannes Hertz.