

140 Uppsatser om Orientalism - Sida 2 av 10

Stress och nervositet hos ungdomar inom musiken

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?Orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

Kvinnors konstmusik - marknadens mest eftertraktade?

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?Orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

Svenska folkvisor. Analys av visan "Ena tåcka däka vill jag ha san"

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?Orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

Flow & sång. Att hitta närvaro, uttryck och att beröra

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?Orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

Diskursen kring asylsökande : En diskursanalys av Helsingborgs Dagblads och Dagens Nyheters konstruktion av asylsökande

The aim of this study was to examine the discourse of asylum seekers in Sweden from January 2009 to December 2013 in the newspapers Helsingborgs Dagblad and Dagens Nyheter. By using discourse analysis as a theory and method, combined with the theory of Orientalism, I have analysed and compared news articles from these two newspapers. The findings of the study shows that asylum seekers are often portrayed as a group rather than individuals. Included in the group identity are several subgroups, for example asylum seekers are portrayed as victims, as a cost to society and as a highly suspect group that cannot be controlled. Furthermore, asylum seekers are depicted as ?the other? in contrast to the Swedish ?we?, where differences in culture and tradition are frequently mentioned.

Att sjunga och intonera i grupp. Om en metod med målet att få en sångensemble att förbättra sin intonation

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?Orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

En undersökning om perspektivet på Islam i tre nyhetsprogram

Utgångspunkten för min studie har varit att se på ur vilket perspektiv Islam behandlas i tre västerländska nyhetskanaler eller nyhetsprogram. De tre undersökta nyhetskanalerna har varit Euronews, Aktuellt och TV4s nyheter. Undersökningen har gjorts under mars månad år 2000. Ett nyhetsprogram från var och en av de tre kanalerna spelades in varje dag.För att en korrekt tolkning skall ha varit möjlig har jag vidare studerat en mängd litteratur. En del har behandlat vad Islam är, medan annan litteratur behandlat hur media använder olika stereotyper och schablonsbilder när de skall beskriva ett nyhetsfenomen.

"Peshmerga-chic" och "Nipster" : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur modet samspelar med vår förförståelse och hur det analyseras i media

Fashion creates reactions. It is a type of art form that constantly needs to be updated. This is the thrilling part about fashion, but it is also the part that can create unintentional reactions.In this essay I will examine two garments that have achieved a great amount of media coverage, both in Sweden and abroad. One of them is a jumpsuit from H&M that was criticized because of the resemblance to the uniform worn by the Peshmerga-soldiers in Kurdistan. The other garment is a children?s sweater launched by Zara.

Religion, ett retoriskt redskap inom Sverigedemokraterna? : En retorikanalys av SD-kuriren valåret 2010

The purpose of this essay is to see if the Swedish nationalist party?Sverigedemokraterna? use religion rhetorically in their paper SD-Kuriren, and if so,then how? The method used to examine this is called rhetorical analysis. Furthermore, thetheory to explore how religion is used rhetorical is Said's Orientalism.The results show that religion is used rhetorically in the articles. Islam is explainedfrom our point of view in the west, and not their own. Islam becomes a religion that is faraway from what the Swedish culture is like, and also a religion that is violent andirrational compared to the Swedish culture, but also other religions, such as Judaism.Also, religion is used rhetorically to show that Islam is the opposite in relation toChristianity and Judaism..

En ny bild av islam?

Denna uppsats fokuserar på hur bilden av islam och muslimer visas i läroböcker från 2001 och framåt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se om de samhälleliga förändringarna efter attentatet mot World Trade Center 2001 har påverkat läromedlen. Undersökningen görs på läroböcker skrivna efter 2001 i ämnet religionskunskap. Läroböckerna är på gymnasienivå. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Edward Saids teori om Orientalism.

Presentationen av muslimer i tv-serien Andra Avenyn : Hotbild, hjältar eller något mittemellan?

I uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur muslimer presenteras i tv-serien Andra Avenyn där strategin utgörs av en diskursanalys. Denna grundar sig på Edward Saids antaganden i verket Orientalism samt Magnus Bergs teori om hur orientalen framställs inom populärkulturen, vilket han presenterar i Hudud: en essä om populärOrientalismens bruksvärde och världsbild. Jag diskuterar endast de aspekter av populärkulturen som berör film då mitt undersökningsmaterial är en tv-serie. Genom studien av Andra Avenyn presenteras ett förslag till en påbyggnad av Bergs teori om orientalen. I analysen diskuterar jag mig fram till hur Andra Avenyn liknar samt skiljer sig ifrån de populärorientalistiska filmer Berg analyserat..

Vad säger läroböcker egentligen till våra elever? : En jämförande studie av orientalism och eurocentrism i läroböckers framställningar om hinduism under tiden 1970-2010 och vilket meningserbjudande det medför

SammanfattningDetta examensarbete har skrivits av Rune Bolin och Mattias Lindberg. Båda läser på lärarprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet och ämnar ta examen för grundskolans senare år och gymnasiet.Arbetet har behandlat Orientalism och eurocentrism i läroböckers framställningar om hinduism under tiden 1970-2010 och vilket meningserbjudande det medfört. Studien tar avstamp i teorier om Orientalism och eurocentrism. Utifrån dessa har representationer av hinduism undersökts med hjälp av en diskursanalytisk metod. Syftet är att undersöka läroböcker och dess beskrivning av hinduism och om denna framställning har förändrats över tid, samt att synliggöra det meningserbjudande som ges i de valda läroböckerna.Analysen har synliggjort tre teman i de läroböcker som har undersökts.

(Av)slöjad : En argumentationsanalys av debatten kring ett eventuellt svenskt lagförbud mot heltäckande slöja

The purpose of this paper is to examine and to analyze the arguments about a possible Swedish law against the veil. I have therefore highlighted how notions about the veil creates and reproduces power-structures and meaning-systems. I structured the arguments in a pro et contra schedule and then analyzed them by using a theoretical framework consisting post-colonial feminism, Orientalism, multi-culture and intersectionality together with research produced by Joan Wallach Scott (2010), Pia Karlsson Minganti (2007) and Anne Sofie Roald (2003). The results of the study shows that the people who either argue for or against a veil-law agree that the veil is an oppression of women and that it must be resisted. To be objective in the discussion of the veil seems to be impossible and the women it affects deprived voice.

Målar författare till religionsläromedel med bred pensel? : - En kritisk undersökning av fyra gymnasieläromedels framställning av buddhism

This study is based on qualitative and hermeneutic methods. The investigation summarises how four textbooks present Buddhism in (school) subject Religion, such as texts and images. Two of them are used in Religious studies A, the rest is used in Religious studies 1. The study rests on the theories of Orientalism and christocentrism, where both can be related to the concept of making secondary. In the research background there are descriptions of how the western world looks upon Buddhism in a historical perspective, but also how Buddhism in a modern age is represented.

Bilden av muslimer i media - en innehållsanalys av tidningsmedia veckan efter 11 september 2001.

Studiens syfte är att studera vilken bild av muslimer som förmedlas i svensk tidningsmedia veckan efter terrorattacken mot World Trade Center i New York den 11 september 2001. Undersökningen tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i postkolonial teori och Saids ?Orientalism?-begrepp. Jag har valt att använda mig av en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka vad källmaterialet förmedlar och har utifrån innehållet skapat kategorier som ska tydliggöra detta. Slutresultaten visar att den bild som tidningarna förmedlade av muslimer efter terrordådet den 11 september 2001 var präglad av stereotyper om Orienten, där muslimer bland annat beskrivs som känslostyrda, omoderna och religiösa.

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