

1161 Uppsatser om Organizational justice - Sida 34 av 78

Fri att missbruka: tvingad till vård. En argumentationsanalys av 70-talets debatt om tvång i socialvården

Can coercive care be justified against drug and alcohol addicts or should treatment be offered on a strictly voluntary basis? This was one of the central questions debated in Sweden during the 70's when the development of a new social legislation, The Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen), took place. The first aim of this thesis was to analyse whether the arguments that were presented both in favour for and against coercion were sound. To achieve this, a method for analysing arguments was employed, where a sound argument is defined as acceptable, relevant and adequate. The analysed material consists of both official government reports and books of influential debaters.

Effektiva team : Hur skiljer sig industrigrupper från andra typer av arbetsgrupper från en större population?

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur grupper inom en industri skiljer sig från andra typer av arbetsgrupper från en större population. I den här studien användes Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS). TDS instrumentet används för att mäta faktorer som anses vara avgörande för gruppens effektivitet enligt en modell av Hackman (2002). Den statistiska bearbetningen visade på 12 signifikanta skillnader. Skillnader visade sig inom följande områden: compelling direction, enabling direction, supportive organizational context och available coaching.

Avståndets inverkan på styrningen: -en fallstudie hos Vin & Sprit

The aim of this thesis is to get a better understanding of how the management control system works at V&S Distillers. V&S Distillers went through an organizational change in the beginning of 2005. The marketing function went from being a country-driven to a category-driven organization. Among other things this resulted in increased cooperation between employees in different geographical locations. We aim to analyze how a geographical distance affects relations and the use of management control.

Företagskultur & Användarmedverkan. Finns det något samband?

Denna uppsats undersöker om det finns något samband mellan vilken typ av företagskultur ett systemutvecklingsföretag har och till vilken omfattning de jobbar med användarmedverkan. I uppsatsen presenteras begreppen användarmedverkan och företagskultur. Intervju- och enkätundersökningar har genomförts för att belysa företagens företagskulturer samt hur de arbetar med användarmedverkan. Intervjuerna och enkäterna ligger som grund för studien och dessa visar att det finns ett samband mellan omfattningen av användarmedverkan och ett företags företagskultur, men dock enbart sett utifrån företagens vilja och ambitioner att jobba på detta sätt. Något samband mellan hur företagen verkligen jobbar med användarmedverkan sett till deras företagskultur har inte kunnat bekräftas..

Vårdens pris - utbränd sjuksköterska. En litteraturstudie rörande utbrändhet bland sjuksköterskor

The aim of this study is to illuminate factors in nurses´ work, which can cause a state of exhaustion called burn out. The results indicate that work related mental illness is a lengthy process that gives rise to both physical and psychical problems. These problems might lead to a state of burn out. However, several authors prefer to use expressions like exhaust syndrome or exhaust depression as they are criticising the concept of burn out. The study is a literature analysis of 11 scientific articles that have been scrutinized using the criterions presented by Polit et al (2001).

En ödmjukt auktoritär rådgivning : Ethos och etik hos föräldrarådgivaren Petra Krantz Lindgren

Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into oblivion. This oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to oblivion.  When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.

Alternativ: Om viljan att trampa ny mark

This essay revolves around the organization Mobile Art Production, MAP, and their artexhibition Street View shown on Kungsportsavenyn, Gothenburg two weeks in April 2010. Beingan alternative to traditional art institutions, MAP sets out goals for their activities and the aim ofthe essay is to examine whether the main goals of the organization were fulfilled through theexhibition. In Street View six Swedish artists participated with a total of seven artworks.The theoretical framework is formed using Arthur C. Dantos today classic essay ?The Art World?,Anne Ring Petersens definition of installation art and Nicolas Bourriauds term and bookRelational Aesthetics.

Individuellt ansvarstagande som metod för rättvisa : Hannah Arendts ansvarsbegrepp i relation till Nancy Frasers rättviseteori

Utgångspunkten i arbetet är att människor som saknar rättigheter behandlas orättvist. Nancy Frasers rättviseteori stärker det påståendet. Hennes tolkning av rättvisa innebär att individer skall ha möjlighet att deltaga som jämlikar i alla strukturer som påverkar individen. Om individen saknar rättigheter saknar hon möjlighet att deltaga som jämlik. Frågeställningen som undersöks är hur Hannah Arendts ansvarbegrepp kan minska orättvisan som individen lider av i och med sin avsaknad av rättigheter.

Det organisatoriska mötet : en studie om myndighetssamverkan kring våld och övergrepp mot barn

Today, it is prescribed by law that authorities should cooperate, especially around vulnerable children. There is a need in Sweden of research about cooperation and the problems that can occur. Hence, this study seeks to examine which structural organizational conditions that affect cooperation in a few consultation groups around violence and sexual abuse against children in Kronobergs län. Another aim is to see which meaning these conditions have for a functioning cooperation. Eight interviews have been done to investigate how different actors felt about cooperation, in the consultation groups.

Trivsel på arbetet : Trivselns medierande roll mellan psykologiskt klimat och arbetsattityder

Denna studie undersöker den arbetsrelaterade trivselns medierande roll i sambandet mellan det psykologiska arbetsklimatets och arbetsattityderna organisatoriskt åtagande (organizational commitment), arbetsinlevelse (job involvement), arbetsengagemang (work engagement) och avslutsintention. Undersökningen är genomförd på Patent- och registreringsverket och bygger på en enkätstudie bland verkets medarbetare (n = 140). Resultat av hierarkisk regressionsanalys visar att klimatfaktorer i hög grad kunde predicera trivsel, som i sin tur åtminstone partiellt medierade klimatets effekter på tre av de fyra arbetsattityderna, dock inte arbetsinlevelse. Slutsatsen blir att det finns ekonomiska argument för organisationer att främja trivseln på arbetsplatsen. Ett sådant arbete kan dock vara svårt att genomföra i praktiken, främst på grund av trivselns inneboende subjektivitet och mångtydighet..

Islam på universitetet. En innehållsanalys av islamisk predikan på Chalmers

This paper analyzes the content of eight Islamic Friday-sermons, held at Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg in spring 2010, organized by Chalmers Islamiska Förening (CIF) (Chalmers Islamic community).The forces of globalization, the accessibility of information and the Internet have given rise to discourses and movements that know no national boundaries. The accessibility of these global movements and discourses through media, Internet, etc., affect the way Muslims in Sweden interpret and practice their religion. Thus, this paper includes discussions and descriptions of global Islamic revivalist-movements, and relates the contents of the sermons at Chalmers to these movements. In the sermons, the imams often discuss the concept of a global Muslim community, the umma, and their perceptions of the prescribed ethics linked to this community. They often relate this discussion of ethics to frequently discussed issues in the West such as equality, justice and ethical standards in war.

Transnationell kooperation : en studie av DLA Agro

Farmers Cooperative has in recent years developed from national markets to cross-border, international, collaborations. One example is the merger between the Swedish dairy company Arla and Danish MD Foods, where the companies collectively are sought to reduce transaction costs and thus improve efficiency. The Swedish market for commodities (fertilizers and pesticides) in agriculture has for many years been dominated by a few large players, with little opportunity for grain associations and local grain companies to offer their customers a varied range of commodities with a competitive pricing.To change this state, a majority of Swedish and Danish grain associations and local grain companies have established a trans-national cooperation. Through the establishment of the organization DLA Agro, they offer their customers a good variety of products with competitive prices. This study investigates thus according to the theory of cooperative models to what extent and how the DLA Agro helps to create benefits for the Swedish member companies.

Innovationssystem för medicinsk teknik i Stockholm : En undersökning av centrala omständigheter för organisatorisk samverkan

Introduction In order to foster innovation of medical devices within the healthcare sector, a collaboration project, PUSH, has been initiated including the hospitals managed by the Stockholm County Council. The collaboration aims to capture ideas from employees and turn them into so called ?high-practice? products as well as facilitate the possibilities for medical device companies to try out their products in the settings of healthcare. Collaborations for innovation, comparable to the PUSH project, can be found in both Swedish and foreign regions, but some of them fail to survive due to obstacles affecting the progress of each collaboration. Avoiding the same destiny will be a challenge to the PUSH project.Purpose The purpose is to search for factors affecting organizational collaboration concerning innovation systems for medical device development.

Medlaren i fokus : Upplevelsen av att genomföra medling vid brott

Bakgrund: Forskning pa?visar pa? skolor som arbetsplats en o?kad stressniva? och minskat va?lbefinnande. Fokus i denna studie var utifra?n detta att underso?ka hur rektorn i sin ledarrollresonerade kring motivation och personalens va?lbefinnande pa? arbetsplatsen ur ett salutogent perspektiv samt att se om rektorns fo?rsta?else av dessa begrepp ansa?gs vara ett redskap i den kommunala grundskolan fo?r att utveckla sin personal.Syfte: Studien utforskade hur rektorer i kommunala grundskolan uppfattade att de motiverade sin personal och skapade va?lbefinnande pa? arbetsplatsen.Metod: Elva kvalitativa intervjuer med rektorer gjordes. Data analyserades genom en kvalitativ inneha?llsanalys.

Förändringens Vingslag

This hermeneutic case study examines how and why an insurance company?s output has been affected by a CEO-succession. The authors pay specific attention to three activities; changes in personnel and organization structure, handling of media and change in customer focus. It is shown that the CEO was able to influence the company?s activities and this discretion was primarily created through her relational capacity.

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