

5653 Uppsatser om Organization theories - Sida 64 av 377

CAP ? pengaslukande monster eller effektiv jordbrukspolitik EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik sedd ur tre olika teoretiska perspektiv

The Common Agricultural Policy has been a burning topic for debate for severaldecades. According to the CAP:s opponents it's effects include pollution, market distortionsand not least a huge expense for the European union.In this study we seek to explain why the CAP has remained almostunreformed since it's constitution in the 1950:s. The means by which we do so isa case study where we analyze the CAP by using three different theories; liberalinter-governmentalism, realistic trade theory and new institutionalism.In the final chapter we conclude that the theories complement each other. Newinstitutionalism explains the rigidity of the CAP. The liberal perspective explainsthe origin and the logic behind the policy whereas the realistic point of view putsthe policy in the light of an international economic theory and recognizes nationalpolicy makers roll in the inflexibility of the CAP..

Kausalitet i fiktiva miljöer : En narratologisk analys av tre cyberpunk-romaner

The purpose of this study is to gain increased understanding of managers´ attitudes and knowledge about its role in the internal organizational communication. We want to understand how managers define dialogue and further understand the role that dialogue plays for managers. We want to see whether the different managers highlight some common foundations or differences in the dialogue. With the help of the following two questions we wish to understand managers´ relationship to the dialogue within the internal organizational communication: -What meaning does the dialogue have for managers in the private sector?-What role does the dialogue play in the internal organizational communication according to these managers? We use qualitative interviews as the data collection method of our material. Using material from the interviews and mainly in accordance with William Isaacs? theory of dialogue, wecan answer our questions. The result shows that managers' views on the dialogue in many cases are similar to Isaacs? vision but differs in part. The managers believe that employees are there to contribute to the company.

Kulturell kompetens : - en utmaning i det sociala arbetet

The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.

Manuell kontanthantering i begränsad omfattning : Strategi och styrning på funktionsnivå inom bankbranschen

In today?s ever-evolving society the use of cash is replaced by digital services in the banking sector. Some local banks restrict manual cash handling while others remove it completely. This essay examines how management accounting is affected by restricted cash handling. The theory clarifies that management accounting strategies create guidelines and provides specific framework for employees and managers in the organization.

Prostitution : Legitimt yrke eller förtryckande verksamhet?

Trafficking in human beings and prostitution is an increasing occurrence within the EU. However, vast differences in legal frameworks regarding prostitution can be detected among member states.The Netherlands is an example where prostitution is regarded a legal activity. In other member states legal standings toward prostitution remain ambivalent, where Sweden here serves an example. Finally, Lithuania is among member states where prostitution is considered illegal.The purpose of this paper is therefore to study underlying attitudes and approaches that these three countries have in this rather delicate political question. By interpreting the content and quoting parts of propositions, an ideology analysis is constructed.The theory chapter consists of Rousseau?s theories, Objectivism, Radical Feminist Theory, and Sex-positive Feminist Theory.

Konstruktionen av den japanska ledaren: En studie av kvinnans roll i det japanska företaget

Japan is the first industrialized country that is experiencing the threat of a rapidly declining and aging population. This has shifted the focus and the limelight is now on the matter that for a long time has been ignored. That is, the Japanese women?s situation in the society. This thesis seeks to point out the relevance of gender in the construction of leadership in order to get a deeper understanding of the Japanese women?s situation today.

ITIL inom Conect AB

Conect AB wants to know how they can use ITIL in their organization. Right now their company is in an expansive phase and needs a more structured way to work. They have been thinking of improving their way of work for several years but haven?t had the time to do so. Now they have realized they need to work more efficiently to able to grow further.

Rätt klädd? : En studie om klädföretags arbete och kommunikation av CSR

The number of firms adapting the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is constantly growing. It is no longer enough only to supply your customers with demanded products and services since todays? customers have an increased awareness and are demanding more transparence when it comes to the manufacturing and responsibility for society.Along with a growing interest in social, ethical and environmental matters, many firms have received critique, consequently forcing them to start taking more responsibility for their activities. The clothing industry was among the first to get critized and therefore early in starting their work with CSR.The purpose of this paper is to investigate how firms in the clothing industry work with CSR today, and also how they choose to communicate this work, both internally and externally. The methodology of the paper is qualitative and aims to deeply investigate four different firms, along with an additional interview with a CSR-consult from one of the leading communication-firms in Sweden.The theoretical foundation includes a frame of reference around CSR and the communication thereof, and also a few relevant theories around CSR and business ethics.After analyzing the empirical material the paper have reached a few conclusions.

"Information-as-thing": Förhållandet mellan biblioteks- & informationsvetenskapen och materialbibliografin

The relation between LIS and physical bibliography is examined primarily through an analysis of such LIS literature as applies physical bibliography in research or otherwise discusses its relevance to information studies. Quite a number of scholars are stressing the usefulness of this bibliographical tradition, even though its position in LIS agenda as a whole seems to be less established. These scholars suggest that physical bibliography presents interesting conceptual and theoretical implications for many of the central objects of study in LIS, for example, knowledge organization, information retrieval, and information seeking. It is also suggested that physical bibliography could help deepen our knowledge and understanding of the digital media ecology. Physical bibliography is foremost seen as a method for the analysis of documents, a method in which not least its terminological apparatus may be a significant tool.

Karlstads hållbara turism- och destinationsutveckling : Förhållandet mellan Karlstad och Vision 2020

Purpose: The study examines the risk a rising from the acquisition of shares, and its relation to the expected return. We would like to see how a high-risk portfolio is related to a low-risk portfolio. Although studying the portfolios annual performance.Theory: The theories that have been used in the study are, Capital asset pricing model, CAPM and portfolio theory.Method: The study is based on a quantitative method, the time interval is from 2008 to 2010.The annual reports, historical stock prices for companies and the index are used to perform calculations based on the essay theories.Conclusion: The beta value has positive liner correlation with the expected return. When there are bad times in the world, the companies are negatively affected regardless of industry. The Portfolios developed in the same direction during the time period..

Gestaltning av tillfälliga städer : en undersökning om egenskaper och gestaltningsprinciper

Designing temporary cities is a study of the design and physical planning of five temporary cities. The purpose was to discuss and note the important questions to be considered, when designing the outdoor environment in temporary cities to create as good an environment for the visitor as possible. The five cities I have chosen are among the most famous ones in Scandinavia, and they represent different kinds of temporary cities. This was a deliberate choice to achieve diverse research material, and with that a broad view of what the planning stage generally looks like. Study of the cities has been done through interviews with the people responsible for the design and/or physical planning of each city.

Är skolverkets mål implementerade i skolans verksamhet? : Analys av styrsystemet i den svenska skolan med fokus på implementering

This thesis aims to explore the use of costumed interpreters at museums. Firstly the thesis examines how extensivethe use of historical costumes is in Sweden, along with some international comparisons. Later on the differentways that the clothes are used is examined, and the costume as a resource for learning is discussed. In the lastpart of the thesis the ?function? of the costume is examined.

Förebilder som bär bikinis : Claremonts X-(Wo)Men,Phoenix, Shadowcat och Storm.

The aim of this study is to analyse how pornography is used in the American comics X-Men, published by Marvel under the authorship of Chris Claremont.I have applied Butler and MacKinnons theories about pornography as a performative speech, to this special art form. I have also investigated how censorship has influenced the comics evolution and whether it has affected the way women and sexual and ethnical minorities are represented. To corroborate how these theories apply, I have analysed three main female fig-ures in The X-Men comics - Storm, Phoenix and Shadowcat - and I have tried to identify how they relate to existing stereotypes.The conclusion of this essay is that the women characters in X-Men break the existing stereo-types and create new implications. This reinforces Butler?s theory about the possibility to re-verse hate speech and diminishes MacKinnons perspective of pornography as an imperative..

Kundrelationer : En jämförande intervjustudie av Sverige & Spanien

The way you address people is depending on the existing culture, to be on familiar terms with people you don?t know or elderly people is totally unacceptable in some cultures. Some behaviour might be acceptable in one culture, and unacceptable in another. Culture exists on different levels in the society, and what combines people within a culture are that they share the same norms and values.This study identifies and deals with the resemblances and the differences in the customer relationship within one specific organization with activity in several different countries. Two of these countries, which can be seen as each others cultural contrasts, were chosen for the study, Sweden and Spain.

Personen i fokus! En studie i hur individens roll på dagspressens förstasidor har förändrats under de senaste 50 åren

The person in focus ? A study of the changing role of individuals? on the newspaper?sfront pages over the last 50 yearsWritten by: Victor Kennmark, Fredrik Palmqvist & Anders WollnerBachelor?s degree of JournalismDepartment of Journalism, Media and CommunicationAutumn term 2013University of GothenburgOur purpose with this study is to examine if and how the person-centeredness and personalizationhas changed on the front pages in the four biggest newspapers in Sweden over the last five decades;1962-2012. Our angle is to look at the changes to see if the tabloidization, commercialization, andmarketization having a bigger impact on our media landscape, and media content, in current yearscompared to earlier years.We have used both Swedish and international studies and theories. When it comes tocommercialization we have mainly focused on studies by Ingela Wadbring, and Sigurd Allern. Wehave used Sigurd Allern?s, Ingela Wadbring?s and Josefine Sternvik's theories on tabloidization.We?ve also include Marina Ghersetti?s theories about sensational journalism, personalization andnews values.

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