

352 Uppsatser om Organic hydroponic - Sida 10 av 24

Omkonservering av Vattendr?nkt L?der Analys och Metodutveckling f?r Vasaskeppets L?derartefakter

In the collections of the Vasa Museum, 100 leather objects have exhibited salt precipitations. The objects, that have previously been impregnated with PEG, have become deteriorated and fragmented due to the precipitations. During a previously conducted study it was established that the precipitations consisted of iron and sulphur. However, it was not established whether they occurred in the leather?s inner structure and no treatment plan was developed.

Teknisk undersökning : Rötgaskammare för småskalig biogasproduktion

Biogas mainly consists of methane and carbon dioxide, where methane is theenergy-rich gas, and is naturally created when organic matter breaks down in absenceof oxygen, also known as anaerobic digestion. A biogas plant re-creates the anaerobicconditions inside a digester where the organic substrate is fed into and digests toproduce biogas. The gas is then used to produce energy by combustion and can beseen as a completely renewable fuel.Today, energy from biogas is used primarily by major stakeholders such asmunicipalities and thus the plants become very large with high investment- andconstruction costs. There are currently few small plants in Sweden, even though thepotential for agriculture and medium-sized to smaller farms to become self-sufficientin terms of electricity and heat is great. Farms have a natural stock of digestibleorganic material in form of manure or crops for example, which are constantlyavailable.

Utvärdering av avloppsvattenreningen vid Hallsta Pappersbruk : Kartläggning av inkommande avloppsvatten och optimering av driftparametrar

Hallsta paper mill uses large amounts of water during the pulp and paper making processes. The wastewater is treated in two separate activated sludge processes referred to as BIO 1 and BIO 2. The main aim is to reduce the organic substance content, measured as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) before the wastewater is released into the environment. Since the effluent produced is very rich in organic substances, the addition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are necessary to give satisfactory treatment results. Problems with sludge bulking sometimes occur which lead to increased levels of suspended matter and nutrients in the effluent.

Förekomsten av sura sulfatjordar i Mälardalen : -en pilotstudie utförd åt SGU

Acid sulphate soils is a wide spread problem along the northern coast of Sweden. This is causing great damage through low pH and leaching of metals out into the streams. These soils are estimated to be found in several places in Sweden but also in many other areas in the world. One of these areas in Sweden that are believed to contain these sediments is Mälardalen. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the extension of the acid sulphate soils in this area.

Askgödsling och dess lämplighet i torvmarksskogar tillhörande Sveaskog Förvaltnings AB : en litteraturstudie

During whole-tree harvesting, there is a risk that the soil will become impoverished of nutrients. To prevent this, nutrients are returned to the harvested site as wood ash. This action also reduces the risk of soil acidification. Nevertheless, the ash does not result in any increase of tree growth if it is added on mineral soils, which is where the measure is most commonly used in Sweden. Due to the lack of growth response, the interest from landowners is small, which is why ash amendment today is not done enough to compensate for the need.

Normal Mapping för Hårda Ytor : Photoshop och Maya Transfer Maps för Normal Mapping av icke-organiska geometri i datorspel

I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt om det lämpar sig att använda en manuell metod för att skapa normal maps till icke-organiska polygonmodeller avsedda för datorspel. Jag har använt mig av Photoshop för att måla normal maps som jag sedan applicerar på lågdetaljerade modeller jag skapat, för att höja detaljgraden avsevärt. Då icke-organisk modellering inbegriper modeller som ska representera hårda ytor, och därmed inte animeras med deformation, så antog jag att denna metod skulle lämpa sig väldigt väl åt dessa ytor som ofta har extremt mjuka former och precisa vassare kanter. Min metod har varit att studera litteratur om Normal Mapping och hur man använder Photoshop för detta. Jag har sedan utfört praktiskt arbete för att utvärdera hur effektiv metoden är samt vilka fördelar den bidrar med. Jag går igenom teori för normal mapping som jag stödjer med hjälp av faktatexter och instruktions-DVDer i ämnet för att sedan redovisa metoden jag använt i mitt arbete. Jag avslutar sedan med en diskussion kring mitt resultat och redovisar vad jag kommit fram till genom mina experiment. Jag kommer fram till att Normal Mapping med Photoshop är mycket väl lämpat åt hårda ytor och även bidrar med optimeringar i arbetsflödet både vad gäller organisering, tidsåtgång samt kontroll över resultatet.

Environmental impact assessment of energy recovery from food waste in Singapore : comparing biogas production to incineration

As a small and land scarce country, effective waste management is ofoutmost importance in Singapore. In this study the production of biogasthrough anaerobic digestion from the organic fraction of municipal solidwaste (OFMSW) was compared to incineration of the waste. At the momentalmost all of the OFMSW in Singapore is incinerated. Three differentscenarios were compared to the reference scenario (incineration): one with alarge scale biogas plant that can treat half of all OFMSW in Singapore, onewith a medium scale biogas plant about 15 times smaller than the large oneand one with a small scale biogas plant that can treat waste from e.g. ashopping center or a food center.By using life cycle assessment (LCA) the different scenarios were comparedin terms of global warming potential (GWP), acidification, eutrophication,energy use and land use.

ATP bioluminescence to establish a test procedure for hygiene testing of liners and tubes on farm level : an investigation of the effect of ageing on the hygienic status of rubber liners and tubes

When rubber equipment in a milking system ages, physical and chemical deterioration occurs and cracks, crevices, as well as deposits of organic and inorganic material is formed on the surface. Bacterial colonization can accumulate, especially on ageing rubber equipment and if the cleaning procedure is not functioning properly. Formation of biofilm in milking equipment could in turn cause bacterial contamination of bulk tank milk. ATP bioluminescence is a fast and easy way to determine the hygienic status of a surface based on its ATP content, and results are given in relative light units (RLU). The method measures both bacterial contamination as well as residues from other organic material.

Analys av vattenkvalitet i ett kommunalt badhus

Bath has been a part of human history for a long time. Today bathing/swimming inmunicipal pools is for people of all ages and it is possible to take swimming courses,exercise or enjoy recreation. The municipal indoor pool of Hogdalen in Sweden wasbuild in the sixties and has had problems with high levels of heterotrophic bacteria. Thefacility has two larger pools, one adventure park for young kids, two smaller bath tubsand a jacuzzi. To improve water quality UV light and coal filter were installed inOctober 2009 to the already existing purification system.

Simulering av COD-fraktioner i en aktivslamanläggning vid en sulfatmassafabrik

This thesis work was made for Södra Cell Mörrums bruk in Blekinge. The purpose of the work was to develop a computer model in the simulation program Extend for the removal and balance of organic oxygen consuming substances, measured as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), in the new biological treatment plant in the mill. The plant produces two different pulp products, TCF- (Totally Chlorine Free) pulp and ECF- (Elementary Chlorine Free) pulp, for sale. The different bleaching procedures affect the characteristic of the wastewater and thus the effectiveness of the biological treatment plant.In the model that was developed the COD in the wastewater was divided into five different COD-fractions: soluble easily degradable (SS), soluble hardly degradable (SR), soluble inert (SI), particulate inert (XI) and particulate biomass (XB). To create the model FlowMac? was used as a base.

Vertikalt växthus i Kiruna : Med spillvärme från LKABs gruvindustri

Städerna växer och samtidigt ökar efterfrågan på närodlade och ekologiska grödor. För att klara av att producera närodlat och mer hållbart skulle ett alternativ vara att odla i så kallade vertikala växthus. I Kiruna finns Sveriges största malmgruva som drivs av företaget LKAB vars olika processer leder till spillvärme. I Kiruna är klimatet kallt jämfört med större delen av Sverige och därför erfordras uppvärmning om odling ska kunna ske året runt i ett växthus. Examensarbetets uppgift är därför att undersöka hur man kan utnyttja spillvärme till ett vertikalt växthus i samband med en ny kontorsbyggnad på LKABs gruvområde.

Organic acids in liquid feed for pigs - palatability and feed intake

Fermented liquid feed is well known for its health promoting effects on piglets. High levels of lactic acid are desired in the feed together with low levels of acetic acid and certain biogenic amines. Limits for acetic acid have been suggested to be 30-40 mmol/kg to avoid a decreased palatability of the feed; however, few studies have been performed. The purpose of this trial was therefore to examine which levels of lactic acid and acetic acid that can be accepted in a fermented feed without affecting the feed intake and thus the weight gain of the pig. A total of 60 pigs (Yorkshire/ Hampshire) were used in a trial during two weeks, between 9-11 weeks of age.

Bioorganisk fastfas syntes för att skapa intelligenta ytor

This thesis investigates three different surface modifications, and the route to design and synthesize them. The thesis is therefore divided into three sub- projects. (i.) Design and synthesis of a peptide which secondary structure could be controlled by a negatively charged surface. (ii.) Design and synthesis of a cyclic peptide, that would self-organize prior to surface interaction, using the type I anti-freeze protein of a winter flounder as template. (iii.) The use of solid-phase synthesis to make the synthesis of SAM-molecules easier..

Bild / Typografi / Bok - abstrakta illustrationer till lyrik och ett undersökande av arbetsprocessen av en boks tillkomst

This is a project about learning from an experience, about trying to have fun and not getting overwhelmed and draining your work. The thing that wraps this whole experience together is the making of a book. The purpose of making the book has been to bring two interests together, illustration and graphic design.The content of the book for this graduation project is written by Fredrik Mårtensson. His poetry tells about the unnatural state of the modern society. I have interpreted the poetry in six abstract illustrations that I made digitally, with the intent to maintain the feeling of something organic.The process of making this book is a lot about learning what it actually takes to finish it, about trying to tell something and a lot about experience practical work..

Bevattning av lagrat virke vid svensk skogsindustri : omfattning och miljökonsekvenser

Most of the saw and pulp industries have stored wood nearby their production, the main reason is to have a continuous wood flow to the production. Wet storage of wood is of great importance to keep the wood quality. Without water sprinkling the risk of drying outand decomposition through biological activity increases significantly and will result in a negative effect on future production and quality. One drawback of wet storage of wood is the leaching of chemical substances into the surrounding recipient. The log yard run-off contains phosphorus, nitrogen, phenols and organic substances. These substances can cause problems for the surrounding environment. The main objective of this project is to gain an understanding of the wet storage used by the Swedish wood industry and estimate the environmental consequences that run-off water will have on the recipient.

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