

24588 Uppsatser om Order and study environment - Sida 2 av 1640

Den fysiska miljön och barns lärande: En undersökning av barnavdelningen på Kungsbacka huvudbibliotek

The starting point for the present study is that the physical environment can enhance the learning processes of children. We want to contribute to more focus being placed on this within library and information sciences. Our main aim is to illustrate how the physical environment can facilitate the learning of children. In order to achieve our aim, we examine a concrete physical environment, namely the children?s department at the main library in Kungsbacka.

På grund av dålig arbetsmiljö?

The purpose of this report was to investigate what characterizes a good psychosocialwork environment, and whether it may have impact on a vessel's safe voyage. Thisreport is proposed to increase the understanding of what creates a good psychosocialwork environment and its potential effect on safety at sea. In order to find out thesuccess factors for a good work environment group interviews were conducted in socalledunstructured focus groups. During these conversations, the participants discussedfreely by the question "what is a good psychosocial work environment for you?? Thesuccess factors were thereafter applied on selected accident reports, to investigate theextent to which they were represented and taken into account.The results of the study show three categories of factors: colleagues, communicationand competence, where colleagues are the main contribution to a good psychosocialwork environment.

Den tredje våldtäkten : En narrativ analys av fyra friande våldtäktsdomar

The purpose of this study was to create an environment that stimulates children?s communication via language in a preschool called ?The Flower?. The environment should encourage and challenge the children to interact and communicate more with each other. That in turn will further the children?s language acquisition.

Språkutvecklande miljöer i förskolan : En studie om hur barn tillägnar sig språket genom ökat samspel

The purpose of this study was to create an environment that stimulates children?s communication via language in a preschool called ?The Flower?. The environment should encourage and challenge the children to interact and communicate more with each other. That in turn will further the children?s language acquisition.

Dimensionering av curlinghall, En jämförande studie av BKR och Eurocode

The purpose of this report was to investigate what characterizes a good psychosocialwork environment, and whether it may have impact on a vessel's safe voyage. Thisreport is proposed to increase the understanding of what creates a good psychosocialwork environment and its potential effect on safety at sea. In order to find out thesuccess factors for a good work environment group interviews were conducted in socalledunstructured focus groups. During these conversations, the participants discussedfreely by the question "what is a good psychosocial work environment for you?? Thesuccess factors were thereafter applied on selected accident reports, to investigate theextent to which they were represented and taken into account.The results of the study show three categories of factors: colleagues, communicationand competence, where colleagues are the main contribution to a good psychosocialwork environment.

Äldreomsorgens psykosociala arbetsmiljö : en studie av undersköterskor och vårdbiträden som arbetar med äldre på särskilda boenden

The purpose of this study was to find out how caregivers experienced their psychosocial work environment at three municipal homes for old people. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) was used in order to study different dimensions of the work environment, and questions about health, sickness presence and sick leave were included. The questionnaire was answered by 86 out of 112 participating caregivers (77%). The results showed that the caregivers experienced high demands at work. The degree of feedback and influence at work was low, but they reported that their work was highly meaningful and that they usually received social support at work.

Byggtekniska lösningar för takfot och infästning av fönster i yttervägg

The purpose of this report was to investigate what characterizes a good psychosocialwork environment, and whether it may have impact on a vessel's safe voyage. Thisreport is proposed to increase the understanding of what creates a good psychosocialwork environment and its potential effect on safety at sea. In order to find out thesuccess factors for a good work environment group interviews were conducted in socalledunstructured focus groups. During these conversations, the participants discussedfreely by the question "what is a good psychosocial work environment for you?? Thesuccess factors were thereafter applied on selected accident reports, to investigate theextent to which they were represented and taken into account.The results of the study show three categories of factors: colleagues, communicationand competence, where colleagues are the main contribution to a good psychosocialwork environment.

Klassrumsmiljön : En kvalitativ undersökning utifrån tre lärares syn på klassrumsmiljön samt deras syn på vad klassrumsmiljön har för relation till ledarstilen

This essay is about classroom environment, what kind of impact it has on pupils? learning, how to create a good classroom environment and how the style of leadership relates to the classroom environment. This is a qualitative study conducted by four informants.This essay is based on Lev Vygotiskijs perspective of the "sociocultural perspective", which is based on the theory that humans act upon their knowledge and experience, depending on the opportunities that the environment provides.The purpose of this study is to examine how three teachers, who teach younger ages, organize the environment in their classrooms. The goal of this study is to find out what the interviewed teachers perceive as good classroom environment. Also how the environment affects pupils? learning and what the teachers keep in mind when they furnish their classrooms.

Personliga assistenters fysiska arbetsmiljö utifrån arbetsledares perspektiv

Abstract:Because personal assistance is relatively new in social care in Sweden we were interested in to get more knowledge in how supervisors for personal assistants worked. In our study we choosed to look into how the supervisors worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. The questions we wanted to found answers for in this study was, which work directions the supervisors for personal assistants have around the physical work environment, which legal provisions there were around the physical work environment for the personal assistants and how the supervisors experienced the work with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. We did a qualitative interview study with supervisors for personal assistants. We realised in our study that there were big differences in how the supervisors for personal assistants worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants.

Den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om fem pedagogers tankar kring den pedagogiska innemiljön i öppna förskolan

The purpose of this study was to examine some teachers thought about the educational indoor environment in free preschool. With free preschool this study means a Swedish specially adapted to parents/adults and their children and for a typical type of children who are 0-5 years old. Questions to the study were:? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning?? How do some teachers in free preschool perceive that they are adapting the preschool indoors environment to children and learning to attract children to the pedagogical environment?In this study I used qualitative methods and interviewed five teachers and preschool indoor environment is observed. I applied the socio cultural perspective to my study.

Grundskollärare och psykosocial (o)hälsa : En kvalitativ fallstudie om relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv

Work environment has been an important part of the Swedish working life for a long time and with the help of the Working Environment Law the work environment is mandatory. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper insight into how the system of middle managers systematic work environment looks like. The question was: How do six middle managers perceive and deal with systematic work environment? A qualitative study was conducted with six middle managers from a global company. During the analysis, there were three main themes to be recognized (cooperation and support facilitates the work environment, problem with the systematic work and difficulties with staff) and six sub themes.

Diatermirök- Det perioperativa teamets arbetsmiljö

BackgroundDiathermy is the most commonly used surgical instrument in the surgical area today. Diathermy is used in surgery to cut and coagulate tissue. The use of diathermy releases chemical substances in to the environment in the form of diathermy smoke. Research shows that these chemical substances pose health risks to both staff and patient exposed to the smoke. To protect the interdisciplinary, perioperative team from the smoke, smoke evacuation systems can be used.ObjectiveThe purpose of the study is to highlight the work environment of the perioperative team when working with diathermy smoke.MethodThe study is meant to be implemented as an empirical descriptive sample survey.

"Målet är att dom ska fixa så mycket som möjligt själva" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolans inomhusmiljö som ett pedagogiskt redskap för barns självständighet.

Abstract   Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 hpUniversity of Skövde.Title: ?The aim is for them to manage as much as possible on their own? ? a qualitative study of preschools´ indoor environment as a pedagogical tool for the independence of children.Number of pages: 31Author: Jenny Karlsson, Marie PerssonTuto: Gunvi BrobegDate: 2009-01-28 Keywords: Independence, indoor environment, preschool, pedagouge This study aims at examining the indoor environment of three different preschools as a pedagogical tool for the independence of children. Is the design of the premises adapted to the height of the children? Can they themselves reach the material they need and is it possible for them to reach their outdoor clothes or do they constantly have to ask for help? In order to acquire a deeper understanding of the different views of the three preschools, the question is asked: what are the pedagogues thoughts of the indoor environment of their own preschool in the perspective of childrens independence and what affects their choice of furnishing, planning etc? The preschool curriculum clearly states that the children must be given the opportunity to develop their independence. We have experianced that the pedagogues feel that they are unable to plan the environment as they wish and thus, interest is also pointed towards the question: are there any limiting factors that affect the design of the indoor environment, and, that being the case, which are they? The study is based on qualitative observations and interviews because it is in its interest to discern patterns and categories rather than quantity.

Små barn behöver stor yta. Om inredningens roll i skapandet av en användarvänlig barnavdelning.

The aim of this study is to examine how important a factor the environment and the interior is to the creation of a user-friendly children?s library. In this study, environment is taken to mean the furnishing and the equipment in the children?s area at the library. The environment plays an important role in society today and because of that this is a current topic.

Ljudmiljön i skolan : Om hur lärare kan påverka sin arbetsmiljö

My essay is on the subject of teachers work environment with focus on noise and communication. In the essay questions are raised on how a teacher can influence his or hers noisy work environment. A school is a large work place with many employees and is owned and administered by the county municipality which is an even bigger workplace. How big an acting space does a teacher have in such a large organization?My methods of research on these questions have been to conduct interviews and analyzing documentation from The Swedish Work Environment Authority.

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