

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 38 av 48

Äldre personers upplevelse av sin munhälsa -en litteraturstudie

Syfte: Att utifrån litteratur beskriva hur äldre personer upplevde sin munhälsa, samt att granska kvaliteten i de inkluderade studierna gällande den metodologiska aspekten datainsamlingsmetod.Metod: Beskrivande litteraturstudie baserad på 16 artiklar sökta i databaserna PubMed,Cinahl samt via manuell sökning. Litteraturstudiens resultat redovisades i en huvudkategori och fem underkategorier. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades avseende datainsamlingsmetod. Flertalet artiklar var av kvantitativ karaktär.Huvudresultat: Munhälsan och utseendet på tänderna var viktig för äldres livskvalitet. Gamla människor med smärtproblem upplevde låg munhälsorelaterad livskvalitet.

Elevers lärande i grupparbeten : en kvalitativ studie av en grupp elevers tankar kring lärande i grupparbeten

The purpose of this study is to investigate how a group of students experience their learning when working in groups, and determine if they prefer to work individually or in groups. This study will also investigate what the students believe that they learn when working in groups. The study is based on these two questions:How and what do students perceive that they learn from working in groups?Do the students in my study prefer to work in groups or individually?The method I have used to retrieve information has been to interview four different students. The interviews were individual; I did so to get a deeper view of how students perceive their own learning in groups.

Lärarens undervisningsansvar i den muntliga kommunikationen

Sammanfattning Utgångspunkten i den här studien har varit lärarens muntliga kommunikation och hur den kommer till uttryck i den konkreta undervisningssituationen med fokus på skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Pedagogisk forskning om lärande och ämnesdidaktisk forskning brister ofta i att hänsyn ej tas till lärarens roll och dennes muntliga kommunikation i undervisningen. Området är relativt outforskat vilket är förvånande då lärarens främsta redskap är hennes tal. Syftet med den här studien var att ge en bättre förståelse för hur lärares muntliga kommunikation kommer till uttryck och om ämnets karaktär är av betydelse. För att ta reda på detta har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ forskningsansats med intervjuer och observationer som undersökningsmetod.

Experimentell studie av kinetiken vid peroxidblekning av pappersmassa

Vid TCF-blekning av pappersmassa är väteperoxid en av huvudkemikalierna. I dagsläget är det svårt att styra blekstegen. Operatörerna måste ta hänsyn till produktionstakt, blekbarheten på massan varierar och fördröjning i trender. PO-bleksteget på Södra Cell Värö har en ungefärlig uppehållstid på 4 timmar och det är först efter så lång tid som man kan se hur en förändring verkligen slår igenom. Överblekning kostar väldigt mycket i kemikalieåtgång och det är därför efterfrågat ett sätt att kunna styra och optimera peroxidblekningssteget.

Att bryta tystnaden: kommunikation i matematikklassrummet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers approach communication in their mathematics instruction. The communication involves concepts such as teachers' mathematical language, incorrect answers, and various interaction patterns. In line with this, the study also examines how these types of communication may affect students in the classroom. Furthermore, observations and interviews were conducted with five different teachers in Sweden using an observation scheme and an interview guide. The results reveal that four out of the five teachers use both child-directed and adult-directed language when addressing students at different levels of mathematical understanding.

Förlagsredaktörers informationsbeteende. En studie av förlagsredaktörer som arbetar med facklitteratur.

The main purpose of this work was to examine the information behavior of nonfiction publishing Company editors. Three problem areas were presented and expressed in the following questions:- What is the information need of the editor in every day work?- Which sources of information do the editors use when they are looking for information and how do they make use of them?- Are there any factors that have an influence on the information behavior of the editors and in what way do the factors effect the information behavior of the editors in their everyday work? And finally, do the editors experience any factors as barriers to information behavior?Six editors, all with academical background, all employed in different publishing companies were interviewed. The result of this study have been analysed within a theoretical framework influenced by the work of Tom Wilson, Lars Höglund and Olle Persson and Block and Lagberg. The result shows that the editors had various regular needs of information in their every day work.

Omkonstruktion av armled tillhörande Bracke Forest högläggare

One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army.Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises.This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process.The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning.

A literature study on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) : classification, resistance mechanisms, risk factors and clonal distribution

The increased frequency of reported Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) is of great concern to small animal healthcare due to limited options of antimicrobial therapy. The aim of this literature study is to investigate 1) characteristics and classification of S. pseudintermedius, 2) resistance mechanisms and emergence of MRSP, 3) risk factors for selection of MRSP, and 4) clonal distribution around the world. S. pseudintermedius is a skin and mucosal commensal in healthy dogs and cats, but can cause infections, including pyoderma. Beta-lactam antibiotics inhibit bacterial growth by binding to the penicillin binding protein (PBP), a vital enzyme in the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall.

Proteinkvalitet och biogena aminer i ensilage ? effekt på mjölkkors hälsa & foderintag

The aim of this paper was to explain protein degradation in silage and protein quality and biogenic amines in silage and their effects on the health of the dairy cows. After harvest-ing, the plant proteases degrade the proteins in the plant. The protein degrades to different fractions with different digestibilites in the rumen. Fraction A contains non- protein nitro-gen which is peptides, free amino acids and amines. True protein is in the fraction B and is further divided into three subfractions depending on their solubility.

Skilda frälsare i samma kläder : En studie om Mithras och Messias funktioner och likheter

It has since long been noticed that savior figures from different religions have reminded of each other, and there are different theories trying to explain why. This study examines religions operating in the same culture, and in this case, judaism and zoroastrianism, and their influence on each other. In particular, focus is on zoroastrianism's image of the savior figure Mithra, and how this representation may have influenced the description of the Messiah in the Talmud. How are the two figures represented in the scriptures and what similarities can be identified?By a thorough content analysis the studie examines the Avesta of zoroastrianism and the Talmud from judaism.

Är korta spenar ett problem i samband med mjölkning? :

In some herds it has been observed that extremely short teats have become a problem; with a negative influence on the milking performance. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate to what degree the quality of the teats and the milk in cows with short teats is affected as compared with cows with normal teat length and furthermore if the milking performance could be improved by using a liner adapted to short teats. This study was divided in two parts. In the first part, it was examined if there were any differences between short teats and teats with normal length with reference to the milking performance, udder emptying, teat treatment, milk quality, and udder health. 11 pairs of cows were used and in each pair of cows one cow had teats shorter than 40 mm while the other cow had teats longer than 50 mm.

Molecular analysis of insecticide resistance in pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus)

The escalating usage of pyrethroids has resulted in an increased awareness about resistance towards pyrethroids in insects. Pyrethroids inhibit voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSC) in nerve cell membranes and are composed of synthetic molecules based on pyrethrins present in pyrethrum extracts from Chrysanthemum species. VSSC are transmembrane proteins that are important for electric signalling over the membrane in insects. Mutations in the gene encoding the sodium channel have proved to be a common reason for resistance against pyrethroids. Pyrethroid resistance among pollen beetles is spread all over Sweden and also abroad and is increasing.

Effektivisering : En utredning om åtgärder på en industrifastighet

AbstractDelta Terminal owns an outdated industrial building which they now rent out to businesses. This property currently has a high energy con-sumption and therfore it is desirable to improve the efficiency. In ordet to reduce the energy consumption within the industrial building enve-lope, the heating systems and lighting are being investegated. A good building envelope emits less heat and thus reduces the energy consump-tion. An energy audit is a tool used to determine the energy loss.

Welfare impact of social breeding value and straw for growing-finishing pigs

Animal welfare is of increasing concern in present society. In commercial pig farming, animal welfare problems are common. One of the causes for these problems is the barren environment in which pigs are housed, which can cause oral manipulation of pen mates. Providing straw might be one solution to this problem. Another solution could be reached through genetic selection.

Cytostatika behandling: En litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser av cytostatika behandlingen vid olika cancersjukdomar

Kroppens organ består av många miljoner celler, som har sin uppgift i det organ de befinner sig i. När en cell dör ersätts den med en ny som har samma uppgift. Cellerna samarbetar och kommunicerar via olika signaler, vilket är en förutsättning för att kroppen ska fungera. Cancercellerna delar på sig snabbt vilket leder till celltillväxt. cancer är den vanligaste dödsorsaken i Sverige, efter hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar.

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