

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 10 av 48

Oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos patienter med dentala implantat : en enkätstudie

Syfte: Syftet med denna enkätstudie var att kartlägga hur dental implantatbehandling påverkar livskvaliteten avseende upplevd tuggförmåga, smak, talet, utseendet och munhygienvanor samt själförtroendet.Material och metod: En empirisk enkätstudie med kvantitativ ansats utfördes på tre olika tandkliniker i Stockholm under perioden feb - april 2012. Enkät med följebrev och frankerat svarskuvert sändes ut genom konsekutivt urval till 83 patienter. Fyrtio patienter varav 15 män och 25 kvinnor, med medelåldrar 66,5 år (34 ? 89 år), valde att delta i studien. Analys av svaren utfördes i statistikprogrammet IBM® SPSS® 19.Resultat: Andelen deltagare som upplevde en förbättring i upplevd tuggförmåga uppgick till 42,5 %, talet och smaken upplevdes inte ha förändrats av 85,0 % efter implantatbehandling.

Vårdpersonals kunskaper om och attityder till äldres munvård

Den äldre populationen tenderar att öka och åldrandet gör att de äldre kan ha särskilda behov när det gäller den orala omvårdnaden. Syftet med studien var att genom en systematisk litteraturstudie dels beskriva vårdpersonals kunskaper och attityder till äldres munvård och dels att beskriva hur dessa kunskaper och attityder påverkas av munvårdsutbildning. Frågeställningar som användes i studien var: Vilka kunskaper och attityder har vårdpersonal avseende munvård av äldre personer som är i behov av omsorg? Hur påverkas vårdpersonal av munvårdsutbildning gällande kunskaper och attityder till munvård hos äldre personer som är i behov av omsorg? Resultaten tyder på att kunskaper gällande oral hälsa är bristfällig hos vårdpersonal men samtidigt visar studien att flertalet vårdpersonal ansåg att det finns ett samband mellan oral hälsa och allmänhälsa. Resultaten visar även att munvård ofta ges låg prioritet när det kommer till omhändertagande av äldre och tidsbrist ansågs vara en bidragande faktor till detta.

Hur lärare arbetar med tystlåtna elever i muntliga moment : Ett arbete om hur lärare främjar och bedömer den kommunikativa förmågan i klassrummet

The purpose of this study is to examine how primary school teachers work with the oral communicative ability of students who are quiet or unwilling to communicate freely in the classroom. This study aims to answer the question: which methods and strategies are most beneficial for the quiet students and how do teachers discover and assess these students?A qualitative method using semi-structured interviews will be used as the primary means of answering this question. The purpose of these interviews is to document the teachers? experiences working with quiet students.It appears that the teachers interviewed have or have had quiet students in their classes.

"Och så levde de lyckliga i alla sina dagar" : En analys av den borgerliga diskursen i den östgötska folksagan

Fairy tales are commonly considered to be both timeless and classless. Since the 17th century, when most of the tales we have access to today were first collected and published, the idea that fairy tales are part of an oral tradition, and therefore more or less uninfluenced by academic and literary trends, have been dominant amongst researchers, critics and readers. This idea needs to be revaluated. Even if the tales might have their roots in an oral tradition the history of the fairy tale ?is not primarily a history of oral transmission, but rather a history of print?, as Elizabeth Wanning Harries puts it (Wanning Harries, 2001:4).

Utveckling av en metod och en utrustning för mätning av bränslesprayers rörelsemängd

A new type of device for measuring thev m& ?rate of fuel sprays from a diesel fuel injector has been developed and the various steps in the development are described. The device works by deflecting all of the sprays from the injector at the same time by using a bell shaped deflector. A load cell consisting of a machined steel part with strain gauges mounted on it measures the resulting force. The shape of the curvature in the deflector bell shape has been evaluated by photographing the flow in a 2D?version of the curve shape.

Virtuell mobbning : Mobbning bland ungdomar genom ny teknik

The purpose of this essay is to draw attention to a rather new phenomena, virtual bullying amongst young people. Bullying has been known for a long time but today, bullying has found new ways of expression. New technology, which includes the Internet and cell phones, has given the bullies new weapons to use in their bullying.The study I have done has been qualitative and contained interviews. Represents from two communities, Playahead and LunarStorm, and two organisations, BRIS and Friends, all together five persons (two persons from LunarStorm) have been interviewed and had the opportunity to tell me their view on virtual bullying.The results show that young people see the new technologies as a valuable prolongation of their reality that they won?t give up if they don?t need to.

Inverkan av betessläpp på celltal och mjölkkvalitet hos mjölkkor :

In Sweden regulations stipulates that dairy cows are kept on pasture, or given the opportunity to spend time outside during a coherent period of between two to four months, depending on region. The transition out to pasture is a big change from the winter period in the stable, especially for the modern high yielding dairy cows. The let out to pasture includes a change in feed, environment, and new routines. There are indications that the milk somatic cell count (SCC) rises in a peak shortly after the let out. The purpose of this study was to see if peaks in the SCC could be observed after the let out, and to study the contribution of inflammatory cells (neutrophils) and if the milk composition are affected. The study included 35 cows that were kept in stable during the winter.

Prevention och orsaksinriktad behandling av gingivit, parodontit och karies med hjälp av motiverande samtal

Background: Traditional oral health education is seldom enough in order for dental care personnel to motivate their patients to good, long-lasting oral health care habits and there is a need for evaluation of other more efficient methods. One of these methods is motivational interviewing. An overview of its origin, definition, theoretical background and practical methods is given by way of introduction. Aim: The aim of the investigation was to review studies that had used motivational interviewing in order to obtain oral health, focusing on prevention and treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and dental caries. Method: Systematic review. A search question was run through the databases ASSIA, ERIC, PsycINFO, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts and PubMed. The articles were reviewed based on defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Five publications (based on three studies) met the inclusion criteria.

Itrakonazol till häst : en farmakokinetisk möjlighet?

Itraconazole is a third generation azol, a fungicide which acts by inhibiting ergerosterol synthesis in the fungal cell membrane, and thereby disturbing fungal regeneration. It has proven to be less toxic, to have a broader spectrum of activity and to be more potent than its predecessor ketoconazole. Itraconazole is only available in therapheutics approved for human use. Pharmacokinetic studies has been performed in humans, dogs, cats and laboratory animals. Although itraconazole has been used tentatively with good effect against fungal infections in horses, no pharmacokinetic studies have yet been done.

Rytmikaren och båtbyggaren - En studie om den tysta kunskapen inom rytmiken

Title: Eurythmics, and building boats -A study in tacit knowledge.The education of eurhythmics at Malmö Academy of Music, is a program where a major part of the tutoring is oral; very little written information about the method is used. This essay will examine the forms in which the current knowledge base exists, as well as the methods in which this information is transmitted from teacher to student, and in which form the knowledge about the method of eurhythmics is existing. The tools for analysis are the theories on tacit knowledge. Interviews and written surveys are used as qualitative research methods. The content of these interviews and surveys are presented in the results chapter.

Förändras mjölkens proteinsammansättning i separata juverdelar i samband med höga celltal (SCC)? :

Today the milk production per cow is increasing but the milk delivered by the Swedish farmer contains less amounts of fat and protein than earlier. The contents have decreased since 1993. In average the milk contain 4,2 percent fat and 3,4 percent protein. Earlier the fat content in milk was important. Nowadays the dairy?s attention has turned to the milk?s valuable proteins, principally the caseins, which have a considerable nutritional value and are important for several dairy products like cheese and yoghurt.

Rekryter, ryssar och ransonering : Folkligt berättande om finska fortsättningskriget

Kriget är ett återkommande ämne och ständigt produceras ny litteratur och andra dokumentationer i ämnet. På många platser runt om i världen finns det även fortfarande spår från krigsåren, detta inte minst i Finland. Under denna tidsperiod deltog Finland i två krig: vinterkriget 1938 och fortsättningskriget 1941-44. Om dessa krigsrelaterade händelser har det skrivits i mängder, både skönlitterärt och historiskt, även på individnivå där hågkomstmaterial samlats in. Det här är ingen uppsats om kriget i sig, utan om hur man berättar om det samt vad dessa berättelser säger om just individ och kollektiv.

Trombocyträkning hos katt : en ny metod

Platelet aggregation is a major and common problem in blood samples from cats. This greatly affects the accuracy of counting of the platelets. Because of the difficulties in counting feline platelets, results for patients and reliable reference values for cat platelets are currently so inaccurate as to be almost useless in diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. In this study we used an effective method to prevent platelet aggregation. Blood was collected in CTAD test tubes and prostaglandin E1 was added to the blood sample.

Omvårdnad vid blodprovstagning och venpunktion på fåglar

Blood sampling is one of the most important diagnostic tools in veterinary medicine, and this is also true for avian medicine. A properly collected and handled venous sample can be used for serology, biochemistry and electrolyte analysis, as well as for blood smears, packed cell volume and cell differentiation. Caring for sick birds is a challenge for all veterinary staff. Many birds are easily stressed individuals, and to a very ill bird a big increase in stress level can even be fatal. Avian patients who are presented in a veterinary clinic are often in a poor condition, and blood sampling is an invasive procedure that can cause stress to the patient.

"Min sociala anknytning" : -Tolv tjejer om relationen till mobiltelefonen

AbstractTitle: ?My social extension? ? Twelve girls on the relationship with the mobile phone (?Min socialaanknytning? ? Tolv tjejer om relationen till mobiltelefonen)Number of pages: 42 (43 including enclosure)Author: Mattias KöhlmarkTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring semester 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To investigate the emotional aspect of mobile phones and the source of thoseemotions.Material/Method: The data presented stems from three unstructured focus groups with participantsat the age of 16-19 years.Main results: The key findings largely supports Vincents theories that the emotional languageguided towards mobile phones comes from the friends it allows us connect with. Also emancipationcan be seen as a driving force behind these emotions.Keywords: mobile phone, mobility, absent present others, emancipation, cell phone, emotion,emotional language,.

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