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Byggnationsskillnader i Sverige, Finland och Tyskland

This paper is written as an examination paper at the University of Jönköping. The subject is chosen by Peab Sweden in Jönköping with whom further cooperation has been hold. The aim is to compare building methods and building materials in Sweden, Finland and Germany for further inspiration for Peab?s own market.BackgroundThe development of the construction industry develops new materials and methods to the market which has been forced by shorter construction times and the environment aspect. To pursue the development, further knowledge exchange should exist between the countries.

Klass och identitet på Facebook : en kvalitativ studie om unga akademikers identitetskonstruktion utifrån Bourdieus kapitalformer

AbstractTitle:Course:Authors: Advisor: Keywords: Problem formulation:Purpose:Target Group:Theoretical perspectives: Methodology: ResultSwedish leaders abroad ? A qualitative study about culture ?s influence on Swedish leadersBachelor dissertation - Business Administration, LeadershipAmanda Elg and Carl-Johan SaltarskiIngemar WictorLeadership, culture, impact and adjustmentHow can Swedish leaders in multinational companies adjust their leadership to the national culture?The aim of our study is to investigate whether Swedish managers are affected by the differences in national culture that exists between Sweden and the country that they operate in. We want to explore if they adapt their leadership to the culture.Our study is directed towards a target audience of Swedish leaders and other interested parties who wants to increase the understanding of culture ?s influence on an international career and what is required of the leader to deal with the cultural clashes that may rise.We have focused on theories related to differences in national culture and how it can affect the leadership and the organization.The study is of the qualitative type with a deductive approach where the empirical materials are gathered through interviews.Our results demonstrate leaders implementation of culture and leadership to influence the leadership of the national culture in which they operate. We have seen how leaders are affected by the national culture and how the leader adapts to achieve a successful leadership.

Globalisering - Att möta en ny marknad

Title: Globalization ? Meeting a new market Author: Anna Nubäck Supervisor: Anders Nilsson Institution: School of Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Course: Master in business administration, 15 credits (FED006) Purpose: The purpose of this essay is partly to create an understanding of the decision to establish a branch in Japan and especially to look at if and how the Swedish company in this study has adjusted its corporate culture to suit the Japanese market. Method: Data is collected thru a number of semi constructed interviews. A first telephone interview was followed by an interview made face to face that was also followed up by interviews performed over telephone. E-mails have been used to clear and correct collected data. I have also studied company reports, closely related literature, articles and papers on the Internet. Conclusion: My conclusion is that the company in this study based the decision to Open a branch in Japan on the demand from one big customer and the potential to grow globally.

Kampen om skolan : Fyra aktörers försök till påverkan av den svenska skolan och den goda medborgaren

Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15pUniversity of SkövdeTitle The Battle of the School ? The attempt of four organizations to influence the Swedish school and the good citizen.Number of pages: 43Author: Christoffer HärsjöTutor: Erik AnderssonDate: January 2009 Keywords: Democracy, organizations, school, influence, citizen This exam discusses the influence of four different organizations in the public school. The chosen organizations are the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO, the Enforcement Authority and the political party Feminist Initiative. They all have different agendas about what they think the school should teach children. These agendas will be analyzed from the point of view of lobbying, corporatism, influencing of public opinion and the theory of curriculum, to find out what impact they have on the Swedish school system.

Jane Austens romaner på film och i litteraturhistoria; en uppsats om nutida tolkningar av en författares verk

The purpose of this study is to examine modern constructions of Jane Austens work in films and in books on history of literature. The theoretical framework contains sociology of literature, cultural studies and film theory. I compared Jane Austens books Emma, Pride and prejudice and Sense and sensibility with three film versions from recent years. In the books on history of literature I studied, I found three different attitudes towards history of literature, which also influenced the interpretation of Austens novels. The stories in Austens books and in the films are similar.

Utvärdering av SIEM-produkter

Denna rapport behandlar ett examensarbete med målet att hitta en paketering för resursövervakning i nätverk (NPMD - Network Performance Monitoring & Diagnostics) samt centraliserad logghantering (SIEM - Security Information & Event Management).Arbetet har utförts över fem veckor och bestod av att undersöka vilka produkter som kan vara möjliga att leverera till Ateas kunder genom att ta fram förslag på produkter och sedan utvärdera dessa i en virtuell testmiljö.Efter att två veckor av arbetet passerat beslutades att enbart SIEM-produkter skall utvärderas då vi annars inte kunnat hålla tidsramen på fem veckor. De första två veckorna bestod mestadels av efterforskning av olika produkter baserat på ett antal kriterier.Applikationen ska:? Stödja mallar och regler för Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)? Stödja korrelering av händelser? Ej vara Open source eller en hårdvarulösningUnder resterande tre veckor installerades, konfigurerades och utvärderades de produkter som var intressanta för ändamålet. Utvärderingen av produkternas funktioner och egenskaper utfördes i en virtuella miljö. Resultatet av testerna är ett dokument som innehåller information om varje produkts förmågor samt betyg på varje produkt.

OAIS i praktiken - En studie av OAIS-användning vid skapandet av ett digitalt arkiv

OAIS (Open Archival Information System) är ett uttryck som blir allt vanligare inom digital långtidsbevaring, och är en standard som kan vara till hjälp vid skapande och drivande av digitala arkiv. I denna uppsats har vi undersökt praktisk användning av OAIS i ett samarbe mellan sex arkiv i Lund, som i ett projekt ska implementera ett framtida digitalt arkiv. Vi har följt det inledande arbetet med att skapa en egen modell för ett regionalt digitalt arkiv där man har tagit OAIS-standarden som utgångspunkt. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hantering och omfattning av OAIS för att sedan kunna presentera ett resultat som kan vara till användning för framtida projekt inom digital långtidsbevaring som ska använda OAIS. Insamling av empiriska data har huvudsakligen gjorts med hjälp av observationer av arbetet och semistrukturerade intervjuer med projektmedlemmar.

Erfarenheter, samarbete och ansvar kring orosanmälningar : En kvalitativ studie med tre förskollärare, två förskolechefer och en socionom

The purpose of this essay is to find out what experiences three preschool teachers, two preschool directors and a social worker (BSc) from the social service have of reporting suspicion of child abuse done by preschools. What perceptions do these individuals have of each other, what experiences do they have regarding cooperation and how do they perceive their responsibilities regarding filing reports on suspicion of child abuse? This investigation is based on qualitative interviews with Open ended questions on the basis of an interview guide. The theoretical approach of the essay lies in the phenomenology philosophy, which revolves around the individual?s experiences and perceptions of a phenomenon.

Återförvilda Sverige?: En studie av rewilding som strategi för att bevara kulturlandskapet och gynna biologisk mångfald

Through millennia, humans have shaped the European landscapes. Agriculture, hunting andforestry have influenced virtually every ecosystem on the continent and formed what we todaythink of as the cultural landscape; a mosaic pattern of cropland, fields, pasture and forests. Thepast two centuries, globalization, industrialization and urbanization have come to pose a threatto the existence of these landscapes. European farmlands are now being abandoned at analarming rate, and the associated loss of landscape preservation, biodiversity and ecosystemservices is a concern to the scientific community and public alike.This thesis studies if the implementation of the relatively new conservation strategy rewilding(recreating self-sustaining ecosystems and reintroducing keystone species) can be a part of thesolution to preserve cultural landscapes and biodiversity in Sweden. Through interviewssupplemented with studies of published works, expertise from different fields has beencompiled to provide an overall picture of the capacity of rewildings as conservation method.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser kring svåra arbetsrelaterade händelser

Healthcare staff working within emergency care must often handle extreme and emotional situations. Most of the certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) will some time during their professionally active lives confront with events that are difficult to handle and for some these events will lead to more or less serious traumatic distress and in certain cases develop post traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Many studies demonstrate that staff working in similar stress related environment runs larger risk in order to get stress related symptoms. The aim with the study was to describe the experiences around difficult work related events among CRNAs. The study was implemented as a descriptive study with qualitative run-up via a questionnaire with Open questions relevant for the study's aim.

Riktlinjer för skapandet av digitala arkiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to present guidelines for making a digital repository. To attain this, useful factors for creating an archive were examined. Also different organisations? strategies were analysed.

Mödrar och patriarkat : ? En kvalitativ studie med fokus på mammor i familjer med starkt patriarkala traditioner.

The aim of this study was to investigate how mothers in families with strong patriarchal traditionssee their role as a mother and as a woman. The study is built upon two main questions: What arethe expectations of your family and your immediate environment on you as a mother and as awoman? And what does ?honour? mean for you as a mother and as a woman? In our paper wehad as a starting point a gender perspective that was further on applied in defining our researchquestion. We are also giving an account of the phenomenological perspective that we also had asa basis of our work. We interviewed six mothers living in families with strong patriarchaltraditions.

Hur kan kostnaden minskas för dörrmiljöer utan att försumma funktionen?

The door and its surrounding, is an important part of all buildings. It often amount to a significant part of buildings total costs. The more demands of functions the largerdoes the costs grow.The purpose of this report is to analyze those demands and how to fulfill them.Another purpose is to examine of which reasons the cost grow and how to avoid it inthe best possible way. The study will be performed in collaboration with Bjerking AB. To define the demands a literature study will also be performed.

Barn-OPACers grafiska gränssnitt : En studie av tre barn-OPACer på webben

Already in the late 1970´s it became clear that the traditional catalogs in libraries were not suited for children, neither their interests nor their way expressing themselves were accounted for. The goal of this thesis is to investigate if and how children?s OPACs (Open public access catalogs) interface design is at present adapted to the presumed audience of children. My method consists of literature studies and an investigation on the graphical interfaces in OPACs for children, according to the five criteria formulated by childrens library consultant Lena Lundgren and IT-consultant Kia Gumbel. The aims are to find out: a) what requirements for children?s OPAC interfaces and their usability are defined in literature and b) what the actual (real) features of the children?s OPAC interfaces are.

Generationsskiften inom skogsbruk och deras konsekvenser för naturvården

The attitudes towards nature conservation in forestry are based on the individual forest owner. The theme of the interviews is the opinion on nature conservation in forestry. The purpose of this study is to identify if there is any difference in attitude to nature conservation in forestry according to the age of the forest owner. The study discusses different factors that affect the private forest owners consideration of nature conservation and give an insight in different generations attitude to nature conservation. Other topics that are discussed is if future change of generation will change the consideration of nature conservation in Swedish forestry and what is needed to enhance the interest in nature conservation among forest owners.This study is the result of interviews with a number of forest owners in the county of Uppsala, Sweden.

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