

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 16 av 85

Nutrition and health claim labelling of food: Understanding the unique relationship between consumers, companies and legal instruments involved

Problem formulation: Recent results from the European Food Information Council?s consumer research on nutrition information and food labelling revealed that most consumers have little understanding of the nutrition information found on food products, feel that there is little authority regulating these matters and wish for a more trusted source of information and regulation and lastly it was found that consumers accept their limitations and have little motivation to even read or learn about nutrition information. Thus what are the reactions of the various legal authorities to this problem? How are food retailers and producers responding to the needs of the consumer? How are consumers then reacting to these two players in the industry and the changes they are making?Purpose: The purpose of this research is to gain new perspective and a better understanding of relationship between consumers, companies and legal instruments in relation to nutrition and health claim labelling of food products. Method: The nature of this multi-disciplinary research has led to the study of all three areas, business administration (containing consumer behaviour) and business law, which are contained in this paper.

Den synliga övervakningens effekt

The purpose of this essay is to explain which factors influence the disciplinary effect of visible constant surveillance on the people under surveillance. In order to do this we have used recorded video from a tv-show called Big Brother, which is characterized by this kind of surveillance. In addition, an Open-ended interview was performed with one of the participants from the show. We have, based on a number of theoretical assumptions, as well as reflections from the interview, precisely defined expected symptoms of the participants, that would indicate when the disciplinary effect was low respectively high. Our observations and analysis allows us to conclude that the disciplinary effect of surveillance in many situations is counteracted when surveillance is constant, leading to relatively low levels of disciplinary effect in Big Brother..

En IT-baserad plattform för skolförbättring : En kvalitativ studie av lärares informations- och erfarenhetsutbyte

This thesis has created an image of the exchange of information among teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study indicates that the exchange of information seems to be limited at all levels and the exchange that takes place outside the own teaching team occurs mainly through teachers personal networks. The study also shows barriers that may exist and the opportunities that an increased exchange may generate. From the picture that the empirical material provides and the theory that is presented a discussion is made around how IT can best support the organizational learning in schools. A concrete proposal is that at national level an IT platform should be created, which primarily focuses on materials that are created by its users and has an Open architecture with a single login..

Europeisk fusionskontroll : på olika villkor

The decision of the European Commission to block the merger between Volvo and Scania in the late 90?s became the starting point to the debate of the possible discriminating effects of the European merger regulation. Especially since the Commission a few years earlier had approved of the merger between Mercedes-Benz and Kässbohrer on the German bus market, where the conditions for competition had been similar to those at hand in the Swedish case. The issue that was and still is in focus is whether the European merger regulation is more difficult to pass for large companies situated on a smaller domestic market than is the case for their competitors of corresponding size but situated on a larger domestic market.This thesis aims at examining what the judgement of the geographical relevant market means for the application of the Merger act. This is being done from two perspectives.

Open Innovation tävlingar : Användandet av den externa kunskapen

Problem:proAros har en idébank som är framarbetad av utvecklingsenheten för att främja idégenerering och nytänkande inom organisationen. Problemet är att idébanken inte används av de anställda. Hemsidan har blivit marknadsförd, men ändå verkar ingen använda sidan för att lämna sina idéer. Under studien framkommer det att många av de anställda inte vet om idébankens existens och att en bristande kommunikation råder inom hela organisationen.Syfte:Syftet med denna uppsats är att få svar på frågan varför idébanken inte används av de anställda inom proAros samt hur man kan lösa de kommunikativa hinder som uppstår vid informationsspridning inom organisationen.Metod:De metoder som används i denna uppsats är dels kvalitativa intervjuer men även kvantitativa enkätundersökningar bland anställda inom proAros. Blandningen av djupgående intervjuer och enkäter har sedan lett till slutresultatet.

Kvinnligt ledarskap -­?i betraktarens öga

The purpose of this study was to examine how employees perceive female chief executiveofficers and if any significant differences between what leadership-skills female and maleco-employees choose to express about female leaders can be observed. The survey isperformed as a qualitative study where three companies within the retail marketparticipated. We collected our empirical data by interviews and observations and usedsocial constructivist theory to look at how individuals construct their subjective view ofreality. The result showed, among others, that female employees often use traditional maleskills to describe the strengths of their female chief, whereas male employees emphasizesmore female skills such as unpretentious and Open-minded..

Siffror istället för bokstäver : Övergången från SAB till DDK i Sigtuna kommuns folkbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the transition from SAB to DDC in the public libraries of Sigtuna.More specifically, it aims at investigating why the decision was made to adopt the DDC and how the system has been implemented. Particular attention is drawn to the difficulties and problems that have arisen while organising the libraries Open shelves with DDC and to the ways in which the difficulties have been handled. These questions are examined through a pragmatic perspective on Knowledge Organization that focuses on the contexts and domains in which the classification system is used. The empirical material is drawn from qualitative interviews with the former director of Sigtuna public libraries and with the in-charge of the catalogue department.                                                                   .

En organisation för stor för sin egna kompetens : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie på polismyndigheten Värmlands internkommunikation

Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet internkommunikation. Vi har valt att genomföra en undersökning om Polismyndigheten Värmlands internkommunikation då de innehar ett stort ansvar att bevara trygghet och säkerhet i samhället. Polismyndigheten har även stora krav på sig idag gällande dialog och grad av kommunikation inom organisationen för att effektivisera det polisiära arbetet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att erhålla en insikt om den interna kommunikationens funktion och hur den gestaltas utifrån chefernas och de anställdas perspektiv. I denna uppsats använder vi oss utav relevanta teorier inom organisationskommunikation, internkommunikation, organisationsidentitet, organisationskultur och kommunikationsmodeller.

Kan hushållen minska koldioxidutsläppen genom säsongsanpassning av sin grönsakskonsumtion? :

Climate change has become an increasingly topical subject. Recently debate on how our food affects the environment has flared. It has been shown that how the food we eat is grown and transported could be one the bigger contributors to the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The aim of this study is to see how consumer?s choices of vegetables affect release of carbon dioxide. The results show that emissions of carbon dioxide can be lowered by consuming vegetables that have been grown on Open land. Vegetables that have to be grown in heated greenhouses in Sweden should perhaps be exchanged for such that have been grown in unheated greenhouses in southern Europe, even though the transport distance is significant. .

Projekt Kulturarw3 ur ett open source perspektiv

Minnets tematiska och berättartekniska funktion i Eyvind Johnsons roman Strändernas svall (Fredrik Smeds, C-uppsats i Litteraturvetenskap, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, vt 2003). Författaren redogör först för romanens handling och jämför kompositionen med den i Odysséen. Vidare studeras berättare och synvinkel. Därefter följer en genomgång av minnena och berättelserna, främst Odyssevs?, men även Nestors och Menelaos?.

Övervakningsverktyg : En jämförelse mellan Zabbix och op5 Monitor

Detta examensarbete jämför två övervakningsverktyg för servrar i ett nätverk, Zabbix och op5 Monitor. Båda är Open source och används aktivt av organisationer för att övervaka organisationsservrarnas processorlast, I/O-kö på hårddiskarna, status på tjänster och mycket mer. Dessa två övervakningsverktyg testas och jämförs med varandra ur perspektiven användarvänlighet, funktionalitet och prestanda. Resultaten visar att i de flesta fallen är Zabbix mer användarvänligt medan op5 Monitor i de flesta fallen har bättre funktionalitet. Det visar sig också att op5 Monitor har något högre prestanda än inte bara Zabbix utan även de övervakningssystem som testades av Robin Rudeklint år 2010..

Vegetarisk kost - om sjuksköterskors kunskaper. En empirisk studie.

The purpose of our study was to establish whether the knowledge about vegetarian diet was enough among nurses in order to practise professional nursing. We made an empirical study based on a questionnaire. Twenty-one registered nurses answered the questionnaire that consisted of mostly Open questions. The result showed that almost everyone experienced that they gave dietcounselling and many nurses mentioned that dietcounselling was important. The majority of the nurses thought that they had enough knowledge to be able in order to deliver a fundamental dietcounselling but nobody considered that they knew much about vegetarian diet..

Betydelsen av skogens ålder och förekomst av lavar för renars val av vinterbetesområde :

This is a study on winter groups, ?siida?, of semi-domesticated mountain-migrating reindeers that move to lichen pastures in the lowland boreal forests during winter. The aim of the study was to determine reindeer habitat use in their winter ranges in a managed forest landscape. The reindeers use of three different types of forests was determined, 1) 100-130 year old, 2) 20-40 year old forest and 3) clear-cut areas. All sites were dominated by Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, and had the same types of ground vegetation.

Varannan-vecka-liv En studie om växelvis boende och barns familjeskapande

Title: Every second week. A study on how co-parented children do family. The aim of the study is to explore children?s day-to-day experiences of co-parenting. It focuses on how the children actively participate in the process of shaping family life and their own childhoods in the context of family change.

"Kränkningar går som i en cirkel hela tiden!" : Elever undersöker begreppet kränkningar i en fokusgrupp genom drama.

I mitt examensarbete har jag valt att försöka undersöka i vilken utsträckning det i en hemmastudio är möjligt att återskapa ett sound från en professionell inspelningsstudio. Denna fråga är intressant för mig då jag fastnade för hur en produktion lät i ljudbilden. Dels instrumentuppsättningen och deras rytmisering men främst soundet på helheten i mixen. Det kändes luftigt, stort och brett i lyssningsspektrat trots att det inte var så mycket instrument. Jag har alltid velat utveckla min förmåga att skapa och producera musik men har inte tillgång till så mycket kvalitativ utrustning.

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