

1268 Uppsatser om Open - Sida 1 av 85

Fria och öppna programvaror inom kommunal verksamhet : Vägen mot öppna standarder?

This report deals with the attitudes within municipalities of Open source software and Open standards and if Open source software may be an option to gain Open standards. The aim has been to find out if Open source software and Open standards would be able to solve the lock-in problems that municipalities have against proprietary software. The study is conducted as an exploratory, inductive and qualitative study with depth interviews of subjectively selected informants as data collection method. A literature review has also been implemented by the relevant books and articles. Some economic determinants of municipalities to make use of Open source software have not been considered in this study.

Open Source i svenska folkbibliotek

Syftet med uppsatsen är att sammanställa vad Open Source är och försöka kartlägga hur användningen av Open Source-program ser ut på de svenska folkbiblioteken.Jag tittar även på vilka Open Source-program som kan vara aktuella för ett bibliotek att titta närmare på. Resultatet visar att Open Source inte används i någon större utsträckning men att man är positivt inställd till rörelsen. Några få program har börjat användas men man är orolig för hur supporten fungerar för Open Source-program, sen verkar biblioteken inte ha någon större kontroll över vilka program som faktiskt används utan är styrda av de regler som kommunens IT-avdelning har satt upp..

Bibliotekariers syn på Open access : Enkätundersökning bland bibliotek med inriktning teknik, naturvetenskap, medicin och farmaci

Open access to scientific literature on Internet is a concept which is supposed to change librarians' work. The aim of the thesis was to examine librarians' perception of Open access. A questionnaire survey was conducted among librarians at libraries with specialisation in technique, natural sciences, medicine and pharmacy in Sweden. Even though Open access can be regarded as an alarming for librarians' work, the results of the survey showed that the future of the librarians' profession can be positive if they flexibly adopt their work routines according to changes in publication forms and library users' needs..

Utan vägtullar på information highway. Vetenskaplig publicering i Open Access-tidskrifter ? en intervjuundersökning med musikforskare

This thesis aims to explore how musicologists reason about publishing their articles in Open-access journals. What is the challenge they face and what are the possibilities musicologists are concerned about? For the method I used Open-ended and structured interviews based on four factors: trustworthiness, accessibility, reaching the readers and status of the publishing media. Musicologists are positive to the Open-access concept and are willing to submit their papers to Open-access journals. They think that the accessibility of the articles is going to increase when they publish them in Open-access journals.

Open access och spridning : En kvantitativ analys av hur open access-publicerade artiklar citeras och sprids pa? webben

To publish research articles by the means of Open access is to provide them for free to the reader. An increasing number of universities around the world have begun to institute Open access policies regarding their researchers academic output, requiring them to primarily publish in Open access journals and / or archive their pre- or post- prints in institutional archives.The aim of this this thesis is to explore how the adoption of the Open access policy at the Swedish Universi- ty of Agricultural Sciences in 2008 has affected how their researchers publish and if this has had any effect on how their academic output are cited and distributed online. To reach this goal a combination of bibliometric and altmetric methods were used as well as cross-referencing between Scopus, Altmetric.com, Google Scholar and the SHERPA/RoMEO database.The results points towards a mostly Open access positive trend with an increase in articles published in jour- nals that allow archiving of both pre- and post-prints. There also seems to be a correlation between these journals and which kind of articles gets the most mentions in social media..

Vetenskaplig kommunikation genom open access. Forskares attityder till open access-publicering inom odontologisk forskning

Open access has played a significant part in the development of scholarlycommunication. Today, several research funding agencies around the worldrequires that the results of the research it supports must be published Openaccess where the underlying idea is that publicly funded research should befree and available to all users. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the issueof Open access publishing from the perspective of researchers in the field ofodontology, focused on their attitudes, behaviors and publishing experienceswith Open access. Through a qualitative interview study with fiveodontological researchers, the results have been compared to previous studieson researchers' attitudes and experiences with Open access. The results showthat both knowledge and experience with Open access publishing is fairly lowamong the participating scientists.

Mjukvarukvalitet i öppen programvara - en explorativ och kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar om mjukvarukvalitet

Open source software has recently been discussed, not least in media as a revolution in IT. A number of advantages have been listed in changing proprietary software into Open source software. Examples of such pros are no expenses for license fees and improved efficiency. In spite of this, few users have made this change. One of the reasons is a distrust of the quality in Open source software.

Mjukvarukvalitet i öppen programvara - en explorativ och kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar om mjukvarukvalitet

Open source software has recently been discussed, not least in media as a revolution in IT. A number of advantages have been listed in changing proprietary software into Open source software. Examples of such pros are no expenses for license fees and improved efficiency. In spite of this, few users have made this change. One of the reasons is a distrust of the quality in Open source software.

?Suveränt för kulturlivet och gemenskapen" - ett nedslag bland Öppna Scener i Göteborg


Är OSSg2 ett lämpligt steg mot Open Source på verksamhetskritiska IT-system?

Sun Microsystems chose its own Open Source path by not following competitors in their commitment toGNU/Linux. Sun instead created its own Open Source project from the source of Solaris under the name ofOpenSolaris. The business model of OpenSolaris belongs to the new and more commercially viable OpenSource, referred to as OSSg2. This survey was based on articles on the adoption of Open Source in organizationsand István Orci?s publication Kritiska IT-System.

How do intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlate with each other in open source software development?

Open source is growing outside the boundaries of hackers, amateurs and software development, creating a humongous potential in many different areas and aspects of society. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that drives Open source have been in the subject of much research recently, but how they affect each other when paid and unpaid contributors come together is still hidden in obscurity. In this study I investigate how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlates with each other and how those correlations affect paid and unpaid Open source software contributors. The literature synthesis is based on of systematic reviews through searches in library databases, identification of articles by searching on the Internet and by reading relevant books. My results indicate that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations continuously affect each other and that paid contributors are more vulnerable since their extrinsic motivation in terms of money is reached only when many other motivations are fulfilled.

Open Source, Pedagogik och Teknik : rekommendation av pedagogisk OS-programvara

Syftet med denna undersökning är att erhålla relevanta frågeställningar som ska utgöra engrund för att ge en rekommendation på en pedagogisk Open Source-programvara som stödjere-learning. En utvärderingsmodell skapas för att få fram ett relevant resultat baseras på svarenpå dessa frågeställningar. Utvärderingsmodellen tillämpas i en fallstudie för att visa enpraktisk användning av modellen. Det framgår vad som är relevant att tänka på vidinförskaffande av en Open Source-programvara som ska vara så pedagogisk som möjligt..

Informationskulturen i Attac Göteborg öppen eller sluten?

The aim of this study was to examine if an organisation that strives for democracy and participation, also possess an Open information culture. This study deals with the information culture in a social movement organisation, Attac Gothenburg. To achieve the aim, following questions were asked: What is the organisation culture like, is it Open or closed? What is the information culture like, is it Open or closed? What is the information culture like, in relation to the identity of the organisation? The focus has been put on earlier research in social movements, organisation and information culture. In this qualitative study I have collected material mainly from interviews.

Open Innovation inom offentlig förvaltning

Open Innovation är ett relativt nytt arbetssätt som innebär att organisationer tar in extern kunskap med syftet att utveckla interna processer och vidga den egna kompetensen. Studien utgår ifrån ett kvalitativt perspektiv där relevanta teorier hämtats ifrån tryckt litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar samt empiri som består av en omvärldsanalys samt intervjustudie med ett antal individer med varierande kunskap inom områdena; Open Innovation samt medborgardialog kopplat till offentlig förvaltning. Det framkom i studien att faktorer som transparens, verktyg samt process är viktiga byggstenar i en Open Innovation-process. Utifrån studien har författarna tagit fram en metod som skall synliggöra hur de olika områdena samverkar med varandra och vilka verktyg som kan tillämpas i processen (se nedan). Författarna fann genom studien att hanteringen utav de idéer och förslag som hämtas från Open Innovation-processer är den viktigaste delen i processen.

"Impact can come in many guises" : en kvalitativ studie om forskares erfarenheter av parallellpublicering

Self-archiving as a way to provide Open access to research publications is gaining ground in the area of scholarly publishing. An increasing number of research funders and universities are mandating Open access for output associated with their research, which calls for evaluation of the effects of the phenomenon.This two years master?s thesis aims to investigate researchers? experiences of self-archiving. A qualitative web survey was conducted and answered by 41 researchers from several different countries, and a vast majority of the respondents concur with the principle of Open access. Although self-archiving shows not to be a guarantee of increased impact for the single researcher, the study shows that might be the case.

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