

808 Uppsatser om Online dating - Sida 37 av 54

Om gränsdragning på den digitala arenan : En kvalitativ studie om gränsen mellan privat och offentligt på Internet

Syftet med denna studie är att via tre kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka gränsdragningen mellan privat och offentlig sfär på Internet ur ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Huvudfrågorna lyder; ?Finns det en gräns mellan privat och offentligt på Internet och var går i sådana fall den??; ?Vad är det människor vill skydda från insyn och varför?? samt ?Hur stor är medvetenheten kring privat sekretess på Internet?? Studien innefattar bland annat en historisk överblick om hur privat och offentlig sfär utvecklats genom åren och hur dagens arenor till stor del överlappar varandra. Fokus ligger på den ständiga gränsdragningen kring privat och offentlighet i vardagen och hur individer uppträder online, hur de där formar sina roller och sin identitet och där G. H.

Kommers utav konceptuell höjd - varför finns ett svenskt modeunder men ingen som håller koll på tiden

The purpose of this study was to examine two relatively similar product industries, of which one is successful in its commercialization and the other one is not successful. The two industries observed in this paper are both Swedish industries, and both of them produce slow moving consumer goods for the luxury consumer. The successful industry is represented by the Swedish fashion industry, more precisely The Swedish Fashion Wonder (TSFW) - a term describing the success of a specific coalition of fashion designers from Sweden. The unsuccessful industry is represented by the luxury watch industry in Sweden (LWIS). The method used to examine the two industries' inequalities is based on a qualitative study, consisting of in-depth interviews with industry expertise from both of the industries.

Olika syn på saken : En studie om hur optikbranschen påverkar trenden kring e-handeln av glasögon

Denna studie undersöker om det finns faktorer inom optikbranschen som, samt hur dessa faktorer i så fall, påverkar e-handeln av glasögon. Författarna har uppmärksammat en svag trend kring ehandel av optikprodukter. Då mycket fokus de senaste åren riktats mot kontaktlinser väljer författarna istället att grunda undersökningen på glasögon. Idag har få av de traditionella återförsäljarna e-handel och ännu färre erbjuder glasögon på internet. Det teoretiska ramverket baseras på den service-dominerande logiken som på senare år framkommit inom marknadsföringsforskningen.

Kontrollerad vokabulär eller naturligt språk? En empirisk studie.

The question whether controlled vocabulary or natural language free-text terms is the most effective search strategy has occupied researchers in LIS for many decades. This Masters thesis is an empirical study which aims to compare these two search strategies in LISA Library and Information Science Abstracts, an online bibliographic database. 22 topics from the discipline of Library and Information Science were constructed and out of each topic one query for each search strategy was formed. Queries in natural language were formed with terms from different sources, for example dictionaries, while queries in controlled vocabulary were built with terms from LISAs electronic thesaurus. The measures used in this study were precision, relative recall pooling method and overlap.

Socialt Spelande : Etik och moral i onlinespel utifrån spelarnas egna upplevelser

I ett samhälle där datorspelare anses vistas i en högst amoralisk miljö, vill vi med den här studien granska hur etik och moral ter sig i den virtuella världen via ett symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer har elva spelare av onlinespel fått redogöra för sin egen upplevelse av den interaktion de genomgår dagligen. Med hjälp av utförliga teorier kring etik och moral, symbolisk interaktionism och spelkultur har studien ett brett teoretiskt underlag som appliceras i en hermeneutisk analys. Resultatet visar att etik och moral existerar i onlinespel, samtidigt som amoraliteten. Det verkar röra sig om två olika kulturer.

Hur blir du kompis med kunden? : En studie om kundrelationer i olika försäljningskanaler inom möbel- och heminredningsbranschen

Forskningsfråga: Hur styrs och hanteras kundrelationer av detaljister inom möbel- och heminredningsbranschen beroende på försäljningskanal? Syfte: Ge en djupare förståelse för branschen samt undersöka om det finns skillnader respektive likheter vid relationsbyggande beroende på om detaljisten har en online närvaro eller bedriver multikanalhandel. Metod: Uppsatsen har grundats på en kvalitativ metod. Vår empiriska insamling har gjorts genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med experter inom fältet samt personer vid detaljister som verkar inom den valda detaljhandelsbranschen.  Slutsats: Genom analysen har det påvisats att kundrelationer är viktigt för detaljisterna, dock arbetar de i dagsläget inte aktivit med dem. Det framkommer att personalen i den fysiska butiken är relationsbyggande, medan e-handeln är datordrivet och nyhetsbrev är det centrala vid relationsbyggandet.

Att bygga kundrelationer med hjälp av communities

The advancements in digital technology and its availability contribute to the transfer of companycentricproduct development and value creation to networks or communities. It also changes the basisfor creation of customer relationships as described in previous research on Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM). The purpose of this case study was to gain an understanding of how companieslike our case study object Memoto who developed a physical product which gets added-value fromdigital product-related services looks upon product-centered communities as a way of buildingcustomer relationships. How Memoto looks upon incentives for participation in product-centeredcommunities was also examined.Our research indicated that firms in the start-up phase (which Memoto was when this study wasconducted) initially want to have more control over the process of innovation and hence have directcontact with end-customers. The reason for this is because they see a need to define the basis forfurther innovation work.

Kognitiv auktoritet och Wikipedia ? En analys av gymnasieelevers källkritiska granskning av Wikipedia

The main purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how high school students evaluate the quality of the information available on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. By doing quantitative research based on questionnaires we expected to find that the means for judging that students use in this situation are most frequently based on a text?s intrinsic qualities in the point of view of its content. It was also our presupposition that 18 and 19 year old high school graduates have received some education in information research and authoritative sources on the Internet.


Clustered Columnstore Indexes (CCI) and In-Memory Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) are two new techniques that were introduced with Microsoft?s new database management system SQL Server 2014.The thesis analyzes these two techniques, describes the theory behind them and also the background information that needs to be known to understand more of the new techniques. Performance tests of the new techniques have been performed to see how much faster response time we can get and less storage we need to use where the result is represented by performance diagrams and a compression diagram. This thesis is a cooperative work with a company called Trimma and the result is used as support to decide if these new techniques could be of advantage for the company.The test consists of five test queries with different purposes. The result is illustrated by diagrams that show the result and another diagram that shows how much the data gets compressed with the different techniques.

Ständigt online : Tillgänglighet via Internet och mobiltelefon - behov, beroende och besatthet

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur människor upplever att ständigt vara tillgänglig med sin mobiltelefon och/eller Internet. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts, där tolv personer, sex gymnasieungdomar och sex vuxna personer, har intervjuats. Hälften av de intervjuade bor i södra Sverige, hälften i norra. För analysen har McQuails grupperingar inom Uses and gratifications-teorin använts, liksom cultural studies teorier. Resultatet visar att de intervjuade ser det både som en möjlighet och ett krav att vara tillgängliga och uppkopplade, att Internet och mobiltelefon verkar bidra till att arbete/skola och fritid flyter ihop samt att de äldre intervjuade i något högre grad än de yngre upplever negativa aspekter av att vara ständigt tillgänglig.

Pliktleverans under förändring: en diskursanalys av E-pliktutredningen samt diskussion kring dokumentbegrepp som uttrycks däri.

Sweden has a long tradition of collecting documents by way of a process of legal deposit of copies. Its aim is to ensure the availability of material for research, cultural preservation and citizens? right to free information. New forms of publications, made possible by technical advances, are not accommodated in the traditional deposit submission criteria. Certain information accordingly risks being lost.

Kvinnokroppen som diskursivt slagfält: avvikande visuella representationer av genus i Pussy Riots musikvideor.

In this paper I will examine the five Pussy Riot music videos that the group has published online on their official You Tube website. I will examine them through a ?gender lens? looking at their visual representations of gender vis-à-vis the hegemonic gender discourse in Russia. In addition I will examine their potential effects and if/how these visual representations can be understood as resistance.In my study I will take on a constructionist approach and the main theories being used to understand and analyze the Pussy Riot music videos are discourse- and representational theory including deconstruction, performativity and the social construction of gender as well as ?in-between? and deviant representations.

Den sämsta målgruppen att lura? : En studie av unga nyhetskonsumenters attityder till native advertising

With the increased volume of commercial content online, some news sites have adopted so-called native advertising on their websites to convey marketing messages more discreetly. As an increased share of advertising budgets is spent on this form of advertising this essay aims to examine its news consumer?s attitudes towards the phenomenon. The research was carried out through a qualitative study where news consumers discussed their attitudes in two separate focus groups. This was analyzed with the help of the previous studies Advertisement - an uninvited guest? and Banner Blindness as well as theories including theory of science hermeneutics, reception analysis, convergence culture, brand schema, advertising schema and ad- brand attitude.The results show that in most cases native advertising is met with indifferent attitudes but in some cases also confusion, which could lead to negative attitudes towards the ad and the news site.

Hur blir politiska skapelser virala succéer? : En komparativ argumentationsanalys.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, Swedish society has gone through a great change. Firstly with the personal computer and then with the internet moving in to everyday life, a new arena for interaction with society evolved. Work, education, doing bank errands and reading or discussing the news, just to name a few, now all take place in the virtual world online. Not to mention social media sites such as twitter, instagram or facebook, the last of which has over half of the Swedish population represented as members.   Companies, corporations, interest groups, political parties and politicians must be aware of the massive impact that a post spread through social media can have.    This thesis will, with the text analyzing tool, argumentation analysis, and on the theoretical platform of political communications theory, analyze three of the most viral Swedish political posts spread over 120 000 times each, to see if there are any combined qualities that point to the fact that there is a formula for getting a post to become a viral success on social media.    The main result showed that of the three posts analyzed, all were built up around a factual thesis, argued for with foremost example arguments, not only appealing to the logical branch of argumentation but also to the ethical, and that they tended to be of high relevance and sustainability. The conclusion must therefore be that these are all qualities that tend to be of relevance for making a political post on social media into a viral success..

Utvärdering av solcellsanläggningen på Universeum

The main aim of this master thesis was to see the process of an interactive online reference service from idea to final product. The reference service we have studied is developed and used by the Library of the National Institute for Working Life in Stockholm, Sweden and goes by the name phibi. Our goal was to review the whole realization process from the reasons why a service like this was created, how the service was introduced and implemented inside the organisation and finally what the result and consequences were for both the library staff and for the users of the service. Phibi is designed to be a tool that fosters communication between the library staff and the remote users where the users get the opportunity to be helped with their questions by the library staff although they are not physically present in the library. To understand the process we conducted a case study with 11 interviews of the library staff, the superior and the initiator to phibi.

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