

101 Uppsatser om Omitted milking - Sida 4 av 7

Capacity studies on DeLavals sort gate DSG10

In the dairy production it is necessary to be able to sort cows. Dairy cows are sorted for many different reasons i.e. regrouping into production strings or for treatments i.e. inseminations, pregnancy and health checks, vaccinations or hoof trimmings. One labour saving way of conducting sorting is by using an automatic sort gate.

Clinical and subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle in Kampala, Uganda

Dairy farming in Uganda provides a source of food, employment and income. Previous studies have revealed high frequencies of bovine mastitis, a costly disease for the dairy farmer. The aims of this study were to investigate the bacteriological panorama in milk from udder quarters with clinical (CM) and subclinical mastitis (SCM) and to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility in staphylococcal isolates. Further, we intended to establish the prevalence of subclinical mastitis and to investigate some environmental factors and animal properties that might influence the frequency of mastitis. For CM, farmers made contact with the members of this study when recognizing an animal with CM.

Tidsstudier i kalvuppfödning :

Swedish agriculture stands in front of big changes the whole time. As a milking producer you have to adapt and develop the company to these changes and find the best solution. This potential is easy to find if you compare your company with other similar companies. Labour cost is the biggest cost in milking production after the cost for food. Today it is rather easy to measure how many hours per cow different system of cow houses needs, but we do not know so much about how many hours it takes to breed a calf. To learn more about the labour time with the calves during the first time after the calf was born, I made time studies on five different farms with calf hutches, automatic milk system, large calf boxes, and smaller calf boxes with teat buckets.

Val av produktion vid generationsskifte :

The objective of this thesis was to get more knowledge before an alternation of generations. In theses I have chose to make two drawings, one for dairy cows and one for cattle rearing. The drawings are made for a future alternation of generations at my parental home in the province Dalarna. The results are made out of educational visits at different farms and literature investigations. Those dairy farms who I visited had different milking system at each farm and the cattle farm I visited had beef production. The farms are placed in the middle and south of Sweden. At 1998 the Swedish Board of Agriculture decided to change the stall breadth and stall length and the result of this is that many farmers had to rebuild their cattle- and dairy buildings or end farming..

Medias bild av socialtjänsten : En kritisk diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar

The purpose of this study was to examine the discourses that can be identified in medias representation of social services. To answer the purpose we made a critical discourse analysis using Faircloughs three-dimensional model. The choice to focus our study on a local newspaper was based on earlier research that found it possible that a local paper has a greater impact on readers than a national newspaper. Readers can more easily connect with what's happening in the immediate environment than what is written nationally. We used articles published in 2013 containing ?social services?.

Spenarnas kondition i automatiska mjölkningssystem : en studie av två spensprayer

Two post milkning teat dips (PMTD´s) were compared in an automatic milking system at Kungsängen Research Farm, owned by SLU (Swedish University of Agriculture) in Uppsala. In the experiment an evaluation system was used where teat condition regarding skin and teat ends was graded according to a scale where 1 was the best score and 5 the worst. The evaluation period was almost six months in total devided into four minor experimental periods. The technician scoring the teats did not know which PMTD that was currently used. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the two PMTD´s regarding teat skin condition, but not regarding teat ends.

Världen vill bedras... : Lärare och elever om källkritik

The aim with this study is to examine how students and teachers value source criticism. Partly, this regards how teachers practice this in their teaching and how students work with it during lessons ? but also how students value source criticism in situations where the teacher not has pointed out that this topic is part of the actual assignment. Moreover, there is a focus on investigating how students who are critical of the sources take this into account in their daily lives; for example, when they surf on the Internet or when they discuss news articles or other media. This essay is based on interviews with students and teachers, using a qualitative method. The results of this study show that both students and teachers find source criticism to be of major importance.

Hur kan blöt vetedrank lagras, hanteras och utfodras till mjölkkor? :

Distillers? grain is a by-product of ethanol production. Corn, wheat and barley are the grains that are generally used in the distillery process. Distillers? grain is rich in protein and phosphorus.

Organisationskultur i förändring ? Subkulturers inverkan och respons på förändring

AbstractBackground: The company that this report addresses is, at time for investigation, in the midst ofa change in organizational culture, where two departments with different core competencies arebrought together into one. The purpose of this study is to review the potential problems that mayoccur in the change process when one or more subcultures come into conflict with organizationalgoals.Purpose and methodology: The reason for performing this study and the objectives are toexamine how subcultures influence and respond to organizational changes. The survey isconducted with a bottom-up approach in which participation in daily activities with thesubgroups is the foundation. The management's perspective has been omitted in consideration ofpast literature in the field where focus most often has been on their thoughts and views on theprocess of organizational change. The method used is participant observation and interviews.Results and Conclusion: Subcultures exist and they do affect an organizational change.

Lagring av kyla med horisontella markvärmeväxlare för kylning av koncepthus i Mellanöstern

Norconsult AB has developed a solarhousing concept, a house designed for the warm climate in the Middle East andwith large quantities of solar panels installed. The cooling system for the house was designed in an earlier report, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility of short and long term storage of thermal energy via an underground energy storage volume.Two different designs of the storage and three different filling materials have been integrated into a model to simulate different cases. The first design consisted of pipes installed in the ground, without insulation. The second design consisted of an insulated concrete box installed to prevent thermal energy from the surrounding soil to flow towards the lower temperature regions within the storage. The three different filling materials were dry saudi sand, water saturated saudi sand and the filling material used by the client for energy storage in Sweden.The results from the simulations show that neither of the designs, regardless of the filling material, managed to extract enough thermal energy from the house to the ground to uphold the demands of indoor climate.

Milking routines and hygiene in small-scale dairy farms in Mapepe, Choma and Batoka districts in Zambia

Småskalig mjölkproduktion är ett system som främjar regelbundna inkomster och spelar en viktig roll för att minska fattigdomen, ger anställningsmöjligheter och skapar välfärd samt säkrar en näringsrik livsmedelsförsörjning. Det finns cirka 2500 småskaliga mjölkbönder i Zambia men deras kunskap om bra mjölkningsrutiner och hygien är ofta dåliga. Bra skötselrutiner och mjölkningshygien är viktigt för att uppnå en god juverhälsa och mjölkproduktion, och för att inte förorena mjölken. Subklinisk mastit är en vanlig sjukdom bland mjölkkor, som medför förändrad sammansättning av mjölken och minskad mjölkproduktion vilket orsakar stora ekonomiska förluster. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skötselrutinerna, med fokus på mjölkningen, hos småskaliga mjölkbönder i tre olika områden i södra Zambia samt att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan skötselfaktorerna och juverhälsan (subklinisk mastit).

Känslighets- och osäkerhetsanalys av parametrar och indata i dagvatten- och recipientmodellen StormTac

Three methods of sensitivity and unceartainty analysis have been applied to the operative stormwater- and recipient model StormTac. The study area is the watershed of lake Flaten in the municipality Salem. StormTac?s submodels for stormwater, pollutant transport and the recipient are cosidired. In the sensitivity assessment, the model parametres and inputs were varied one at a time by a constant percentage according to the ?one at a time? (OAAT) method and the response of the outputs were calculated.

Förändringar i Sveriges handelsmönster med u-länderna efter det svenska inträdet i EU.

Background: A large part of the daily political and economic debate in Sweden concerns the EU. One question that has been debated since the beginning of European integration is whether trade is created as a consequence of integration and, ifso, how great are the gains related to the increased trade. An equally important but maybe less debated question is whether countries outside the union are affected by the increased European integration. Is increased European integration made at the cost of countries outside the EU? Purpose: The purpose of this study is, by calculating trade creation and trade diversion, to evaluate if a number of developing countries? trade with Sweden has decreased after Sweden?s membership in the European Union.

Har längden betydelse? : En kvantitativ studie av elevers textstrukturer

AbstractJohannes Åberg 2012: Har längden betydelse? ? En kvantitativ studie av elevers textstrukturer.Does the length matter? ? A quantitative study of student text structures. Essay writing is one part of the national test in the school subject Swedish. Here the student gets the opportunity to demonstrate that it is able to follow instructions and produce a coherent text. The examinator's task hereby becomes a troublesome process with subtle distinctions between rights and wrongs.

Simulation environment for further development of distributed
milking products

För att underlätta vidareutvecklingen av dagens programvara har jag fortsatt att utveckla den simuleringsmiljö som redan finns på företaget idag för en av produkterna som används vid mjölkning. Simuleringsmiljön skall underlätta utvecklingen av större system för större gårdar. Det som systemet hjälper till med är just uppsättningen av en gård med ett visst antal kor och ett visst antal mjölkningsmaskiner. Den tidigare miljön var skriven i MFC men för att möta morgondagens krav har denna blivit omskriven till C# .NET med hjälp av Windows Forms. Det program jag skrev först använde sig av C++/CLI vilket var väldigt krångligt att använda, det resulterade i att jag helt och hållet gick över till C# .NET.

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