

1552 Uppsatser om Older-worker-younger-supervisor dyad - Sida 2 av 104

Kommunikation mellan den äldre invandraren och undersköterskor på äldreboenden

The study aims to examine the communication between older immigrants and nurses at several nursing homes.Emphasis has been placed on clarifying both parties? experience of communication regarding the older immigrant?s idiomatic difficulties. The following questions were used in the creation of the study: How does the older immigrant communicate with the personnel at a nursing home? How does the older immigrant enjoy their residence at the nursing home? How do language difficulties influence the older immigrant?s possibility to express their self?In the study eight qualitative interviews were made with four older immigrants who lives in nursing homes and four nurses working in a nursing home. The survey shows that the overall problem in the communication is the older immigrant?s lack of language.

Vad motiverar till ideellt arbete i ungdomsorganisationer?

Early studies of what motivates volunteering often have had an older sample and youth organizations have not been studied. A survey was used to study motives for volunteering in Swedish youth organizations. The importance of age and years of volunteering was studied. In the analysis 102 persons in age between 17 and 59 years participated. The participants ranked the motives as followed: knowledge, development, values, social, career and protection.

Bakom okunnighetens slöja - En studie av religiösa attribut i kundmötet

The thesis is aiming to investigate what happens in the customer-service worker interaction when the service worker is wearing religious attributes. In order to operationalize this the Muslim head scarf, hijab, is chosen as stimuli. Reviewing previous research and theory in this field, it is clear that people have a preference for people that they perceive to be like themselves, this is referred to as homophily. Further on, the study investigates the ethnicity dimension of the service worker customer interaction. Theoretical areas of attractiveness and color are also investigated.

Elevers inställning till matematik : - en jämförande studie av elevers uppfattning av matematikämnet och matematikundervisningen

Based on earlier experiences of mathematics and mathematical learning, both as a student and as a teacher, I became more and more interested in how well the publicly accepted opinions about mathematics as an uninteresting, difficult and ?geeky? subject corresponded to reality. What do Swedish pupils really think about mathematics and is it possible to identify any differences in their attitudes based on the pupils? age?From this point of view the following questions were formulated:·What are pupils? attitudes towards mathematics in grades 3, 6 and 9 and how do they conceive their learning conditions?·Is it possible to detect any differences in the attitudes and preferences depending on the pupils? age?The result of this study compares well with previous studies done in this and overlapping fields and indicates that:·Younger pupils tend to have a better liking of mathematics but with increasing age that interest fades out.·Most pupils, without regard to age, consider mathematics to be one of the most important subjects, despite the fact that many pupils also find mathematics difficult and boring.·For pupils of all ages, the teacher is the most important factor in the learning process. Older students have more specific demands on the teacher for knowledge and pedagogical skills.·A high noise level, talking and disturbances in the classroom are the most bothering elements when it comes to learning mathematics.

Ekonomiskt utnyttjande av äldre i nära relationer : en kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this study was to inquire how social workers perceive and describe financial abuse of older persons. Six qualitative interviews were carried out and the assembled data was then categorized and analyzed using a theory considering exercise of power and ageism as a theoretical frame. Previous research has shown that at least 10% of older persons have been exposed to some form of abuse or violence; however, there is a lack of research carried out in a Swedish context regarding financial abuse specifically. The six persons interviewed in this study all presented financial abuse as some kind of violence and as previous research has shown the study suggests that this is an increasing problem. Further research ought to be carried out to increase the awareness of this particular form of abuse and to facilitate discovery and development of measures to prevent financial abuse of older persons.

Projektion av normbrytande beteende hos ungdomar

Människor verkar tro att de är vanliga och som alla andra, men är det verkligen så eller tillskriver vi andra våra egna beteenden? Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband i hur ungdomar projicerar sitt normbrytande beteende och hur de uppfattar sina kamrater. Människor tenderar att tro att andra reagerar på samma sätt som de själva gör, och därmed se sitt eget beteende som det typiska. För att undersöka projektionen användes en enkätstudie som ungdomar på en högstadieskola fick besvara. I enkäten skulle eleverna uppskatta sitt eget beteende och sina kompisars beteenden.

Sover du gott, lille vän? : En studie om mellanstadie- och gymnasieelevers sömnvanor och upplevda prestationsförmåga i skolan

This study has emerged from a growing interest in students' sleeping habits. During practical training as teachers, we have noticed a discussion of students' sleeping habits, fatigue and student performance at school in relation to their sleeping habits. The purpose of this field survey was to examine students? sleeping habits and self-perceived performance ability in school in relation to sleeping habits. The material was collected from a questionnaire that was answered by 200 students in 4-6th grade and 188 students in 1-2th grade in the upper secondary school, this to give an opportunity to see if there were any differences between the different age groups.

ST-läkares identitetsarbete: En studie av läkare under specialiseringstjänstgöring

The results from 13 interviews and one opinion poll answered by resident physicians were interpreted as stories about identity as primary material for this thesis. The resident physicians stress the importance of considering whether their work primarily concerns curing people from diseases or if the process of working with sick people also includes how to handle the pressure of work, either by adapting to it or changing it, and the search for balance between work and private life. Residents separate themselves from older physicians by saying that younger physicians accentuate empathy to a greater extent while older physicians emphasise a high work load. Identity seems to effect how the residents perceive and relate to their work, themselves as residents and different types of patients..

Samverkan mellan lärare och socialsekreterare : En kvalitativ studie i två kommuner

The intension of this study is to investigate the interaction between teachers and social workers in two diffrent countys. The study is focused on how teachers act upon suspicions when there are children at risk and what kind of support the teacher gets from social workers. Another importent question is if the teachers know what kind of rules regarding to confidentiality and if it would be better for the pupils if there were no confidentiality.To get answers to my questions, i have interviewed teachers and social workers in both countys.In this study I assume that the power has three dimensions and that there are four levels of interaction.Due to the law about confidentiality the social worker has the power over the teachers. Because the law about confidentiality it is difficult for teachers and social workers to interact.If the teacher want help from social services, she or he must call the social worker because the social worker will not call the teacher. If the social worker want to help the teacher and give her advice, the social worker can do that without breaking confidentiality.

Elever och deras individuella roll i samhällskontraktet : En jämförande studie med fokus på elevernas samhälleliga mognad

This paper is supposed to get an answer to how teenagers in a municipality in Kalmar Län in Sweden think about their individual role in a community. The essay is a comparative investigation at how age can affect teenagers's view at the community, based on contractualistic approach. The background issue clarifies the objectives and guidelines how the schools should work with the social norms and values. The method for this studie is a quantitative survey in which students in two different classes are compared. The method for comparing takes place using the theoretical position, which is based on the individual's social maturity in the Swedish society.

Bildstenen från Fröjel : port till en glömd värld

This essay deals with a picture-stone that was found in a pre Christian grave during the archaeological excavations of the Viking Age harbour and trading place at Fröjel parish, Gotland, in 1999. The stone is at least 100 years older then the male grave in which it was found. The picture-stone can be dated to  late 8th century or early 9th century, and the grave is probably from the late 10th century. One of the main questions in this essay is why the people of that time re-used an older picture-stone in a younger burial. I believe that the stone was reused as a grave-gift.

Ungt chefskap inom kommunal äldreomsorg: en empirisk studie av hur unga chefer upplever sin yrkesroll som chef i förhållande till sin ålder

The purpose of this study was to examine how young managers (26-32 years old) in municipal old-age care organizations, in Skåne and Blekinge, experience their professional roles as managers in relation to their age. One of the questions asked in this study was whether managers experienced that their age affected their managerial position, and in that case, how? In order to investigate this, a qualitative method was used, including interviews and observations. Seven interviews with young managers were conducted. My approach in the working process was influenced by Grounded theory as defined by Glaser and Strauss (1968).

Socialsekreterares värdering av olika arbetsmiljöfaktorers betydelse för en god arbetsmiljö

Lately, alarming reports have appeared regarding the work environment and work situation of social workers. Research focusing on the promotion of health and well-being in the workplace among other professionals show that factors such as social relationships, ability to influence their work situation and leadership are important. A quantitative study was conducted focusing on the work climate for social workers employed by some of the district administrations in the City of Malmö. A questionnaire with questions and statements on various factors in the work environment was sent to 34 social workers. They were asked how important these factors were for their well-being, as well as to what extent they felt that these factors were present at work.

"Ibland undrar man ju vad de tänker med, de som sitter där uppe" : En kvalitativ studie om brukarmedverkan inom hemtjänsten

This qualitative study examines the participation that older people have in their own home care by exploring experiences of care workers. We will investigate to see if there are limitations due to financial implications in the sector. Modern day care of the elderly in Sweden is facing increasing pressures to both show cost savings whilst maintaining the same levels of service within the community. It is becoming more essential for older people to participate in their own care for the sake of their health and well-being. The method that we used for data collection was qualitative interviews.

Legalisering av sidotjänster : En studie av den nya Fastighetsmäklarlagen

This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.

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