1976 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 54 av 132
Effekter av gödsling i äldre tallbestånd på renbetesväxter i fält- och bottenskikt :
Reindeer husbandry and Forestry are both area related industries and will in big extent use the same lands. Conflicts often arise because of that the industries have different interests. Many of the activities done by the forestry influences the reindeer husbandry in an undesirable way, simultaneously as the reindeer husbandry activities can have negative consequences for the forestry. One such forestry activity is fertilization.
It was during the 1960´s forest fertilization began to be practiced and the reason was that the increase in growth that the fertilization gave could be able to cover for the future shortage in wood many feared.
During the 1970´s when the fertilizing activities were most intensive about 200 000 ha was fertilized annually.
Trombocyträkning hos katt : en ny metod
Platelet aggregation is a major and common problem in blood samples from cats. This greatly affects the accuracy of counting of the platelets. Because of the difficulties in counting feline platelets, results for patients and reliable reference values for cat platelets are currently so inaccurate as to be almost useless in diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. In this study we used an effective method to prevent platelet aggregation. Blood was collected in CTAD test tubes and prostaglandin E1 was added to the blood sample.
Samband mellan arbetsgrad och kinesiofobi hos vuxna individer med långvarig smärta och förändring av dessa variabler efter fyra veckors smärtrehabilitering
ABSTRACTPurpose: The purpose of the study was threefold. Firstly, to investigate if a four week program in pain rehabilitation had any effect on how much individuals with persistent pain worked and their degree of kinesiophobia. Secondly, to study if there was a correlation between how much these individuals worked and their degree of kinesiophobia. Thirdly, to study if there was a correlation between the change in these variables.Method: 112 patients who had participated in a four week rehabilitation program took part in the study. The study had a retrospective design, which was based on a review on medical records and consisted of three minor parts.
Upplevelser av stroke. En litteraturstudie om patienters och anhörigas upplevelser av följder, rehabilitering och hemgång.
Stroke is one of the most common disabiliting diseases. A greater knowledge of the personal experiences after a stroke could improve the rehabilitation and the relations during the rehabilitation. The purpose with this literature review was to describe how strokepatients and their relatives experienced the consequences, rehabilitation and discharge after a stroke. This study is based on nine scientific articles and the results points out that patients and their relatives experiences can be positively influenced by participation and information..
Upprustningsmetoder för en bankropp : En jämförelse ur ett LCC-perspektiv
In recent years, the Swedish railway track system has been neglected in terms of capacity and maintenance. To adapt the existing system to current traffic load there is a great need for extensive improvement and maintenance. Shortcomings are especially occurring on older embankments running over soft subgrades. To select the most suitable method for reinforcement of the embankment, it is important to evaluate different solutions from a life cycle cost perspective. In long-term perspective, it is often shown that a method with low investment cost causes a higher maintenance cost and a shorter technical lifetime.
Att möta obotligt sjuka patienter som uttalar en önskan om att få avsluta sitt liv i förtid : Hur sjuksköterskor upplever och hanterar dessa situationer
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor möter ibland obotligt sjuka patienter som uttalar en önskan om att få avsluta sitt liv i förtid och detta är både ett komplext och kontroversiellt ämne som diskuteras flitigt runt om i världen. En uttalad önskan om att få avsluta sitt liv i förtid kan ha många olika betydelser och bör förstås utifrån varje unik patients egen sjukdomssituation, livshistoria och upplevelser.Syfte: Att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor upplever och hanterar mötet med terminalt sjuka patienter som uttalar en önskan om att få avsluta sitt liv i förtid.Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts och baseras på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan år 2001-2010. Analysen har skett genom en kategorisering av resultaten och Erikssons teori om lidande har utgjort den teoretiska utgångspunkten för diskussionen.Resultat: När patienter, på grund av vad de upplever som ett omänskligt lidande, uttalar en önskan om att få avsluta sitt liv i förtid kan sjuksköterskor uppleva maktlöshet, moralisk stress samt en önskan om kontroll. Sjuksköterskor hanterar detta genom god kommunikation och att dra personliga gränser. De uttrycker även ett behov av stöd och av att få samtala.Diskussion och slutsats: Många sjuksköterskor upplever en rädsla över att förlora kontrollen över situationen vilket kan leda till att de upplever osäkerhet och svårigheter när de vårdar terminalt sjuka patienter som önskar avsluta sitt liv i förtid.
Vårdberoende, behov av omvårdnad och insatser för äldre med regelbunden vård och omsorg ? del av SNAC-Blekinge, Vårdsystemdelen
Background: The relationship between advanced age, presence of illness and
impaired functioning is well known. A large proportion of the elderly
population has an extensive need of care and service and therefore need help
from municipal care.
Aging is a transition in life and also affects the person's identity and self
image, making the person particularly vulnerable and challenging everyday
safety. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which factors at
individual and organizational level that support a person-centered nursing care
for the elderly so that caring responsibilities and staffing of nursing
personnel may be scheduled based on need. Aim: This study aimed at describing
dependency and care needs of elderly persons living in ordinary housing,
sheltered housing and nursing homes. Furthermore the study aimed at describing
how the dependency was related to the staffing of non-licensed and licensed
nursing staff in nursing homes.
Method: A descriptive and analytical quantitative method was used in the study.
Metodik för fastställande av bärförmåga på befintliga betongkonstruktioner
Many buildings are now nearing the end of their service life. This applies to both the older houses from the 40's and 50's to the million project houses that did not prove to be as sustainable in the long run. Often there is a desire to extend the service lifetime, but to do that you need to make detailed inspections. The Folkets hus in Gävle is one of those buildings that is in need of renovation and to fulfill the new requirements that must be met in today's buildings. It is desired to make the buildings rentable space more attractive and to extend the building with two more floors.
Energieffektivisering av Villor : Finns möjligheten till Passivhusstandard för befintliga bostäder
The climate change the earth today has to face is no longer a global problem when every individual has a responsibility to act. The residents in Sweden have no understanding how their energy consumption affects the environment, nor what measures can be taken to reduce the energy consumption.The use of the energy in new Buildings is considerably lower than in the older ones as conditions have improved and the requirements have been more stringent. As most of the buildings in the future have already been constructed it´s important to take every opportunity for energy efficiency and rebuilding of available buildings will become a significant act. Reconstruction of a building contributes generally to both a reduced individual and a reduced total energy use, while new constructions only keep a low individual energy use but a increase the total energy use. For this reason we present the opportunities for reconstruction, mainly to reach the standards for a passive house..
Kattungens behov och rådgivning till dess ägare
The cat has become a popular pet. To secure a prosperous cat-human relationship, the cat owner has to understand what kind of animal the cat is and what requirements need to be fulfilled. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize kittens? needs of socialization, anthelmintics, nutrition, vaccination and gonadectomy, until the age of six months and to give the cat owner information on how to care for the cat during this period. Articles were search for in ScienceDirect, Primo and Scopus.
Intensivv?rdssjuksk?terskan som omv?rdnadsexpert och coach
Bakgrund: Sjuksk?terskans utveckling till omv?rdnadsexpert inom intensivv?rd kr?ver b?de en avancerad p?byggnadsutbildning och l?ng och gedigen erfarenhet inom yrket. I denna process g?r sjuksk?terskan igenom olika stadier vilka f?rklaras genom Benners modell f?r professionsutveckling, fr?n nyb?rjare till expert. Specialistsjuksk?terskor kan i stort utg?ra en viktig del i st?ttandet och handledningen av mindre erfarna kollegor, vilket fr?mjar s?ker v?rd och professionell utveckling.
Kontraster eller anpassning?
Should new buildings blend in or contrast from the older buildings around?
Could contrasts even emphasize different characters? This report is a
discussion on that theme. I´ve studied different architects wiev on the
question and studied different of examples of where new buildings contrast to
the context in a successful way. In part two I´ve done a proposal on a new
housing settlement next to Hammarbyhöjden in Stockholm. The new buildings
contrast to the existing and the aim is to emphasize the characters in
Hammarbyhöjden as well as in the new structure.
Arbetstillfredsställelse relaterat till vårdkvalitet i en specifik vårdmiljö ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv
ABSTRACTProblems with high turnover in nursing has escalated during the last years both nationally and internationally. according to previous research job satisfaction and quality of care was connected to specific features of the hospital work environement. It was also recommended by Coomber & Barriball (2007) to analyze job satisfaction at ward level with qualitative interviews to get a deeper and more extended insight in which specific features are of importance.The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the experiance of job satisfaction in relation to quality of care from nurses perspective. This study was carried out at an orthopaedic ward with primary nursing as organizational context of care.Two focus group interviews were conducted, they comprised nine nurses with at least two years experiance of primary nursing. A qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used in order to develop more detailed insights of potential factors influencing work satisfaction at ward level.
Tillväxtmönster och åldersstrukturer hos opåverkade bestånd av strömlevande Arktisk harr i Sibirien :
It is hard to find streaming waters where humans haven?t affected the fish populations or the
running water it self. In many streams the fish populations are over harvested and this results
in a lack of older and larger fish. This is also the situation for many populations of Grayling
(Thymallus spp.). To be able to develop management plans and to perform actions that
improve the situation for the grayling, it is therefore crucial to know what natural, by humans
unaffected populations look like.
Problematiken vid samägd jord- och skogsbruksfastighet : De rättsliga förhållanden
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze existing law concerning joint owner-ship in agriculture and forestry businesses. Joint ownership often arises through a succes-sion of ownership, therefore we will go through the most useful methods.Even if the owners of agriculture and forestry businesses are getting older, the numbers of succession of ownerships are still low. A succession of ownership is important to plan and its time is demanding. Often it takes three to five years for the completion of a succession of ownership. Therefore, owners must start their planning in time and think about what is to come of their business.