1979 Uppsatser om Older patients - Sida 11 av 132
Patientens upplevelser under pågående behandling av ätstörningar : En litteraturstudie
The aim of this descriptive literature study was to describe the patients? experience of the need for social support and the choice of coping strategies during treatment for eating disorders. Further, the authors wanted to describe the relationship with the parents and also to highlight the caring relationship between nurse and patient. Results that came to light, concerning the patients? experience, were that patients with eating disorders, in a majority of studies, indicated a deficient social network.
Implementeringen av Lagen om valfrihetssystem inom primärvården i Västmanlands län : -Information och styrning
Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.
Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av att möta aggresiva och utagerande patienter - en litteraturstudie
Violence and aggression is a common problem for staff in different care units. Caregivers often feel frustrated and unsatisfied in their work with these patients. Even caregivers with long experience finds it valuable to get education in management of violent patients. The aim of this literature study was to illuminate staffs experience in meeting with aggresive and violent patients. The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read, analysed and put together.
Personer med HIVs upplevelser av bemötandet i mötet med sjukvårdspersonal : En litteraturstudie
Background: Mental illness is a growing public health problem which can cause significant disabilities and lead to poor quality of life. As primary care nurses often are the first to encounter these patients they need knowledge to be able to respond appropriately to this group.Aim: The aim was to describe how the sufferer of mental illness experiences the introduction to primary care. Method: The literature review was based on the results of 11 scientific articles which were analyzed with the inspiration of a metasynthesis method.Results: Four categories emerged: the experience of being treated like a human being, the importance of a therapeutic space, the experience of time and availability as well as the importance of competent personnel and the importance of continuity. Patients described different aspects deemed important when encountering nursing staff. Conclusion: Patients experienced that they received good care when they felt listened to and seen as individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.
Kan behandling av insomni förbättra komorbid ångest och depression?
This study investigated the efficacy of a multicomponent cognitive?behavioral intervention of insomnia, CBT-I, for patients suffering from an anxiety disorder and/or a major depressive episode together with comorbid insomnia. In particular, the aim of the study was to evaluate whether anxiety and depressive symptoms declined as a function oftreatment for insomnia. After rigorous diagnostic procedures, 8 patients were treated in a multiple baseline design. Patients experienced clinically significant reductions in insomnia-, (57 %) depressive- (75 %) and anxiety symptoms (40 %).
Patienters upplevelse av omvårdnad efter suicidförsök : En litteraturöversikt
INTRODUCTION: Attempted suicide is very common. Those who arrive to a hospital by reason of attempted suicide need a nurse with qualifications in the care of suicidal patients. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compile and elucidate research which describes how patients in care for their attempted suicide experience the care that is received. METHOD: A literature review was chosen for this study. Scientific articles sought in the database CINAHL.
Att leva med trycksår - en litteraturstudie om hur patienter med trycksår upplever det dagliga livet
Background: Pressure ulcer is a complication that arises often due to a lowered general condition. Pressure ulcer arise because of long term compressive load application. That?s why it?s of utmost importance as a nurse to work in preventive ways, as the pressure ulcer lead to physical, psychological and social consequences for the patient. Purpose: The purpose was to describe the patients experiences of living with pressure ulcer.
Bedömning av fallrisk hos patienter som vårdas inneliggande på sjukhus och inom kommunal vård : Med hjälp av Downton Fall Risk Index
Background: Fall injuries are a costly problem for society, with costs ranging up to 14 billion a year. In addition to economic loss accidental falls also creates human value losses and reduced quality of life for its victims. In order to prevent the occurrence of injury related to accidental falls healthcare providers utilize various scientifically developed risk assessment tools, one of them being Downton Fall Risk Index. Method: Empirical, quantitative cross-sectional study. Objective: The purpose of the extended essay was to describe the categories in Downton Fall Risk Index that have a bearing on patients' risk of falling while in hospital and in municipal care, and to illustrate how nurses can use the fall risk assessment tool.
Dokumentation vid vård av patienter med demenssjukdom i palliativt skede på särskilda boenden : -En retrospektiv journalstudie
Abstract Background: End of life is difficult to establish in patients with dementia and many patients die due to complications related to the disease. To document that care are palliative in this group of patients is not common among nurses and physicians. This may depend on that the palliative course is extended and not similar to the palliative course common among patients with cancer. Aim: To describe how the registered staff in nursing homes document the care of persons with dementia in a late palliative phase. Method: A retrospective record study with a deductive approach.
Specialistssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att främja hälsa för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En intervjustudie på vårdcentraler
Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.
"Att känna sig som något lätt fjäderaktigt" : äldre människors upplevda hälsa och vårdande som stödjer deras hälsoprocess på särskilt boende
Aim: The aim of this study was to describe intensive care nurses? experiences communicating with patients during mechanical ventilation.Methods/design: A qualitative interview study. Interviews where analyzed using descriptive content analysisSetting: Nine intensive care nurses from two different intensive care units were interviewed using a semi structured interview guide.Background: Past research has shown that patients during mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit, feel very vulnerable and the helplessness of being unable to speak. These patients feels that they are completely dependent on the nurses and their competence. It has been shown to be very important that the patient feels included, acknowledged and respected.Results: The analyzed data resulted in a theme; through communication strive to preserve patients´ dignity and three main categories; create relationship to the patient, minimize patients´ vulnerability and don´t give up.
The implicit heteronormativity
Our society is based on a heterosexual norm. This may lead to the fact that LGBT-persons have a poorer health status than the heterosexual population. The nurse education lacks information and courses that highlights sexual identity. This is defective since healthcare staff needs knowledge on the subject to be able to treat patients in a professional and respectful manner. The purpose of this study was to illustrate how heteronormativity influences the treatment of patients within a healthcare context.
Fysisk aktivitet- En social gemenskap : Motionsgympans effekt på den upplevda fysiska och psykosociala hälsan
Background: Examinations with the intent to assess neurological functions and level of conciousness are common in neurocritical care, but the effect on the patient is not entirely researched.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe the patient?s situation at the neurological wake-up test concerning the environment, nursing interventions and the possibility given the patient to become awake, and if these conditions affect the outcome of the wake-up test.Methods: A quantitative observational study took place at a neurocritical care unit, where 20 patients were observed from interruption of sedation to the neurological assessment, which was performed by a neurosurgeon or a specialized critical care registered nurse. Nursing interventions, environmental factors and physiological parameters were documented.Result: Twelve intervention varieties to control patients? physiological parameters were used. CPP > 80 mmHg was found in 90 % of observations.
Vad motiverar till ideellt arbete i ungdomsorganisationer?
Early studies of what motivates volunteering often have had an older sample and youth organizations have not been studied. A survey was used to study motives for volunteering in Swedish youth organizations. The importance of age and years of volunteering was studied. In the analysis 102 persons in age between 17 and 59 years participated. The participants ranked the motives as followed: knowledge, development, values, social, career and protection.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att utföra omvårdnad av patienter med blodsmitta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Background: Earlier research describes patients with blood-bourne pathogens experiences from the healthcare system. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how registered nurses experience taking care of patients with blood-bourne pathogens. Method: This study had a descriptive design with a qualitative method. Eight interviews where performed and analyzed with manifest content analyze. Three categories ?Comfort in their profession?, ?Support from the organization?and ?Fear of being contaminated?, and five subcategories ?Support from hygiene guidelines?, ? Thoughtfulness?, ?The own responsibility?, ?Feelings of fear and concern?and ?To meet preconceptions?, emerged.