

221 Uppsatser om Ola Hansson (1860-1925) - Sida 11 av 15

Upplevelser av att leva med ett självskadebeteende : En litteraturgenomgång

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Kulturmaffians myggor och tigrar ? En litteratursociologisk studie av litteraturkritik och härskartekniker i en tidningsdebatt

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the literature criticism are in the Swedish media in the reception of the novel Mosquitoes and tigers from 2007 written by the Swedish author Maja Lundgren. A second aim is to examine how master suppression techniques have been used by the literature critics in the newspaper debate. This qualitative study is based upon a total of 52 articles and reviews from five big Swedish newspapers. The theoretical approach, literature criticism, mainly originates from the Swedish professor in Literature Science Tomas Forser and the literature scholar Gunnar Hansson.

Riktlinjer för studier av icke-existerande komplexa sociotekniska system : Erfarenheter från en studie av införandet av ombordbaserad helikopter på korvett av Visbyklass

This report consists of a discussion about suitable methods for studying complex sociotechnical systems that are still being developed. There are large economical advantages with studying new systems before they are completely developed since problems can be discovered early and thereby avoided. It is, however, difficult to study developing systems, there are methodological limitations. These limitations are discussed and recommendations for studying non-existing complex sociotechnical systems are presented.The report is based on experiences from a study of the introduction of a shipboard helicopter on the corvettes that the Swedish Armed Forces are developing. A shipboard helicopter implies high requirements on the hosting ship.

PERFORMING LOLITA : Göra, vara, visa mode och femininitet som motstånd

During the spring of 2014, I have investigated the visual culture of Lolita as practiced in Sweden and Japan. My focus has been on the performative aspect of Lolita. By looking and participating in this colorful subculture, I have met people who are living the Lolita lifestyle on a daily basis as well as former Lolita practitioners. My main concern has been how does one use Lolita.I?ve tried to investigate if it is possible to look at Lolita as being more than just a clothing style.

När kommuner hänger med : En kvalitativ studie av hur åtta svenska kommuner har organiserat och använt sig av sociala medier i den egna verksamheten när det saknats officiella riktlinjer för detta

Title: When municipalities are keeping upAuthors: Hansson Käll, Ida; Jonasson, MikaelaTutor: Waks, CarolineCourse: Bachelor thesis, 15hp, Department of Business Studies, HT 2010Background: During the recent years social media has evolved into a powerful communicative medium. From an organizational standpoint social media has become a way for organizations to get closer to, and create a dialogue with, their environment. Swedish municipalities have began to use social media in their daily communication with the environment, but a problem has been raised about how public organizations should organize their social media when formal guidelines from the government are missing.Objective: The objective of this thesis is to examine how eight Swedish municipalities have organized their use of social media due to the lack of official guidance from the government, and also what difficulties that have occurred during this process.Method: The method used is qualitative with data collected through interviews with one respondent from each municipality.Results: The result show that the organizational solutions varies through each municipality but also the choice of social media. It has been important for municipalities to have someone in charge of the new communication tool since social media is a fast and communicative channel. Seven out of eight municipalities have already developed or are in process of developing their own formal guidelines on how to use social media.

Fra?n mo?rkret stiga vi mot ljuset : den tidiga svenska arbetarro?relsens strategiska musikanva?ndning

Den ha?r uppsatsen handlar om den svenska arbetarro?relsens musikanva?ndning. Ro?relsens anva?ndande av musik belyses och analyseras ur ett historiskt, politiskt och strategiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen belyser arbetarro?relsens tidiga period i Sverige, vilket inneba?r att senare a?r och nutida perspektiv inte sta?r i fokus.

Skapande av hög medvetenhet : En studie i hur ett företag med begränsade resurser kan skapa hög medvetenhet med kostnadseffektiva marknadsförings metoder

Title: Creating high awareness ? A study in how a company can create awareness with cost efficient marketing methods. (Skapande av hög medvetenhet ? En studie i hur ett företag kan skapa medvetenhet med kostnadseffektiva marknadsförings metoder).Authors: Alexander Edlund and Fredrik HanssonAim: Our aim is to reveal the pros and cons of cost efficient marketing and decide which cost efficient method works best in creating awareness. We also want to determine if the methods can be integrated in a successful way to achieve greater awareness.Method/Material: We have made a qualitative approach by conducting three in depth interviews with the company Bluetooth SIG?s marketing director Anders Edlund.

Hur får du en student att lyssna? : - En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter

ABSTRACTTitle: How do you get the students to listen? ? A study of Academic Works communication towards students (Hur får du en student att lyssna? ? En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter)Number of pages: 38 (41 including enclosures)Author: Fredrik HanssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the strategies involved in the communication process between an organisation and its target audience. The study also aims to examine the company Academic Work and its communication efforts towards the targeted audience students.Method/Material: In order to examine the aim above, interviews were made with two persons involved in the communication of Academic Work. In addition to the interviews, a questionnaire was carried out at campus Ekonomikum, Uppsala University.Main results: The main result can be summarized as:· Academic Works communications have a lot of resemblance with the papers presented theory.· Events and direct meetings is the communication effort by Academic Work that has the biggest impact on student?s awareness and knowledge of the company.· A large majority of the students at campus Ekonomikum at Uppsala University are interested in working part-time and are aware of Academic Work.

Tjustempiren : fallstudier av Casimirsborg och Blekhem

This paper concerning the regional architectural term known as the Tjust Empire style analyses manor houses built in the Tjust area by the east coast of Småland in the period 1810-1860. The term Tjust Empire style was invented in 1937 by PhD. Manne Hofrén in his dissertation on architecture in Kalmar län in the period 1650-1850. The aim of the paper is firstly to determine whether there is a distinct difference between the regional Tjust Empire style in architecture and the common Swedish empire style or as its Swedish equivalent is known; the Karl Johan style. Secondly, the paper strives to analyse why and how the Empire style became so popular in the area during this period, focusing on architecture as a means to express social identity and status.

Att marknadsföra ett företag med hjälp av nationalitet : En studie i hur marknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande med fokus på nationalitet fungerar och uppfattas

AbstractTitle: To Market a Company with the Help of Nationality ? A study in how marketing and branding works and is being perceived when it focuses on nationalityAuthor: Frida HanssonSubject: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall semester 2010Length: 38 pagesTutor: Else NygrenAim: Companies and various corporations are always on the hunt for the next big thing in marketing. One idea to market themselves and give them a chance to separate themselves from the cluster of companies aspiring to take your costumers away could be to market themselves with nationality. To investigate why and how some company?s chose to market themselves with nationality, and also study how this kind of marketing is being perceived by customers and non ?costumers.

Religionsfriheten i Sverige 1809 ? 1951 : Från samvetsfri kristen tro till fritt val av religiös tillhörighet i svensk lagstiftning

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Pilotstudie för utformning av modell att uvärdera utrustning

Swedish Trotting association was formed in 1925. They are the ones who design the regulations concerning what is permissible and not permissible for the horse, driver and trainer, when they have a license at a Swedish racing track. The Veterinary department of Swedish Trotting association decides in consultation with representatives from veterinaries around the country what is allowed and not allowed, based proven experience, combined with the availability of scientific data and Veterinary Department's own assessment. After stricter regulations for good animal welfare from the Swedish government, Swedish Trotting association is going to work out a workable model for how new equipment can be tested in the future to see how the equipment affects the horse. In the future, all equipment will be objectively tested before approved. The purpose of this work was to develop a well-functioning model for this. The research-question for this work is: Is this study design a well-functioning model of how the equipment should be tested in the future? The equipment used for designing this model was bitless bridle with a bit.

"Vi önskar oss bara killgrejor, eller hur?" ? ett arbete om könsroller och leksaker

Denna uppsats, "Vi önskar oss bara killgrejor eller hur"? ? ett arbete om könsroller och leksaker, skriven av Åsa Arvidsson och Eva Hansson, är baserad på en undersökning som genomförts på två förskolor. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur leksaker uppfattas och behandlas av barn och vuxna. För att kunna få fram ett resultat av vår undersökning har vi tagit fram fyra frågeställningar: - Vad väljer föräldrar och andra vuxna i barnets närhet för kategori av leksaker till barn beroende på kön? - Vilka och vad för slags leksaker väljer barnen själv att leka med? - Hur leker flickor och pojkar med samma leksak? - Hur tänker pedagogerna på förskolan kring leksaker? Vi har utgått ifrån tidigare studier kring leksaker och könsroller. Vi tror att den omgivning och de sociala kontakter barnet kommer i kontakt med har betydelse för barnets könsrollsidentitet.

Det heliga äktenskapet : en beskrivande studie om äktenskapets innebörd för kvinnor

Kvinnor och mäns sexuella relationer innebär ofta att kvinnor blir gravida och barn föds och därmed även till att parterna ingår äktenskap. I de flesta samhällen är äktenskapet en social institution som fyller olika funktioner för familjelivet. Äktenskap innebär även, enligt samhällssynen, tillåtet sexuellt umgänge som i många fall leder till olika sätt att se på kvinnokroppen, gemensamt boende, familjebildning med barnuppfostran. Det innebär även att man anser vissa sjukdomar som typiskt kvinnliga. Historiskt sett har kvinnorna tillhört det underordnade könet i samhället, kvinnorna värderades lägre än männen, kvinnor relaterade sig till männen, dessa erfarenheter har präglat deras behov som kvinna.Syftet med undersökningen är först och främst så långt källmaterialet tillåter jämföra skillnaden mellan andelen utomäktenskapligt födda barn i Gävle och Ovanåker under åren 1850 - 1855 och följa dessa utomäktenskapligt födda barn fram till 1860.

Lilla Aktuellt - då och nu 

Den här uppsatsen behandlar tv-programmet Lilla Aktuellt som är ett nyhetsprogram för barn. Programmet sänds på Barnkanalen (SVT) och har tidigare sänts på SVT 1. Vi har gjort en jämförande kvantitativ innehållsanalys på sammanlagt sexton program, åtta program från oktober och åtta från november månad, år 1993 och år 2008. Vårt syfte är att belysa hur programmet förändrats sedan starten 1993.Teoretiskt är vi inspirerade av Ingegerd Rydins bok Barnens röster. Program för barn i Sveriges Radio och television 1925-1999 (2000), Ebba Sundins avhandling Seriegubbar och terrorkrig, barn ochdagstidningar i ett förändrat medielandskap (2004), Siri Amram och Cecilia Hedquists kandidatuppsats??Stor jämställdhet i ett litet format ? en kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av Lilla Aktuellt utifrån ett genusperspektiv ??(2007) samt generell teori om nyhetsvärdering och nyhetsurval.

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