

501 Uppsatser om Official duty - Sida 25 av 34

Kommunikation mellan djurskyddsinspektörer och djurägare

This paper discusses animal welfare, and Sweden, as an EU member state, has a responsibility toensure that official animal welfare inspections are carried out in accordance with communityregulations. The first of January 2009, the welfare moved from the municipalities in to the 21county administrative boards. This restructuring was made due to the deficiencies that the auditconducted by the EU of the FVO (Food and Veterinary Office) 2003 found in the Swedishsystem. Sweden failed in coordination and inspection to ensure animal welfare.The aim of this examination paper is to shed light on animal welfare work operated in the countyof Halland and in Sweden in general. The paper focuses on a few questions.

På tal om estetik - en diskursanalytisk studie av två av statens offentliga utredningar

Davidsson, Karin & Dornwald, Katharina. På tal om estetik. En diskursanalytisk studie av Statens Offentliga Utredningar/Speaking about aesthetics. A discourse analytic study of two official government reports. Examensarbete på avancerad nivå, 15 högskolepoäng.

Kvinnor i litteraturhistorien : en undersökning av hur kvinnors skrivande och deras litterära verk beskrivs och värderas i litterära översiktsverk för gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this masters thesis is to examine outlines of literary history for students at upper secondary school from a gender studies perspective. Earlier theoretical work concerning outlines of literary history is sparse. There are three dissertations, but none with an explicit gender perspective. The theoretical approach comes mainly from theories in literary historiography and gender research. Also discussed are the following concepts: canon, literary field and literary valuation.

The digital dark age? Bevarande av elektroniskt material i Sverige

The first law in Sweden containing an act of legal deposit is from 1661. Since then the printing-houses are supposed to deliver all printed material to the Royal Library and other recipient libraries. Today, more and more information is solely published electronically. This material is not yet included in the law of legal deposit. In a similar way as our printed cultural heritage is saved for posterity our electronic cultural heritage has to be saved.

Förbud mot dubbelregistrering av fartyg

In a recently published official Report from the Swedish Government (SOU 2010:73) a leg- islative proposal has been introduced. Its main purpose is to prevent parallel registrations of ships that are bareboat chartered to other countries. The legislative proposal claims that by preventing parallel registration of ships the Swedish Maritime Code will better corre- spond with the UN convention on the law of the sea.The UN convention on the law of the sea clearly states that ships are forbidden to fly two flags. There is however no restriction concerning parallel registration, simultaneously, in two registers. A ship that is bareboat chartered out from Sweden does not fulfil criteria re- quired in order to be deregistered, according to the Swedish maritime code.

Fri att missbruka: tvingad till vård. En argumentationsanalys av 70-talets debatt om tvång i socialvården

Can coercive care be justified against drug and alcohol addicts or should treatment be offered on a strictly voluntary basis? This was one of the central questions debated in Sweden during the 70's when the development of a new social legislation, The Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen), took place. The first aim of this thesis was to analyse whether the arguments that were presented both in favour for and against coercion were sound. To achieve this, a method for analysing arguments was employed, where a sound argument is defined as acceptable, relevant and adequate. The analysed material consists of both official government reports and books of influential debaters.

Markanvisning och markanvisningsavtal : definitioner och innebörd i ett antal Stockholmskommuner

The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how a number of municipalities in Stockholm County proceed when they allocate land and establish land allocation agreements for exploitation, and to investigate how a number of municipalities define land allocations and land allocation agreements on the occasion of public land sales. The aim of this thesis is to describe the allocation methods a municipally uses when they offer land for sale and to give an insight regarding which correlation different land allocation agreements have in different municipalities.Methods used are: (1) a literature review where the underlying theory for land allocations and land allocation agreements have been studied; (2) a questionnaire have been done to complement the literature review and to provide a picture of how a number of different municipalities in Stockholm County use and apply land allocations; (3) an agreement audit have been done to see the extent to which different agreement terms exists.Responses from the questionnaire, together with the definitions form different municipality?s land allocation policies and the literature review, resulted in a definition of a land allocation and a land allocation agreement. The agreement audit shows that agreement terms regarding: price or price indication, location, cost-sharing and planning costs are the most common agreement terms within the municipalities we have investigated.The study suggests that there is some confusion regarding land allocation agreements and the meaning of these, that became apparent when agreements where gathered, despite a careful explanation that it was land allocation agreements we requested, we still got exploitation agreements and purchase agreements. Therefore, we consider it necessary with an official definition of a land allocation agreement well anchored in the Planning and Building Act together with the rules of development agreements or other legislation.That there is a lack of research within the subject becomes evident when reports, essays, and other literature generally refers so the same sources.Keywords: land allocation, land allocation agreement and public land sales.

Affekter för hållbarhet

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka samband det finns mellan värderingar, föreställningar och normer kring miljön till agerande för ekologisk hållbarhet i det vardagliga livet. Vår hypotes var att det finns samband mellan affekter kring miljöns framtid och agerande till hållbar utveckling. För att söka svar på syftet och bekräfta hypotesen har enkäter med frågor gällande individens värderingar, föreställningar och normer om miljön samt frågor om miljömässigt agerande skickats ut via e-post till 119 deltagare i åldern 23-65 år. Svarsfrekvensen var på 59 procent. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett flertal starka samband mellan miljömässiga värderingar, föreställningar och normer till individens agerande och hypotesen om att det fanns samband mellan affekter och agerande för hållbar utveckling verifierades.

Mänsklig påverkan på mindre vattendrag i skogslandskapet : en inventering av vägtrummor och skyddszoner kring dessa i Uppsala län och norra Västmanlands län

Interference in an ecosystem means a disturbance. When harvesting, forest roads have to be build to cope with heavy duty vehicles. Crossing brooks can not always be avoided. In this case bridges or culverts have to be built. There are many different kinds of culverts and depending on what type you choose and how you place the culvert, the watercourse and the water organisms can be harmed in different ways.

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten - En studie av dess påverkan på bankers kreditgivning till små ägarledda företag

In April 2008 an official report, SOU (2008:32), was presented. In that report it was suggestedthat the statutory audit for approximately 96 % of the Swedish companies was to be abolished.The report suggests that the new regulations should apply to all limited companies thatare below two of three limits that have been suggested: a) a balance-sheet total of 41,5 millionSEK; b) a net turnover of 83 million SEK or; c) less than 50 employees. The regulations aresuggested to come into force July 1, 2010. According to the Swedish laws that regulate thelimited companies, Aktiebolagslagen 10:11, should all limited companies regardless of sizehave an chartered accountant or otherwise approved. The purpose of the audit is to create atrust towards the figures that the company shows and also to act as an assurance towards thirdparties (Collis, 2003; Strenger et al, 2008).

När kommuner hänger med : En kvalitativ studie av hur åtta svenska kommuner har organiserat och använt sig av sociala medier i den egna verksamheten när det saknats officiella riktlinjer för detta

Title: When municipalities are keeping upAuthors: Hansson Käll, Ida; Jonasson, MikaelaTutor: Waks, CarolineCourse: Bachelor thesis, 15hp, Department of Business Studies, HT 2010Background: During the recent years social media has evolved into a powerful communicative medium. From an organizational standpoint social media has become a way for organizations to get closer to, and create a dialogue with, their environment. Swedish municipalities have began to use social media in their daily communication with the environment, but a problem has been raised about how public organizations should organize their social media when formal guidelines from the government are missing.Objective: The objective of this thesis is to examine how eight Swedish municipalities have organized their use of social media due to the lack of official guidance from the government, and also what difficulties that have occurred during this process.Method: The method used is qualitative with data collected through interviews with one respondent from each municipality.Results: The result show that the organizational solutions varies through each municipality but also the choice of social media. It has been important for municipalities to have someone in charge of the new communication tool since social media is a fast and communicative channel. Seven out of eight municipalities have already developed or are in process of developing their own formal guidelines on how to use social media.

Kattrumpans undergång? : Bör begreppet gåva tolkas enhetligt i stämpelskattemässigt och inkomstskattemässigt hänseende?

HD avgjorde år 2013 två mål som ändrade rättsläget för stämpelskatt på gåva av fast egendom. Innan HD:s avgöranden kunde fastigheter stämpelskattefritt överlåtas genom gåva till aktiebolag om ersättningen understeg 85 procent av fastighetens taxeringsvärde. Idag är dock utgångspunkten att fastighetsöverlåtelser till aktiebolag ska presumeras vara stämpelskattepliktiga tillskott istället för gåvor. HD:s ändring av rättsläget har lett till en oklarhet i hur liknande överlåtelser ska bedömas i inkomstskattemässigt hänseende. I uppsatsen utreds därför om begreppet gåva bör tolkas enhetligt eller om det finns anledning att göra skillnad mellan gåvoöverlåtelser i stämpelskattemässigt och inkomstskattemässigt hänseende.För att en gåva ska föreligga krävs alltid att tre allmänna gåvorekvisit är uppfyllda.

Modersmålslärarnas roll i dagens svenska skola : En studie av sex Stockholmsbaserade modermålslärares arbetssättt, resuser och roll i dagens svenska skola

The fact that Sweden has changed from a homogeneous to a heterogeneous culture with multiculturalism as key word requires an intercultural approach in the community and school. The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers of maternal languages experience their teaching in school and what resources they have available from their employer and the municipality. What methods do the teachers in maternal languages use in their teaching at school and what resources do they have to their disposal? How do teachers in maternal languages use the perspective of intercultural education in their teaching and how do the teachers look on their future role in the Swedish school. To achieve this I have chosen the method to make depth interviews with 6 teachers of maternal languages and compare and relate the result to the theories about interculturality and the circle model, to official curricula and to existing literature in this subject.Teachers of maternal languages are very spread out, they work in several schools and sometimes even in different municipalities, during the same week.

Bibliotek och unga vuxna : En undersökning av arbetet och profilen hos två unga vuxenavdelningar

The aim of this thesis is to examine how two young adult departments at two public libraries work and what profiles the young adult departments have. To examine the work and profiles at the young adult departments I have used the following questions: What are the ideas about working with young adults? How are the two departments in this study working whit young adults? What or which are the profiles of the young adult departments in this study?To answer the questions above I used a qualitative method based on interviews with the librarians responsible for the young adult departments. To complete the interviews I studied the libraries Internet sites and official documents. The examined departments are located at two city libraries and were chosen manly for their focused age group, 15-25 years and that the departments are well established.To analyse the results I used the theoretic model of Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen about the role of the public library.

"Suprarne di är som fånar allihopa!" : En kvantitativ socialgeografisk studie över fylleriförseelser i Ljungby stad 1936-1947.

The aim of this study was to explore the social background of the people convicted of drunkenness offence in the town of Ljungby between 1936 and 1947. Drunkenness offense was sentenced to those found drunk in public but also societys attempt to control the s subclass. This view was in contrast to the ideal of the well-behaved worker who also spread during the end of the last century. Based on information found in index cards for drunkenness offenses provided by Ljungbys temperance board this studie explores whether alcohol use changes in different social classes. By mapping the offender's profession, age, gender and housing situation, the study shows clear overrepresentation of working class men.

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