

501 Uppsatser om Official duty - Sida 13 av 34

Fotspår i sanden : En studie om betydelsen av att ha en kristen tro som yrkesverksam socionom

Our purpose was to investigate if Swedish University educated social workers, living as active Christians, in any way might be influenced by Christian values. The main questions; Can Christian values be a factor in the choice of career to become a social worker? How does a personal belief in Christ impact the relationship towards the clients? Is Christian belief a support in the work? In this paper we used a qualitative method and interviewed eight persons, with a background as above, four of them employed by a church organisation and the other four working in the social sector. The result we present is that the eight Christian social workers Christian belief influenced their work very individually. How much this supported them was a choice about how official and open they wanted Christian values to be.

Svenska soldaters upplevelse av återgången till vardagslivet i Sverige. : Stöd - Hjälp - Hinder

The main focus of this study is to explore Swedish soldiers? experiences of the transition back to everyday life after international service missions. This includes the help and support that they have received and also what barriers to care they have experienced during the transition back to everyday life. The theoretical perspectives of this study are social identity and stigma theory. This study was performed using a qualitative method and includes six individual interviews with active duty officers within the Swedish armed forces.

KLIMATKONFERENSEN I KÖPENHAMN : En jämförande analys av Kinas och EU:s agerande för ett bindande klimatavtal

Abstract  This paper examines the Copenhagen Climate Conference held in the Bella Center in Copenhagen, December 2009. The aim of this paper was to analyse the highly anticipated conference, and why it did not result in a binding protocol between the world?s states. The focus of this paper was to examine two key actors in the Copenhagen negotiations: the people?s republic of China and the European Union.

Sociala rättigheter inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie med parboendegarantin som exempel

Guaranteed cohabitation of elderly couples is a new law that gives elderly couples the right to live together in special housing. Even if only one of the spouses has an administrator?s decision to live in special housing. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how three municipalities materialize the social rights guaranteed for the elderly couples? cohabitation.

Turkiet och Bosnien & Hercegovina : Stor och liten siktar mot stjärnorna

The purpose of this essay is to examine the approach of the EU towards the reform efforts of Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the countries ambitions for EU memberships. The question formulation of the essay is whether there is differences in Turkey?s and Bosnia and Herzegovina?s qualifications for an EU-membership from an EU perspective. In order to better answer the question, we use two part questions. One is about the criterias and qualifications that need to be met in order to get a membership.

Infrias brukarstyrelsernas demokratilöften? - en komparativ fallstudie om brukarstyrelser i grundskolor

This thesis examines and evaluates user boards in Swedish public schools from a democratic perspective. In order to evaluate whether the democratic values are fulfilled five different democratic ideals are selected to serve as a theoretical fundament. These ideals derive from the Swedish Government Official Reports that preceded the reform of user boards in schools, and are identified as the following: participation, dialogue, trust, democratic schooling and influence. The study is based on cases and involves two schools with user boards and two comparative schools with informal parental influence, so called school advisory boards. The study concludes that the main difference between the two types of parental influence is the level of formality.

Romer och utbildning : En arena för särskillnad, paradoxer och stigmatisering.

This thesis analyses how romanies look upon schooling and how they reflect upon the possibility of getting an education. Many inquiries relating to romanies have been published in Sweden but very few are based on fieldwork among romanies. The aim of this thesis is therefore to through fieldwork focus on how romanies themselves look upon their educational situation.The main questions for this study are: How is the image of romanies as a problem constructed in school? How are romanies separated from other students? How is the interplay between romanies and school representatives formed? How do romanies look upon the possibility of getting an education and does their perception differ from the usual official apprehension?An important conclusion concerns how social workers and teachers continuously categorize romanies as different. The group is constantly differentiated from other ethnic groups and is often the target of integration projects.

Senkaku-Diaoyu ekonomin kontra militären : En kvalitativ textanalys om ö-konflikten mellan Kina och Japan.

The relationship between China and Japan has historically been problematic and, in some ways still is. One of the issues where both of the states cannot agree on is the island dispute. While both states are claiming sovereignty over the island and there do not seem to be an ending to it in the near future. If the island dispute continues to escalate it could have a negative impact in the Asian region and eventually rest of the world as well. However due to the complexity of the dispute a deeper knowledge is needed and a mutual understanding is needed.

Kan man läsa Call of Duty 5? - om det vidgade textebegreppet och elevers fritidstexter i svenskundervisningen

Syftet med min undersökning är att ge en bild av hur lärare kan förhålla sig till det vidgade textbegreppet och hur lärare och elever kan förhålla sig till elevers fritidstexter. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Informanterna består av två lärare samt sex elever, tre från sjunde och tre från åttonde grundskoleåret. Mina resultat visar att ingen av de två intervjuade lärarna visar sig kunna definiera det vidgade textbegreppet, men de ställer sig positiva till en vidgad läsning. Dock tillämpar ingen av dem en sådan i någon större utsträckning.

Konst, mångfald och representation : Hur begreppet mångfald manifesteras i och kring konsten vid Södertörns högskola

This research shows and analyses how pupils in ninth grade in the nine-year compulsory school look at being multilingual, at the Swedish language and at Swedish as a second language. I also want to know if language and culture knowledge are taken care of in school as it says in official documents for the Swedish school and as it also is desired in an intercultural education. For my research I do eight interviews in a suburb school south of Stockholm.My work includes a limited account for the current research about being multilingual, Swedish as a second language and about the close relationship between language and culture. The applied theory is a social constructivist theory which in short can be explained like that we construct social structures that have consequences on the individual as well as on the society.I show in my research how the view of the world around the pupils influences their view on their languages, their school and their neighbourhood. I also draw conclusions from my interviews that language knowledge is little appreciated in school and that Swedish as a second language has a low status..

Krav på exportlicens vid gränsöverskridande transporter av farligt avfall inom EU

The purpose of this essay is to draw attention to the obstacles that affects the internal trade of waste within the EU. The essay doesn?t in any way encourage pollution or illegal handling of waste but unfortunately there are large profits to be made from illegal destruction and recycling of waste and especially hazardous wastes. Therefore the dependable companies handling waste must access a market with fast and flexible (but predictable) regulations as well as lower transaction costs to help make the environment better and encourage a strive for increased recycling. There are examples where some waste only can be sent to a land-fill within the country but could be recycled in other EU-countries.

Hela Sveriges folkkyrka : En idéanalys av Sverigedemokraternas syn på kristendomen i Sverige och Svenska kyrkan

The aim of this study is to describe ideas put forward by Sweden Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna) about Christianity in Sweden and the Church of Sweden as a Folk Church, a church for a whole people, and how the political party uses Christianity as a part of constructing a Swedish identity. The investigation is based on official documents, newspaper articles, statements and political motions which are analysed using a form of text analysis called idea analysis. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on Claire Mitchell?s theory about religious content in ethnic identities and Einar Billing?s and Johan Alfred Eklund?s thoughts about what makes the Church of Sweden a Folk Church.The investigation shows, among other things, that the Sweden Democrats? view of the Church of Sweden is similar to the thoughts of Eklund but they differ in their lack of references to theology. The investigation also shows that Christianity serves as an important marker for the Sweden Democrats in creating a Swedish identity. .

Du vet ju vad vårt styrdokument säger... : En essä om det mätbara och det svårmätbara lärandet i förskolan

My essay begins with two stories showing two different perspectives when looking at learning in preschool. These two different learning styles I have chosen to call, the measurable and the difficult to measure learning. As a pedagogue I am involved in both events. In these events I describe how different we pedagogues interpret our governing documents on children's learning. By describing how the educational activities are designed differently in the two events, I try to highlight the pedagogues views on learning in preschool.

"Var är Emma!?" : En essä om integrering av barn med problematik i skolan

This essay contains two stories that reflect the reality I face as an educator, as well as a reflective discussion about my self-perceived dilemma. The dilemma reflects a classroom situation where I as an educator have trouble dividing my focus, my focus is either put on entire the class or on the child with special needs. Through this self-perceived situation I have started to question how children with special needs find their place in the school today. I discuss how I can handle and look at the unique situation that occurs when meeting this child.Terms like integration, inclusion, segregation, social rights and the expression "a school for everyone" will be discussed in this text, as well as how we can connect these terms and expressions to the problems I find in the school system?s way of handling children with special needs.I also highlight my dilemma from different ethical perspective.

Fornstora dagar och framtidens risker : Historiemedvetande och historiebruk kopplat till Sverigedemokraternas principprogram från 2005 och 2011

The subject for this thesis is to analyze the Swedish political the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) through the use of history theories. The purpose is to examine the following two questions:1. what types of history consciousness is present in the source material2. the use of history (historiebruk) shown in the source materialThe source material has consisted two official party publications, Sverigedemokraternas principprogram from 2005 and 2011.The main theoretical frameworks for the analysis has consisted of the typology for use of history as presented by professor Klas-Göran Karlsson together with selected theories connected to history consciousness, not the least the model presented by Bernard Eric Jensen.The result of the analysis shows frequent examples where the use of history and history consciousness is present in the rhetoric used in the source material. By tracing the use back to the theories selected Sverigedemokraterna?s deployment of use of history and history consciousness is interpreted and discussed..

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