

1734 Uppsatser om Occupational performance - Sida 2 av 116

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöregleringen : Med inriktning på arbetsrelaterad stress

This essay focus on work related stress and psychosocial enviroment in working life. The purpose of this study is to present a detailed description of regulation of the the Occupational Safety and Health Act and investigate how well employees are being protected by the law.I will also explain with the help of statistic which employees that most often suffer from work related stress and the results is discussed from a gender perspective.Work related phycosocial health is a big issue in todays workplaces, and people who suffers from stress are supposed to be protecteded by the the Occupational Safety and Health Act, but is that really the truth? The Occupational Safety and Health Act is a frame law, meaning the law is general and needs binding regulations to define the rules, and there is no such act about work related stress at the moment. No employer has ever been convicted for work related stress. At the same time the Occupational Safety and Health Act explains that the employer has a responsibility to take arrangement to prevent mental illness in working life.It?s mostly women who suffer from work related stress.

Markberedning med traktorgrävare, prestation och kostnad

This study investigated the performance and cost of scarification with a tractormounted excavator. Due to variations in terrain conditions the performance variedbetween 0.08 and 0.11 ha/E15h and, with a machine cost of 366 SEK/h, the cost ofscarification varied between 3 330 and 4 750 SEK/ha..

Aktivitetsutförande och livskvalitet hos anhöriga till personer med demenssjukdom

Syftet med denna kvantitativa enkätstudie var att studera om skillnader fanns i aktivitetsutförande och livskvalitet hos anhöriga till personer med demenssjukdom, samt om någon skillnad fanns könen emellan. Data samlades in från två enkäter Occupational Gaps Questionnaire (OGQ) om upplevelsen av aktivitetsglapp i dagliga aktiviteter samt Alzheimer´s Carer´s Quality of Life Instrument (ACQLI) om upplevelsen av livskvalitet. Enkätsvaren sammanställdes via SPSS och presenteras med deskriptiv statistik. Resultaten visade att anhöriga upplevde aktivitetsglapp inom de fyra aktivitetsområdena. Flest glapp upplevdes i aktivitetsområdet fritid.

Effektiv prestationsmätning : en studie av prestationsmätning i kund-leverantörsrelationer

Background: Performance measurement as a management control tool has received considerable academic attention. As the number of inter-organisational relationships, such as customer-supplier relationships, increases, there is a new scope for performance measurement as a management control tool. In order for a company to assess the effectiveness of its supplier relationships it has to define, measure and evaluate variables that are critical for the success of the relationship. The role of management control, and thereby of performance measurement, has increasingly been discussed in theory. However, empirical research in this area is still somewhat limited.

Arbetsterapeutstudenters upplevda stress och dess konsekvenser för aktivitetsutförandet

I Sverige ökar stressrelaterade sjukdomar som sjukskrivningsorsak och det blir allt viktigare att satsa på preventiva insatser. Studenter i allmänhet, och däribland arbetsterapeutstudenter, konstateras i tidigare studier vara utsatta för stress. Upplevelse av stress under studietiden samt konsekvenser på aktivitetsutförandet ökar risken för att ta med beteendet in i kommande yrkesliv där arbetsterapeuter träffar patienter med stressrelaterade besvär. Därför är det viktigt att de själva inte har dessa problem. Syftet var att kartlägga om arbetsterapeutstudenter upplever stress i samband med studierna, och i så fall vad som utlöser den samt vilka konsekvenser detta får för aktivitetsutförandet i det dagliga livet.

Bedömningsinstrument användbara för arbetsterapeuter vid bedömning av bostadsanpassning för vuxna med främst fysisk funktionsnedsättning-en litteraturstudie.

SammanfattningSyftet: Att sammanställa vad som fanns beskrivet i vetenskaplig litteratur om bedömningsinstrument som kan användas av arbetsterapeuter för bedömning av behov av bostadsanpassning för vuxna med främst fysiskt funktionsnedsättning. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie med sökning på fyra sökord i sju databaser. För att få ytterligare information om de funna bedömningsinstrumenten gjordes en manuell sökning via artiklarnas referenslistor för att kunna besvara frågeställningarna.  Resultat: Författarna fann sju bedömningsinstrument som bedömde olika aspekter av miljön i relation till person och/eller aktivitet. Inget av bedömningsinstrumenten var avsett att enbart bedöma behovet av bostadsanpassning. Resultatet styrker behovet av bedömningsinstrument som innehåller både observation och självskattningsmoment för att få en helhetsbild av miljöns tillgänglighet och användbarhet. Konklusion:  Arbetsterapeuter som bedömer behovet av bostadsanpassning behöver bedömningsinstrument som mäter både subjektiva och objektiva aspekter av hemmiljö.

Do CEOs Get Paid for Performance?

Agency theory describes the conflict of interest between the principal (stockholders) and the agent (CEO). Aligning the incentives of executives with those of the owners is the most direct way to mitigate the agency problem. If there is no meaningful link between CEO compensation and company performance, it is doubtful that the large sums of assets in public corporations are being managed efficiently. In theory the solution is simple reward the CEO when shareholders wealth increases. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if there is a relationship between company performance and CEO compensation among Swedish companies, in materials and information technology industry.

Arbetsprestation, samarbete och sammanhållning i påfrestande arbetsmiljöer: en fallstudie inom beroendevård

Stress is commonly found in society today. This paper aims to examine how work performance, cooperation and team spirit are maintained in demanding work environments. By studying two departments in a public hospital that practises addiction care, our findings suggest the following: If the experienced stress is mainly connected to challenge stressors, it has a positive effect on work performance. By organising work through mechanistic and organic structure, the handling of qualitative and quantitative stress is facilitated. As a consequence, first and foremost cooperation can be maintained, but also work performance and team spirit.

Do CEOs Get Paid for Performance?

Agency theory describes the conflict of interest between the principal (stockholders) and the agent (CEO). Aligning the incentives of executives with those of the owners is the most direct way to mitigate the agency problem. If there is no meaningful link between CEO compensation and company performance, it is doubtful that the large sums of assets in public corporations are being managed efficiently. In theory the solution is simple reward the CEO when shareholders wealth increases. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if there is a relationship between company performance and CEO compensation among Swedish companies, in materials and information technology industry.

Lönar sig Supply Chain Management för mindre företag?

Purpose - To analyze the relationship between supply chain management maturity, supply chain performance and financial performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME:s).Design/methodology/approach - The data comprises 15 SME:s that participated in a local logistic study in Gävleborgs län. The levels of supply chain mature within these firms were based upon an interview study and the financial performance of the firms was then examined using financial reports-based data.Findings -The results of this study indicate that there is a strong relationship between SCM maturity and SC performance in SMEs, some relationships between SCM maturity and financial performance, as well as some relationships between SC performance and financial performance. This means that if firms use maturity indicators in the SCOR areas to improve their processes, they will most likely achieve a positive effect on supply chain performance and probably also on financial performance. The result implies that the supply chain maturities in these firms are higher than expected with no one at the adHoc level.While this study is based on a rather small number of participating firms, it would be valuable to further test the significance of the indicated correlations between SCM maturity and performance in a large-scale survey.Research limitations/Implications - The research is an attempt to understand supply chain maturity and it´s implication on financial performance. Developing supply chain maturity is an opportunity for a company to gain superior performance.

Förändring av verkstadslayout på Munters AB

The Energy Performance Certification in Sweden was developed as a tool to achieve the Government's target to reduce Sweden's energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020. The Energy Performance Certificate has previously received some criticism for not fulfilling its purpose. Questions that formed the basis for this report is how the energy performance certification provides support to buyers of single-family houses and if the energy performance improved in terms of reliability. The report begins with a background description that describes how the energy declaration works and some of the findings of previous evaluations and surveys. A survey to investigate the broker's position to energy performance have been conducted as well as interviews with buyers and sellers of houses. An investigation whether the energy performance can vary between different calculation programs, depending on various assumptions made by the energy declarant, has been made.Brokers and sellers have proved negative attitudes towards energy performance, particularly brokers.

Värdering av prestation och riskbeteende i ung ålder : Finns det ett samband?

This paper is a study how students at a high school in Falun, Sweden, estimates theirperformance in an upcoming math test which is then compared with the actual grade thestudent performed. The students who participated also answered questions related to ?risksituations? to examine whether there is a correlation between how students estimate theirperformance in the context and their risk behavior, and if the students act like economicmodels assume. In agreement with previous studies, the boys in the survey tended to beoverconfident in their performance. The girls in the study were neither over- norunderconfident in her performance and no significant difference in the estimation of one'sperformance between the sexes could be proven.

Vertikalarmering i tegelbalkar ur arbetsmiljöperspektiv

Statistics of occupational injuries show that bricklayers are among the most exposed, with heavy lifting by far the most common cause of long-term sick leave. Prefabricated brick beams create yet another risk of injuries that can be prevented by auxiliary equipment or alternative solutions. From articles, interviews with masons and from a survey carried out in conjunction with this report, it appears that there are frequently difficulties in the use of available means for lifting and handling. Previous studies on the subject of transverse reinforcement in masonry beams indicate a viable method for bridging large openings in masonry walls. This bachelor thesis delves into whether the idea could be realized in today's brick construction with a view to improving occupational health and safety.

Ägarskap och kontroll i ett Joint Venture : En metaanalys av ägarskapets och kontrollens betydelse för utfallet av ett Joint Venture-samarbete

 Den här studien integrerar tidigare litteratur om Internationella Joint Ventures (IJV) som belyst variablerna ägarskap/kontroll, trust och performance och undersöker deras samexisterande betydelse för ett bra presterande IJV. Uppsatsen är utformad som en metaanalys som kombinerar kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier och ämnar se huruvida ägarskap/kontroll har betydelse för ett IJVs performance. Detta genom att studera dess indirekta påverkan genom variabeln trust. Resultatet av studien visar att ägarskap/kontroll och trust influerar varandra i ett IJV samt att trust påverkar ett IJVs performance. Slutsatsen blir därmed att ägarskap/kontroll får en indirekt betydande roll för ett IJVs performance..

Hur påverkar rörelse barns prestation i skolan?   How does movement affect children?s performance in school? : How does movement affect children?s performance in school?

This report is a qualitative interview study which central content enlightens how movement and sports effects children?s performance in school. With the help of five different teachers in three different schools questions like; how does movement effect the performance of children in school? Have been answered.Lots of research and litterateur shows that children is doing better physical and mental, the concentration level is improved and the performance in school is better when exposed to more movement, also there are less conflicts and the students gets better motor skills.Comparison with the ?Bunkefloproject? has been done, which was a project in the south of Sweden where they let the children have physical education every day and then they examined how this effected their performance in school. With this basis this report will examine the teachers view on the subject.The result shows that the teachers think that there should be more movement in the daily schedule for the children because they seam to be more happy and concentrates better after movement.

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