

503 Uppsatser om Objectives 1 and 2 - Sida 29 av 34

Om du lyssnar på mig kanske jag lär mig något! : En essä om relationers betydelse för barnets lärande på förskolan

The purpose of this essay is to explore how educators are supposed to prioritize their work at the preschool so that all children are listened to and the conditions necessary for kids to dare to express their feelings and thoughts are in place. How is the relationship important for the child's learning? How do I become a committed educator who knows how to interpret and prioritize my work so it benefits children's learning? I am developing these questions in two parts in my following text. Firstly I am writing about why it is important that we who work as pedagogues meet the child on the child?s own terms.

Identifiering av områden med risk för fosforförluster genom ytavrinning : metodutveckling med GIS

The eutrophication of lakes and seas with the algal bloom and deficiency inoxygen that follow, has been given priority by the Swedish government as oneof 16 environmental objectives. The purpose of this project was to develop a toolbased on a simple model, limited amount of data and geographic informationsystem (GIS) to identify areas with risk for phosphorus losses due to surfacerunoff. This tool can act as a decision support to decide where appropriatemeasures should be applied with the aim of reducing phosphorus losses and bythat the eutrophication.The method that has been used is a combination of two models, one calculatingthe potential erosion while the other one identifies areas of erosion (net erosion)or deposition. This ability is of great importance because potential erosionshould be calculated on areas with net erosion. Areas with high potential erosionhave an increased risk for phosphorus losses due to surface runoff.The potential erosion was calculated based on factors which describe how topography(LS), land use (C), soil type (K) and precipitation (R) effect the erosion.All of them have been modified to a greater or lesser extent.

Samspel, etablering och koppling mellan naturgas och biogas

Sweden has a natural gas grid extending along the west coast, from Trelleborg to Stenungsund. There are also several smaller local networks where a planned natural gas pipeline from Skutskär to Hofors prompted the need for a comprehensive study. This study examines the linkages that exist in terms of technology and market of natural gas and biogas in Sweden. Sweden has set high targets for the future with ambition to become independent of coal and oil as energy sources. Since 1985, a part of the solution has been import of Danish natural gas.

Effekter av funktionell träning och medicinbollkast för att optimera kinematic sequence och x-factor stretch i golfsvingen

The interest for functional strength training in golf has grown the last decade and scientists are always trying to find training stategies to improve the biomechanical aspects of the swing. Kinematic sequence contains a proximal-to-distal sequence order towards impact, and an effective kinematic sequence in the down swing begins with a rotation in the pelvis and follows by an activation in thorax, arms and club in the respective order. The rotational torques in the proximal segments wanders through the body and to the more distal segments to create an effective energy ? and power transfer at impact. The x-factor stretch is the seperation between the rotation in the pelvis and the thorax at the top of the back swing and at the beginning of the down swing.

Kvalitetssäkring av hushållsnära avloppsfraktioner : vad kräver livsmedelsbranschen?

On-site sewage systems are common on the countryside of Sweden with approximately one million on-site systems installed. Due to insufficient function, these contribute significantly to the total discharge of phosphorus to rivers and lakes, causing eutrophication. In order to reduce eutrophication and to fulfil one of the environmental quality objectives, the decision was taken by the Swedish Government in 2005 that 60 % of phosphorous in sewage sludge is to be recycled to arable land before 2015. To make recycling a reality, new solutions have to be found. Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) takes an active interest in this issue and has initiated this study. One problem is that the food industry is sceptical towards recirculation due to the risks that products from sewage systems may contain pathogens, heavy metals and unwanted chemical compounds, e.g.

The Swedish liming operation : a study about liming officers opinions about some aspects regarding ecology, economy and organization

This is a study about the Swedish liming operation and the Swedish liming officer?s opinions of some aspects regarding ecology, economy and organization. The study objectives was motivated due to the recent changes in manuals for the assessment of limed waters and the suggested changes in decision making and decreased budget for liming. Moreover the anthropogenic acidification effects on the ecology are in many ways complex. Furthermore it was made in order to gain knowledge about the liming officer?s opinions in order to improve the ability to meet their needs regarding the assessment tools and also to investigate if other things can be improved concerning the liming operation.

Undersökning av förekomst av okända virus hos svenska fjällrävar med encefalit :

The artic fox is under threat of extermination in Europe. The population decreased strongly at the beginning of the twentieth century because of intensive hunting. The artic fox was placed under protection by law 1928 in Sweden but despite this the population has had difficultly to recover. This can depend on several reasons, but the main threats are shortage of food and competition from the red fox. Along with Norway and Finland, Sweden has carried out a project called SEFALO (Saving the Endangered Fennoscandian Alopex lagopus), whose objectives were to prevent continued decreased populationnumbers and through, for example supplementary feeding, help the population to recover.

Bogsår hos digivande suggor: inverkan av strategisk halmning och hull

The objectives of this experimental study were to investigate if a strategic method to supply loose housed sows with large quantities of straw 2 days before expected farrowing and if the sow?s body condition had any effect on the occurrence of shoulder lesions 5 weeks after farrowing. Data came from a study conducted on four commercial piglet-producing farms in southwest Sweden between March and December 2009. At each farm one batch of sows was followed during two consecutive lactations. The sows were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups and the sows that remained in the batch during the second lactation switched treatment group.

Mikroproducenternas påverkan på Elinorr

The Swedish energy system will be influenced by many future changes, such as energy and climate policy objectives. The installation of more renewable electricity could increase by using solar energy. Over the recent years, grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems have increased dramatically in Sweden, partly due to various support systems and compensation models. These support systems have been designed to make it easy for individuals and businesses to invest in self-generated electricity and thus contribute to the transformation of the energy system.The introduction of a higher proportion of solar energy may in turn affect the Swedish electricity system. This could mean that the electricity companies will be facing a number of changes in the near future.

Analys av framtidens system för hantering av avloppsvatten och matavfall i Eskilstuna

Wastewater treatment is increasingly controlled by the Swedish environmental quality objectives, adopted by the Swedish parliament. There is a need for a sewage system that can fulfill stringent requirements concerning the environment, recycling and resource use and hygiene. Additional environmental aspects in recent years are the impact of climate change, new knowledge about the effects of pharmaceuticals in water, the need for improved wastewater treatment and increased recycling of nutrients to agriculture. This report has, from a future scenario of the year 2050, analyzed seven different systems for wastewater treatment and treatment of compostable biowaste from households in Eskilstuna. A future scenario was chosen based on that within a forty year period new challenges may arise which can result in higher demands on sewage treatment than those we see today. Another reason why the future scenario was established is that changes in wastewater treatment systems are slow to establish. The analysis is mainly focused on the economical aspects but environmental aspects such as emissions to receiving waters and potential recycling of plant nutrients has also been evaluated briefly.

Nationellt miljökvalitetsmål på lokal nivå : en fallstudie av arbetet med miljökvalitetsmålet Ett rikt odlingslandskap i Lunds kommun

Several thousand years of human impact on the landscape in the form of cultivation is the reason to many nature- and culture values in the agricultural landscape today. Intensification and rationalization has led to vast monocultures and has forced many farms to close down. These trends have increased in the last years and constitute great threats to the values of the cultivation landscape. The purpose with the environmental objective A varied agricultural landscape is to protect these values. The environmental action plan of the municipality of Lund (LundaEko) 2006-2012 is built on the 16 national environmental objectives. The purpose with this paper is to put together material that the municipality of Lund can use in their work with modifying the local intermediate goals for the environmental objective A varied cultural landscape. The overall issue for this paper is ?What has happened with the state of the cultivation landscape in the municipality of Lund since LundaEko was approved in 2006?? The paper seeks to portrait the current conditions of the following fields: meadows and pastures, organic farming, exploitation threats to agricultural land, landscape elements with cultural values and species that are threatened.

Den komplexa styrningen : En studie om styrning vid Linköpings Universitet

Bakgrund och problem: Det finns mycket litteratur skrivet kring styrning i privat verksamhet, dock glöms den offentliga sektorn ofta bort, trots att styrning krävs även i dessa verksamheter. I denna studie kommer att fokuseras kring styrning i den offentliga sektorn och närmare bestämt i den akademiska världen. Anställda inom akademin värderar ofta friheten att själva kunna organisera sitt arbete högt, vilken kan hämmas av de finansiella begränsningar som dessa organisationer innehar. Här har strategin en viktig uppgift i att visa för de anställda i vilken riktning de ska sträva och få dem att fokusera på rätt saker. Vi ser att de finansiella begränsningarna kan hämma de anställdas frihet och på så vis påverka motivationen negativt.

Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.

Bildandet av naturreservat : uppföljning och klimatanpassning

AbstractWe are facing a century of rapid change in climate, with significant challenges in managing the impact of changes in living conditions for plants and animals. We can already see the responses of species through changes in phenology and spatial distribution, which may change ecosystem structure and function, with subsequent effect on ecosystem services and biological diversity. In Sweden, between 2005 and 2010, the red-listed species has increased by 13 % and similar trends can be seen across the world, making it difficult to attain national and international environmental objectives of preserving biodiversity. One way to reduce the loss of biodiversity is to protect nature from exploitation by allocating valuable areas as nature reserves, but climate change affects protected areas just as much as other landscapes and therefore requires elaborate systems of protection to facilitate species' survival. The paper has examined  how the decisions and management plans for nature reserves in Sweden have been followed-up and whether they are climate adapted or not by examining 30 nature reserves, classified as newly formed (2012), recently revised (2009-2011) and older (1977-2007) reserves, and assessed what is in the decisions and management plans for follow-up, revision, long-term goals and documentation.

Demokrati i nätverk : eller att shoppa demokrati

Abstract D Level Essay in Political Science, Spring Semester 2010 by Sangrid von Zedtwitz-Liebenstein. Tutor: Malin Stegmann McCallion. ?Democratic Accountability in Networks? The aim of this study is to highlight the problem of the democratic deficit in the private-public partnerships in Sweden. This is a comparative case study with four ideal types.

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