

503 Uppsatser om Objectives 1 and 2 - Sida 22 av 34

Twittrande bibliotekarier: informationshantering 2.0?

The present study is embedded in the research field of Personal Information Management (PIM) and its goal is to contribute to this research area by showing information management aspects in untraditional contexts, as in the social networking site Twitter. The aim and purpose of this two year's master thesis was to investigate the beha-viour of librarians within the context of Twitter. The objectives of this thesis focus on the query of the informa-tion management aspect of Twitter, and on the investigation into whether Twitter offers the possibility to reach a state of flow while using it, as well as inquiring into the relationship between Mihaly Csikszentmihalyis flow theory and PIM. The theoretical framework of this thesis is centred upon the flow theory and the conditions that are necessary to reach a state of flow. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis a directed content analysis is applied as an investigative method, where its in-depth research aspects will be applied upon the empirical material, which contains 429 tweets.

Miljömålstyrd tillsyn på kommunal nivå : En intervjustudie om några kommuners erfarenheter

Sveriges 16 miljökvalitetsmål utgör ett politiskt handlingsprogram för att nå en ekologisk hållbar utveckling och Miljöbalken utgör de rättsliga verktygen för att nå dessa miljökvalitetsmål. Miljöbalkens tillämpning i praktiken övervakas av tillsynsmyndigheterna. Naturvårdsverkets projekt Tillsyn och Miljömål (TIM) skapade år 2003 en modell för tillsynsplanering som är styrd av miljökvalitetsmålen, dvs. miljömålstyrd tillsyn.Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur miljömålstyrd tillsyn fungerar i praktiken på kommunal nivå. För att uppfylla syftet har ett antal frågeställningar formulerats kring implementeringen av miljömålen i tillsynsplaneringen, arbetssättet med målstyrd tillsyn, fördelar och nackdelar med TIM-modellen, dess utvecklingsbehov och framtida miljötillsyn samt det miljörättsliga perspektivet på miljömålstyrd tillsyn.

Kraven på ägare till minireningsverk skiljer sig åt mellan olika kommuner

Discharge of inadequately treated waste water containing nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen as well as organic matter and bacteria is associated with a risk of eutrophication and contamination. The Swedish government has decided upon several Environmental Quality Objectives aiming to reduce the emissions of nutrients to water bodies.In Sweden, there are between 675 000 to 1 000 000 on-site sewage systems. Recent studies have shown that the function of small sewage treatment plants is in many cases insufficient. To prevent this regular service and supervision by a professional is needed. The focus of this study are small sewage treatment plants which use a technique where mechanical, chemical and/or biological reduction of pollutants is being used in the same facility to reduce nutrients in household wastewater.The aim of the study is to investigate how different municipalities ensure that small sewage treatment plants fulfill the requirements and reduce pollutants as efficient as the manufacturers claim.

Är det tillåtet att försämra vattenstatus? : Om Sveriges rättsliga genomförande av miljömålen i EU:s vattendirektiv

The pupose of this study is to qualitatively study how teachers at a high school work with the schools demokratic mission under the management by objectives and what the policy document says and how the students can partcipate in different issues. My question fomulations are: What does it say in the governing documents about schools democratic mission and student influence? How do teachers concretely work to implement the values of democracy and student influence? How can the class councils used as part of the school's democratic mission? The theoretical frame of the study is about the school democracy mission and the possibilities and limits.  Futhermore a brief review of the fundamental values of the school are presented, followed by how the democratic process works.I used the qualitative analysis in order to find a lot of information about a small amount. Its strength is to convey a lot of information about a small number of observations and if the material is small in size.

Vad gör biblioteken på Facebook och Twitter? En studie av fyra folkbiblioteks användande av sociala nätverk

The aim of this Master thesis is to describe why and how public librariesuse the social networks Facebook and Twitter. The focus is to study whatbrought about their use, how the work is carried out, ideas and objectivesbehind the use and what libraries actually convey on the networks. Themethodology is twofold: semi-structured interviews with responsiblepersonnel at four Swedish public libraries, and an ethnographic contentanalysis of four months of the libraries' status updates and tweets onFacebook and Twitter. The theoretical framework consists of a model forthe roles of the public library in society, and of discourses about thepublic library in media.Results indicate that social networks are used to market, make accessibleand inform of the library's resources and services. Furthermore, networksare used to communicate/interact with followers and to inspire people toread.

Polismans laga befogenhet att skjuta : förhållandet till tredje man i teorin och i praktiken

This study aims to develop knowledge of different professional groups and their views on inclusion and collaboration concerning "students in difficulty." Through qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey, the researcher sought answers to this and also how inclusion, through collaboration between different professional groups, can develop in school.The results of the study have been analyzed according by Nilholms (2007) three different perspectives on special education: The critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective. The results were also analyzed based on Ahlberg's (2013) communicative ? relationship perspective.The result shows that the concept of inclusion is not clearly defined either in the governing documents or among the interviewees. This makes it difficult to speak the same language in school, which complicates the work of inclusion. Since the governing documents are unclear and somewhat contradictory when dealing with "students in difficulty" educators are put in a dilemma.

Dublin Core i praktiken: En undersökning av hur Dublin Core används inom fem svenska söktjänster

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the metadata format Dublin Core is applied within five Swedish search engines. The objects of the investigation are Rättskällan, studera.nu, Svenska miljönätet, Svesök and the web catalogue of Uppsala University. Dublin Core is a flexible and adjustable format, which can be used in many different ways and in various projects depending on the target groups and objectives of the activity. We compare the differences and similarities between the five search engines concerning their usage of metadata in general and Dublin Core in particular. The material of the investigation consists of metadata records, which are collected by a robot and examined manually.

Talboksskifte med DAISY som mål en kvalitativ undersökning av sex folkbibliotek

The Swedish government has made the decision to transform the talking book system from an analogue system to a digital system called DAISY by the end of 2004. The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how public libraries are affected by this system change. This is carried out by studying the current situation in public libraries concerning the transition to DAISY. This qualitative oriented study is primarily based on interviews with four librarians and three library managers at six public libraries. Management by objectives is here seen as a suitably theoretical framework since public municipal libraries are partly regulated by the governments goals and laws.

Omorientering och förändring Den ryska utrikespolitiska doktrinen under Vladimir Putin

AbstractThis thesis analyzes the Russian Foreign Policy Doctrine from a broad theoretical perspective, with the aim of describing and explaining the doctrine using a number of theoretical approaches. Russia's foreign policy has undergone substantial changes since Vladimir Putin became president in the year 2000, involving a radical shift in foreign policy objectives and thereby moving away from the more confrontational and distrusting policies which characterized the Boris Jeltsin regime. Putins doctrine, based on pragmatism and seeking partnership and collaboration with the West, can be described as a near revolutionary re-orientation of Russia's foreign policy guidelines, meaning a transformation of the country's self image which implies a rejection of great power status and a search for a new role in the international community.Our thesis has examined explanatory variables such as the domestic political situation in Russia, the contemporary international system and President Vladimir Putins system of beliefs in order to describe and explain the doctrine. Our results show that the doctrine is largely a product of Putins personality, values and beliefs, but also to a large extent a consequence of necessities, namely the poor Russian economy and the fact that the country no longer can withstand an all out conflict with the West involving an excessive arms race.Keywords: Vladimir Putin, pragmatism, realism, domestic politics, radical change..

?En dag är aldrig en annan lik? : En studie om Arbetsforum Sydost i Rågsved

This paper is a case study of a local labour market project. The aim of the study is to investigate the staff?s way of working with unemployed people, receiving social assistance, in order to reduce the payment of social assistance in four adjacent city districts of Stockholm. Other objectives of the study are to investigate which criteria the staff uses when selecting participants for the project, in which way the participants? background affects the measures taken by the staff and how the staff experiences working as part of a project.

Ekonomisk planering i svenska elitidrottsfo?reningar

Background: Overweight and obesity has become an increasing health issue around the world, which leads to an increase of cardiovascular diseases. The reason for this is a lack of physical activity in combination with an overconsumption of unhealthy food. In the primary healthcare is the ordination of physical activity on prescription offered as a treatment, which is an important health preventive action. When clients get physical activity on prescription they are given the opportunity to receive health counseling as a way to motivate a change in an unhealthy way of living.Objectives: This study aim to examine the experience of the health counseling of individuals with overweight related problems, in combination with the prescription of physical activity.Method: Qualitative interviews were chosen as method. Nine individuals participated in the study, seven females and two males, who had been to health counseling at Friskvården in Värmland.

Att uppfylla miljökvalitetsmålen, ett omöjligt mål? : Styrmedel och hinder på vägen för att nå målen Begränsad klimatpåverkan, Bara naturlig försurning, och Skyddande ozonskikt

Purpose: The purpose is to examine more closely why the achievement of the environmental goals is so low. To within the thesis work to make this as interesting and with as good quality as possible, especially the environmental quality goal Reduced climate impact, but also Natural acidification and Protective ozone layer, has been chosen to be studied further. Method: A qualitative method and text analysis has been applied. Intervention theory, as Vedung 2009 describes, is used as an intellectual backbone and as a help to structure the essay. The three environmental quality goals correspond cases, or units of analysis. Analysis: The fulfillment of the respective environmental quality goals is analyzed according to its goal, policy instruments, implementation and its effects. To this some of the problems are analyzed that exist on the path to achieve the goals.

Synen på bibliotek förändras inte på en dag : En utvärdering av klusterkampanjen "Den digitalt nyfikne" på ett folkbibliotek

This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology.

Ungdom och inflytande en diskussion om hur ungdomar upplever sina möjligheter till makt och inflytande i samhället

The purpose of this master's thesis is to discuss how young people view their possibilities of exercising power and influence in Swedish society and politics. To accomplish this we have used several different sorts of relevant material. As an introduction, we review the development of the Swedish research concerning youths, with focus on the development in the last two decades of the twentieth century. We continue with a study of important Swedish youth-political documents, especially of the Government Bill På ungdomars villkor: Ungdomspolitik för demokrati, rättvisa och framtidstro On the terms of the youth: Youth-policy promoting democracy, justice and hopes for the future. The Bill is the foundation of a new youth-policy in Sweden.

Effektivisering : En utredning om åtgärder på en industrifastighet

AbstractDelta Terminal owns an outdated industrial building which they now rent out to businesses. This property currently has a high energy con-sumption and therfore it is desirable to improve the efficiency. In ordet to reduce the energy consumption within the industrial building enve-lope, the heating systems and lighting are being investegated. A good building envelope emits less heat and thus reduces the energy consump-tion. An energy audit is a tool used to determine the energy loss.

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