

503 Uppsatser om Objectives 1 and 2 - Sida 17 av 34

Organisationsförändring vid implementering av ett affärssystem : Den upplevda förändringen av arbetsroller och styrning hos de anställda på Lantmännen Cerealia Uppsala

När en organisation väljer att implementera ett affärssystem, leder det till en stor teknologisk förändring, men även en stor organisationsförändring. Det faller sig då naturligt att implementeringen kommer att ge intryck på organisationens övriga verksamhet. Uppsatsen redogör för om och hur de anställda i en organisation, som implementerat ett affärssystem, upplever förändring i sina arbetsroller samt i organisationens styrning. Arbetsroller inkluderar både de anställdas arbetsuppgifter samt deras relationer till kollegor. En fallstudie har gjorts på Lantmännen Cerealia Uppsala, där detta undersökts ur ett lednings- och avdelningsperspektiv.

Linné hemvård : En grafisk profil till ett nystartat företag

The purpose of this work is to develop and test a design process where quick decisions and model building has a prominent role. The goal is to develop a number of products and build prototypes to be shown during the Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies spring exhibition 2012. I?m also writing a report describing my work.To reach my goal I have each day during the first phase conducted a short research and found a concept based on that days name day. Then I have continued in the workshop and worked with three-dimensional models.

Manuell kontanthantering i begränsad omfattning : Strategi och styrning på funktionsnivå inom bankbranschen

In today?s ever-evolving society the use of cash is replaced by digital services in the banking sector. Some local banks restrict manual cash handling while others remove it completely. This essay examines how management accounting is affected by restricted cash handling. The theory clarifies that management accounting strategies create guidelines and provides specific framework for employees and managers in the organization.

Förändringen som kom av sig: En fallstudie av kommunikationens roll i en förändringsprocess

This study takes place within a publicly owned art producing organization and dwells on the problems of a change process that the organization was involved in. Both leaders and staff were disappointed by the way the change process had developed. The management team explained the outcome by referring to the uniqueness of working with artists who constantly put their own personal objectives before the benefit of the whole. The aim of this study is to find a complementary explanation to the one the management team provided us with; an explanation that can help in the understanding of the dynamics of a change process. Can perhaps theories on information, communication and change processes give an alternative explanation to why the change process faltered? To investigate this, we have used a qualitative single case study.

Hur svårt kan det va´? : Från formuleringsnivå via transformeringsnivå till realiseringsnivå i ämnet Dansgestaltning på gymnasiet

This report is a hermeneutic analytical study of a practical pedagogical situation. For three occasions I observed my own practice as a dance teacher and how a moment, choreographic approach in the governing documents for upper secondary school GY11 was executed in a group of dance students. The part is formulated in the course objectives for the courses on the arts program under the topic Dansgestaltning with focus on choreographic approach. The study is based on a socio-cultural thinking but also takes into account the prevailing gender theories and focuses on how the process of formulation level, through the transformation level is portrayed in the realization level of the dance regarding choreographic approach. The study illustrates educational research from both a dance perspective and a school development perspective.

"Läsuppgifter i matematiken, det mest faktaintensiva språk du kan tänka dig" : En intervjustudie om undervisning av grundskoleelever med matematiksvårigheter

The aim of this study was to investigate which factors teachers and special needs education teachers view as being the main causes of mathematical learning difficulties and from these choose how to educate pupils with these difficulties. The aim was also to investigate how this education is organised at two different schools. An interview based investigation addressed these objectives by using three comprehensive questions:Which factors do the teachers and special needs teachers view as being the main reasons for mathematical learning difficulties?How do teachers and special needs teachers educate pupils with mathematical learning difficulties?How is the education organised for pupils with mathematical learning difficulties at two different schools?This study is based on four interviews of three teachers and one special needs teacher. The people interviewed work at two different primary schools in the same local authority.

En studie av begreppet uppfyllelseort i artikel 5 (1) b i Bryssel I-förordningen

The courts international juristiction within the European union is regulated by the Brussels I Regulation. Article 2.1 of the Brussels I Regulation contains the fundamental provision. According to this Article the plaintiff shall submit an action where the defandent is domiciled. The Regulation provides exemptions to the this provision in Article 2.1.The court of the international case can also be determined according to Article 5 (1) of the Brussels I Regulation. This Article contains an alternative to the general provision within Article 2.1.

INTERAKTION I EN VIRTUELL GRUPP : gapet i det normbildande ramverket

The existence of social networks on the Internet is today seen as broad, and the number of users of the network is increasing. There seems to be many reasons to which people are using the social networks. Within the network, users can for various reasons create groups with different objectives. One of the reasons is that groups are created in order to influence a company. With a perceived feeling that companies handle the problem differently, we assume the source is the uncertainty about what the groups really are.

Vårdpersonals upplevelser av att vårda personer med demenssjukdom och BPSD.

AbstractIn this study eight caregivers, all with long experience from working in nursing homes for people with dementia, were interviewed.  The aim of the study was to describe the caregiver?s experiences in caring for people with dementia and Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia disorder. Data were processed by qualitative, inductive, content analysis. The results were presented in four categories: To connect, Two days are never the same, Being calm and giving time and All are needed. The result showed that caregivers met a variety of difficult and varied tasks in nursing.

Skillnader mellan katalogiseringsregler för ljudupptagningar: En fråga om syften och principer?

The aim of this thesis is to describe and compare the cataloguing rules for sound recordings: the rules used by a specialised archive and common libraries respectively. We will put the rules in relation to purposes (the objectives of a bibliographic system) and principles (directives that guide the construction of a bibliographic language). The first question to be answered is in which way the set of rules used by a specialised archive differ from the one used by common libraries. The second question examines if and how the differences can be derived from purposes and principles. The sets of rules studied are KRS (chapter 6) and the Swedish version of the IASA Cataloguing Rules (1999), worked out by the National Archive of Sound and Moving Images (SLBA).

Asfaltsvägen kom till Pajala. : Framtidens intåg i Populärmusik från Vittula.

Followers of three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are waiting for the Messiah. Muslims are even waiting for aspiritual leader al-Mahdi. Two different persons claimed the title of al-Mahdi, at the end of the nineteenth century. Theyappeared almost at the same time, at the totally different places of the earth, with a completely different message and underthe rule of the British colonial power. The aim of the study is to compare the both religious figures, Mirza Ghulam Ahmadfrom India and Muhammad Ahmad from Sudan regarding their different messages, to illustrate the social, political andreligious factors that lead to the entirely different profile and image of these two men and how their organizations havedeveloped after their death up till today.

Hur kan bra bli ännu bättre? : Hur lärare jobbar med att leda och motivera högpresterande elever.

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how teachers work to lead and motivate high-performing students, and how these students were defined. The method used was qualitative, more specifically an interview, which was then analyzed with a thematic analysis. Six teachers participated in the survey, and what emerged was that high-performing students were often ambitious, structured and social students. High performing students were also characterized by the fact that they needed challenges, attention and positive feedback on their performances, otherwise they ran a risk of not performing. Structure was also important for the teachers themselves, that they had a goal when teaching and a way of achieving that goal.

Al-Mahdi - Gestalt och budskap : En litteraturstudie jämförande sudanesisk Mahdi och indisk Mahdi inom islam

Followers of three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are waiting for the Messiah. Muslims are even waiting for aspiritual leader al-Mahdi. Two different persons claimed the title of al-Mahdi, at the end of the nineteenth century. Theyappeared almost at the same time, at the totally different places of the earth, with a completely different message and underthe rule of the British colonial power. The aim of the study is to compare the both religious figures, Mirza Ghulam Ahmadfrom India and Muhammad Ahmad from Sudan regarding their different messages, to illustrate the social, political andreligious factors that lead to the entirely different profile and image of these two men and how their organizations havedeveloped after their death up till today.

NGO:s för hivpositiva i Tanzania och Uganda- Politiska aktörer?

Uganda and Tanzania are two countries severely affected by HIV/AIDS. Hence, there are a numbers of associations for PLHA there. In "Global transformations. Politics, economics and culture", Held, Mc Greew, Goldblatt and Perrton focuses None Governmental Organizations as important actors in the globalized world of today, with increased opportunities to influence and affect the politics. The aim of this paper is to investigate the opportunities for associations for PLHA in Tanzania and Uganda to affect in the national level of politics.

Att skapa oral history : En undersökning av samtidsdokumentation i tre statliga kulturarvsarkiv

This study aims to examine how heritage archives in Sweden create oral history by the conduction of interviews. Though previous research have shown that this is a task suitable for archives, there have been a lack of knowledge of how this is actually beeing done. Also, oral history have not earlier been studied in relation to the archives larger objectives. The heritage institutions that have been examined are Sjöhistoriska museet, Visarkivet and Dialekt- och folkminnesarkivet I Uppsala. They are all part of public authoritys and use oral history to create more pluralistic and diverse archive collections.

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