

12769 Uppsatser om Object-based 3D model - Sida 10 av 852

Analys, modellering och återskapande av fordonsdynamiska rörelser i tåg

The purpose of this thesis was to analyse, model and finally generate dynamic vehicular motions in a train. The objective with the analysis was to find important motions for a realistic train experience. The motions from the analysis were then weighted against possibilities for generation in a motion platform.A dynamic motion model was created to model the selected motions. The model was implemented in a simulation environment, more specifically MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation environment was used to simulate the model and to generate outputs to control a motion platform.

Att vara eller inte vara med : en studie av kommuners virtuella deltagande

In today's society, the internet is an important part of everyday life. Over recent years the number of electronic services has increased markedly. Communities such as Facebook, consume more of people's time than 5-10 years ago. How can public authorities benefit from these communities or are the municipalities not ready for this? The municipalities determine how their resources should be allocated based on the municipality's needs.

Modellbaserad ekoföljning i vätskefyllda tankar

This thesis discusses model based tracking of radar echoes in tanks with liquid content. The errors in the measurements are not always random in these cases, and the interference that occurs when nearby echoes moves in relation to each other makes tracking difficult. The tracking problem can be broken down to four parts; track initiation, track destruction, association of the measured echoes to the tracks and to update the tracks with the associated echoes. The radar measurement is primarily made on the surface. However, additional echoes from the tank floor or other structures and double bounces are normally present.

Skolan som demokratiprojekt

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if the school's democracy project is successful. The objective is examined in relation to two specific questions. The first question is whether students, after completing their studies in civics A, understand the relationship between the concepts of human rights and democracy. The second is if the students understood the concepts of practical significance and impact on society and the individual. Variation theory comes from the phenomenographic theories and is central to this work. The approach to learning, in this essay, is a change in how a person experiences, understands or perceives a phenomenon. Variation theory focuses on a learning object and contextualization sees as crucial to how the individual perceives the object.The study is based on a quantitative research method in the form of a survey at a secondary school. A number of students may respond to valuation questions about how they perceive democracy and human rights in practical situations. The results are related to curriculum goals.The results of the study is not positive in relation to curriculum objectives, where many students respond negatively to questions..

Affärsmodeller inom E-commerce : ? Hur lyckas man som småföretagare på Internet

To start a company on the Internet is something that has appealed a lot of people during the last couple of years. Some of the companies have succeeded in their struggle but a lot of companies have failed to live out their ambition. This paper deals with the concept of e-commerce and aims to study whether or not the companies that has succeeded has made use of business models and what other factors that is important that you wont find in any written theory.The paper also aims to study the concept of business models and what a business model consists of. To be able to do this research we have interviewed three different companies that are all active in e-commerce and have survived for at least three years. Two of the companies are classical web shops that sell products to their customers and the last one is a site with articles about hardware and IT business in general.

Multipel regressionsanalys av variabler som paverkar BNP

In this report a model was constructed in order to determine how a number of covariates influence the gross domestic product, GDP. The covariates were chosen depending on their expected influence on GDP, for example education and life expectancy. The data used in this report are collected from the World Bank. The model to describe GDP has been calculated using multiple line arregression. In order to reach a reliable final model the number of covariates has been gradually decreased to eliminate insignificant covariates.

Marknadsföringsbegrepp i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie om tillämpningen av priming, upplevelserummet och relationsmarknadsföring i fallet HV71

The study is based on the pragmatic question whether one can apply the theoretical perspectives priming, experience space and relationship marketing in a practical context. The authors visualize how these concepts appear practical and what advantages and disadvantages can be discerned in the particular case of HV71. The method used is a hypothetico-deductive approach, which is not entirely conventional in the humanistic and social scientific context. Consequently, it has been proven to be particularly suitable as it could expose the theoretical perspectives for a difficult scientific test.The result of the study demonstrated that a marketer could benefit from using the theoretical perspectives when exercising the profession. It also showed that the object of study applied these perspectives.

Klient-server och Peer-to-Peer applikationer : En prestandajämförelse

An increasing number of applications are becoming more or less network based today.The traditional architecture for network based applications is client-server, but as usageof download services are going up, so is the Peer-to-Peer architecture. This report is acomparison between the Peer-to-Peer and client-server model, and can serve as a basiswhen a decision between them needs to be taken. In the report, the performancebetween the different architectures is compared in different contexts. Our basis is ageneral implementation of both architectures in a test that is derived from a previousreport. On top of this, the performance of the different architectures are measured,implemented in a gaming-context.

Analysmodellen ? verktyget för revisorers oberoende

Aim: The analysis model was introduced after several audit-scandals in order to enhance the confidence in the auditors? independence. Our purpose with this essay is to find out if the auditors experience that the stakeholders? confidence in their review of the financial information has increased as a result of the analysis model. We also strive to describe the function of the analysis model in order to give the reader a deeper understanding in this subject.Method: The scientific approch we have used in this essay is a qualitative survey method, in order to find out the auditors opinion and attitude regarding the analysis model and whether the stakeholders? confidence in the financial information has increased as a result of its introduction.

Problem vid beslagtagande av egendom

This thesis takes its starting point in the 27 Chapter 1, section 1 of the Swedish code of judicial procedure, where the following is found:?objects reasonably presumed important to a criminal investigation or taken from a person through a criminal act or subject to criminal forfeiture may be seized?In this thesis we have investigated what kinds of problems occur when the seized object is part of an investigation of IT-related criminality. We have used methodological investigations of Swedish laws, legal usage, and the preliminary work with laws. Further have three interviews been made with different actors affected by or involved in seize of objects. These persons were a police officer, a public prosecutor, and a person whose object has been seized.The result we present is that there exist three kinds of problems related to objects that are seized within the demarcation of this study.

För sakens skull : Det omöjliga mötet i Rut Hillarps roman Sindhia - en lacansk läsning

This essay examines the love affair between the two main characters of Rut Hillarp?s novel Sindhia. It draws attention to the schism between the Surrealist version of love as an extatic-religious fusion of the sexes ? that in a way marks the relationship ? and the yet remarkable coolness between the two lovers.With the theories of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, I will show how the man and the woman project their unrealistic individual fantasies on each other, thus rendering impossible the Surrealist Meeting, with its road to an absolute reality. The Surrealist "l?amour fou", I will argue, is trapped in the ritualized "l?amor interruptus"; a lacanian term for a certain kind of love that wishes to conceal the fact that desire will never find its object.

Dimensionering av industrilager för biobränsle :

The aim of this study was to develop a simple model for calculating stock costs for bio fuel at Billerud Karlsborg and subsequently recommending a suitable stock level of bio fuel. The stock components considered in the model are GROT (branches and tops), bark, dry wood chips, raw wood chips from barking and sawdust. The calculations are based on a probability distribution of historical deviations between ordered and delivered volumes. The model presents two different ways to manage the supply in case of irregular deliveries. The first way is to stock enough volume to cover the deviations and the second way is to compensate with a quick purchase from the spot market (at extra high purchase prices).

Entity Framework 4.0, enutvärdering av ett ORMramverk

När man kombinerar ett objektorienterat programmeringsspråk och en relationsdatabas uppstår en del problem för utvecklare eftersom objektorienterade programmeringsspråk och relationsdatabaser har olika fokus, objektorienterade programmeringsspråk fokuserar på att avbilda verkliga objekt och relationsdatabaser fokuserar på data. De problem som uppstår kallas med ett samlingsnamn för object-relational mismatch. Det finns flertalet ramverk för att hantera dessa problem. Ett av dem är Entity Framework.Syftet med detta projekt var att utvärdera hur utvecklare tycker att Entity Framework fungerar för att lösa problematiken runt object-relational mismatch, hur det är för utvecklare att lära sig använda Entity Framework samt hur tillgången på inlärningsmaterial är.Under vår studie har vi lärt oss använda Entity Framework samtidigt som vi gjort en studie av tillgången på inlärningsmaterial. Vi har också byggt om en applikation så att den använder Entity Framework.

Damaged Goods : Med fokus på emotionell kommunikation

How can the object based art help us, as viewers and as makers, to access a supplanted emotional state?One way of positioning yourself within the corpus-field is to step outside the traditional borders of the field and aim for other values within the objects, such as a visible working process, a storytelling or an emotional relationship to the object.  It is a way of taking a step from the traditional silversmithing towards some kind of free undefined corpus-art.  To reach for suppressed feelings is one way to find an importance within the artistic work, to give it a purpose.By investigating the concept of the sublime and the surrealist movement I try to find examples on how you, both as a viewer and as a maker, can put yourself in an emotional/intuitive state.  Through interviews with Jewellery and corpus artists I get a maker?s perspective which I compare with my own reactions to their work.Works of art can be used as a catalyst to reach, and maybe also to process, unattended feelings. This creates a strong emotional connection to the work.  As a maker you can, for example, do this by working with it as a theme, or by using an intuitive working method.

Den "perfekta" chefen; En studie om fem anställdas perspektiv på chefsrollen

Abstract Thou there are much written about management, are there, according to Mintzberg no simple definitions regarding how managers should operate towards other co-workers or employees. This essay outlines a perspective for study of managers, from an employees point of view. The study was preformed at one private company, and the empirical data was gathered from five employees. The methodological approach contained qualitative methods based on semi-structured interviews. By using this method, a deeper understanding regarding the questions was desired.

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