180 Uppsatser om Novels - Sida 9 av 12
Bilden av mannen i svensk kriminallitteratur
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the image of the man in Swedish crime fiction. Gender theory based uponRobert W. Connell theoretical framework which discusses masculinities in plural is used. The method used is idea analysis and my supply for analyse is constructed on thebasis of Connell?s four ideal types regarding masculinity.The material in the investigation comprises of five Novels published in Sweden 2007.The investigation reveals the complexity in forming masculinities; traditional male values remain mostly intact, but at the same time men must deal with emotions andrelations with women in a world where the male norm often is questioned.
En dag i Ivan Denisovitjs liv : Mottagandet av Solzjenitsyns debutroman i svenska tidningar
AbstractThe main purpose of the essay is to describe the reception of Alexander Solzhenitsyn?s debut novel One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962) in Swedish newspapers. The reception itself comprises the 1963?s Swedish reviewers opinions on the novel as to how it was controversial or not and the literary quality of the novel and Solzhenitsyn?s writing. In the analysis, seventeen reviews from seventeen different newspapers is included, studied and compared.
En bra bok Några komvuxelevers synpunkter på böcker och läsning
This study is based on 26 essays about A Good Book, written by as many participants inSwedish classes in secondary education for adults. The object is to analyse the students'views on fiction and reading: What books they prefer, but also why and how they read.Objectivity and subjectivity in literary criticism is also discussed.Most favoured author both among men and women is Stephen King. The majority of thebooks mentioned are translated from English. The women also read historical and psychological Novels while the men prefer fantasy. The question whether a book is goodor not is in the students' opinion only a matter of taste.
Tillbaka till framtiden : Förhållningssätt till framtiden och stadsbilder i 1900-talets science fiction-litteratur
The purpose of this paper is to develop an idea about geography in literature and through the study of science fiction literature examine the ?future city?. With the perspective that the city is a social construction and through the use of discourse theory, I have tried to emphasize how the future city is a representation of cultural discourses and in what way geography in literature can be used to increase our understanding of urban places. My intention with this paper has also been to find a way to connect the fictional future city with today?s urban planning discussion about the future city.
Expanderande universum : Den amerikanska serieindustrins superhjälteuniversum och islam.
This study examines how the American comic book industry?s output is addressing the issue of Islam and in which manner the portrayal of Islam in the great American comic book universes have changed since 2001. The comic books are examined from the postcolonial perspective as formulated by Chandra Mohanty and the power and resistance-perspective as formulated by Michel Foucault. Examination of the comic books reveals far greater focus on universal values, orthopraxy and inclusive perspectives than it does on dogmatic teachings, orthodoxy and sectarianism while at the same time partly relying on generalizations and archetypes concerning Islam. To change the power balance requires what I call intervention from the objective, that is to say that ambiguity regarding Muslim characters has to be eliminated by the narrative.
Litteraturrecensioner i Expressen och BLM 1964-2004 : En studie av genreförändringar i två skilda pressorgan
The aim of this study is to describe how reviews of literature in Bonniers litterära magasin and Expressen changed during the period 1964-2004. The investigation is based on 20 reviews of Novels and short stories, which are analysed with a method described in Hellspong and Ledin (1997) and inspired by Halliday. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on critical discourse analysis (Fairclough 1992 & 2001) and Habermas´social theory of the public sphere.The investigation shows, among other things, that the reviews became shorter and easier to read in both paper during the period. The investigation also shows that the genre´s style, composition and contents are relatively stable, and that current ideologies in society have a tendency to be reflected in the reviewers´evaluation of the books. To generalize, the reviews thus developed from a poetic genre in 1964, to become political in the 1970s, academic in the 1980s, feminist in the 1990s and finally an intermedial genre in 2004..
Finnes: flata. Sökes: information. Om lesbiska, informationsbehov och ämnesbestämning av skönlitteratur.
The aim of this Masters thesis is, partly, to examine the information needs of lesbians: what discernable information needs they have, how they seek information and which information sources they use. The purpose is also to examine what part fiction plays regarding the information needs mentioned above and how fiction indexing could improve retrieval. The study is conducted through ten qualitative interviews with lesbians as well as through textual analysis. The theoretical framework includes queer theory and theory concerning information needs and uses. The results indicate that lesbians have evident information needs that mostly concern identity.
Har ni någon bra kärleksroman? : en studie av indexering av skönlitteratur vid stadsbiblioteken i Malmö och Mölndal
Har ni någon bra kärleksroman? : en studie av indexering av skönlitteratur vid stadsbiblioteken i Malmö och Mölndal. Have you got a good love story? : a study of fiction indexing at the public libraries of Malmö and Mölndal.The thesis analyses interviews with users of two Swedish public libraries to find aspectsof fiction important to users and consequently to be considered when indexing fiction.Descriptions of a novel by 50 users at each library are compared to the index terms usedfor these Novels. For the analysis, the authors propose a model of their own based onAnnelise Mark Pejtesen's AMP system for fiction indexing.
Vilken roman ska jag välja? : - en studie av tre gymnasieelevers val och läsning av skönlitteratur
Den här uppsatsen behandlar kommats användning vid satsgränser i två kontexter: mellan samordnade huvudsatser och vid adverbialbisatser i huvudsats. Syftet är att kartlägga bruket genom att registrera frekvensen av komma, brukets förhållande till ett antal relevanta variabler och till etablerade kommateringsregler. Detta har skett genom en kvantitativ analys omfattande sammanlagt 800 fall av nämnda kontexter. Materialet är hämtat från politiskt orienterade bloggar.Resultatet visar att komma använts mellan 61,75 % av huvudsatserna och vid 27,75 % av adverbialbisatserna. Dessutom har samband noterats mellan komma och faktorer som kon-junktion, förekomsten av gemensamma satsdelar, adverbialtyp, bisatsens position och längden hos olika textelement.
Frihetens bakgård en litteratursociologisk studie om självets identitetsvåndor i det senmoderna samhället
This Masters thesis is analysing four Swedish Novels written by first time authors published between 1993-2002. The purpose is to make the fictitious main characters illustrate what conditions and obstacles there can be for the individual of today to create a self-identity. Anthony Giddens ideas about the self in the late modern society are used as a theoretical framework. In the core of Giddens theory is the concept of reflexitivity which means that the self must be constructed in a continuous fashion because the overall conditions in society are subject to constant change. The questions posed in this study are dependable on Giddens in general and the concept of reflexivity in particular.
Det första könet, dess ?Andra? och den tredje världen : västerländsk manlighet i reseskildringar
Travel literature and especially the ?adventure story? has excited young British boys for over two centuries. However, it has also been a vehicle for the assertion of male dominance and European supremacy. The story of a British man who goes to the colonies, performs some test which is essentially a test of his manliness, and whose compulsory victory marks the end of the book, has been a central myth in colonial masculinity.Through looking at three Anglo-Saxon male travel writers from the 20th century, this essay aims to study the different ways in which Western male identity is shaped against an Indian background. The Novels analysed are Topee and Turban or Here and There in India by H.A.
Västerlandets moraliska defekter - sjutton författare skriver om synderna i vår tid
Abstract in EnglishSeventeen students in Creative Writing at the Växjö University who terminated in January 2005 published chosen texts in an anthology by the name Förflyttningar (Movements). The aim of my study is to analyse how they explore and describe our time in the western world. The question is; what is being written now and here?I have chosen as theoretical background the Italian philosopher, Umberto Galimberti, who has made a study of the West from moral and ethical perspective. His conclusion is that we live in a world with seven new sins.
Små brottsoffer : En analys om barns bemästringstrategier av våld
The purpose of this paper is to give a view of how violence and victims has been portrayed in Novels. I have chosen 6 books where the main character is a child who has been exposed to physical, mental and/or sexual violence. I have asked questions to the book and I have tried to find patterns in the child's strategy to cope with violence and how the violence is described. I have also written two chapters about earlier studies of this field and theoretical standpoints. The main perspective I present is the salutogenese perspective and how people create meaningfulness in their lives.The children in the books have different ways to handle their situations.
?En kärlekshistoria vi alla drömmer om?: En analys av chick lit ur ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the gender system is described in chick lit. The analysis is based upon seven chick lit Novels. The primary theoretical point of departure is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory about the gender system, the hierarchical order and the separation of the sexes.
Böcker, bibliotek och beigt : En diskursanalytisk studie om hur bibliotekarien beskrivs i skönlitteraturen
This bachelor thesis explores how librarians are portrayed in fiction literature. The aim is to see how the librarian and their work tasks are described. Our material consists of 12 fiction Novels from the years 2000 to 2012 (with an exception of a book from 1998). We have used discourse analysis in order to examine the picture of the librarian.We have used three major questions: How is the librarian portrayed in our selected fiction literature from year 2000 until today (the beginning of 2013)? How are the librarians profession portrayed in our selected fiction literature? Does our selection of the fiction literature give a positive or negative image of the librarianand how can that affect the view of the profession?Our analysis resulted in the discourses the librarian and literature and the librarian and the library.