

7574 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 46 av 505

Åbo-tryck i Linköping : Beskrivning av finska disserationer från tiden 1642-1827 i Linköping och deras proveniens

In the old university of Turku there were written about 4 400 theses. About 1100 of them havefound their way to Linköping in Sweden. This paper describes these theses, new variants whichwere found and some characteristics of their provenance. They are compared with the largebibliography over theses from Turku by Vallinkoski. A couple of theses with completeinformation which have not been available since 1827 were found.

Att tala med barn om sexuella övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie om att förebygga sexuella övergrepp mot barn

The purpose of this thesis has been to examine preventing child sexual abuse in four elementary schools in Stockholm, Sweden. The study is based on qualitative interviews with school counselors. The aim of this thesis was to find out how and if elementary schools in Sweden work with preventing child sexual abuse. The aim was also to examine how the school counselors reason about the schools efforts to prevent child sexual abuse. Their statements was analysed with Foucault?s theory about sexual history to get a deeper understanding for why people reason the way they do when it comes to issues like this.

Skolan runt läraren : En undersökning av lärares psykosociala arbetsmiljö i en svensk och en nya zeeländsk skola.

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to highlight the organization's importance to teachers' working environment. Through a survey conducted at a primary school in New Zealand and at a primary school in Sweden, teacher perceptions of their psychosocial work environment were compared. This study has answered the questions: ?How does a teacher at a school in New Zealand and at a school in Sweden view their psychosocial work environment from an organizational perspective?? and ?What are the similarities and differences in psychosocial working environment between a school in New Zealand and a school in Sweden?? The results were analyzed based on Karasek and Theorells demands-control-social support model. The study shows that teachers at both schools are experiencing high demands, but that New Zealand teachers are experiencing greater demands.

Metod för kartläggning av lövråvara i Södra Skogs verksamhetsområde

Södra Skog chose in 2011 to convert the saw mill in Traryd to a gradually refined sawmill of hardwood. In 2009, they had also acquired the hardwood sawmill in Djursdala. This was strategically important for Södra's business since the demand for hardwood products has increased. The standing volume of deciduous trees in Sweden is today approximately 524 million m3sk and it has increased rapidly in recent years. However, the deciduous forests are to a large extent located in areas that are set aside for nature conservation and is thus not available to the industry.The goal of this work is to create a simple and reliable method for mapping of deciduous wood volumes in areas where Södra Skog is operating (Götaland excluding Gotland).The material that is used is raster databases with estimated forest attributes (kNN-Sweden), data from National Forest Inventory (NFI) and forest management plans.

I skenet av en lampa - En studie om täljstenslampan utifrån Thulemänniskornas världsbild

Abstract? ?there is no reason?to assume that prehistorians cannot study ancient symbolism and beliefs. The question remains, however, how best to study symbolism within the material confines of archaeological research?(Fogelin 2007:63)With my essay I would like to bring up the meaning of the soapstonelamp for the Thule culture in Greenland. Humans in the arctic area, from the same in the north of Scandinavia to the inuites in Greenland, have a common way of viewing the world that stems from anemismen.

Skatteverkets ställningstagande om kortare avbrott : Rättskällevärdet i förhållande till legalitetspricipen och förutsebarhetens påverkan

Individuals considered as tax residents in Sweden may if they are working abroad for six months alternatively one year be granted a tax exemption concerning the income originating from the work abroad. Short intermissions (kortare avbrott) are permitted without impact on the tax exemption, however this requires that the intermission is not placed in the beginning or in the end and that the stay in Sweden does not exceed 72 days a year. A time limit regarding intermissions in a third country is however not regulated. There-fore the Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket) has published a non binding standpoint which regulates the entire intermission allowed to a maximum of 96 days a year whereof 72 days may be spent in Sweden. The definition is more extensive than earlier and uncer-tainty occurs as to whether the extension contradicts the principle of legality.The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the value of the Swedish tax agency?s stand-point concerning short intermissions.

Betal- och biljettsystem i kollektivtrafik : en kartläggning av aktörer och roller

An Interoperable Fare Management system for public transport has been a struggle for the actors in industry of public transport. A lot of effort has been put into creating a smart card solution that enables the travellers to use the same card for paying and holding the ticket regardless geographical position in Sweden. That project has failed, mostly due to a lack of taking non-technical actors and aspects into consideration during the project process. This thesis highlights the major actors and their responsibilities. The ARKTRANS framework is used as analytical tool to identify different roles. Throughout the thesis a sociotechnical perspective is used. The developed method in this thesis is suitable for mapping of actors and responsibilities in a network surrounding a complex technical system.

Varken bättre eller sämre ? bara annorlunda! : fem kubaner boende i Sverige beskriver sina upplevelser av likheter och skillnader mellan det svenska och kubanska kommunikationsmönstret

The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding and knowledge of how Cubans living in Sweden experience the Swedish pattern of communication in relation to the Cuban. The questions asked by the authors were: Do the Cubans experience any differences or similarities between the Swedish and the Cuban patterns of communication? If that is the case, what are they and how would they describe them? The questions were answered through a qualitative method, based on interviews with five Cubans who were raised in Cuba and are now living in Sweden. Communication Theory has constituted the fundamental theoretical tool of analysis, complemented by Social Psychological Role theory. The results of the study have been analyzed using both phenomenological and hermeneutical methods.

Kommunal självstyrelse - en myt? : En lokalhistorisk studie av Borgviks kommun 1861-1924

The hypothesis of this study is that the local government act in Sweden 1862 was an instrument for the state to keep its´ political influence on the local level. It did not open for local self-government. The swedish historians Dahlkvist and Strandberg description of the Swedish local government act support this hypothesis, as does the analysis of political scientists Pettersson and Söderlind. The general opinion that the local government act opened for local self-government does still exist among many swedish historians.This study had two aims. The first was to investigate the actual extent of self-government in Borgvik, a small municipality in Sweden during the period 1861-1924.

GROT-transport från norra till södra Sverige

The European Council agreed in 2008 on a climate and energy package to combat global warming. This package is valid for each EU member country and means that greenhouse gas emissions must fall by at least 20% and the EU's energy use to 20%, consisting of Renewable Energy in 2020. The Swedish Government has set stringent climate and energy with the intention to set an example for the rest of Europe. For example, renewable energy sources account for at least 50% of energy use and our climate emissions to fall by 40% by 2020. A combination of these goals and a steadily rising oil price has led to an increased demand for wood fuel in the form of such branches and tops.

Välfärdseffekten av en konkurrensutsatt tågmarknad

The aim of this paper is to describe how to measure welfare effect of the deregulation and increased competition of the public transport by railway in Sweden. The paper also includes a numerical example of how to measure the welfare effect. In our study we use public data from SJ regaring quantity and ticket prices for the period 1996 - 2005. We have used equivalent variation, EV, as the method to measure the welfare effect. We demonstrate how to derive the equation to calculate EV by starting with a Marschallian demand function.

Franska dotterbolags etableringar på den svenska marknaden.

Today?s globalisation has opened up borders between countries as can especially be seen with the opening of the European Union. This has increased possibilities of communication and transportation, which has provided companies with greater expansion opportunities throughout the world. However, difficulties may occur when companies choose to establish abroad, for instance when French companies establish in Sweden through subsidiaries, the lack of knowledge and understanding, when it comes to the business culture, customs, and values within the host country, as well as the culture and the structure within the company, may contribute to misunderstandings and inability to work in an amalgamated manner. These barriers are a cause of unsuccessful penetration within foreign markets.

Lagring och transport av sockerlösning : Bakkavör Sweden AB

Allt större och större andel företag väljer att presentera och förmedla varor och tjänster via e-handel. En viktig aspekt vid e-handel är att kunden känner förtroende för e-handelsapplikationen och företaget. Denna rapport redogör för vilken inverkan multimediala inslag har för förtroendet av en e-handelsapplikation, vid initialt användande. En undersökning har genomförts med hjälp av en kooperativ utvärdering av fyra e-handelsapplikationer vilka innehåller olika typer av multimediala inslag har.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att multimediala inslag inverkar positivt på förtroendet för e-handelsapplikationer. Däremot finns indikationer på att för hög grad av multimedialt inslag inverkar negativt på förtroendet för e-handelsapplikationer..

Huset under och i graven : en studie av fenomenet med huskonstruktioner under gravhögar

The aim for this bachelor thesis is to find an answer for the placement of Migration and Vendel period graves on preexisting house constructions in Sweden. The reason behind these graves being built on their respective places will be analyzed, discussed and compared with similar finds in Scandinavia, where a wide contact net had been established during this time. Different kinds of social and religious meanings and functions with the grave mounds will also be taken into consideration during the discussion and analysis. The actual findings in the graves will be not be a part of this thesis, as the aim is to focus more on the grave itself as a cultural and social symbol for the people, and the values it had, during the time period it was built..

Flit, fylleri och förbundsstatspotential : En undersökning av den nyzeeländska Sverigebilden i samband med skandinaviska emigranters ankomst till Wellington år 1871

This Bachelor?s thesis elucidates the subject of Swedish migration to New Zealand in 1871. Drawing on the work of Anthony Grigg, who has assessed the public opinions regarding the arrival of Scandinavians in 1871-1876, this study aims to highlight the image of Sweden and Swedes conveyed in New Zealand at this time. Through a hermeneutic engagement with newspapers of the day, it is concluded that Swedes in general were being portrayed as industrious, thrifty and well suited for the forestry labour expected of them. It is also shown, however, that Swedes and Sweden to a limited extent were being associated with notorious drinking habits and inferior intellectual abilities.

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