

7574 Uppsatser om North Sweden - Sida 38 av 505

Energianvändning i badhus : Simulering och jämförelse av gamla och nya system

Every year new premises are built in Sweden, and even if they are made as energy efficient as possible, this will not reduce the energy demands, but the rate of the increase of the energy use will be reduced. One type of facility in Sweden that is a major energy user is public baths, and this makes public baths an interesting facility to study more closely. There are around 500 public baths in Sweden and about 75 % of those can be seen as older baths with large need of renovation, and they all require a high level of energy efficiency measures. To show how the energy demand increase or decrease depending on the changes chosen to be made, the simulation application IDA Indoor Climate and Energy was used. Simulations were made and compared for several cases, with two extreme cases as starting points.

Eget eller främmande kapital? : Klassificering av kapitalandelslånet mot bakgrund av Skatteverkets rapport Hybridsituationer inom företagssektorn

We want in this paper, by using participant observation and qualitative interviews, comecloser to an understanding of what meaning a language café might have for the peoplewho go there. Many of the visitors are people who recently moved to Sweden and are inthe middle of a process of learning Swedish. We want to get a further insight into howthey feel about their situation and what the social encounters on the language café mightmean to them. The purpose is to examine how this can have significance for the identitydevelopment of the visitors.The result shows that the language café is an important place for the visitors because itis the only place they can go to in order to practice speaking Swedish, which isimportant for them to find their place in Sweden. The language café also fulfils animportant function of a place where the visitors can receive an understanding of theSwedish society and reflect about it, but also a place for self-reflection to see theopportunities in the situations they find themselves in.

"Min kompis Sebastian, som du också känner..." : När den informella podcasten anammas av tidningshusen

2012 was the year when the podcast had a breakthrough in Sweden. As media corporatehouses developed, they adopted new forms to mediate journalistic material, whereas the podcasts was one of them. The podcast has had a rather informal reputation in Sweden in contrary to The United States and Great Britain, where it holds a higher sense of prestige and professionalism. It is therefore relevant to investigate what happens when media corporatehouses i Sweden embraces the podcast through themes such as tabloidization, commercialism, convergence and divergence. We chose to investigate the content of the podcast in the tabloid press Aftonbladet, and in the serious press, Dagens Nyheter.

Parasitering på en expanderande art : har kartfjärilen undkommit sina naturliga fiender?

Warmer climate is a driving factor to species expansion northwards. Expansion to new areas can result in escape from natural enemies, resulting in reduced levels of mortality and thereby potentially increasing the rate of expansion. The most important parasitoid species attacking butterfly larvae belong to the families Tachinidae, Ichneumonidae and Braconidae. The aim of this thesis was to investigate parasitism and difference between populations in established area and newly colonized area for the European map butterfly, Araschnia levana, in order to examine if the butterfly has escaped from some natural enemies. In 1982 the first European map butterfly was observed in Sweden and has now established up to middle Småland.

Den licensierade vargjaktens betydelse för vargstammen

In October 2009, a new decision was made concerning the administration of predators which resulted in a new wolf policy in Sweden. This meant that the wolf population now should be limited to 210 individuals by harvest. The new policy also recognized that the public acceptance of this species must increase and the genetic status improved. In the 17th of December a decision was taken by the Swedish parliament that it should become legal to hunt wolves in Sweden. The wolf hunt resulted in debate on a large scale amongst people, some thought of it as a good decision while others thought it was wrong.

Behovet av en ny kyrkohandbok? En jämförelse mellan tidigare kyrkohandböcker och det nya förslaget 2012

In 2010 the Church of Sweden initiated a project to elaborate a new handbook for church services and church documents. This handbook draft was ready to be tested in 2012. The first Sunday of Advent 2012 the church launched an extensive trial for the draft for the new handbook; this handbook draft will now be tested in a selected variety of Swedish parishes until Judgment Sunday 2013. Upon which the Church of Sweden will evaluate and respond to the comments and reactions from the Swedish congregations in terms of the handbooks proposal. My main goal with this paper is that I?m hoping to be able to examine where the need for a new handbook for church services originates.

Allmän barnvaccination mot humant papillomvirus för flickor, en cost- benefit analys.

Introduction: Every year about 450 women in Sweden are diagnosed with cervical cancer, almost 200 die and thousands undergo surgery because of cell changes in the cervix. A HPV infection can lead to cervical cancer and therefor costs for the society. The implementation of a vaccination program against HPV is a way to avoid these costs. Aim: The study aimed to calculate the economic impact of the HPV- vaccination program for children in Sweden through a cost-benefit analysis. Method: In this analysis, status quo was compared with non-administration of the HPV-vaccine for the selected cohort of ten-years-old girls in Sweden.

Europeisering av nationell bilateral diplomati mellan EU-stater : - en beskrivande fallstudie av Italiens och Sveriges bilaterala diplomatiska förbindelser via ambassaderna

This study aims at examine if an Europeanization is affecting the bilateral diplomatic relation between Sweden and Italy as managed by the national embassies. The questions asked to pursue the aim are; how the bilateral diplomatic work is managed between the countries, are there any signs of Europeanization within this relation or is it still contingent on intergovernmental principles? In this study an analytical model is created and used to analyze how the bilateral diplomacy between Italy and Sweden is managed through the embassies. The discussion on top ?down Europeanization by Tanja Börzel is central to the development of the analytical model.

Fornborgar : en studie med fokus på Hallands fornborgar

This essay concerns the hill forts in Halland. The hill forts in Halland haven?t been archaeologically examined and they haven?t been studied as well as hill forts in other parts of Sweden. The focus of this essay is to determine the use of the hill forts in Halland.  Comparative studies will be made between Halland?s hill forts and the hill forts of Bohuslän and the hill forts of the Eastern part of Sweden.The results of the research have yielded that the hill forts in Halland strongly reminiscent of the hill forts in Bohuslän when it comes to the positioning in the landscape, as well as the general appearance of the hill forts.

Skillnader i upplevelser av tandhygienistutbildningen mellan nyutexaminerade tandhygienister födda utomlands och födda i Sverige - en enkätstudie

The aim of this study was to examine the differences in experience of the dental hygienist education between newly examined dental hygienists born abroad and born in Sweden. A quantitative study was performed. The questionnaire was sent out to all dental hygienist (n=162) examined in Sweden 2006, except newly examined dental hygienists in Karlstad University which is a distance education. The number who answered after the reminder was 102 respondents, 24 born abroad and 78 born in Sweden. The questionnaire contained 20 open and closed questions.

Tjejgäng, finns de? : en kvalitativ studie om tonårstjejers vänskapsrelationer och kamratgrupper i tre Stockholmkommuner

In September of year 2006, a young boy was brutally killed by a girl, age sixteen, in Örebro, Sweden. Girlgangs became a frequent subject in media. Professionals? working with adolescents claims that girlgangs notis an existing phenomena in Sweden as it is in for example in the United States. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if teenage girls in Sweden have a tendency to join gangs as they do in the United States.

Identitet i kris : - identitet och anpassning bland invandrare i Sverige

AbstractWhen immigrants move to Sweden from their native country it is not unusual that they experience some kind of identity crises. Their own experience of their cultural identity can be very problematic and they often lose a part of what they previously saw as their own identity. To handle such crises the immigrants can use different strategies. They can for example accept their disparity, deny it or emphasize it. The aim of this study is to examine how immigrants in Sweden experience that their cultural identity has changed since they moved here from a country that has a culture that is different from the Swedish culture.

Svenska sociala medietjänster : En studie om svenska sociala medietjänsters uppkomst och hur de gynnas av det svenska klimatet

AbstractTitle: Swedish social media services (A study about Swedish social media services birth andhow they benefit from the Swedish climate)Number of pages: 38Author: Robin SchwabeggerTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and Communication Science CPeriod: Fall 2009University: Division of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: To see if the Swedish advantage or interest in developing new social mediaservices and networks has anything to do with our society. With society I mean our culture,attitudes and history. Do people, especially young people, have a more positive attitudetowards the Internet and has the fact that we, as a country, were among the first to use theInternet anything to do with it.Material/Method: Data collected from books, newspapers and articles from several sites onthe internet. I?ll use the information I?ve gathered to try to find an answer to my givenproblems for the paper.

Stafettläkare - Räddaren i Nöden?

During a long period of time, rental doctors have created a vast debate in Sweden. Currently, there is a shortage of doctors working in Sweden and to guarantee the lawful right to healthcare of high quality the counties must hire doctors through employment agencies. There are different opinions about rental doctors, some thinks the temporary employment results in a negative work environment and furthermore puts the patients at risk. Other people consider the Swedish healthcare to not function without rental doctors.  The purpose of this essay is to investigate rental doctors through a legal perspective and how temporary employment actually affects the patients? security and the work environment in Sweden?s healthcare.

Analytisk dimensionering av räddningstjänsten i Skåne Nordväst

This report is a part of the process of enhanced cooperation between fire rescue services in the region of North West Scania. The aim of the report is to study and analyze how the fire rescue service should be structured, in terms of rescue units and personnel, if no account is to be taking to the current organization. Two types of accident are considered in the report, traffic accidents and building fires. These are more affected by decreased response time than other accidents. Several suggested organizations are presented and they are evaluated with the computer program REP.

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