1414 Uppsatser om Nordic Capital - Sida 23 av 95
Idrottsprofilerad utbildning i gymnasieskolan : Lag- och individuella idrottares syn på idrott och utbildning i förhållande till social position och idrottshabitus
The purpose of the study is to illustrate the choices of sports profiled education amongst pupils in the upper secondary school. Special attention is brought to whether there exist any differences between team- and individual competitors in their view on sport and education. One hypothesis that constitutes the base of the study is that pupils from lower social class, in a higher extent, tend to be team competitors and choose sport activities prior education. The result has been interpreted against Bourdieu's cultural sociology, in which the central concepts are habitus and cultural- and economic capital. The method that has been used is quantitative in the form of a questionnaire study which 277 pupils have answered. The result shows that the sportsmen, regardless type of sport, are not influenced by social position regarding choice of education and in their view on education and studies.
Den manuella kontanthanteringen : Beslutet av en oförändrad affärsstrategi
The work aims to problemize and increase the understanding for the new labour market's flexible organising. By using Elias and Scotson's theory, the new organisational form of hiring doctors in healthcare will exemplify the developments taking place with many temporary jobs and how it affects the intrinsic structure of a work to be studied. The essay will focus on examining how the interaction affected between established nurses and new temporary doctors given the new form. How the interaction of the recently established group possesses a higher social-, economic- and cultural capital than the already established working group? The method is a qualitative study with three long and deep semi-structured interviews.
Ett kompatibelt control package? - en fallstudie av Metso Power AB
Bakgrund: Under senare år har många företag valt mer processorienterad inriktning påverksamheten, framförallt i syfte för att förbättra kundvärdet. Många företag har enmer hierarkisk struktur i utgångsläget, vilket innebär att vertikal och horisontellstruktur kombineras. Ett vanligt misstag är då att nya processorienterade styrmedelinförs, utan att existerande vertikalt orienterade styrmedel tas bort. Detta leder tillatt företagets styrmedel sänder ut motstridiga styrsignaler. För att öka företagetsmöjlighet att uppnå uppsatta mål, så krävs det att dess styrmedel är kompatibla.I sämre tider är det vanligt att företag formulerar mål med Net Working Capital somgrund.
Socialt kapital hos Svenska skogsägare : från grannar till sektorsråd
Social capital is a relatively new concept that has received considerable attention in various community branches. The concept relates to people?s contact and relationship with each other, where their social network is seen as a resource. An extensive network of contacts and trust between people often go hand in hand. People with high social capital have high trust in their fellow human beings and vice versa.
Eftersom vi inte väljer våra föräldrar, hur väljer vi då till gymnasiet? : Hur den sociala bakgrunden påverkar niondeklassares val
The social imbalance recruitment has been a current topic for years. Since much research has focused on the higher education's problems with this, this thesis aims to investigate if you are already at the high school choice were influenced by your social background. To get a further dimension to this topic, the French sociologist Bourdieus thoughts on people's possession of, what he calls cultural capital was used, and we made use of it in the sense of parental education. Through a survey conducted in four ninth grades in two municipalities with different characteristics in terms of socio-economic conditions, we asked questions about their choice to high school. What programs did they choose? What factors were important? And which person had influenced them? The results showed a pretty clear dividing line between the pupils who came from homes with strong cultural capital to those who did not in the same sense.
Nord Pools systempris - en studie av prispåverkande faktorer
The intention of this thesis is, from a basic statistical viewpoint, to capture the relationship between the price of electricity and a sample of factors influencing the price. The thesis also aims at investigating whether knowledge about the relationship is useful when investing on Nord Pool. Tested factors are temperature, import, price of emission rights as well as a number of hydrological factors. The investigated period stretches from year 2000 until week 32 year 2007. The relevance of each factor was also evaluated yearly as well as for shorter periods in order to get a more comprehensive view of the relationship.
Internet - riskfaktor eller friskfaktor? En litteraturbaserad studie kring samband mellan internetbruk och psykisk hälsa bland ungdomar
The mental health has during the recent years decreased among Swedish adolescents while theinternet has become a common tool for communication between people. Aim: The overall aim is toidentify the relationship between internet use among adolescents and their mental health. Method:A literature based study within a defined research field. Result: The scientific hypotheses whichexist is based on whether social capital increase or decrease due to internet use. The healthoutcome is positively affected by internet communication, especially for boys and socially anxiousadolescents.
Intellektuellt kapital i årsredovisningar : En studie av redovisningen av intellektuellt kapital
Bakgrund och problem: De senaste åren har det blivit allt större fokus på immateriella tillgångar, specifikt intellektuellt kapital. Problemet är att intellektuellt kapital inte uppfyller alla de kriterier som krävs för att få tas upp som en immateriell tillgång i balansräkningen. Företag måste därför hitta andra vägar att redovisa sitt intellektuella kapital för att bemöta intressenternas informationsbehov samt legitimera sitt börsvärde. Idag sker detta genom frivillig upplysning i årsredovisningen då inget specifikt regelverk finns tillgängligt.Syfte: Syftet är att få kunskap om utvecklingen av redovisat intellektuellt kapital i svenska bolag, samt få kunskap om det finns skillnader mellan tjänsteinriktade bolag och produktionsinriktade bolag.Metod: Med hjälp av datorbaserad innehållsanalys studeras tio bolag på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm för perioden 2008-2012. Sökord har med hjälp av relevant litteratur framtagits och används för att analysera redovisningen av intellektuellt kapital.Resultat & slutsatser: Resultatet visar att det har skett en ökning av redovisningen inom intellektuellt kapital på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm.
Implementeringen av Basel II-regelverket i Sverige : En jämförande studie över svenska storbankers kapitaltäckning
Problem and purpose: The authors were interested in studying how large Swedish banks managed liquidity risks when facing the financial crisis of 2008 and whether the implementation of Basel II framework had an impact on the major Swedish banks' capital adequacy. Furthermore, the authors intend to examine how, based on the analysis of the implementation of Basel II, the introduction of Basel III will affect major Swedish banks' liquidity in the future.Method: The essay is written from a quantitative approach and has a deductive perspective. Data was collected from the annual reports of the selected banks to later use relevant theories to analyze the work.Theory: This part of the essay presents relevant theories, a detailed description of the Basel regulatory framework and its requirements, rules for capital adequacy and to relevant key to achieve the Basel regulatory requirements are considered. Furthermore the authors present criticism of the Basel framework and a summary of the key theoretical points to be used for analyzing empirical data.Empirical: In this chapter the data collected from selected banks is presented and processed.Conclusion: The essay authors present the deficiencies and weaknesses that make the Basel II regulatory framework inadequate for the Swedish financial market. Essay authors also present their opinions regarding how the latest form of the Basel regulations could have a more significant influence on the long-term stability of Swedish banks and how this may increase protection against potential liquidity risks..
Interaktion i flexibla organisationer : En studie kring interaktion mellan etablerade och nyetablerade personalgrupper
The work aims to problemize and increase the understanding for the new labour market's flexible organising. By using Elias and Scotson's theory, the new organisational form of hiring doctors in healthcare will exemplify the developments taking place with many temporary jobs and how it affects the intrinsic structure of a work to be studied. The essay will focus on examining how the interaction affected between established nurses and new temporary doctors given the new form. How the interaction of the recently established group possesses a higher social-, economic- and cultural capital than the already established working group? The method is a qualitative study with three long and deep semi-structured interviews.
Att försvara sitt ursprung - en musikalisk resa i Transsylvanien
Title: Defending one's origin ? a musical journey to Transylvania.A journey to the Transylvanian part of Romania was pursued with the intent to investigate the cultural aspects of the historically and politically rooted set of relations between the Hungarian peaking minority and the majority of the population, the Romanian speaking group. Music pedagogical ambitions within the two cultures were used as reflections of these phenomena. In trying to shed light on my questions and extract the relations between the dominating and the dominated in this specific cultural and social context I have used the central themes of Bourdieu ? capital, habitus and field.
Vad påverkar möjligheterna till en framgångsrik crowdfunding-kampanj?
För entreprenörer som arbetar med projekt i en "start up"- fas kan det vara svårt att lyckas med finansieringen. Detta beror på att det inte finns någon ekonomisk historik att visa upp för finansiärerna. För att lyckas få in tillräckligt med kapital för att kunna finansiera ett projekt kan man vända sig till olika typer av investerare. De vanligaste sättet är att man antingen vänder sig till banker, venture capital-bolag eller affärsänglar. Vad som motiverar dessa aktörer är olika, men det gemensamma för dessa aktörer är att det är svårt att få dem att investera i ett projekt.Under senare tid har det dock skapats ett nytt sätt för entreprenörer att få in kapital till sina projekt.
Omregleringen av det svenska apoteksmonopolet : Finns det teoretiskt och historiskt stöd för att regeringens mål kommer att uppfyllas?
Research Question: Does the pharmacy market seem to change in accordance with the goals stipulated by the government due to the reregulation?This leads to the following sub-questions:Does it seem like the availability of medical drugs for consumers increase?Does it seem like service for consumers get enhanced?Does it seem like the supply of services for consumers increase?Does it seem like the costs of medical drugs are maintained?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate if the trends resulting from the reregulation of the pharmacy monopoly correspond to the goals stipulated by the government.The purpose is furthermore to compare the reregulation of other Swedish markets and the reregulation of the pharmacy market in other Nordic countries in order to heed their lessons.Method: This study uses method triangulation, with a questionnaire directed to pharmacy customers forming the quantitative basis and interviews with specialists regarding the pharmacy market, forming the qualitative. The study also draws heavily on historic data regarding reregulation of Swedish markets and reregulation of the pharmacy market in other Nordic countries.Conclusions:Availability of medical drugs has increased and will presumably continue to do so. Service quality has increased somewhat and will presumably continue to do so.Supply of services has increased and it will presumably continue to do so.The cost of medical drugs will only increase if it is required in order to satisfy the other goals. .
Jämförelse av resultaten på Nordic Stroke Driver Screening Assessment mellan äldre friska individer och äldre individer med stroke.
SammanfattningI dagens samhälle är bilkörning en viktig aktivitet för många individer. Att köra bil påverkar individens möjligheter till meningsfulla aktiviteter och självständighet. Efter att en person har fått en stroke kan personens körkort bli ifrågasatt. Ett vanligt bedömningsinstrument som arbetsterapeuter använder vid bedömning av kognitiv lämplighet inför fortsatt körkortsinnehav är Nordic Stroke Driver Screening Assessment (NorSDSA).Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att jämföra parvisa NorSDSA-bedömningars resultat mellan äldre friska individer och äldre individer med stroke. Sex friska äldre individer matchades med sex äldre individer med stroke avseende ålder och kön.
Axess och feminism : En kritisk granskning blir kritiskt granskad
This essay is about a debate concerning the magazine Axess, feminism and antifeminism - in relation to a issue of Axess called To a new feminism. The theoretical foundation of this essay is Pierre Bourdieu and his field theories. The battles taking place in this particular field concerns the positioning of feminism and antifeminism in the way we culturally interpret these in our society. The essay shows that the magazine Axess (at least in the first edition of 2012) links feminism with a very prominent symbolic capital in a culture context. This discussion can at times seem confusing, and this is probably due to the fact that Bourdieus symbolic capital can be a very abstract concept. The journalist and author Maria Sveland writes about the development of a culture moving towards accepting antifeminism (and also xenophobia). She expresses the opinion that this, to a high degree, is due to actors in the culture domain with a big amount of trust in the public eye has moved towards expressing anti-feministic (and xenophobic) views.