

373 Uppsatser om Newspaper - Sida 1 av 25

Gestaltung ist auch Information : En studie kring layoutens betydelse med Aftonbladet i fokus

In this thesis I'm trying to examine the meaning potential of visual elements and layout in a Swedish Newspaper front page and the same Newspaper's website's start page, drawing on theories about multimodality and social semiotics developed mainly by Theo van Leeuwen and Gunther Kress. The study is focusing on Swedish Newspaper Aftonbladet and the website aftonbladet.se and compares these three different days. In this thesis I also try to examine what the Newspaper communicate about its identity through the different visual components. My conclusion is that visual elements and layout have a great importance regarding what a Newspaper communicate about how the news articles should be read, but what can be said about a company's identity mostly depend on the genre the Newspaper belongs to and how well the reader knows that particular genre..

"Men det är väl en vanesak" : En intervjustudie kring lokaltidningen i läsplattan

The objective of this study was to investigate how the local Newspaper readers felt about reading the local Newspaper in a tablet device, such as the iPad. We wanted to study the attitudes from consumers towards tablets and if the traditional local Newspaper can be substituted with a tablet device. We decided to use qualitative interviews as our method. The selection of respondents was based upon age, whether or not they had a subscription and if they owned a tablet device or not. We accomplished fifteen interviews with respondents living within the area where the Newspapers of Barometern and Oskarshamnstidningen are spread. The study shows that the majority of the respondents who already had a subscription tended to lack interest in changing their traditional Newspaper consumption. Their habits of reading the local news on paper were strong.

Utan papperstidningen saknas existentiella förutsättningar för journalistik på webben : En undersökning av lokala tidningars förutsättningar när de möter utmaningarna från internet

AbstractIn the past decades the Newspaper industry went through many changes but it has never had a problem of this kind. With the freedom the Internet brings us today and the wide range of information channels, the Newspaper is for the first time seriously challenged.When the Newspapers began to establish themselves on the internet they thought it was only to copy the content of the Newspaper on to their webpage and the advertisers would come along. This move was not planed and had no vision. When the advertisers discovered Internets wide range of advertisement platforms they started to look for other places they could put their ads. This thesis is about the local Newspapers ability to address the problem that the internet has created. I based my study on the following issues:Why has internet caused this problem for the Newspapers?What are the prerequisites for local Newspapers when they face challenges from the internet?How have the advertisers acted after the emergence of this challenge?To answer these questions I did qualitative interviews with different personalities within the Newspaper industry, two local Newspaper executives and two professors in media economics. In conclusion the result shows that there are different opinions regarding these questions and different views of how to solve them.

Det papperslösa frukostbordet - En undersökning om den tryckta dagstidningens framtid

As revenues from Newspaper advertising plummet and their readers loyalty erode, the need to understand Newspapers' changing environment and the actors involved in this change is growing in importance. Evidence is the entire industry is entering into a restructuring phase and that this restructuring is driven by the rapid consumer adaption of internet media.In this thesis I elaborate on "how the Internet is affecting the conditions for value creation in printed Newspapers" and "how the Internet is affecting the conditions for other actors involved in the printed Newspaper's value creation". These two questions land us in the bigger question of "Does the Internet act as a compliment or a substitute to the printed Newspaper ".To answer these questions the printed Newspaper is represented as the actor in the middle of content producers, advertisers and consumers. It is in its role as a means of distribution and as a co-ordinating force that we study the value creation of the printed Newspaper. The empirical base of this thesis is a qualitative participant observation where the author during a period of time interacted and collected data from the open discussion in blogs by several of the industry's top influentials combined with material from seminars and reports on the current state of media.

Svensk Dagspress - Dressed for Success? : En kvalitativ undersökning om dagstidningens framtida utveckling i sökandet efter en fungerande affärsmodell

The digitalization of the media industry has involved great changes for the Swedish daily press. Instead of subscribing on a daily Newspaper, more people tend to read Newspaper's free edition online.  The recent recession has contributed to strike hard against the Newspaper's economy. This is the problem our research is based upon. How will the Newspaper develop and which measures have to be done to get a well functioning business model that is suited for future conditions?We have made qualitative interviews with Swedish Newspapers: Göteborgs-Posten, Norrköpingstidningen, Sydsvenskan and with the danish Newspaper Politiken.

?Det är trevligt att bläddra?? : om anledningar till varför man läser papperstidningar

Purpose/Aim: To investigate why people in the age group of 30-40 subscribe to the traditional morning Newspaper even though they can get the same information at a much lower cost from for example TV, the internet or the free daily papers. The aim is to also look at possible future alternatives to the traditional morning Newspaper.Material/Method: Focus group interviews were used to gather the empirical material. These consisted of a total number of twelve people, divided into three groups. The results from the focus group interviews were analysed with help from established uses & gratifications theories and two diffusion theories.Main results: This study shows that people read the traditional morning Newspaper to get a good mixture of entertainment and local, national and global news. It is relaxing to read the newpaper on paper compared to reading it on the internet, mainly because you get a good overview which makes it a lot easier to find exactly want you want to read.

Vetenskapliga tidningsartiklar i klassrummet : En undersökning om lärares användning av tidningsartiklar

This paper presents why and how teachers use Newspaper articles in the classroom when they educate their pupils in chemistry, biology and nature science. All the teachers have worked over 20 years and are, when interviewed, at a Swedish gymnasium in Dalarna. I also have, in a small study, interviewed some of their pupils to get their view about teachers using news paper articles during lessons.The teacher?s use of Newspaper articles in the classroom can be divided in different ways. They can use the articles to illustrate up to date links to everyday life.

Valspurten 2010 i Dagens Nyheter : Politiskt vinklad journalistik på nyhetsplats

This essay speaks about the medial coverage made by the Swedish Newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The periods examined are the two weeks before the election day (5 September ? 19 September 2010). The purpose of our study is to find out if the Newspaper was neutral and did not write in favour of any political party or political block in the newssection. After the elections in Sweden 2010 there have been discussions about the medias in the country being biased, and claims have been made that the news have been written in favour of a certain political party or a bloc.

Reportrars användning av informationsresurser på en svensk dagstidning.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the information needs of reporters at a Swedish daily Newspaper, and see if they are met by the information resources provided by the Newspaper. It examines if there are resources which are not used and why. The examination is based on Henczel?s model for information auditing.

Skandinavien i Yorkshire Herald under det första världskriget

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the occurrence of Scandinavia in the then daily English Newspaper Yorkshire Herald during the First World War. The dissertation looks into what the Yorkshire Herald wrote about Scandinavia in the parts of the Newspaper where the Newspaper´s own opinion was given. This approach is connected to the theoretical idea that the British local and regional press was politically free during the war period. The dissertation also looks into the number of news telegrams etcetera that concerned Scandinavia during the period.The result shows that Scandinavia, both as a whole as well as the three individual countries, was mentioned about 700 times, split over about 600 telegrams and articles, during the examined period stretching from the first of August 1914 to the eleventh of November 1918. Material that gives the Newspaper´s opinion regarding issues concerning Scandinavia can be found six times during the period.

"Den är som morgonkaffet, man måste ha det" : En fallstudie om varfo?r Barometerns la?sare konsumerar en lokal dagstidning

The purpose of this essay is to understand and analyze why people read a local Newspaper and which needs it can fulfill. The Newspaper indistry is changing and so is the way we consume news. Today the readers are seen as an active group of people who choose the media, which fulfills their needs in the best possible way. This essay is based on a case study of the local Newspaper Barometern. We used a qualitative research method and have done eight interviews.

East Side Story, a West Side Story? : En Kritisk Diskursanalys av Afghanistankriget i Västerländsk Nyhetspress

The purpose of the study is to expose how the US Newspaper New York Times and the Swedish Newspaper Dagens Nyheter mediate the war in Afghanistan. Furthermore a comparison is done to map out possible differences and similarities. To fulfill the purpose of the study a critical discourse analysis has been used. The results have shown both differences and similarities between the Newspapers. The main conclusions are tendencies of correspondence with previous research and theoretical base, such as the furtherance of elite sources, the promotion of the national political agenda and the national identity and an obvious construction of us and them..

Varför sprang dina partikamrater med järnrör på stan? : En undersökning av medias gestaltning av Sverigedemokraternas politiska skandal: ?Järnrörsskandalen?

The purpose of this paper is to make a qualitative content analysis. The used articles are taken from the time period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30 and the questions that this paper is based upon are:How do the tabloid Expressen and the morning Newspaper Dagens Nyheter define and diagnose the causes and problems of the iron pipe scandal during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-20?What kind of valuations and solutions does the tabloid Expressen and the morning Newspaper Dagens Nyheter provide of the iron pipe scandal during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30?Does the framing of the iron pipe scandal during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30 differ between the tabloid Expressen and the morning Newspaper Dagens Nyheter?The result of this paper shows that through the tabloid Expressen and the morning Newspaper Dagens Nyheter way of framing the Swedish democrats during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30, the society cannot get another picture of the Swedish Democrats than that they are a right wing populist party..

Bilden av den ostyrige ynglingen i media: en stereotyp?

The purpose of this study was to examine how a local Newspaper, Landskrona Posten, describes the youth that commit crimes. More specifically the aim was to see what kind of discourse the Newspaper had about the young criminal and to see if that picture could create and confirm stereotypes. The theory and method used in the study is a discourse analysis. The study was based on nearly seventy articles that were published in Landskrona Posten in 2006. Three items were identified in the Newspaper's description of the youth.

Hårda män i mörka kostymer : - En bildanalytisk studie med utgångspunkt i genus

The purpose of this study has been to examine how the media presents policymakers from a gender perspective. We have made an analysis on the basis of genderdichotomies. We have studied images from the Swedish Newspaper Svenska Dagbladet as well as the French Newspaper Le Monde in order to achieve a greater understanding in which way the both medias contributes to the reproduction of gender in the media.The conclusion of the study has shown that the gender system is somewhat confirmed by the way in which men and women are presented in the medias. Men are presented with more traditional gender related associations than women who is shown in a more dynamic constellation, this is mostly evident in the Swedish Newspaper Svenska Dagbladet..

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