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Flerkanalspublicering : En kvalitativ undersökning av NTs arbete med att publicera nyheter i flera kanaler.

Title: Multi channel publishing: a qualitative study on how Norrköpings Tidningen publishes news in multiple channelsAuthor: Roland AlbinssonThesis supervisor: Per-Anders ForstorpBackground: In this day and age, the media is omnipresent and a part of our daily life. The phenomenon of media convergence can be traced back to the birth of the internet, and today all of the major newspapers have a website of their own. As a result of multichannel publishing, consumers have a wide range of tv channels to choose from, but there is still uncertainty as to whether more channels automatically equates to more and better news. There is no doubt about the fact that multi channel publishing is a necessary survival skill for media conglomerates today, but effects such as news recycling and the concentration of ownership are in conflict with the consumers? availability demands.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, by means of a case study, describe how NT?s multi channel publishing is an expression of media convergence, as well as to study how the news are affected by multi channel publishing.Research procedure: This study is based on three different research methods, observations, text analyses and qualitative interviews.

Är "no news" verkligen "good news"? : En studie av hur tre svenska webbtidningar rapporterar om fem konflikter och hur teorierna CNN-effekten och Stealth Conflicts kan förklara detta

Is there any truth in the saying ?no news is good news? or is there a reason to question whether media actually do reflect the world?s worst conflicts proportionally? The communication technologies have seen major developments in recent years, and more and more people choose to read their news on the Internet. With smartphones and other devices, one could imagine that there would be easier to cover more conflict areas than ever ? but is this what has happened?In this study we aimed to investigate how three chosen Swedish newspapers reflected five of the on-going conflicts of 2012 and how this can be explained with the theories; the CNN effect and Stealth Conflicts. We started out with studies of the two theories.

Återfall i brott

 Problem   Are there any abnormal changes in the parent company's share price at the news of a spin?off.ObjectiveThe main purpose of the study is to investigate how the news of a spin-off affects the parent company's share price. In other words if the news of the Spin-off gives an abnormal return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the specific period of 1998?2008. In addressing this, the paper will also investigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in the abnormal returns in various sectors and what the reasons to perform a spin?off in the Swedish market are.MethodAn event study in which market data is used to measure specific events? impact on the value of the company and on the effects on the stock market.

Värderingar kring fysiska papper på Södertörns högskola

Problem: This report concerns how the students of Södertörn högskola values physical papers. Even though technology have made it possible to digitalise documents, students today print and copy documents more then ever before. It will examine what the students finds valuable in physical papers and why they choose to print a document they just as well could read and manipulate via a computer.Method: This report consists of an empiric study, in form of a web poll and of a number of interviews. Furthermore earlier studies on the matter will be taking in consideration during the analysis.Results: The study shows that the students of Södertörns högskola values physical papers highly. The students choose to print a document since they find that it is easier to read, to make notes and that a printed document is easier to use on the move, rather then using a computer..

Om papperstidningen försvann hade han fått psykos : En kvalitativ studie om tidningsdöden och unga universitetsstudenters nyhetskonsumtion

This report shows a qualitative study on how six young adults in the ages between 20-30 who are students at Linnaeus University in Kalmar percieve their news consumption habits and their use of news media on digital platforms. The aim of the study is to examine whether the six students feel the strogest connection with the press where they were raised or where they currently live, why they choose to use the media platforms they do and what meaning the use of the media bare to the students. We have seen a lack of information concerning why young people choose to consume news online instead of in printed media.The study is focused on theories concerning what affects people in their choice of media platforms and channels. This report shows that geographic nature, the quality of the content and which political ideology the daily press is founded on does not affect the respondents choice of media. Our study shows that the most important factor for the respondents is that the platform is easily accesssible and flexible.

Leder kritisk publicitet till kritisk publicitet?

Academic research indicates that critical publicity can have a detrimental effect on brand attitudes. The negative effects have been showed to be buffered by cognitive bias elicited by strong favourable attitudes, commitment, brand certainty and brand identification. It has been proposed that the influence of such bias in a news reporting context should be studied, something that also is interesting from a brand perspective. The study therefore investigated whether a well-publicised scandal in one period can lead to increased critical publicity in the coming periods. A case study of Swedish grocery chain ICA was conducted.

Obstinat och rabiat eller lat och flat? : En diskursanalys av medias framställning av socialtjänsten.

The aim of this essay was to deepen the knowledge of how child-protection-work is illustrated by massmedia. The essay takes it stand in discourse analysis to explain what image is displayed of social work concerning child-protection that is published in news media during 2007 in one of Sweden?s most read evening-papers. The result of the study is that social workers involved in child-protection-work often are categorized as either too zealous or too uncommitted, in the media. The result reflected the current discourse concerning how social workers do their duties in the modern society..

Extra! Extra! En studie i urval och nyhetsvärdering av push-notiser

This case study aims to find out whether the promotion of Swedish news through push technology, and the selection process behind it, obeys the traditional criteria of news values.A months-worth of push notifications, sent out by the mobile phone applications of newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Expressen, were analysed through the application of a number of taxonomies meant to determine their newsworthiness.These taxonomies were, however, based on 20th century media, and do not necessarily adapt well to analysis of digital news publication forms. The purpose of this study is therefore to find out which criteria are still relevant to the news selection behind a digitalformat such as push notifications; and which have become obsolete.The basis of this study is the criteria of news values originally designed by Galtung and Ruge in 1965 and revised by Harcup and O?Neill in 2001; as well as the model of assessing front page news proposed by Hvitfelt. The content analysis was conducted in a manner as similar to that of Harcup and O?Neill?s own study as possible, so as to constitute a re-revisal ?revamped for the digital age.Our results show that the criterion of ?frequency? ? that is the conformance between the time-span of an event and the publication frequency of a medium ? has acquired an ambiguous importance.

Lärarna på barrikaderna : En jämförande studie av den socialdemokratiska och borgerliga dagspressens syn på lärarstrejken 1989

1989 there was a big strike among teachers in Sweden. The strike lasted for over five weeks and got a lot of space in the media. In this study the author has focused on the Swedish press opinion about the strike and the striking teachers. The study is comparative one between Non-socialists press and press connected to the Socialists. The author has used a form of qualitative text analysis to examine the data which consists of editorials from six different morning papers.

De olympiska vinterspelen i spalterna : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Sportbladets bevakning av OS i Sotji 2014.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish newspaper Sportbladet watches over the Olympic games in Sotji, 2014. This study aims to find out why certain topics is more popular writing about and why others are not. The study also analyses the news distribution in terms of gender and nationalism.To find answers to this questions, a quantitative content analyses was used.  The results is based on 220 texts collected from eleven days news reporting in Sportbladet. Ice hockey and cross-country skiing was, without a doubt, the most popular sports according to news, interest and reporting. These two sports occupied a great deal of space in the newspaper and also had most articles.Furthermore, this study shows the domination of men amongst news pages according to both space and frequency in Sportbladet during the Olympic games in Sotji. In spite of that fact, women was assigned more space in the news paper throughout the Olympic games compared to the daily reporting.

I en värld av uppköp och fusioner : En studie av personalens upplevelser av integrationsprocessen vid ett företagsuppköp

 Problem   Are there any abnormal changes in the parent company's share price at the news of a spin?off.ObjectiveThe main purpose of the study is to investigate how the news of a spin-off affects the parent company's share price. In other words if the news of the Spin-off gives an abnormal return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the specific period of 1998?2008. In addressing this, the paper will also investigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in the abnormal returns in various sectors and what the reasons to perform a spin?off in the Swedish market are.MethodAn event study in which market data is used to measure specific events? impact on the value of the company and on the effects on the stock market.

Fattar du vad de säger? : En begriplighetsanalytisk jämförelse mellan Ekot och P3 Nyheter

In this study we compare Ekot with P3 Nyheter with a comprehension analytical perspective. The more traditional radio news program Ekot differs from the younger P3 Nyheter in a lot of aspects. One of them is that P3 Nyheter?s primary target group is young people between the ages of 20 to 34. Because of this, P3 Nyheter aim to make their news as adjusted to their young audience as possible.

Lärande i förändringsprocesser : En fallstudie om individers villkor för lärande vid implementeringen av ett nytt affärssystem

 Problem   Are there any abnormal changes in the parent company's share price at the news of a spin?off.ObjectiveThe main purpose of the study is to investigate how the news of a spin-off affects the parent company's share price. In other words if the news of the Spin-off gives an abnormal return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the specific period of 1998?2008. In addressing this, the paper will also investigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in the abnormal returns in various sectors and what the reasons to perform a spin?off in the Swedish market are.MethodAn event study in which market data is used to measure specific events? impact on the value of the company and on the effects on the stock market.

Public service-uppdraget i italiensk television : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Tg1

The main question this bachelor thesis aims to answer is how the public service program Tg1?s news broadcasts may look. The following questions were used to discuss thetendencies of the result: How can the distribution of the news categories appear in Tg1?sbroadcasts? Can the main news be considered as impartial and objective in its linguisticand pictorial representation?To answer the aforementioned question I chose to do a combined study, using aquantitative content analysis and a qualitative content analysis.To lead my research, I focused on two requirements underlined by public servicebroadcasters, namely, objectivity and impartiality, and diversity. The outcome shows thatthe diversity in Tg1?s broadcast is disproportionate and that the pictorial representation isnot impartial and objective without the linguistic part.

Fotboll på sociala medier ? här för att stanna : En undersökning i hur och varför en läsare väljer sin kanal och vad det innebär för sportjournalistiken

Through earlier research it has been established that more and more readers are turning to social media in their search for everyday news. In this report we zoom in on news concerning football and try to find out how readers reason in picking their sources, whether it is social, online or traditional media. By interviewing a group of six, all interested in football and active within social media, we have seen that allthough social media is becoming a major influence in news reporting, it does not seem to be competing with traditional online media. Instead the two are offering the readers very different things all together, and theese differences are what we try to show in this report. Our hope is that the research in sport journalism can be translated in to all kinds of areas and be an indication on how journalism and our society is evolving online..

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