

720 Uppsatser om News papers - Sida 23 av 48

DGPS användning på tröskor och dess olika funktioner :

With the days DGPS-technology can a position of 5 centimetres decides. With this exactly position is the technology very interesting for the agriculture. I think this technology can come more and more in the future. You can also move the fact and information further to the spreader, sprayer and seeders. If the combine is equipped with harvest accounting, can you with help of the system make harvest maps.

Ecklesiologi och arbetsmiljö

Abstract: When playing in teams, communication is important, not just communication with words but also non-verbal communication such as gestures and body languish. The purpose with this study is to see how there is a co-op among communicating players , between leaders and players and to examine what meaning communication and culture got  in a youth team. The ambition with this study was to increase our knowledge about communication and communicationculture in the youth floorball team. This study is qualitative and was inspired by an ethnographical method so we got the information from observations of a youth floorball team, totally we made four observations. The result were analyzed and categorized from our observation papers.

Hur och varför media konstruerar ledarskap - Ett kliv in på redaktionen för att utvärdera tänkbara förklaringsmekanismer

In modern leadership research, leadership is often viewed as a social construction, and under this paradigm various researchers let the media play a central role in constructing leadership. Meanwhile, the question of how the media actors do this is left unanswered. We explore the question of how and why the media construct leadership, from the vantage point of the media actors themselves, and the conditions they work under. Different mechanisms for media construction of leadership are identified in previous research. Through interviews with business journalists at Veckans Affärer, we find recognition for some of the explanatory mechanisms: namely that personification of a CEO facilitates the work of journalists (and sells papers), that personal drama captures reader demand, and that the CEO of a listed company consciously cultivates his or her personal parallel self.

Marknadsföring av fond i Sverige. Om avvägningen mellan effektivitet och konsumentskydd

This paper aims to explore the reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden between 1995 and 2011 regarding Damasio?s books. To analyze the reception, paradigm theories by Kuhn, and Bourdieu?s ideas regarding field, habitus and capital has been used.

Det ekologiska valet : En konsuments väg till val av ekologiska livsmedel

This thesis examines the underlying components that affect consumer behavior regarding organic food. The thesis theoretical framework is based on Ajzen and Fishbein?s The Theory of Reasoned Action combined with theories regarding involvement and routine purchases. The empirical material is based on a desk research with 19 research papers between the years 1994 till 2009 and sales statistics over organic food.  The thesis conclusion shows that the underlying components when looking at attitude towards conventional food are price, taste, expiration-date and healthfulness. While the components for involvement in organic food is the environment, personal health and supply.

Nürnbergsprocessen i svensk press : en studie över tre tidningars ledarsidors rapportering av rättegången i Nürnberg

One of the most well-known trials in history is the one in Nürnberg, Germany, soon after the end of World War II. It is understandable that this caused a lot of discussions and that it was a world known trial which set the standards for a lot of similar occasions later on. The aim of this research is to focus on the opinions about this trial from a perspective of well-known Swedish newspapers. The method is to analyse three big papers with different political views and to see what separated them and what maybe united them. By studying the master-pages of the newspapers a picture is given of how the contemporary time had an understanding for the trial reports, which we in our time have established as facts.

The Podcar Way : hur kan spårtaxi integreras i en urban miljö?

A new system of public transportation that can simplify and shorten the trips made throughout the city, anddo that both cheap and environment-friendly. Sounds like good news. This new system, though, require anall new type of infrastructure, differing from what we are used to see in our cities. Podcar, or PRT, as thesystem is called can become a transport revolution, possibly. If that revolution does happen it is crucial that webeforehand have studied the possible effects it can cause on our city environment, from a spatial point of view.This thesis thoroughly describes the function and essence of the PRT system and presents what is availabletoday and in what forms.

Svart på vitt i sjukvårdsreformens klassresa : En komparativ studie av den amerikanska sjukvårdsreformen i amerikansk respektive svensk dagspress

Motivation: The aim of this study has been to conduct a comparative study concerning how race, ethnicity and class is represented in American contrary to Swedish daily press and from there on to explore and explain similarities and differences that have been found in the material.Problem statement:? How is race, ethnicity and class represented in American contrary Swedish daily press?? What are the similarities and differences between the countries? daily news flow?? What causes the similiarities and differences to achieve their current form?Material: The material which has been the subject of this study consists of eight articles ? four American articles (USA Today) and four Swedish articles (Dagens Nyheter). The material has been elected to meet certain criterias and mainly discusses the effects the health care reform will have on the American population.Approach: The material has been approached by using theories concerned with race, ethnicity, class and framing. The method used to analyze the material was Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).Results: The results shows significant similarities, although mainly differences, between the countries? daily news flow.

Hur används historia? : en historiebruksanalys av gymnasiets läroplan i historia 1970-2011

A new curriculum, entailing news for teachers as well as students, was implemented in 2011. Among other things History has been given a more prominent position in that every student will now study the subject. Can this decision lead to history being used more in the future?The aim of this thesis is to study the new curriculum, Gy11, as well the Lpf94 and Lgy70, based on Klas-Göran Karlsson´s typology where the use of history is divided into seven different categories. I will analyze the curricula, looking at what different uses of history that can be discerned as well as what changes have been made over time.

Synt och sånt : Datorbaserat musikskapande på folkbibliotek, en studie i förutsättningar och praktik

Recent papers and bills from the Swedish Government deal with the possibilities  of giving all Swedish citizens the possibility of their own creative actlvities in the cultural sector. This work is about where such actlvities shall be placed in order to make them obtainable  for all. As an example of creative work this work takes computer-based music-making. At the public library in Odense, Denmark there is a weil functioning sound workshop where the public gets the opportunity of making music with some assistance from the staff. This work shows  that also in Sweden  the public libraries are the most suitable  institutions  for placing studies for computer-based music-making  for the public depending  on the public libraries'  traditions in adult education.

Kampen mellan etablissemang och näthatare - En studie om näthatsdebatten

This essay examines the Swedish debate on Internet hate with focus on theories concerning Internet as a public sphere, sociocultural turbulence and subaltern counterpublics. Examining material fromnewspapers, alternative news media and discussion forums, with an hermeneutical influenced method, the task is to understand the Internet hate debate, and the study wishes to discover its relations to biggercontexts, such as social transformations and power dynamics. The conflict evolves between the establishment (journalists, writers, politicians et cetera) on one part, and Internet ?haters? on the other.The examined theme also shows a conflict where the two combatants show not only two opposite views on what Internet hate is, but also shows two different conceptions of the world..

Trycksaker till Utvecklingshuset och Skönhetsbanken

A number of publications has been produced for two companies in Dalarna, Utvecklingshuset andSkönhetsbanken.Utvecklingshuset is working, among other things, with stressyndroms and by treating crises. Theirpublications consist of a number of product sheets, a folder and a brochure. They want to use the publicationsfor information to their customers.Skönhetsbanken is a beauty saloon who will have a brochure to mediate the services they can offer.Photos have been taken, existing and for this purpose written texts have been used.The softwares Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Adobe Indesign 2.0 have been used for all publications andthe work with producing these has been satisfactory.The effect of a good cooperation with the companies has resulted in that they are pleased with thepublications and feel that they have been part of the end of the results.All of the publications have been or will be printed with digital printing methods, which is the reasonfor the choice of the litterature survey.The survey deals with, among other things, how the digital press works, which papers that are suitable,economic aspects and what a graphic designer should have in mind when it comes to graphic productsthat will be printed with digital printing methods..

Hur främjas läsutveckling? : Fem pedagogers tankar om hur de arbetar för att stödja elevers tidiga läsutveckling

A new curriculum, entailing news for teachers as well as students, was implemented in 2011. Among other things History has been given a more prominent position in that every student will now study the subject. Can this decision lead to history being used more in the future?The aim of this thesis is to study the new curriculum, Gy11, as well the Lpf94 and Lgy70, based on Klas-Göran Karlsson´s typology where the use of history is divided into seven different categories. I will analyze the curricula, looking at what different uses of history that can be discerned as well as what changes have been made over time.

Morgontidningars miljöstrategier : drivkrafter idag och i framtiden

Society?s interest for environmental issues was reinforced in the 1960:s when the book by Rachel Carson, ?Silent Spring?, came out. She described a picture of a world without birds singing and this got the environmental debate going. Today, this debate has reached the corporate world since stakeholders are putting pressure on companies to show greater environmental awareness. Many companies show uncertainty when they are faced with these new market demands.

"Say yes to yes" : en diskursanalytisk studie om medborgarnas roll i EU

The starting point of this thesis is the debate surrounding the two referenda?s in France and the Netherlands in May and June 2005, regarding the proposal of a European constitution. The aim of this study is to analyse how democratic legitimacy and the role of the citizens portrays within the democratic discourse of the European Union. The empirical material is based upon both speeches from the European Commission and news articles from the French newspaper Libération and the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter. Discourse analysis is used as a theoretical frame of reference combined with models of democracy.

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