

1091 Uppsatser om New Economy Firms - Sida 47 av 73

Privatisering av svensk säkerhet : Vilka faktorer driver expansionen av privata säkerhetsföretag?

Sedan kalla krigets slut har en ny typ av aktör dykt upp i internationella konflikter och krig världen över. Denna aktör är privata företag som i dagsläget erbjuder allt från supplementär logistik till att helt ersätta nationella arméer. Utgångspunkten i denna uppsats är att ta reda på vilka faktorer som har skapat en marknad för dessa företag generellt, samt vilka av dessa faktorer som kan förklara framväxten i Sverige specifikt.I uppsatsen undersöks befintlig forskning kring vad som drivit utvecklingen. Därefter kommer befintlig teori att prövas som förklaringsmodell för expansionen i Sverige.Den befintliga teorin som prövats på Sverige består av sju faktorer beskrivandes politiska och samhälleliga förutsättningar vilka förklarar expansionen. Av dessa återfinns samtliga i Sverige, men genom en analys av deras respektive giltighet i svensk kontext uppstår en mer nyanserad bild, där endast fyra av faktorerna är relevanta som förklaringar.

EN KONTINENT I KRIS ? MIGRATION, INTEGRATION OCH INKLUDERING- En j?mf?rande studie av kommissionens handlingsplaner f?r integration i Europa

When migration to a country increases, the integration of the migrants becomes extra important for the host country?s society, economy and culture. In the last decade, Europe has faced several crises, such as the refugee crisis and the covid-19 pandemic, which has affected both migration and integration policy. The challenges that have characterized European society in recent years makes it interesting to study how the measures highlighted by the European Commission to integrate migrants has developed. Therefore, the paper aims to compare the Commission?s action plans for integration published in 2016 and 2020 based on the threat theory and the contact theory to see how both perspectives can contribute to understanding the differences between the years and which theory is best suited to understand the Commission?s current visions of integration.

Entreprenörers förmåga att nå sin målmarknad

The tourism industry is a young industry in Sweden but important for the economy and a large part of the field is mountain tourism. Marketing a place is called destination marketing, which has become a huge phenomenon and an important part of efforts for promotion in the tourism industry. The entrepreneurs in the tourism industry are an important part, as these are a big part of the destination. Their marketing and communication becomes a force to reckon with in order to attract tourists to the area. The purpose of this study is to examine how entrepreneurs through destination marketing reach their target market and with the intention to identify marketing channels that the entrepreneur uses.

Entreprenöriell marknadsföring i entreprenöriella företag : Hur marknadsför och etablerar sig entreprenöriella företag på nya marknader?

Marketing is a broad subject with many different areas. Part of the marketing that has been of great importance is the 4P:s also known as the marketing mix. Marketing mix is included in one of the traditional marketing approaches. In recent years there have been some changes and have begun looking at new ways of looking at marketing. One of the ways is entrepreneurial marketing to the effect that the company tries to use its resources optimally.

Konsten att skapa SinnesEkonomi

Upplevelsens era är här och ställer samtliga aktörer i samhället inför utmaningar. Upplevelsen ska inte längre bara fylla ett funktionellt behov, den ska beröra konsumenten på ett helt annat sätt. Allt i syfte att kunna erbjuda konsumenten en upplevelse utöver det vanliga för att som företag lyckas med att särskilja sig från sina konkurrenter. En strategi för att lyckas med differentiering är att engagera konsumentens sinnen i upplevelsen. Uppsatsen tar utgångspunkt i två teoretiska begrepp: Pine & Gilmore´s (1999) strategimodell, The Experience Realms, och Hulténs m.fl.

Digital delaktighet i Sverige : Om att inkludera alla i framtidens samhälle

Almost all Swedes today have access to the Internet, if not through the home then via the library or work. Despite this, around 20% of the population stand outside the information society in that they lack in knowledge, assistive usability tools or positive attitude towards technology and its influence on society. The main factors influencing the digital divide in today's society are age, disability and education, while the main reason for staying outside seems to be disinterest.The question about digital inclusion is important as we now stand on the breaking-point between a society where the industry has had a prominent position for private as well as national economy and a digital society where access to the Internet is no longer about prestige, but where significant differences between users' knowledge levels can create a power gap. Gaps in access and use not only reflects already existing socio-economic conditions, but can also maintain and enhance these.It is crucial for the future expansion of Internet usage how today's non-users feel about becoming users. To understand what underlies the motivations not to use computers is one of the keys to get non-users to embrace becoming users.

Artisters identitet och image - ett varumärkesperspektiv

Title: Artists? identity and image ? a brand perspective The purpose of this study has been to create an understanding of how artists in the music business can be seen as brands and to see what stands out when having this approach. During the study we have focused on the two terms identity and image. We find this issue interesting and relevant since branding has been widely discussed in business economy, but not enough when it comes to artists in the music business. To answer our research question we have targeted three aims for this essay, which is to clarify and analyze:? Identity and image when people are viewed as brands? What specifically characterizes the image of the artists when they are seen as brands and what it might mean that artists are considered as brands? How artists identity and image can be highlighted, shaped, influenced and how it can changeIn this study we have used a qualitative approach to get the topic in depth and gain a greater understanding for the subject.

Tyck om Hedemora! : en sociotopundersökning för Hedemora stad

Hedemora is the oldest town in Dalarna; traditionally acting as an important junction for trade. Nowadays, the town is suffering from a declining population and a poor economy. Therefore, it is important to explore how to best spend the money needed for Hedemora to become an attractive city once again. "Sociotops" are public spaces that have been evaluated by their users and by city planners, both working together. The result in the sociotop investigation will be used as a basis for city planning and as a foundation for discussing how to make the town a nicer environment. The sociotop investigation attempts to answer the questions: What places are popular and why? And What places are disliked? I approached the questions by using questionnaires, by arranging public walks in the city and by holding group interviews with children, along with my own observations. The information I have gathered is most detailed for children and youth between the ages of seven and twenty years old.

Planering : fallstudie av en mjölkgård

The purpose of this paper is to give examples of different ways of economic planning and calculation within agriculcture. My aim is to use a couple of them as an explanation of a case from reality. My choice went to budgetsimulation and balanced scorecard since those are best suited in this specific case. In the information retrieval I present different instruments of economic planning like theory of cost, budget and productcalculation. The budgetsimulation describes how to use the different methods in a long term economic planning. The balanced scorecard is also a model of longand short-term planning but besides the economy planning it?s also a reminder of your personal goals. In the model I have used a dairyfarm as a case.

Handikappad eller frisk? : - två tidskrifters perspektiv på idrott

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim is to investigate if there are any differences in the reporting from the Olympic games and the Paralympic games, according to different periodicals or magazines, with focus on Paralymics and sports for handicapped. If so, what are those differences?Material/Method: The material consists of two periodicals, or magazines; Svensk idrott which is the official paper for the swedish Riksidrottsförbundet, and Handikappidrott, which is the official paper for the swedish Handikappidrottsförbundet. Articles considering the summer games in 1972 and 1976, 1984, 1996 and 2000 was studied with regard to models developed by Algirdas J. Greimas.

Förändring inom Polisen ? : en fallstudie ur ett medarbetarperspektiv

Background: The Swedish Police authorities have accomplished several changes the last years. We have studied one of these changes, the co-ordination of two supporting functions, economy and staffadministration at the Police authorities in Östergötland, Jönköping, Södermanland and SKL (Swedish crime technical laboratory). The initiative to this change was taken in 2002 and in 2003 a decision was made to create a joint servicecenter.Purpose: The purpose of this rapport is, in a collaborator perspective, to study the employees´ experiences of the change process.Method: The empirical material was collected throw interviews with the employees who have taken part in the change process. Even the leader of the project has been interviewed.Results: We have distinguished five central aspects in the change process. These are information/communication and understanding, the project leader, teamwork, timeaspect/reflexion and the leadership.

Konferera i solen? : En studie kring konsumentval inom konferensbranschen

In today's society, consumers get in touch with hundreds of advertising messages a day from companies. It is up to the consumer to choose the messages they want to listen to and ignore the ones they want. Today, there is an advertising saturation and this has implications for both producers and consumer. Companies must be innovative and come with fresh ideas to get us consumers to pay attention to their particular message.  It is through the marketing that companies have an opportunity to spread their message.

Diversities of Diversities-Fluctuating talk

Title: Diversities of diversity - fluctuating talk, meaning and practice of diversitySeminar date: 06.02.08 Course: Masters thesis in Business Administration, Programme for Managing People, Knowledge and Change, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Authors: Björt Ólafsdóttir & Clarissa Sia Choon YenAdvisors: Mats Alvesson & Susanne LundholmFive key words: Diversity, Discourses, Hypocrisy, Comparison, National contextPurpose: To identify and compare discourses around diversity within two companies operating in two distinct national contexts. One originated from and still situated in Iceland, while the other is a subsidiary for Asia-Pacific market in Singapore with American values from its headquarters in United States. We wish to explore what are the meanings and implications of diversity for the employees of each company, how their discourses on diversity reflect hypocrisy in the organizations and if and how national context has an impact on discourse on diversity.Methodology: Interviews were conducted, transcribed and codified. Comparison and evaluation of the different discourses were examined around diversity and in the talk of interviewees within the two companies.

Digitalisering av kulturarvet En studie av digitalisering vid två museer

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how two separate museums have realised the task of digitizing their collections, as well as to learn what options, possibilities and resources have been available to them during this process. Additionally, the aim here is to find how the two museums have dealt with problems in connection to the digitization projects, since there are as-of-yet no established regulations or standards to guide them in their digitization efforts. However, national and international working groups seeking to establish better collaboration between archives, libraries and museums ALM institutions have recently begun to formulate recommendations and suggested standards. Some of these recommendations have been used here as a theoretical framework in the examination of the two museums. The research questions posed are: What options, possibilities and resources have been available to the museums in their digitization projects, in terms of economy, staff, technical equipment and time?; For what purpose are the museums digitizing their collections?; and How does their purpose influence the process and chosen procedures? Also discussed here is how the museums relate to some of the existing recommendations.

Villkorslös Solidaritet? Om intresseheterogenitet inom Europafacken

This thesis deals with the supranational organization of European trade unions. The European trade union movement is, via its umbrella organization the ETUC, an institutionalized social partner within the European Union. The ETUC is a very diverse organization with great potential of conflicting interest among its members. This thesis therefore seeks to explore the dynamics and interest heterogeneity of the ETUC. Drawing on previous research and literature it formulates a number of hypothesises to test what variables that influence the member organizations policy preferences (i.e.

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