1091 Uppsatser om New Economy Firms - Sida 34 av 73
Tro, hopp och samarbete: en fallstudie av Olofströms mellankommunala samverkan i västra Blekinge
The municipality of Olofström is intensifying the co-operation with Sölvesborg and Karlshamn, the two other municipalities in the west of Blekinge. They co-operate in two local federations and for the moment negotiations are going on about a third local federation in continuation school, but the municipalities do not agree. The aim of this thesis is to examine why Olofström co-operate with Sölvesborg and Karlshamn, if there are any problems and where the limit of this co-operation is. The method in the thesis is qualitative interviews with local politicians and officials and an actor-structure-perspective is used. The result shows that Olofström is a municipality where the population is decreasing, and it has lost state subsidy during the last decade.
Finansiell bootstrapping - alternativ finansiering: survey bland småföretag
Uppsatsen behandlar småföretags användning av finansiella bootstrappingmetoder. Dessa metoder är alternativ finansiering till traditionella externa medel som erbjuds på marknaden, exempelvis bankmedel och riskkapital. De finansiella bootstrappingmetoderna kan härröras till kategorier av resursanskaffning, vilka är marknadsorienterad resursanskaffning (exempelvis erhålla bidrag), internorienterad resursanskaffning (exempelvis hålla inne ägarens lön) och socialorienterad resursanskaffning (exempelvis låna utrustning av affärsbekanta). I teorin beskrivs faktorer som påverkar användningen av finansiella bootstrappingmetoder. Dessa är sammanställda i en analysmodell.
Skogens produktionsvärden och dess betydelse för Sveriges ekonomi
The forest is characterized by many different values such as those related to forest productivity which are of a big importance for Swedish economy. History has proved that forest resources had helped the country in the transition from the agricultural to the industrial society. Today Swedish forest industry is among the strongest in Europe and significantly contributing to the Swedish export. The industry provides many direct and indirect job opportunities and is one of the biggest employers in the industry sector. It is also worth to notice that the forest can also generate an additional income for the owners, even if the forestry isn?t their primary income source.
Läsning för Folket : En studie av utländskt material i en svensk tidskrift
The society of spreading useful knowledge started to sell its magazine Reading for the People (RFP) in 1834. The idea with the society was to, through the magazine that contained useful knowledge, enlighten the Swedish peasantry. RFP contained articles about agricultural and economy for example.My goal with this essay is to investigate how the use of foreign articles in RFP changed over time. I?m also going to present a field and language categorization of the foreign articles and study the articles from Benjamin Franklin and Charles Dickens and investigate what kind of articles they wrote.
Sju kommuners soliditetsutveckling under år 2006 till 2010
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera sju kommuners soliditetsutveckling under 2006 till 2010 samt analysera om ett samband finns mellan låg soliditet och genuin sårbarhet. I uppsatsen används en blandning av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod för att få en djupare förståelse kring kommuners soliditet och dess soliditetsutveckling. Insamlad sekundärdata kommer från böcker, artiklar, uppsatser och lagar. Primärdata samlades in vid en intervju samt genom sju kommuners årsredovisningar.Ett lågt antal invånare i en kommun behöver inte resultera i en låg soliditet. En befolkningsminskning behöver inte leda till en minskad soliditet.
Matvanor och attityder hos högskolestudenter i förhållande till livsmedelsverkets kostråd
The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study which aimed at investigating college students? eating habits in relation to the Swedish food agency dietary recommendations. The likely factors associated with eating habits and attitudes towards dietary recommendations were also investigated. Non probability sampling method was used giving rise to convinient study sample of 51 individuals (41 women and 11 men) ages 19 to 37. The participants were part of four different types of educations, Care and health, Economy, Engineering, computering and societal planning and Culture and media.
Medias bild av socialtjänsten : En kritisk diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar
The purpose of this study was to examine the discourses that can be identified in medias representation of social services. To answer the purpose we made a critical discourse analysis using Faircloughs three-dimensional model. The choice to focus our study on a local newspaper was based on earlier research that found it possible that a local paper has a greater impact on readers than a national newspaper. Readers can more easily connect with what's happening in the immediate environment than what is written nationally. We used articles published in 2013 containing ?social services?.
Photovoltaic installations and land allocation under uncertainty : a real option approach
A real option model is developed to examine the crucial factors affecting the agricultural firms? decision to quit the production and rent out the land to a company building a PV power plant. The public policies in support of investments in renewable energies have created the conditions for a market regarding investments in PV installations in agricultural areas.The decision to switch offers to the agricultural firm and to society several economical, social and environmental benefits, representing sustainability. However, PV installations in agricultural areas require the allocation of a certain land area. By assigning a part of land to PV installations, thereby the area of land allocated to agricultural production decreases.
Från individ till kollektiv och en lärande organisation : En empirisk studie om kunskapshantering
Studien har tagit sin utgångspunkt i det kunskapsintensiva arbetslivet där individen ses som kunskapsbärare. Det blir avgörande för organisationen att ta tillvara på denna kunskap och således ställs kunskapshantering centralt för studien. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur chefer upplever och uttrycker hur individburen kunskap kan komma organisationen till gagn. För kunskapsöverföring, mellan individ och organisation, har forskning betonat vikten av ett kollektivt lärande. Studien utgår därför från ett socialt perspektiv på lärande.Med hjälp av en kvalitativ strategi med semistrukturerade intervjuer inhämtades empirin.
Accepterat pris : En analys av samarbeten inom fastighetsma?klarbranschen och dess prissa?ttning
ABSTRACTTitle:Level:Author:Supervisor:Date:Aim:Method:Accepted price ? An Analysis of Cooperation in the Real Estate Markets and its Pricing.Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationMadeleine Gustafsson and Sofie BillstamJonas Kågström2012 - MayThe aim with this final assignment is to investigate if the introduction and the cooperation of accepted price was necessary to generate a more stable real estate market with marketable listing prices in Stockholm. The introduction of accepted price led to a cooperation with some of the most important real estate firms in Stockholm. This cooperation was opposed by a number of companies on the real estate market. This fact inspired to examine similarities and differences of being and not being part of the cooperation and thereafter comment on the outcome.
Klassifikation på webben
The thesis concerns the use of classification schemes for organising resources in subject-based hierarchical search-services on the web. The aim is to investigate the different kinds of classification that are used, which fall into two groups: established respectively new classification schemes. This is attained by studying literature and the websites of each search-service. The prospects for using classification in a web-environment are discussed and divided into three major groups: browsing, control and cross-classification. One question at issue concerns how an established scheme manages to organise web-resources and whether this classification differs from the classification of new schemes and in what way.
Det civila samhällets roll för demokratin En kvalitativ textanalys av regeringarnas propositioner mellan 2002 och 2008
When Sweden acceded to the European Union in 1995 the term social economy was introduced to the Swedish context, gradually replacing the term civil society. This replacement can be seen as an indicator of a changing meaning of what the concept of civil society used to stand for.The aim of this essay is to study if it is possible to identify changing perceptions of the role of civil society for democracy in Sweden in government bills between 2002 and 2008, and, if so, what effect does this have on the delineation between the civil society and the government.An analytical model is proposed consisting of two dimensions which both capture the roles of civil society for democracy and the model examines how those roles relate to the government.The conclusion is that the government still sees the main function of civil society as a democratic school and a change agent for democracy. However, there is strong evidence to suggest that the civil society is increasingly regarded as more of a welfare producer than a fosterer of democracy..
Utveckling av ett hjälpmedel för träning och utvärdering av förare av tunga fordon
The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate how internal vehicle information inScania buses and trucks can be used for evaluation of driver performance regardingfuel economy, vehicle wear, traffic safety, emissions and cargo damage. To someextent it was examined whether this information could be used for training the driverto a better driving style. In addition, a prototype for such a system was developed.By first defining what distinguishes a talented driver and how he/she differs from apoor driver, followed by a study of the internal vehicle communication, a system thatin real-time gathers and interprets vehicle data could be developed.The resulting system can with reasonably high reliability detect a number of trafficevents (such as braking, lane changing or hilltops). At each such event, the driver?sbehaviour can be evaluated.
Strategisk marknadsföring av produkter av rapsolja :
The background to this study is to find alternative ways of size rationalization. My vision is to
take the basic conditions and make the best and most profitable of them. I have chosen press
of rape oil because it?s interesting and the investment to get started is relative small. The
opportunity to use outmoded and unrational buildings which often are found at many farms to
something that gives money instead of costs money is also an argument.
Telekrigsbibliotek en nationell angelägenhet?
Swedish Armed Forces are according to their development planning process taking actions to establish a new joint unit (SWEWOSE), with electronic warfare capability. SWEWOSÉ S main task will be designated to produce electronic warfare libraries for electronic warfare systems within the armed forces. The unit shall have capability to support with libraries in any state of conflict situation even if the supported unit with library needs conducting operations abroad.This essay examines the requirements that justify the establishment of a new unit in times when the armed forces conducting reorganizations and cutbacks in both economy and personnel.The possibilities to buy complete system solutions from an external supplier are examined. But also what kind of library support model that is to prefer according to the demands that the Swedish Armed Forces desired, in terms of capability in platform protection and battle space awareness.The results show that the demands that the Swedish Armed Forces has decided, best will be ful-filled and justified by a national electronic warfare unit, with library production as a main task..