

351 Uppsatser om Neuropsychiatry diagnosis - Sida 19 av 24

Personalens följsamhet till riktlinjer avseende glukoskontroll postoperativt efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)

 The aim of the study was auditing medical records examine postoperative blood glucose levels after undergoing CABG surgery. Furthermore the aim was to determine if the ward staff abides the local guidelines frame of reference concerning each ward, regarding blood glucose measurements and blood glucose levels. The study included 70 patients undergoing CABG surgery at the cardiothoracic surgery, Uppsala University Hospital. The study was conducted by retrospective medical record auditing. Studied factors were postoperative blood glucose levels, number of registered blood glucose measurements, a current diagnosis of DM and preoperative HbA1c.

Improvement of positive strand assay used in detecting positive and negative RNA of hepatitis E virus

Background: Hepatitis E (HEV) is a small, non-enveloped virus that belongs to the viral genus Hepevirus. HEV is a positive sense single-stranded RNA virus and there is insufficient information regarding its replication. This is mainly because the virus has low capacity to grow in normally used cell cultures. Many specific strand assay detection studies have been done in order to understand more about HEV replication. Unfortunately, these assays have the disadvantage of giving false positive results.Aim: The aim of this project was to improve the positive strand assay to increase specificity and eliminate false positivity which is due to high sensitivity of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Bestämning av utfallet av translokationen t(11;18)(q21;q21) hos patienter med MALT-lymfom genom FISH analys

Lymphoma is a group of malignant tumour diseases developing in the secondary lymphatic system. These diseases can develop in all organs as lymphocytes are ubiquitously in the body. In connection to mucus membranes we find mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT, in which lymphoma can spontaneously but slowly develop, mostly at chronic inflammation or at autoimmune diseases. Today these diseases are incureable with the exception of some cases caused by Helicobacter pylori-infection. Antibiotic treatment of these cases can induce remissions.MALT-lymphomas have characteristic histological and molecular properties.

Kraftig anemi hos tax :

The Clinical Pathology Laboratory at SLU in Uppsala has analysed several blood samples from Dachshunds with severe anemia. As there are no previous studies on this topic, a study was performed to evaluate if Dachshunds are more prone to severe anemia compared with other breeds. In addition, a retrospective case study on Dachshunds with severe anemia was done to search for common risk factors or diseases. Hemoglobin values in samples from 1272 Dachshunds and 2269 German Shepherds analyzed from September 1994 to October 2007 were used to compare the frequency of severe anemia in Dachshund and German shepherd. The samples were identified by laboratory information system.

Diagnosens betydelse : en studie om personer med bipolär sjukdom

De psykiatriska diagnoserna har ökat i antal det senaste decenniet. Hur påverkas en individ av att få en psykiatrisk diagnos? Bipolär sjukdom tillhör gruppen psykiska sjukdomar och kännetecknas av växlingar mellan förhöjda stämningslägen såsom mani eller hypomani samt perioder av depressioner. Sjukdomen delas in i bipolär I och II, där bipolär I är den allvarligare varianten. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka vilken betydelse diagnosen haft för individer med bipolär sjukdom.

Preoperativ SWAL-QOL och sväljningsfunktion hos Parkinson patienter selekterade till Deep Brain Stimulation

AbstractObjectivePatients with Parkinson?s disease often have symptoms of dysphagia. These swallowingproblems have consequences for quality of life as well for the physical wellbeing of thepatients. AimThe aim of this study was to describe and correlate Swallowing Quality of Life (SWAL-QOL)scores, self-assessment of swallowing function using a visual analogue scale and the resultsfrom a fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowing function in patients who had been selectedfor Deep Brain Stimulation in caudal zona incerta. A secondary aim was to correlate diseaseduration with results from SWAL-QOL and the fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowingfunction.MethodTen male Parkinson?s patients (age 45-69 yrs, median 61.5 yrs) who were selected for DeepBrain Stimulation completing the Swallowing Quality of life form, as well as rating theirswallowing function using a visual analogue scale and undergoing a fiber endoscopicevaluation of their swallowing function.    ResultsThe median total SWAL-QOL score was 94% while the mean was 91%.

Fysisk självkänsla hos barn och ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom

Background: It is common that children and adolecsents with Aspergers syndrome have impaired motor skills and are less physically active than neurotypical children and adolecsents. Studies conducted on neurotypical children shows that children and adolecsents who are regular physical active also have a good motor control and a good physical self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical self-esteem of children and adolescents with Aspergers syndrome. Study Group: 36 children and adolescents aged 9-15 years with a diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome was asked to participate in the survey. 18 children, 16 boys and 2 girls, responded to the questionnarie about physical self-esteem which 17 of the answers could be used in the study.

Kreativa genier eller barn som utmanar? : En forskningsöversikt av kunskapsläget kring   fenomenet ADHD och dess behandling.

ADHD är idag ett av de mest studerade medicinska tillstånden och den snabbast växande diagnosen. Medicin som behandling av ADHD har liksom diagnostiseringen de senaste åren ökat markant, trots att det inte finns studier gjorda som kan visa på medicinens långsiktiga beroendeframkallande effekt. Det finns en tydlig oenighet i hur ADHD uppkommer och hur kriterierna för att ställa diagnosen bör vara utformade. Syftet med denna forskningsöversikt är att undersöka kunskapsläget kring fenomenet ADHD och dess behandling. För att begränsa vår studie har vi valt att fokusera på den del av kunskapsläget vars fokus ligger på behandling och utifrån relevanta studier undersöker vi sedan vilka ontologiska perspektiv på ADHD som går att urskilja.

Cancerpatienters behov av kommunikation och information

Background: Cancer disease is one of the most common diseases in Sweden andradiotherapy is one of the regimens available for the treatment of cancer. Radiotherapycan be delivered as single treatment or be divided into several fractions that last forweeks. Radiotherapy can cause side effects that may occur during or at the end oftreatment. Information and communication is an integral part of all treatments and care.The oncology nurse should attempt to ease for the patients to communicate, participatein the care, receive information and enhance the ability to self-care.Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the patients? needs for communication andinformation with oncology nurse during their meeting through radiotherapy.Method: This pilot study was conducted on six patients with different cancer diagnosis.It was a qualitative study, were data was collected through individual interviews usingsemi-structured questions.

Nonvisual Society

The exclusion of visually impaired from the information flow presented to us through signs was what led me into this project. With a growing amount of information being presented to us on signs and digital information surface the need of communicating this information in a way that could be read by visually impaired is evident. Looking into different ways of communication, my goal was to create something that filled the need of the visually impaired without branding them as disabled. Having a close relative with bad eyesight is became evident on how much it limited her in her everyday life, not being able to navigate herself without the support of her husband. Through interviews with her and others with varying diagnoses I reached an insight in their situation. To my surprise they still favored a visual form of communication before an auditory or tactile form, because it?s easy to survey and quick to interpret.

Att söka en medaktör i lidandets drama : Om patienter med dubbeldiagnos och derasupplevelse av bemötande inom den psykiatriska vården

Bakgrund: Patienter som återfinns inom den psykiatriska vårdkontexten och som lider av samtidig psykisk ohälsa och substansbrukssyndrom, eller dubbeldiagnos, riskerar att mötas av stigmatiserande förhållningssätt på grund av okunskap och förutfattade meningar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att, genom att intervjua patienter med dubbeldiagnos, belysa deras upplevelser av vårdares bemötande inom den psykiatriska vården. Metod: För att få en djupare förståelse av fenomenet bemötande användes en fenomenologisk-hermeneutisk metod efter inspiration av Lindseth och Norberg (2004). Tre forskningspersoner intervjuades om sina upplevelser av bemötande inom psykiatrisk vård. Resultat: I resultatet framträdde fyra teman; att vara i underläge; att bli medveten om sitt sammanhang; att bli väl mottagen och att bli sedd som en person.

Strålbehandling på hund och katt :

Jönköping Small Animal Hospital is today the only clinic in Sweden to offer radiation therapy as a treatment of tumours. The body contains of billions of cells that all have to obey the regulations that are established. If a cell is exposed to a harmful substance, for example a chemical, it can be transformed into a tumourcell. Normally the body has a good defence but the tumourcell can survive and start to divide unrestrained. A tumour is starting to develop.

Sitt still och var tyst! : Fördelar och nackdelar med diagnostisering av ADHD enligt nio lärare

SAMMANFATTNING__________________________________________________________________________Eva Öierstedt-Christiansen & Louise RundlöfSitt still och var tyst!Fördelar och nackdelar med diagnostisering av ADHD enligt nio lärareSit still and be quiet!Advantages and disadvantages of the diagnosis of ADHD according to nine teachers Antal sidor: 27 __________________________________________________________________________Vårt syfte med studien är att undersöka vad nio lärare inom förskola/förskoleklass och grundskolans tidigare år anser om att barn/elever diagnostiseras med ADHD.Vår undersökning kommer att utgå från följande frågeställningar:Vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar ser lärarna med att barn/elever diagnostiseras med ADHD?Vilka är det enligt lärarna som gynnas av en ställd diagnos, barnet/eleven, lärarna eller föräldrarna?På vilket sätt skiljer sig åsikterna mellan lärare i förskolan, förskoleklassen och grundskolans tidigare år gällande diagnostisering?Vi har genomfört intervjuer med nio lärare som är verksamma inom olika åldrar. Resultatet av vår studie visar att lärarna överlag är kritiska till en diagnos, däremot menar de att om barnet/eleven visar starka symptom är en diagnos nödvändig för att barnet/eleven ska få rätt hjälp och stöd. Frågan om när en diagnos bör ställas skiljer sig mellan lärarna i förskolan/ förskoleklassen och grundskollärarna. Lärarna i förskolan/förskoleklassen menar att en diagnos inte bör ställas förrän i skolan medan lärarna i grundskolans tidigare år hävdar att en diagnos bör ställas så tidigt som möjligt.

Behandlingseffekt av rituximab jämfört med infliximab vid reumatoid artrit

The aim of this study was to compare the effect between the drugs rituximab and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the peripheral joints and is associated with exacerbations. Various immune reactions in the body cause inflammation of the joints which further results in cartilage and bone damage. The diagnosis is made by the classification system "The 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) / European league against rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis", which is an update of the older system called "The 1987 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for RA". Approximately 0.5-1% of the population is developing the disease, but it varies slightly between different parts of the world.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av att arbeta inom antikoagulationsmottagning

BackgroundNumber of patients treated with medicine that has an anticoagulation character is constantly increasing. Chronic atrial fibrillation is the most common diagnosis being treated, but other diagnoses such as venous thrombosis), pulmonary embolism, stroke, coronary stent thrombosis and arterial thrombosis treated. There are a variety of anticoagulant drugs. In Sweden Warfarin is used as standard medicine for oral anticoagulation therapy.PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine and reflect nurses' experiences of working on anticoagulation clinic, and if he / she claims to have access to the necessary skills and resources to carry out a safe care.DesignThe study has a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews which were analyzed with an inductive approach. The interviews included six respondents.FindingsThe results showed that nurses who worked at anticoagulation Clinics had no specific training to operate these clinics.

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