

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 9 av 648

Gruppverksamhet för barn till missbrukare : en jämförande studie av två gruppmodeller

In Sweden approximately ten percent of all children grows up in a family where at least one parent is having an alcohol related addiction. Since 1998 the development of group activities for children in this situation has been immense. The aim of group activities is to break the child's isolation and make them feel that they are not lonely in their experiences, give them knowledge about addiction and relive the pressure of guilt and responsibility.In a comparative study we examined studied how two different group activity models one with the conception of illness and one without, use the children's network to support the group process. The aim was also to find each models definition of the "normal family", since we understood the groupactivity as a part in the normalization process. We reached our aim through interviews with group leaders and by literature studies.

En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas upplevelser av stöd och hjälp.

The aim of this study was to examine former criminals? experiences of help and support of importance to leave a criminal life style. The study consists of six interviews with former criminals and earlier studies on the subject. These studies show that relapse in crime are most common among those who are socially excluded from society. They also show that important factors to end a life in criminality are for example a supportive social network.

Att Införa IPv6 i ett IPv4-nätverk

Internet is growing every day and this is leading to an address depletion of the current IPv4 addresses. A new version of IPv4, called IPv6, is the protocol for addressing computers that will deal with this problem. IPv4 and IPv6 are unfortunately not compatible with each other. IPv4 and IPv6 have to co-exist for a long time until IPv6 will be the dominant protocol.The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a transition could be done or more correctly, how to deploy IPv6 in an already existing IPv4 network. After that part of the report a case study at the local Internet service provider Junet AB will be conducted.

How Venture Capitalists can use their Network in order to reduce the Information Asymmetries between themselves and the Venture Management Team

The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how venture capitalists can use their network in order to reduce information asymmetries between themselves and the venture management team. A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews, consisting of open questions, have been used to receive gradate information in order to reach our explorative purpose. Our theoretical framework consists of relevant studies made on the dynamics of networks and the problems that can arise in the complex relationship between a principal and an agent. We have been interviewing two venture capital firms and therepresentatives from two business angel networks. We also made an additional interview with an influential financial actor in order to try to verify our conclusions Our conclusions are that an extensive network can be used by venture capitalists in order to; verify ventures? technologies, complement the competences in the venture management team, and arrange co-investments, resulting in reduced information asymmetries between themselves and the venture management team.

Design and implementation of a 5GHz radio front-end module

The overall goal of this diploma work is to produce a design of a 5 GHz radio frontend using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) and then build a working prototype. Using this prototype to determine if RF circuits at 5 GHz can be successfully produced using distributed components on a laminate substrate. The design process for the radio front-end consists of two stages. In the first stage the distributed components are designed and simulated, and in the second stage all components are merged into a PCB. This PCB is then manufactured and assembled.

Nätverkssäkerhet med IPS : Förbättrad nätverkssäkerhet med Intrusion Prevention Systems

Att skydda sin IT-miljö mot olika typer av intrång och attacker som till exempel trojaner,skadliga Java applets eller DoS attacker med hjälp av brandväggar och antivirusprogramär två viktiga lager i skalskyddet.I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur väl ett Intrusion Prevention System skulle kunna fungera som ett ytterligare lager i skalskyddet. Fokus ligger på hur väl IPS-systemet klarar av att avvärja attacker, hur mycket tid som går åt till konfigurering och drift för att få ett fungerande IPS samt hur prestandan i nätverket påverkas av implementationen. För att mäta hur väl IPS systemet klarar av att upptäcka och blockera attacker utförs två experiment där ett mindre nätverk attackeras på olika sätt. I det första experimentet skyddas infrastrukturen av en brandvägg och klienterna är utrustade med antivirusprogram. I det andra experimentet genomförs samma attacker igen fast med ett Snort IPS implementerat i nätverket.Resultatet av de genomförda experimenten visar att en IPS klarar att blockera ca 87% av attackerna, men nätverksprestandan påverkas negativt.

Nätverksövervakning för IT miljön

Denna rapport handlar om Övervakning i en IT miljö som täcker både nätverk och system. Denna rapport inriktar sig på Fault Management och Performance Management..

Sekundärnät för lågtempererad fjärrvärme

Lower energy use in buildings is a result of increasingly stringent energy requirements across Europe. When conventional district heating technology is used in areas with low energy consumption heatlosses do not fall even though the amount of energy delivered is reduced. This reduces income for thedistrict heating company. To maintain their economic viability the district heating companies? majorchallenge is to implement new solutions that minimize heat loss.

Analys av systemfaktorers påverkan på tillförlitligheten i distributionsnät

In this master thesis outage statistics covering tree years from two distribution grids are analyzed with the purpose to deduce which factors yield outages. The statistics are extensive therefore allowing in-depth analysis of both customer and system related factors. From this starting point and as a model of explanation energy not supplied is studied as the consequence and the measurement of the inconvenience caused by outages. Different methods for calculating energy not supplied are developed and studied and put in comparison to the method used in Network Performance Assessment Model, which is the Swedish frame work for regulating electricity distribution.Analysis of the outage statistics show a relation between the type category of customer and outages that can be deduced to the variance and the density associated with that customer category. Prioritization of different customer categories is elevated also in this aspect.

Intelligenta Switchar

This master thesis has been carried out on behalf of Stoneridge Electronics AB and is an investigation ofhow intelligent switches can replace the traditionally used direct controlled switches. The concept ofintelligent switches is that the switches contain electronic identification components which, by connectingthem to a network, give the same function independent of the location of the switch. This infers anincreased flexibility and configurability which can be a great advantage in development, production andcustomization in the commercial vehicle industry. Especially in the current situation when commercialvehicle manufacturers provides more and more functions and dashboard configurations.LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a network protocol introduced in 1999. It is a simpler and lower costcomplement to CAN (Controller Area Network) and is adapted for applications where the demands forbandwidth are lower, for example reading sensors and switchers.

Pratbubblan: den röda tråden : En studie av Karlstads Stadsnäts visuella kommunikation

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Karlstad City Fiber Network visual elements in the form of a pair of speech bubbles fit into the organization's holistic external communication and branding. The study examines whether Karlstad City Fiber Network image of the organization and the speech bubbles match the stakeholders view and how the visual elements are perceived and recognized by stakeholders. The theory associated with the study is theories of corporate visual identity, image, identity and branding and visual communication. These three elements are important to be aware of when a generation of an effective external communications. Qualitative interviews with employees at Karlstad City Fiber Network and Karlstad municipality has undertaken to give an idea of ??what the organization wants to achieve and what their opinions are.

Akutsjukvård : cirkulationsrubbningar-symtom, orsaker och åtgärder

The cardiovascular system is one of the three major body systems. When an animal in a critical state arrives at the animal hospital, it is important to know the normal parameters in order to assess the patient?s cardiovascular status. Triage is a process where you considerate the patient?s condition instead of check in time, or other criteria.

Mikroproducenternas påverkan på Elinorr

The Swedish energy system will be influenced by many future changes, such as energy and climate policy objectives. The installation of more renewable electricity could increase by using solar energy. Over the recent years, grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems have increased dramatically in Sweden, partly due to various support systems and compensation models. These support systems have been designed to make it easy for individuals and businesses to invest in self-generated electricity and thus contribute to the transformation of the energy system.The introduction of a higher proportion of solar energy may in turn affect the Swedish electricity system. This could mean that the electricity companies will be facing a number of changes in the near future.

Nätverk i nätverk : en nätverksansats i den nya ekonomin

Society and technology develop together in interaction processes. Because of the development of information technology, the Industrial society has been left behind in favor of a society where information is the key production factor, i.e. the Information society. In the Information society, social functions and processes are organized in networks. These networks integrate geographically separate markets to parts of a complex global economic system.

"...i en macho-stämpel så ingår det väl inte att plugga.." : En studie om betydelsen av genus och klass i en arbetsökningsprocess

The aim of this thesis is to study a job-searching process and elements that affects it. The elements I have focused on are gender, class and social network. The study is based on interviews and a survey study with students from the educational program of Social work (Socialomsorgsutbildningen), that graduated 3 years ago. Through the survey I have examined their social-background and their job-searching process. The interviews are the main focus in the study.

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