

9706 Uppsatser om Network Monitoring System - Sida 47 av 648

Effektiviseringspotential inom industrisektorn : Energibesparing vid frekvensstyrning av centrifugalpumpar ? en fallstudie

The project was performed at SiemensIndustry Drive Technologies with theobjective to provide actual values forthe energy savings potential withinSiemens scope of practice.In Sweden the electrical drives standfor about 30 % of the total electricityconsumption and about 60 % of theelectricity consumption within theindustry. During the pre-study phaseelectrical drives with pump applicationswere identified as large energy users.Because of this a case study at one ofSiemens customers, Stora Enso Fors wasperformed. The system that was evaluatedduring the case study was a throttledsystem with a centrifugal pump forpumping pulp.The results yielded that a saving ofover 50 % could be achieved by replacingthe throttle valve with a variable speeddrive, a frequency converter. Thepayback period was two years and twomonths and the present value for thetotal life cycle cost of the variablespeed system was 662.566 SEK lower thanfor the throttled system. As aconsequence, Stora Enso Fors is advisedto invest in a frequency converter forregulation of the system.The general conclusion is that a focuson system efficiency is the mostimportant factor in energy efficiencyprojects and that the system regulationmethod has a large impact on the overallsystem losses and hence its efficiency.Energy efficiency potential forthrottled systems with centrifugal pumpsis large and significant economicalsavings can be made through investmentswith short payback time..

Systemtyper utanför ramen för både traditionell systemutveckling och e-infrastrukturutveckling : Finns de och hur bör de i så fall utvecklas?

Denna studie har som syfte att underso?ka om det finns en typ av system vars egenskaper liknar ba?de traditionella system och e-infrastrukturer utan att tillho?ra na?gon av dessa typer samt hur en designmodell skulle se ut fo?r denna typ av system. Detta system kallar vi gra?nsfallssystem.Fo?r att underso?ka om denna finns har traditionella system och e-infrastrukturer samt hur man utvecklar dessa typer av system analyserats. Detta fo?r att se ifall det existerar na?gon form av system som har egenskaper fra?n ba?da dessa ytterligheter och om det existerar sa?dana system hur man pa? ba?sta sa?tt ska utveckla dem.

Borde Sverige gå från ett spelmonol till ett licenssystem gällande EMV lotterier? : En kostnadsnyttoanalys

The gambling industry goes from a national matter towards an international market. Since more and more members of EU does liberalise the gambling reforms and introduces a license system more participants will get an EU license for online gambling. With an EU license it is difficult for members of the EU to refuse a company to offer a gambling supply on the Internet if they don?t have an open license system. This paper tries to acknowledge the problem regarding the monopoly Sweden has today and calculate the effect if Sweden would move to a license system regarding online gambling by doing a cost benefit analysis.

Prestandaförändringen hos en bergvärmeanläggning efter fem års drifttid

The aim of this report was to do a case study at a geothermal heating system which has been in operation for about 5 years, and study if its performance has changed during this period of time. A literature study about the processes involved was also done in purpose of background knowledge.The tenant-owner?s association Duvan at Petterslundsgatan in Uppsala installed year 1999-2000 a geothermal heating system. The purpose of this installation was that they hoped it would lead to a smaller usage of district heating which would lead to a reduction of the heating expenses for their buildings. The geothermal heating system consists of 19 energy wells and 4 geothermal heat pumps, and it is one of the first systems of that size in the region of Uppsala.

OSE och Linux : En studie om prestanda

There are some key elements which distinguish a general operating system, such as Linux, from a Real Time operating system, such as OSE. The later belongs to the category of soft Real Time systems while Linux is a general operating system, with significantly improved real time properties after version 2.6. These improvements make it interesting to compare the two systems.When comparing two operating systems, there are a number of issues which have to be considered. One way to measure the performance of the systems is by studying the time consumption for the same functionality and hardware.During the study, the items that appeared as the most important for the performance of the systems, were: process primitives, system primitives, interprocess communication, context switches and interrupt latency.This work demonstrates that it is possible and reasonable to do performance testing on two different operating systems. The implemented tests cover a number of basic functionalities, which appeared to be the most crucial ones for the performance of the systems..

Hazel- Ett mjukvarusystem för automatisk och optimal schemaläggning

This report documents the development of a software system for automaticscheduling called Hazel. This system is comprised of a server where an automaticscheduler has been implemented, as well as a web and mobile applicationthat allows users to interact with the system. The scheduler hasbeen developed with the functional programming language Haskell and usesa SAT-solver.Manual scheduling has long been the bane of managers everywhere, asmatching the needs of the employer with those of the employee is often adifficult and time-consuming task. There already exists several automaticschedulers that attempt to solve this problem. The issue with said schedulersis that thay tend to be expensive, or developed to only fulfill the needsof a particular organisation.

Mekaniskt brandsläckningssystem

Electrolux Laundry Systems is the world leader in manufacturing professional laundry equipment.The machines are used in the hotel sector, elderly care, in multifamily houses, laundry bars, and incommercial and institutional laundries.If there is oil or grease left in the clothes after washing may the heat from the dryer cause a chemicalreaction. This reaction may, under certain circumstances cause a fire inside the drum. Competitors toElectrolux has developed its own systems that extinguishes fire inside a tumble dryer and customershave expressed desire to purchase a fire-extinguishing system. Therefore, the project team receivedthe task by Electrolux to develop a fire-extinguishing system that extinguishes a fire in a tumbledryer.The purpose of the project has been to develop a system that both detects and responds to fire in anindustrial tumble dryer to meet the competitors and to satisfy customers' requirements.The goal was to develop a fire-extinguishing system for Electrolux Laundry Systems and develop afully functioning prototype.The project began with information searches on a variety of methods to both detect and extinguish afire. Subsequently, a number of different methods were used to develop a final solution and make aprototype.The result of the project is a fire-extinguishing system that extinguishes a fire inside a dryer.

Valfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården: En studie av patienters beslutsfattande

Citizens? freedom of choice has been a subject of debate in Sweden for over 30 years. This study focuses on decision making processes among patients within the Swedish healthcare system. The main conclusions are that in contrast to how patients? freedom of choice is described within governmental bills and governmental inquires and reports, patients are not following the steps included in the rational model of decision making.

Analys av fingeravtryck

This report describes a system for verification of fingerprints against a previous created template. It describes how and why a fingerprint image must be processed before it can be used to either identify or verify a person. The method is based on special features of a fingerprint, called minutiae points. The whole process from image to matching is described, every step in the process with image enhancement, binarization, thinning and how to find the minutiae points. Also what false minutiae points are, how they arise, why they deteriorate the result, and how to handle them, is discussed.

Miljöledning för underhållsteknik : Vilken miljökompetens behöver underhållspersonal?

The purpose with this article is to give examples how to remain and in a long run develop a higher interest in maintenance activities and knowledge. First reason is the changed age-distribution with more number of older employees among maintenance personnel staff and second reason is demand for education due the increasing demand in environmental responsibility.In spite of there is a lot of knowledge of maintenance in national organizations of interests it will not be used in a sufficient extent in many companies. This knowledge is an important base to use to re-built the missing or loosed skills in companies. The national organization UTEK is involved in European projects to validate knowledge of maintenance. Lost of or bad maintenance activities will always affect on the environment.Establish a network between companies is a good way to exchange information in their common business areas.

Accessoarer för framtidens kontor

This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive literature study and one case study. The purpose of the literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.

?Det är för barnens bästa som vi gör det?? : En kvalitativ studie om kriminalvårdens anmälningsskyldighet vid misstanke att barn far illa

Employees of the criminal correctional system have a duty to notify social services if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment, according to Chapter 14, § 1 SoL. Despite the obligation to report, studies show that this is not done at all times. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze how the criminal correctional system in Kalmar looks at notification if they suspect that children are exposed to maltreatment. To examine this, we used qualitative research method based on semi-structuring interviews; these were carried out with six employees, working in the criminal correctional system. The answers that emerged during the interviews have been analyzed using Yeheskel Hasenfeld theory of human services organizations, and trough previous research.

Studie av utvecklingsverktyg med inriktning mot PLC-system

Datoranvändningen i samhället växer för varje dag. Det är då viktigt att programvara håller hög kvalité, då vissa programvaror styr kritiska maskiner som exempelvis flygplan. Ett sätt att få kvalitativa programvaror är att använda bra utvecklingsverktyg. I detta arbete utvärderas fem olika utvecklingsverktyg: GNAT (Ada), Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft J++, Borland Delphi och Active Perl. Inriktningen på utvärderingen är mot utveckling av programvara för PLC-system.

Upptäcka matematik utomhus : Vilket förhållningssätt till matematik utomhus har förskollärare som inspireras av olika pedagogiska inriktningar och hur beskriver förskollärarna att de arbetar med matematik utomhus?

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

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