

23 Uppsatser om Net tariffs - Sida 2 av 2

Utveckling och tillämpning av modeller förkvantifiering av de ekonomiska konsekvensernaav ökad förbrukningsflexibilitet inom eldistribution

One step towards a more sustainable energy system is to create a more flexible electrical grid, where increased demand response among electricity consumers can play an important role. A distribution grid owner can encourage their customers to use electricity more evenly distributed during the day by introducing different types of grid fees such as time-differentiated power tariffs. In this master thesis, the theoretical economic impact of a flattened load profile for a distribution grid owner is investigated. Different factors that impact the distribution grid owner?s economy are identified and two are chosen to be quantified; losses in the grid and the fee to the feeding grid.

(H)elt om marsch!

The focus of this essay is on a political party that was founded in Sweden in 1904. Today, we known it as Moderata Samlingspartiet. Historically, this party has transitioned through multiple phases which have included a change of name and also a change of substance in the area of trade policy. The party that was cheering globalisation at the 2006 congress had its roots in protectionism and had been founded as a strict protectionist organisation. The question raised here is what has caused this dramatic change in the trade politic?In addressing this important question, I have used both organization and party strategy theories to identify the main underlying reasons.

Realisering av returer vid rundvirkestransport med lastbil : hinder, möjligheter, vinster och vinstdelning

Holmen Skog, region Norrköping, is located in an area with good potential for backhauling because a large number of geographically scattered mills. However, despite these factors there are many difficulties preventing the realization of this potential. The purposes of this study were twofold. First, from a hauling contractor perspective, to calculate backhauling profits and suggest a profit sharing scheme. Second, to identify and quantify obstacles and possibilities for realization of backhauls.The study required the use of three different types of methods.

Export av får och nötkreatur från Australien

Live exports of animals began during the late 19th century and are nowadays a valuable alternative to the slaughter industry in Australia. About four million sheep and half a million to one million cattle are exported annually from Australia to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Most of these animals are exported for slaughter, but some cattle are exported with the purpose of breeding. One factor that has been the driving force for the live export industry is that countries through tariffs and other barriers have favored the import of live animals rather than the import of meat.The export means that animals with a great cognitive ability are exposed to a long chain of production from the farm to the market and there are many factors that can affect the welfare of the animals in a negative way. Some of the most serious are high temperatures and a high stocking density, although seasickness, noises and handling can also have a negative impact on the welfare of animals.


Since the Chinese economy?s reform in 1980, it has been attracting enormous foreign investments. Many Swedish firms from different sectors such as technology, manufactory production, consumer, service industries and so on, had started their investments in China. China has become the first choice for global manufacturing due to the huge market, continuous economic growth, stable political situation, sound investment environment and the WTO membership. In addition, China's enormous potential in finance, service, infrastructure, telecommunications, wholesales and retail industries will also attract a great deal of foreign capital.

"Livet är för mjukt för att stämma med tarifferna..." : En studie av hur ungdomar och barnfamiljer med ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sin situation

Title: The life is too soft to accord in to tariffs: an essay about youth and families with children who are recipients of economic support, their experience of their financial situation and the reception towards the social welfare.Author: Ana Becovic & Kerstin Olsson         Supervisor: Erik WesserInstitution: Humanvetenskapliga institutionen, Högskolan i KalmarType of Essay: Degree project, 15 ECTS                     Date: December 2008The aim for our study has been to examine how youth and families who are recipients of economic support on long term basis experience their contact with social welfare. The starting point for the question at issue has been the client's experience of their financial situation the reception and expectations towards the social welfare.In our B-level study we carried out qualitative interviews with social welfare officers to find out how they applied the "child perspective" in granting financial support and to what extent they felt that they succeeded in meeting the need of the client. The conclusion was that there is still room for improvement in this field and particularly a wish to focus more on the child's situation and development. The officers told us that they tried to pay closer attention to the child's situation through asking about the children and by visiting the families at home.They expressed awareness of the importance to a child's well being the financial situation of their family. They also expressed the need for the child to be able to take part in leisure time activities and having an active social life.In this study our research method is based on qualitative interviews.

Småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader i urban miljö : Möjligheter och hinder för ökad implementering

Intresset för småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader har ökat under de senaste åren. Allt fler människor blir mer energi- och miljömedvetna samt ser fördelarna med att elektriciteten produceras där den konsumeras; i den bebyggda miljön.Det är dock en större utmaning att installera ett vindkraftverk i urban miljö, jämfört med i öppet landskap, då det finns många faktorer som skall beaktas. Stadens komplexa uppbyggnad gör att vindens hastighet och riktning varierar och ger upphov till turbulenta strukturer i den omgivande luften. Många av dagens vindkraftverk kan ej operera effektivt vid turbulens, därför måste dessa vindkraftverken placeras på höga höjder för att nå den laminärt strömmande vinden över staden, vilket ger orealistiska längder på de master som krävs, även om vindkraftverket monteras på en byggnad. För att kunna utnyttja de vindar som uppkommer i urbana miljöer bör vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk med en helixformad geometri på rotorn användas.

Klimatförändring och WTO : En textanalys kring WTO:s mångsidiga angreppssätt på de internationella klimatförhandlingarna

Handel är en central del av världen i det rådande tillväxtparadigmet. För att underlätta handel mellan nationalstater skapades år 1948 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). Detta avtal var så lyckat i att avskaffa handelshinder att övervakningsorganisationen WTO (World Trade Organization) skapades. WTO har sedan det bildades arbetat med att förenkla och effektivisera handeln och införlivat flera handelsrelaterade frågor till sin organisation. Då WTO bildades (1994) initierades samtidigt kommittén, CTE (Committee on Trade and Environment).

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