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Svart mot vitt, Att leva med Borderline Personlighetsstörning : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie
Background:Borderline personality disorder is a complex mental disorder that has become increasingly common in those individuals who seek care today. These individuals are often perceived as being different by society and the health care system, because of the prejudice and lack of knowledge that exists around mental illness and borderline personality disorder. Aim: Highlighting adults experiences of living with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Method: Literature study with qualitative approach. Seven articles were chosen to be read, reviewed and analyzed.
Tre studenter med ADHD berättar om upplevelsen av att läsa i högre utbildning
Research shows that there is a lack of knowledge of adult students with ADHD.
Most of all research focuses on children with ADHD in school. The purpose of
this study was to gain a better understanding of how adult learners with ADHD
experience academic studies related to cognitive difficulties, emotion,
motivation, and their experience of SOC. The questions tried to determine how
any cognitive difficulties and emotions are perceived, how students' motivation
to study impacted and their experience of SOC based on studies in higher
education. To answer the purpose and questions used qualitative interviews
based on three students with ADHD using a hermeneutic method.
Kreativ förpackningsdesign ? förpackningslösningar till chokladpraliner
The Degree Project is about ?creative packaging?, the group has in collaboration with AssiDomän Frövi planned, constructedand designed two packagingsolutions for chocolate creams.The group has worked with the cardboard Frövi Bright produced by the company itself, which together with differentaspects in marketing demands deep knowledge about the chosen material and productgroup.The knowledge wererecieved from education, litterature and personal contacts.The completed packagingsolutions will be exposed in connection with an exhibition this summer.The Degree Project has resulted in two new and completed packagingsolutions for chocolate creams. One is mainlycreative and the other one provides strenghtness with the chosen cardboard.Hopefully the result by the group represents AssiDomän Frövi in a pleasant way and increases the expectations forthe future..
Serviceförväntningar hos kunder ? En jämförande studie mellan Acne och H&M
Denna uppsats behandlar service, ett fenomen som har växt sig starkare de senaste årtiondena och som har kommit att bli ett avgörande verktyg för många företag för att kunna skapa marknadsfördelar. Att ett företag förvaltar mötet dem och kunden emellan på bästa sätt är ofta en kritisk faktor för att få kunden att återvända till butiken även nästa gång. Vissa företag är mer och andra är mindre beroende av ett bra servicesystem och därför är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka huruvida serviceförväntningarna hos två olika kundgrupper liknar eller skiljer sig från varandra. Kundgrupperna som valts ut tillhör konfektionsföretagen, H&M som är en kedja i lågprissegmentet och Acne som är ett företag i högprissegmentet. Frågeformuleringen som besvaras i uppsatsen gäller som följer: Hur skiljer sig H&M-kunden från Acne-kunden i sina förväntningar på service i butik? För att besvara frågeställningen används en kvantitativ metod en så kallad muntlig strukturerad intervju som är riktad mot de två kundgrupperna.
Den sista utvägen... : ? En kvalitativ studie om psykiatripersonal och brukares inställning till elektrokonvulsiv behandling (ECT).
ABSTRACT Nature of essay: C-level, 15 pointsPage count: 47Title: The last way out?-A qualitative study of psychiatric staff and service users attitude to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Author: Hanna Nilsson Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) of professionals and service users within a user organization ? Riksförbundet för social och mental hälsa. (RSMH)Questions: Does the psychiatric staff believe that there are preconceptions about electroconvulsive therapy? What motivates service user?s choice of electroconvulsive therapy? Do the psychiatric staff and the service users think that the positive effects of ECT can outweigh the possible negative side effects?Method: Qualitative study. The study is based on interviews with psychiatric staffthat works with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and with services users who have received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).Results: The result showed that the psychiatric staff feels that preconceived ideas occur about the treatment of ECT, and that it is affecting their approach to work.Service users motivate their choice by how bad they felt under the depression, and that ECT was their only choice left, that´s why psychiatric staff suggested the treatment.The positive effects of ECT outweighed the possible negative side effects because life is something you value higher than any memory loss and when there is currently no treatment having a similar efficiency.Keywords: Electroconvulsive therapy, Attitudes, Side effects, Experience, Patients, Professionals.
Förväntningar: Hur de Påverkar Motivationen hos Nyanställda
This paper aims at shedding light on the effects of a broken psychological contract in terms of job satisfaction. In a qualitative field study, the author researches seven newly recruites employees about their expectations when starting their jobs at the rapidly growing, Swedish company Klarna. Using Herzbergs two-factor model of hygiene and motivation factors as well as modern motivation theory, i.e. self-determination theory, the study answers questions as to what makes a candidate choose a company and what factors motivates as well as demotivates the recruit at the job, in the onboarding phase. The result is an attempt to describe what makes a recruitment process successful..
A proactive health, safety & environment risk management strategy : what are the incentives?
In a business environment where the stakeholder perspective is evolving and sustainable development is receiving increased attention, it is of importance for companies to adjust. The demand and pressure is exerted from several stakeholders who force companies to take action and live up to the expectations because if failing to do so, negative consequences will most likely be the case. The attention of this study is on ABB Power Products (ABB PP) and their environment and working environment risk management. The aim of this thesis is to identify and describe how perceived environmental risks are managed and what the incentives are to work proactively to minimize the risks. The incentives for a proactive risk management strategy are researched through both a strategic and operational perspective.
?Man sitter på sin plats och räknar i boken? : En studie av elevers uppfattningar om matematik och matematikundervisning med fokus på lärares metoder och verktyg
Swedish students' knowledge of mathematics has deteriorated in recent years. Teaching of mathematics is therefore starting point in an ongoing discussion among researchers, school leaders, politicians, teachers and others, who all thinks they know best about how teaching should be designed to the greatest extent possible to raise students' proficiency levels in the subject. Teachers' practices have long been the focus of discussions and views on these differ. The purpose of this paper is therefore to study students 'conceptions of mathematics and mathematics teaching, with teachers' methods and tools of focus, in relation to previous research on the subject. The method used was a survey of students in secondary school and a textual analysis of previous studies on the subject.As revealed by the survey was that the textbook has a big advantage in mathematics education in Sweden today.Many students are not accustomed to working in a different way and thereforedoes not know either what the alternative approach entails.
Bilder av bibliotekarier i dagspressen
The aim of this essay was to investigate what images are conveyed through Swedish daily press and to discuss the possible consequences of these images for librarians and users of the library. What discourses can be identified in the material; how are librarians and their profession described in the press; what attitude can be detected towards librarians and in what contexts are librarians discussed, are questions that were asked. Discourse analysis was used as theory and method. A discourse can be understood as a certain way of talking about and understanding the world. 55 articles from the period of January 1^st 2002 to March 7^th 2003 were analysed with the help of a model.
Datorspel - en lek eller sport? : En studie om hur tre svenska dagstidningar framställer e-sport och datorspel 2000-2013
This essay examines how three big Swedish newspapers depicts e-sports and computer gaming and how the depiction change during 2000-2013. The study will also examine whether e-sports is being portrayed as competitive sport. The purpose is to investigate which attitudes that can be identified towards computer gaming and its culture in major newspapers such as Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet and how these attitudes eventually changed over time. The sources that will be used in both the quantitative and qualitative analysis are based on web articles, mainly because the paper editions does not provide much, if any, information about computer gaming and e-sports and also because of the convenience of being able to quickly find articles to study. Results indicate that computer gaming is being depicted in a clear negative fashion during 2000-2006, and that the depiction of e-sports is somewhat positive but not as glorifying as for the years 2007-2013. During this period, there is a apparent tendency of e-sports being introduced to readers who are unfamiliar with the gaming culture. As for the attitudes towards computer gaming, the depiction is still somewhat negative, mainly because the debate about computer games and violence was revived because of several acts of violence in shape of school massacres and mass murder.
Sexuellt våld hos unga - En litteraturgenomgång om unga som skadar sig genom sex och metoder för att förebygga den form av sexuellt våld
A literature study about adolescents who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence
Adolescents can harm themselves through sex by taking sexual risks such as sexual exposure on the internet, having unprotected sex and put themselves in situations where the potential for sexual violence is great. This type of sexual risk-behavior can create negative consequences and result in physical and mental sexual abuse.
The aim of this study is to raise knowledge about youth who harm themselves through sex and measures to prevent that form of sexual violence. To accomplice this we made a general literature study on national and international research.
Our study shows that despite the negative consequences, adolescent?s sexual risk-taking continues.
En bank, fem länder : En studie i Handelsbankens expatriaters kulturella anpassning
The purpose of this study is to describe how expatriates at Handelsbanken in France, Hong Kong, China, Russia and Singapore have adapted to the host culture. To illustrate how well they acculturated following seven factors have been chosen: Time, previous international experience, cultural distance, language, work environment, spouse acculturation and met expectations. The study was conducted through interviews with six expatriates and surveys answered by nine expatriates. Our study shows that the expatriates have experienced different lengths for cultural adaptation. The majority of the respondents indicated that it took up to six months before they adapted culturally.
Ammoniakförluster vid flytgödselhantering : myllning och surgörning som metoder för att minska avgång vid spridning
The ammonia emissions are an environmental issue since they contribute to eutrophication. By far the largest source of ammonia emissions is manure from agriculture and should therefore be reduced. Loss of ammonia is not only negative for the environment but also to the farmer who loses nitrogen that could have been used by the crop.
The focus of this study has been emissions from spreading slurry where the loss can vary widely
depending on slurry-, soil-, and weather conditions.
There are mainly two different ways to reduce the emissions. One is to inject or mix the slurry into the ground to avoid air contact. The other way is to use acid to reduce the pH in the slurry to a level between 5 and 6 where the equilibrium is so strongly pushed to NH4+ that hardly any NH3 can be lost.
Välfärdseffekter av ett frihandelsavtal : en ekonomisk analys av ett EPA-avtal mellan EU och ESA
The EU has had a special agreement with their former colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands, the ACP-countries, for almost 30 years. This has granted the ACPs with preferences on the Europen market, which have been excluded from other countries. The agreement is now beeing re-negotiated to make it more in terms with the rule of the WTO?s most favoured nation-principle. The new agreement will differ from the present one as it will be a mutual free trade agreement where the ACP countries will open their markets to the EU as much as the EU opens up it?s market to them.
"Man tar på sig sin riddarrustning...": en kvalitativ studie av socialarbetares upplevelse och hantering av rädsla i yrkesutövningen och hur det påverkar arbetet
The purpose of this article is to examine how social workers may experience fear in their profession, how they and their organizations handle the fear and how the fear may affect their practice. To obtain the purpose, in-depth interviews were carried out with seven social workers from the southeastern part of Sweden. The experiences of fear were many and are summarized in four categories. Fear of treats and violence, fear of the responsibility in complicated situations and without optimal solution, fear of being regarded and judged as worthless and fear of being scrutinized with the risk of being stigmatized. Five strategies were identified to handle the fear: Safety strategies (e.g.