

2793 Uppsatser om Negative expectations - Sida 31 av 187

Matematik i ämnet matlagning : Hur förändra elevernas attityd till matematik på Restaurang- & Livsmedelsprogrammet

Most of my 16 students show a negative attitude towards mathematics and have difficulty understanding why they need mathematics to work as cooks. Their lack of knowledge has a negative effect on their work in the kitchen because they cannot master relatively simple mathematical solutions. The purpose of this study is to examine if an integrated working method of the subjects mathematics and cooking can change students? attitude towards mathematics and increase their understanding of the value of it in restaurant work. An integrated working method means to integrate the core subjects with programme specific subjects and that teaching is directed towards the main features of the vocational programme in order to create a holistic view.A theory of action research has been applied in this study, aiming to change something perceived as problematic through combining theory and practice in the cooking subject.

Funktionshinder barriär eller genväg till biblioteket? En fallstudie om rörelsehindrades och synskadades biblioteksanvändning

The aim of this Masters thesis is to, from a users perspective, investigate which factors affect the library use for six persons with disabilities or visual handicaps. My method has been a case study and the methods applied are interviews and observation. As a theoretical framework I use Tom Wilsons theories and models about information behaviour and transform them to a model about library use. Answers are sought to the following questions: - What does the library use look like for six persons with disabilities or visually handicaps? - How do they experience the library in their own municipality? - Which factors affect the disabled persons library use and experience of the library? All interviewees showed a very positive attitude towards the library and the majority of them visited the library regularly or received audio books by mail.

100 tigrar i djungeln : En studie om Posttraumatisk stressyndrom hos barn

Abstract This essay will present actual research around the concept of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, how it can reveal itself in school children and how it can influence young people?s learning ability and capacity to retain knowledge.The purpose is, above all, to clearly diagnose PTSD so that children with this complex of problems can receive good possibilities in learning and understanding.The question at hand is responded to by interviewees with an expertise on the subject and one ?story?, collectively with literary studies.The results illustrate that there can be neurological and biological, as well as social explanations for PTSD but it is seldom a permanent diagnosis. It is though something to take very seriously. PTSD can lead to severe psychobiological consequences, mostly by causing damage in one particular part of the brain, known as hippocampus. The hippocampus is essential in terms of memory and concentration.

Att leda som man lär : Införandet av en ledarfilosofi i en professionell organisation

Since a lot of the power in a professional bureaucracy lays within the operative profession with its strong corporate culture and strong co-workers the executive occupy a weak position. Their power comes from the complexity of the operative professionals work and the difficulties to supervise that work. To avoid conflicts it?s important to make all expectations on the executive equivalent. This can be done by defining the roles of the executives in a philosophy.

Health added-value food : the Swedish retail market

Diet and lifestyle are closely interrelated and believed to have a significant influence on four major public diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension and obesity, but also affects functional deficiencies like gluten- and lactose intolerance. Health added-value foods are thought to reduce health-related risks or delay the onset of these major diseases. Therefore, interest among scientists, researchers and the public in general has been growing remarkably over the last decade regarding these special foods. The Swedish market seems to be a good target for health added-values food. However, as there are many risks and cost factors involved for companies to enter the market or invest in R&D, it is important to take a step back and analyze the current market situation.

?Det feta barnet? : en diskursanalys av dagspressens framställning av barn som bedöms som överviktiga eller feta

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to examine the media?s portrayal of overweight and obese children and their surroundings, using the first and third dimensions of Fairclough?s three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis. The study addressed the following questions: How does the press, in this study represented by two newspapers, portray overweight and obese children? What discourses regarding overweight and obesity among children are the most prominent in these two newspapers? What risks and negative influences in the child?s surroundings are identified, and how are they described? What social representations can the images of overweight and obese children originate from? The analyzed material consisted of 62 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, which were analyzed using the earlier mentioned method for discourse analysis, as well as the theory of social representations. The results showed that ?the fat child? and its environment were portrayed exclusively in negative terms, and a discourse linking obesity and ill-health dominated a large part of the material.

Miljökonsekvenser av dagvattendamm i Skebäck, Örebro : en fallstudie hur miljöpåverkan av en dagvattendamm intill ett Natura 2000-område kan bedömas

Stormwater is surface runoff water that originates from precipitation or snowmelt and that on hardened surfaces prevents to infiltrate the ground. In city areas stormwater can consists of major amounts pollutants and when reaching a lake or watercourse it can cause damages on vegetation and animals. Therefore it is important to treat polluted stormwater before it reaches the recipient. The municipality of Örebro have since the 90ies an extensive work with treatment of stormwater in sedimentation ponds. A new stormwater treatment project is planned in an industrial estate in Skebäck, Örebro.

Mannen som blev ishockeyspelare - maskulinitetsideal och fair play i diskussionen om svensk ishockey 1969-1976

Varför är det viktigt att undersöka på vilka sätt maskulinitetsideal i svensk ishockey har ändrats över tid? Den här frågan har flera svar. I den här uppsatsen har jag haft ambitionen att relatera maskulinitetsideal till svensk ishockeys utveckling åren 1969-1976 i ett vidare perspektiv. Under dessa år genomgick svensk ishockey många förändringar, men den största var förmodligen skiftet från att vara en amatörsport till att bli en professionell. Genom att studera hur förväntningarna på spelare ändrades under den här tiden, kan man bilda en förståelse för hur professionaliseringen av sporten påverkade enskilda spelare.

Lönsamheten i vindkraft : en studie om den förväntade lönsamheten i landsbaserad vindkraft

This thesis analyzes the expected profitability in land based wind power plants. The expected profitability is calculated on the basis of a wind power project in Vartofta, Falköping. The information required to calculate the expected outcome is then concentrated to this project, which is in this thesis called project Näs. In project Näs they plan to build three wind power plants, with each an effect of 2 MWh. These wind power plants are very capital intensive investments with a long and uncertain payback time.

Kommunikations- besluts- och informationsflöden i byggprocessen

Construction projects are organized in different shapes and disturbances in the information flow in these processes can lead to problems, such as delays and/or a lower quality. Therefore, a well-functioning interaction between actors and a well thought out-communication at an early stage is of crucial importance. The main question is "How does the communication of decision and information flow in the building process and what barriers and opportunities can be observed?". This diploma work has been written with guidance from Bjerking AB and to answer this question, a collection of empirical data conducted via semi-structured interviews.

Habitat diversity and composition among growing wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) populations in Sweden

The wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) has expanded across Europe and Sweden in the last decades. It is a generalist species which utilizes a variety of habitats, and its presence has been shown to have both positive and negative effects for people and the landscape they are in. The abundance and increase of wild boar has previously been shown to differ between counties in Sweden, but there have been few explanations as to why. In this study, I investigated correlations between the per capita rate of change (r) among wild boar populations in Sweden and a variety of different habitats on the county level. I also investigated if fragmentation per se or in certain habitats could be associated with the wild boar?s per capita rate of change. My results show that fragmentation/diversity per se was not correlated with wild boar r.

"It's a very thick closet!" : En kvalitativ studie om asylsökande hbt-personers erfarenheter av att uttrycka sin sexuella identitet eller könsidentitet

The purpose of this study was to highlight LGBT asylum-seekers experiences of expressing their sexual identity or gender identity in the country of origin and in the asylum process in Sweden. By interviewing people who got permanent residence in Sweden because of gender or sexual orientation in Utlänningslagen (2005:716) we have been able to explore their own experiences from expressing themselves. This study analyse these experiences from a social psychological perspective, from this analysis we aimed to obtain a deeper understanding of how the experiences from the country of origin affects on the experiences in the asylum process. This study shows that LGBT asylum-seekers often is facing negative reactions from the environment in the country of origin, these reactions can limit their possibilities to express their sexual identity or gender identity in the asylum process in Sweden. The negative reactions they experience in the country of origin have contributed to that many LGBT people internalize feelings of fear to express themselves, feelings that often stays when they come to Sweden to seek asylum.

Säg att du är min syster : En narrativ analys med feministisk kritik av berättelserna i Genesis 12, 20 och 26 och av den utsatta kvinnan som motiv.

This essay examines how three big Swedish newspapers depicts e-sports and computer gaming and how the depiction change during 2000-2013. The study will also examine whether e-sports is being portrayed as competitive sport. The purpose is to investigate which attitudes that can be identified towards computer gaming and its culture in major newspapers such as Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet and how these attitudes eventually changed over time. The sources that will be used in both the quantitative and qualitative analysis are based on web articles, mainly because the paper editions does not provide much, if any, information about computer gaming and e-sports and also because of the convenience of being able to quickly find articles to study. Results indicate that computer gaming is being depicted in a clear negative fashion during 2000-2006, and that the depiction of e-sports is somewhat positive but not as glorifying as for the years 2007-2013. During this period, there is a apparent tendency of e-sports being introduced to readers who are unfamiliar with the gaming culture. As for the attitudes towards computer gaming, the depiction is still somewhat negative, mainly because the debate about computer games and violence was revived because of several acts of violence in shape of school massacres and mass murder.

Gorbatjov ur ledarsidors synpunkt : en undersökning om 10 svenska dagstidningars ledarsidor ändrar åsikt om Gorbatjov före, under samt efter Augustikuppen 1991

The aim of this essay was to examine whether 10 Swedish newspapers editorial pages and their leader writers changed their view on Mikhail Gorbachev before, during and after the August Coup in 1991. Moreover, the aim was also to see if the editorial pages used the same sources when they wrote about Gorbachev.In this essay four main questions were asked:- How is Gorbachev described before the August Coup?- How is Gorbachev described during the August Coup?- How is Gorbachev described after the August Coup?- What sources did the editorial pages use when they wrote about Gorbachev?Ten newspapers and their editorial pages from the period of 1-31 August and 1-6 September, as well as 10-31 December 1991 and 1 January 1992 were examined. It was discovered that most of the editorial pages changed their view from being negative in August to being more positive in December.As a conclusion it can be stated that the examined editorial pages did not write much about Gorbachev in the beginning of August and if they did mention him it was in a negative tone. One of the reasons for the lack of mentioning during the August Coup could be that the leader writers were not sure whether Gorbachev would return back to power.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av patienter med psykisk sjukdom inom somatisk vård

Background: Studies showed differences in attitudes towards patients with mental illness in nurses who worked in somatic care compared to nurses who worked in psychiatric care. The nurses in somatic care stated more negative attitudes to mental illness in relation to the nurses in psychiatric care. Studies also showed that work experience affected attitudes towards mental illness. Nurses who often came in contact with people with mental illness had less negative attitudes and prejudices against mental illness. Aim: The aim was to examine the experiences from nurses in somatic care, caring for patients who also have a psychiatric diagnosis.

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