100 Uppsatser om Naval tactics - Sida 2 av 7
Referenstaktiker : högskolebibliotekariers sätt att överbrygga kommunikativa gap
The aim of this master thesis is to study how academic librarians can overcome the gap between themselves and the user. The gap, as we see it, is generated by the user's deeper knowledge surrounding her subject in comparison to the librarian. This knowledge gives the user possibilities to handle certain discourses attached to the subject and a knowledge how sub-subjects relate to each other within the main subject. At the same time the user is in need of help to find information within her subject, this need needs to be explained to the librarian as a search expert. The scope of this master thesis is to find how the librarian, tactically, can reach the users need despite lack of subject knowledge.
En studie om det tyska ubåtsvapnets agerande under slaget om Atlanten : ställt i förhållande till Sir Julian Corbetts teorier om sjökrigföring
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida den tyska ubåtskrigföringen under andra världskriget använde sig av sjökrigsmetoder som beskrevs av Sir Julian Corbett i början av 1900-talet. För att testa Corbetts teorier studeras slaget om Atlanten 1939 ? 1945 som ett empiriskt fall.Frågeställningen i denna rapport är: Vilka likheter och/eller skillnader finns mellan Sir Julian Corbetts sjökrigsmetoder och det tyska ubåtsvapens agerande under slaget om Atlanten? Metoden som används för denna undersökning är en komparativ metod där slaget om Atlanten studeras som ett fall. Resultatet visar att det finns en del likheter men också skillnader mellan tyskarnas ubåtskrigföring och Corbetts teorier. Corbett menar att syftet med all sjökrigföring är att alltid direkt eller indirekt säkra ett sjöherravälde eller att hindra motståndaren från att säkra den.
Ekonomiska sanktioner ur ett sjömaktsteoretiskt perspektiv
Fleets have the ability to affect an adversary?s use of the seas for transportation. Nations have in numerous occasions exercised this power in order to ravage their opponent?s trade in times of conflict with the purpose of diminishing their military might. Great naval thinkers like Mahan and Corbett have described this use of seapower during conflicts in great depth but theories regarding the use of seapower to affect a nation?s peacetime economy in order to achieve limited political goals is lacking.
Fria Kriget och Gerillakrigföriing : - en kategorisering
To be able to research the chain of development and its causes within military doctrines you need to describe the change and categorize it to make it understandable.This essays intent is to categorize a phenomenon within the Swedish doctrine to make it available for further research about doctrinal development. The categories are found in two of the great theorists on guerrilla warfare due to the subjects? resemblance to guerrilla tactics and its means.The phenomenon that is to be researched is directly translated as ?the free war? which basically means the use of irregular warfare behind the enemy lines. The description of ?the free war?, by whom and when it is used, are the factors that have changed during the second half of the 20th century, and have therefore been placed into different categories.
Underrättelser för sjöstriden : IPB-metoden och den maritima arenan
Högkvarteret beslutade 2004 att interoperabilitet med Natos metoder har högsta prioritet i Försvarsmakten. Därför är underrättelsemetoden Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) vägledande för svensk underrättelsetjänsts framtagande av beslutsunderlag. Försvarsmaktens underrättelsehandbok betraktar dock IPB som en inte ?i alla avseenden tydlig? metod. Eftersom krigföring inom mark-, luft- och den maritima arenan karaktäriseras av olika faktorer, vilka ej framgår i IPB, existerar här ett problemområde.
Att äta kakan och ha den kvar : En hållbarhetsprövning av John Haughts evolutionsteologi
From underwater boat to submarine ? The development of the Swedish submarine service 1945-1960 The scope of this essay is the development of the Swedish submarine service during the period 1945-1960. The aim is to answer the following questions:- What kind of new technology did Sweden acquire when salvaging the German type XXI submarine off Gothenburg at the end of World War II?- In what respect did this technology differ from that of the Royal Swedish Navy and did it subsequently contribute to the tactical and operational development?- What tactical and operational development was accomplished between 1945-1960?The timeframe, 1945-1960, was chosen since this is when the analysis of the salvaged type XXI submarine and related effects was conducted. Furthermore, it is also during this time that the Swedish submarine service is beginning to evolve as a result of the new knowledge mentioned above and the experiences made by both the allies and the Germans during World War II.The theoretical framework primarily refers to the theories on naval warfare by Sir Julian Corbett.
Karlskrona: örlogsstad och världsarv : en fallstudie om stadsidentitet
In 1998, 'the Naval Port of Karlskrona' was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and thus, it is equally protected as China?s Great Wall and the Pyramids of Egypt.The essay is a case study of Karlskrona, one of Sweden's most well planned cities, where famous urban planners and architects such as Erik Dahlberg and Nicodemus Tessin the Elder has been involved.Today, Karlskrona is a rather unknown small town in Sweden's outskirts, where population growth has been a problem. When Karlskrona was founded, in the late 17th century, Sweden was a major power. The Blekinge archipelago was in the middle of the Baltic dominion and Karlskrona represented a midpoint in the kingdom. Therefore, Karlskrona has a small town charm with the history and style of a cosmopolitan city.By initially studying how the town?s character of today is expressed, the history of Karlskrona is explored.
Kombinerad bekämpning som metod för verkan : Lätt infanteritaktik under brittiska markoperationerna i Falklandskriget
Denna undersökning har studerat ett lätt infanteriförbands användning av kombinerad bekämpning som metod för verkan under en amfibieoperation samt vilka aspekter som påverkade möjligheten till kombinerad bekämpning p.g.a. operationens amfibiska karaktär. Fallet har utgjorts av Parachute Regiments två bataljoner som under Falklandskriget utkämpade tre slag vid Darwin ? Goose Green, Mount Longdon och Wireless Ridge. Som analysverktyg har använts Robert Leonhards teori om den kombinerade bekämpningens tre principer.
Informationssökning i elektroniska informationskällor Valmöjligheternas vånda
The purpose of this thesis is to examine which factors influence librarians selection of electronic information sources, and to investigate whether librarians use of search strategies and search tactics changes depending on which information source they use. The electronic information sources are: online databases, Online Public Access Catalogues OPAC, World Wide Web, and CD-ROM databases. The theoretical framework is based on step 3 Select a source and step 4 Formulate a Query in Marchioninis information seeking model. The search strategies are divided into two categories: analytical and browsing strategies. In order to supplement the theoretical framework with empirical facts, 8 librarians were interviewed.
Det relativa värdet av ämnesingångar i databaser: Variationer mellan discipliner
This thesis deals with tactics for information seeking in electronic databases. An important aspect is knowledge of the relative value of different subject access points. The method used here is literature studies. Nineteen empirical studies are described and analysed with the purpose to compare the relative value of different subject access points. The studies examined compare the relative value of subject access points in relation to each other or in relation to different scientific disciplines.
Taktikanpassning : en eftersträvansvärd förmåga
De senaste åren har Försvarsmakten genomgått en stor förändring från invasionsförsvar till ett flexibelt insatsförsvar. I takt med denna förändring har även karaktären på de uppgifter som insatsförsvaret ställs inför ändrats. Ett exempel på detta är insatsen i Adenviken där hotet är i form av små snabba fartyg med mål och medel som sträcker sig utanför en reguljär styrkas. En av Sjökrigets grundregler är förmågan till taktikanpassning. Detta innebär att man drar erfarenheter från de attacker eller anfall som genomförs, tar lärdom av dessa och utefter denna lärdom tänker nytt för att nå framgång i nästa drabbning.
Språkligt heterogena klasser : En studie av verksamma lärares arbete med andraspråkselever
The Swedish coastal defence took on a whole new meaning after the introduction of the coastal artillery in 1902. The establishment of the coastal artillery meant that the Swedish military had access to a whole new military branch, in addition to the Army and the Navy. Under the direction of one general, two regiments were established. One in Vaxholm and the second in the naval city of Karlskrona. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the Costal Artillery were established, by analyzing the parliamentary of the year 1901.
Viktoptimering av ett kompositchassi till en multimodal lättviktsfarkost
This report describes the master thesis project ?Weight Optimization of a Composite Chassis for a Multimodal Lightweight Vehicle? which is a part of the Master program in Naval Architecture and a part of a research project at the Centre for Naval Architecture, KTH. Demands on smart and energy efficient transport solutions are continuously increasing. In the Stockholm region the citizens are expected to increase with 25% and the road vehicles with 80% until 2030, putting high demands on the traffic system. Using a small multimodal vehicle deals with this problem and uses both the land and waterways for transportation.
Uppförandet av Kustartilleriet som vapengren 1902 : En fråga om professionalisering, modernisering eller både och?
The Swedish coastal defence took on a whole new meaning after the introduction of the coastal artillery in 1902. The establishment of the coastal artillery meant that the Swedish military had access to a whole new military branch, in addition to the Army and the Navy. Under the direction of one general, two regiments were established. One in Vaxholm and the second in the naval city of Karlskrona. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the Costal Artillery were established, by analyzing the parliamentary of the year 1901.
Vardagsmat eller domedag? Marknadsföring av ekologiska varor genom svaga och starka rädslor
In a time when concern for the environment is a topic that is met with both love and hatred, organic goods and services become increasingly common on the market. Communication efforts with the purpose of increasing the proportion of organic products consumed are being conducted by both private and public actors. However, achieving attitudinal and behavioral change within complex areas such as this comes with many difficulties.Within public opinion change, a common way of achieving a change in behavior is to use fear appeals and scare tactics. Earlier studies have shown that messages prompting a low level of fear can be more effective than messages prompting a high level of fear, since a high level of fear tends to raise defense mechanisms in the consumer. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether fear and defense mechanisms is a problem when it comes to making consumers choose organic products, as well as studying whether messages prompting low levels of fear are more effective than those prompting high levels of fear.This quantitative study is conducted in the form of a questionnaire-based experiment, comparing the effectiveness of two messages prompting different levels of fear.