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En arbetsplats i världklass
AimThe purpose of this study is to, from a perspective of a PE teacher, look at how teachers of physical education in elementary school designs and assesses the teaching of swimming. The issues underlying the study are as follows:Which elements are included in the swimming education and how do teachers work with these operations?What does the PE teachers classify as swimming ability and what do teachers experience as obstacles for the students development of swimming ability?How do the PE teachers interpret the knowledge requirement in Lgr 11?MethodThe study is based on six interviews of qualitative nature, with PE teachers from various municipalities in the region of Mälardalen.ResultsThe result yielded by the study is that the swimming classes can take different forms depending on whom the teacher is. Common to all the teachers in the study is that they teach emergency management and lifesaving. When it later comes to teaching how to swim and practice, the teachers who teach in the younger age groups work more concentrated and continuously with swimming, while the teachers who work with the older age groups just checks whether students can swim or not.
Boken - ett redskap för ökad livskvalité. Om offentligt och ideellt stöd till äldres bokläsning
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.
Läsfrämjande verksamhet för vuxna. En kvalitativ undersökning av bibliotekariers arbetsmetoder, litteraturförmedlande roll och kompetens
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.
Tecknade serier och film på svenska bibliotek, i dagspress och inom akademin -en jämförande studie
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.
Sex, drugs & rock n? roll : En undersökning av generationsromanen utifrån Fantomerna och The Catcher in the Rye
This study is about how students view the effects teachers have on their self-esteem and self-confidence. The theoretical background covers the consequences of success and failures, and the interaction between students and teachers, in regards of self-esteem and self-confidence. The purpose of the study was to examine what had in-fluenced the students? self-esteem and self-confidence in the interaction with teachers. To reach the goal of the study, several qualitative interviews were made with the following questions as base:? Which factors does the student consider to be of importance for their self-esteem and self-confidence in the interaction with teachers?? How does the student feel that these factors were affected concerning their self-esteem and self-confidence?During the analysis and systematization of the transcribed interviews, five factors emerged that effects self-esteem and self-confidence.
En jämförelse mellan två släktarkiv : Ordnandet och förtecknandet av det Gardtmanska och det Hamnströmska släktarkivet
For my advanced degree in archival science, I have organised and catalogued two family archives; man Family Archives ("Gardtmanska släktarkivet") and the Hamnström Family Archives ("Hamnströmska säk- tarkivet"). Though both could be labelled "family archives", there were many differences between the two. The Gardtman Family Archives contained the records of several family members from a period of several centuries, spanning from the early 17th century, to the early 20th century. It was by far the larger of the two archives. A substantial part of the records consisted of documents regarding various agricultural estates the family had owned or been involved with in one way or another.
Eklektisism : Hur jag tolkar min samtid
During spring 2005 I, Hanna Brogård, undertook my bachelor degree project in furniture design. The supervisors were Glenn Henningsson at Njudex in Vrigstad and Leó Jóhannson, teacher and examiner at Carl Malmsten CTD in Stockholm.The project was based on three elements:Design concept for upholstered furnitureCooperate together with a sofa producer for professional supervision and to learn more about industrial production and upholstery techniqueLearn more about furniture history of styleI contacted a sofa producer called Njudex, in the province of Småland, who became my work partner during this project. Eclecticism is the name of the furniture styles that became popular during the mid-nineteenth century. It develops from a new, rich society class arisen from industry and trade. The trend is based on the escape from reality to dreams of foreign countries, past centuries and nature.
Folkbibliotekarien och det livslånga lärandet En undersökning av ett projekt till stöd för vuxenstuderandes livslånga lärande
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate issues concerning lifelong learning and the role of the public librarian. This is done by examining LärForum Forum for Learning, a project initiated at a public library located outside of Stockholm, with the aim of supporting adults lifelong learning. The major questions raised in this study are: How do the seven librarians interviewed define lifelong learning and how do they perceive their own role in relation to lifelong learning in the public library? Do they work with adult learners in a different way than they do with "ordinary" users of the library? Has their conception of their own role as a public librarian changed as a result of LärForum, and do they find it necessary to acquire new skills because of the project? Data was collected through interviews and observation, and the study is a qualitative case study. The main results are that the librarians see their role in lifelong learning in the public library as self-evident, and they see lifelong learning mostly as learning for an individuals personal development.
Profil och samarbeten på folkbibliotek. En enkätstudie av nuvarande profil samt förändringar i profil över tid
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.
Fyra pedagogers skilda uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik som fenomen
Syftet med vårt examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur några valda pedagoger förhåller sig till utomhuspedagogik som en pedagogisk undervisningsmetod och diskutera dessa olika perspektiv av vad pedagogerna säger utifrån frågeställningarna i vårt syfte.Med hjälp av intervjuer har vi ställt frågor till fyra utvalda pedagoger som besitter skilda kunskaper och erfarenheter av utomhuspedagogik.I litteraturstudien mötte vi begrepp som forskare och teoretiker förknippade med utomhuspedagogik. Begrepp som direktkontakterfarenhet, sinnlig erfarenhet, autentisk lärandemiljö.Resultatet åskådliggör att pedagogerna ser fler fördelar än nackdelar med utomhuspedagogik. Några fördelar gällande utomhuspedagogiken framkom som mer rörelse i lärandet, bättre hälsa och att lära om objekt i sin verkliga miljö m.fl. En nackdel som flera av pedagogerna var överens om var personalbrist, tidsbristen gällande planering och de praktiska förberedelserna.Pedagogerna visade olika intresse för utomhuspedagogik men alla var överens om att det var en bra undervisningsmetod och några av dem ville gärna använda sig mer av det i sin undervisning i framtiden..
Återförvilda Sverige?: En studie av rewilding som strategi för att bevara kulturlandskapet och gynna biologisk mångfald
Through millennia, humans have shaped the European landscapes. Agriculture, hunting andforestry have influenced virtually every ecosystem on the continent and formed what we todaythink of as the cultural landscape; a mosaic pattern of cropland, fields, pasture and forests. Thepast two centuries, globalization, industrialization and urbanization have come to pose a threatto the existence of these landscapes. European farmlands are now being abandoned at analarming rate, and the associated loss of landscape preservation, biodiversity and ecosystemservices is a concern to the scientific community and public alike.This thesis studies if the implementation of the relatively new conservation strategy rewilding(recreating self-sustaining ecosystems and reintroducing keystone species) can be a part of thesolution to preserve cultural landscapes and biodiversity in Sweden. Through interviewssupplemented with studies of published works, expertise from different fields has beencompiled to provide an overall picture of the capacity of rewildings as conservation method.
?Men dom kan ju i alla fall läsa? ? Litteratur på teckenspråk
The goal of this Master?s thesis is to explore the approach and general attitude of public libraries regarding Sign Language Literature. There is a need to study and advance how the deaf can find ways to read in their own language, as it is as important to them to be able to read in their language, as it is to the next hearing person. The purpose is to define and explain the full capacity of the problem. In the process of research, by investigating how library staff approaches and deal with deaf patrons, the nature of the patron-staff relationship is revealed.
Bibliotek, information och demokrati. En jämförande studie av bibliotekssektorerna i dåvarande Tjeckoslovakien respektive dagens Kuba
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.
Mänskliga och skriftliga informationskällor - en studie om vari värdet ligger i att få information på mänsklig respektive skriftlig väg
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.
Interorganisatorisk styrning av leverantörsrelationer inom lågprismodebranschen: -En fallstudie av lågprismodeföretaget BikBok
This thesis concerns the control of outsourced interorganizational buyer-supplier relationships in the low-price fashion industry. A qualitative case study has been performed on two supplier relationships of a low-price fashion company. By identifying specificities of the industry and relating them to control problems and their implications on control solutions, the thesis has established a relation between industry specific characteristics and the way companies in the industry control their supplier relationships. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework created by Dekker (2004). Amongst other factors, the difficulty to define, quantify and measure the design variables of a fashion good, the high heterogeneity between individual products and the difficulty to predict the trend based demand, create high coordination requirements as well as appropriation concerns solved through extensive formal control.