1280 Uppsatser om Nature spirit - Sida 23 av 86
Det handlar ju inte bara om att vi sätter dig på en sten mitt i skogen : om fenomenet natur och hälsofrämjande arbete
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att vistelse i natur kan bidra till förbättrad hälsa och att det finns ett samband mellan människors aktivitetsnivå, psykiska hälsa och tillgång till naturmiljöer. Idag startas allt fler verksamheter både inom privat företagande och inom offentlig regi där natur används som en resurs för hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete. Eftersom fenomenet är ganska nytt saknas beskrivningar av området. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur natur och hälsofrämjande arbete bedrivs av olika aktörer i Sverige. Metod: Kvalitativ ansats valdes som datainsamlingsmetod.
Entrén vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund : hälsosjukhuset med frånvaro av trivsamhet
Scientific research shows that humans regain their strength when they are spending
time in nature. Ulrich, Kaplan & Kaplan, among others, has shown in their research
that nature can reduce stress and decrease the after effects of stress. Lund University
Hospital, USiL, is a big working place and has a large number of patients. To be a
patient often means that you lose control of your daily life which could cause stress.
For the personnel high workload can be a stress factor.
Oj ska du behålla det? : En kvalitativ studie om Tonårsmammor i ett Brukssamhälle
Enligt statistik föreligger det en högre frekvens av tonårsfödslar i detta specifika brukssamhälle i jämförelse med en närliggande mellanstorstad. Det existerar ofta en speciell bruksanda i brukssamhällen där arbete många gånger föredras framför utbildning. Uppmuntrar denna mentalitet till att skaffa barn i ung ålder och vilken betydelse och påverkan har mödrarnas ålder vid barnafödande? Skapar tonårsmammorna sin identitet genom att reproducera mödrarnas livsstil? För att ta reda på detta har fem tonårsmammor blivit intervjuade och fått lämna sin livsberättelse. Intervjufrågorna var uppdelade i tematisk ordning för att få en följsam berättelse. En professionell person som är anställd i en stödgrupp på orten har blivit intervjuad för att få en nyanserad bild av tonårsmammornas situation.
Igenväxande hagmarkers förekomst och tillstånd i västra Götaland : en utveckling av två arbetsmetoder
Detta examensarbete är gjort på uppdrag av skogsvårdsstyrelsen i Västra Götaland. Det övergripande syftet är att finna en metod som visar förekomsten av igenväxande hagmarker i Västra Götaland, samt ett sätt att beskriva tillståndet på dessa. Tillståndet skall beskrivas ur naturvårdssynpunkt och produktionssynpunkt. Tyngdpunkten ligger på naturvård. Även rådgivning om de praktiska åtgärderna behandlas..
Intervjuundersökning om landsbygdens krafter och mekanismer : underlagsutredning för landsbygdsprogram i Hässleholms kommun
This final thesis is a basic inquiry into a countryside programme for the municipality of Hässleholm. By interviewing people who live in the countryside in the municipality of Hässleholm I?ve tried to get a picture of how the thoughts on development of countryside are. Trough these interviews I?ve also tried to find out how people on the countryside defines the concept of countryside.
En bra plats för lek : kreativ och tillgänglig lekplats i Hedemora
For an outdoor environment to function optimally as a playarea requires that it is flexible, that is, contains places and elements that give room for the imagination and
for own interpetretations, and also that the children in some way can influence and change their surroundings. It is also important to have variety, both in the sense that the playground has a unique character that distinguishes it from other places, and that it allows many different games and activities. There should for example be room for both wild games of running and moving around where many children can participate, and calm corners to withdraw to for rest or quiet play.
A good playground should surprise, challenge and encourage children to discover their surroundings. One way to achive this is to use plants and materials from nature, whose
irregular forms and structures can become interesting elements to explore. Vegetation
also gives sence-experiences of various kinds, materials like twigs and leafs to play with
and a place to play house.
Crescendo Online: en programsvit för kollaborativ musikproduktion
Collaborative music making on the Internet is not a new phenomenon, but no applications have yet caught on with the vast number of laptop and bedroom studio musicians active today. This is strange considering the inherent social and interactive nature of music, especially amongst trends like Web 2.0 where collaboration and user-generated data is key. In this paper I study the problems these applications face, and why they do not have a greater appeal to musicians. With the results I develop and evaluate my own framework, known as Crescendo Online: a multi-user sequencing and modular synthesis environment, intended to pave the way for a new type of online music creation platform..
Teorin om "Just War" -Rättfärdigande eller Urskuldande?
This text concerns itself with war, the just war theory, and the application of that doctrine on the ?war on terrorism?. I present different views on the theory's place in the discourse, its relevance for unconventional wars followed by the analyses of above mentioned empirical situation.Particular interest is given the criteria concerning proportionality, both ad bellum and in bello, due to in part its difficult nature, and the attention it has received from others. This paper asks the question: Is the just war theory adequate for analysis of modern war?There are few alternatives.
Förklädnad för frihet : En performativitetstudie av Lian Hearns Blossoms and shadows
A large part of the Iranian population resented the west, in particular USA and Great Britain, during the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979. The people were also resenting the adverse effects of the trumped up frame made in Iran. The last shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was detested by many in Iran for its west-oriented regime. The resentment among many Iranians is a consequence of the violations of e.g. the lack of political and civil rights, there were no existing legal security in the society, there were no economic distribution and the regime of Mohammad Reza Shah violated the human rights.The resolution from an Iranian perspective for riot is not new, during the last centuries the abomination against the despotic kings have been existing varyingly and big riots have been raised. The Islamic revolution in 1979 was new because the revolution added adverse effects of west, the population detested west and expressed it by protesting through demonstration. The significance of the revolution in 1979 was also attributable to Islam.
Landskapsplanering och konnektivitetsförbättringar inom värdetrakter i Västerbottens län :
According to the Swedish strategy for forest protection, additionally 40 000 ha productive forestland will be protected in the county of Västerbotten, between 1999 and 2010. A national project was carried out to distinguish the proportion of forest with a high biological value, in all counties. The project resulted in demarcation of small landscape areas or small ?biological value regions? (bvr), with higher concentrations of forests with conservation values and red listed species than the surroundings. In Västerbotten, 26 such bvr?s were identified and the Counties Agency and Forest Agency in Västerbotten developed a regional strategy for forest conservation to standardize the forest protection process.
Glappet i den svenska vargattityden - en fråga om närhet till naturen?
Humans attitudes towards different animals are very complex were culture, genetic, psychology and evolution are some of the factors that influence. The order of animals that can provoke the most intense and extreme attitudes, both positive and negative, are the carnivores. Wolves are a constant debate in Sweden and even though a big part of the population are neutral towards the wolf, a clear friction of the attitudes can be seen. Some factors that have been seen to influence the attitude are age, education and the size of the hometown. The aim of this study is to investigate whether outdoor activities, time spend in rural areas, and time spent in a weekend cottage, also correlate with attitude towards wolf.
Utemiljöns betydelse för barns utveckling
The outdoor environment is the first thing you notices when you come to a pre-school and it also plays an important part in the development of children, their play and meeting their large motor needs. It is important that the outdoor playground is stimulating and inviting.My goal is to examine if the outdoor environment plays any role in the development of children and their interest in nature. What kind of thoughts do teachers and parents have about outdoor play, and is there a developmental goal for the children as well as what role do the teachers play in reaching these goals. In my work I want to show how an outdoor environment should be formed to help educationally as well as be safe and not least of all fun to be in..
Doften av ?Kvinna? : Symbolik och begär i Zolas Nana
An analysis of Zolas Nana focusing on male desire. Through a study of the narrtive structure and the polemic relation between the concepts of ?Nature? and ?Culture? it is shown that opposing ideologies are imbedded in the text. Nana is a symbolic character, in large, a myth created by male desire that eventually becomes a manifestation of that desire. At the same time, however, the character Nana evolves from being a mirrored image of male desire into a more stable and real individual and this process is also an answer to when and why she dies,underlining the fact that she initially was a creation emanating from male desire and in losing those symbolic functions she loses her function in the novel..
Environmental variables determining the occurrence of the red-listed Carbonicola anthracophila and C. myrmecina in boreal forests
The global biodiversity loss is mainly due to human activities such as an intensification of forestry. Boreal forest ecosystems in Fennoscandia are characterized by disturbances such as forest fires, storms and floods. However, industrial forestry practices suppress forest fires and change the landscape, leading to a loss of habitats and associated species. Particularly lichen species with slow adaptation abilities and a strong substrate specificity face an extinction debt in boreal forests since their substrates are long-lived but no longer created. In this study the species-substrate relationship of two red-listed forest-fire dependent lichen species Carbon-icola anthracophila and C.
?Vi och dom? : ett fenomen i utlandsstyrkan?
En framgångsfaktor vid internationell tjänst är att samspelet mellan samtliga enheter fungerar friktionsfritt. Detta underlättas om samtliga enheter känner varandra innan rotation till missionsområdet. I framtiden kommer hela förband som har kontraktsanställda soldater rotera ner, dock innehar inteförbanden samtliga funktioner för att lösa alla arbetsuppgifter i missionsområdet. Vid dessa fall lånar man in enheter från andra förband. Inlåningar kan skapa friktioner mellan enheterna.