

1054 Uppsatser om Natural remedy - Sida 54 av 71

Vindkraft och landskap

The current debate about environment and climate change has contributed to more andmore investment in alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and biogas. The Swedish Parliament has set the target that wind power should supply 10 TWh in 2015.In Sweden, wind power establishment began in the early 1980s. Since then the development has gained a tremendous momentum. The purpose of this study was to find out what problems wind power brings and what power relations that exists in connection with wind power establishment and how the landscape is affected by windpower construction, focusing on some cases in Falkenberg and Varberg. This study shows that wind power establishment is a very complicated process.

Stockholm temporary : relevancy & potentials for implementing temporary architecture in Stockholm

Temporary architecture is an alternative urban planning concept which has been adapted in many cities worldwide during the last decade. There is however no common definition for temporary architecture and it is diversely labelled and applied. In 2013 it also became publicly introduced in Stockholm via the approval of the city's first architectural guideline. Temporary architecture is presented in the guideline as a potential tool for exploring public spaces among other architecture related themes. The ideas for temporary architecture are ambitious and promising. The problem is that they are vague and leaves questions regarding performance unanswered.

Whole grain wheat : effects of peeling and pearling on chemical composition, taste and colour

The EU-project HEALTHGRAIN has suggested a new definition for whole grain which allows a small part of the grain to be removed during processing. By removing the outer part or the grain the hygienic quality will increase but it is not clear how the taste and colour is affected. So therefore in this study three different debranning methods, peeling, pearling and polishing, which remove the outer parts of the grains have been used on common and durum wheat. The dietary fibre and ash content, as well as germination was analysed in untreated, peeled, pearled and polished grains. The decrease in dietary fibre and ash was higher in grains that had been pearled compared to those that had been peeled or polished.

Hantering av parasitproblematik på naturbetesmark

Värdet av att beta naturbetesmark är stort, både för den biologiska mångfalden men även för bevarandet av öppna kulturlandskap med stora rekreations- och kulturhistoriska värden. Då naturbeten är permanenta beten måste parasitsmitta av inälvsparasiter på betet förebyggas för att inte bli ett problem. Problem som kan orsakas av parasitangrepp är framför allt försämrad tillväxt hos djuren men även klinisk sjukdom såsom t.ex. diarré eller blodbrist. Förstagångsbetande individer är särskilt känsliga för parasitangrepp och måste därför skyddas från parasitsmitta i möjligaste mån.

FÄRGS INVERKAN PÅ DOMINANTA SPELKARAKTÄRER : En studie kring karaktärskoncept för spel

De tekniska lösningarna inom spelgrafik har utvecklats till den grad att de numera kan förmedla sociala och känslomässiga budskap till spelaren genom relativt realistisk grafik och animation (Fiorito, 2000). Nästan alla spel görs i färg, vilket gör färg till en ständigt närvarande faktor i spelet och spelkaraktärers uttryck. Färg kan ge psykologiska associationer, till exempel att blått kan förstärka intrycket av lugn, att rött kan associeras till ilska och grönt med harmoni och natur (Panton, 1997). Detta gör att färg kan ses som ett verktyg som bland annat kan förmedla information om en spelkaraktär till spelaren. Genom att använda färgers associationsfaktorer inom generella färgkodningssystem kan en spelutvecklare ge spelaren ett intryck av en spelkaraktär innan spelaren hunnit interagera med den.

Föräldrar, barn och genus : Föräldrars tankar och funderingar kring genusfrågor vid lån av barnböcker

This paper intends to examine how parents think and reflect on gender issues when they borrow books for their children at the library. The theory applied is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of a gender system. A questionnaire was made available at the Children's department of Uppsala City Library in February, 2010. The material was compiled and analyzed with the intention to try to detect trends, patterns and themes, rather than statistics and hard data.Parents in the study perceive themselves as gender-conscious.

Att arbeta med webbaserad sfi-undervisning : Sfi-elevers syn på internetbaserad undervisning som komplement till lärarledda lektioner

What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn?t belong to, if we ? from our present horizon ? focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle?The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy.

Korta musikresor (KMR) : Mot en teori om KMR som en musikterapeutisk metod

This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.

Patologiska förändringar och säsongsmässiga variationer i testiklar från svenska brunbjörnar (Ursus arctos) :

Functioning reproductive organs are essential for the survival of a species. The reproductive system is very sensitive to exposure of chemical substances of anthropogenic origin. Humans release great amounts of chemical substances to the environment by our means of life and these substances have been proved to have a negative effect on the reproductive ability of different vertebral classes. In the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) a declined reproductive ability as an effect of decreased testosterone levels and decreased testicular size has been connected to the presence of high levels of organohalogenic compounds like PCBs. Although the Swedish brown bear (Ursus arctos) is not as carnivorous as its close relative the polar bear it is still exposed to environmental.

The legacy of the mill : a metal polluted forest soil in Gusum

Soils in a metal contaminated site on Stångberget in Gusum in southeastSweden were investigated and compared to relatively unaffected soils a fewkilometres away. Pollution came from historical release of untreated flue gasesfrom a brass mill. The objective was to find information on how high the metalconcentrations are, if metals from the polluted soil affect the surroundings andif the metal contamination affects the microbial community. The soil wasinvestigated using several different methods, such as field XRF measurements,chemical analysis of metal, carbon and nitrogen content, pH, acid neutralizingcapacity, texture, soil depth, field leach tests, sequential extraction and microbialfunctional profiles. The study showed that copper and zinc concentrationswere above Swedish Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for lesssensitive land use on the entire investigated area.

Hälsoresan : Patienter och patientperspektiv på hälsohemmet Föllingegården 1976?1990

In the 1970s and 1980s, Sweden held about 15-20 certified health resorts that wanted to improve peoples? health with vegetarian food and alternative medicine. This essay aims to explore the popularity of health resorts through a patient?s perspective. What did the patients look for at the resort, which they could not find in the official health care? A basis for the analysis is Bonnie Blair O´Connor?s theory of Health Belief Systems.

Höftfraktur och hjälpmedel : En kartläggning av hjälpmedelsinnehav hos patienter med höftfraktur

This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.

Solär Tragedi : Herakleitos Fragm 94

What are the basic thoughts formulated in the Heraclitean fragments? A cosmology, a philosophy of nature, the idea that all can be reduced to a single substance? There is always a risk that Heraclitus is fitted into a thought pattern he doesn?t belong to, if we ? from our present horizon ? focus on continuity in an attempt to frame his thinking as part of an overall progress, running from the so-called pre-Socratics to Aristotle, in the history of philosophy. If we picture the dawn of Western civilization as an early development of scientific thinking, built on a gradual and continuous growth of knowledge, we will easily go astray as we try to discover the Greek origins of philosophy. Assuming, for example, that the readings of Heraclitus as a natural philosopher have come to a dead end, can we approach the fragments from a different angle?The aim of this paper is not to give a systematized reading of all the remaining fragments of Heraclitus, but neither to necessarily contradict the various interpretations that emphasise how these shattered remains reflect a coherent philosophy.

Elfenbenstornet under belägring : Legitimering och mobilisering av humaniora i Sverige 1937-1947

Recently, there have been intense discussions about the humanities and their role in society. Internationally, as well as in a Swedish context, the humanities have been regarded to be in a state of crisis. However, these discussions usually demonstrate a lack of historical perspectives based on thorough empirical research. The notion of a crisis needs to be historicized.In this study, a case is being examined where the relationship between science and society was renegotiated. In the context of World War II, a discourse has been identified in a borderland between science and politics through an analysis of Swedish journals and anthologies during the time period 1937-1947.

Is the Use of the Rubber as a Preventive Measure to the Spread of HIV/AIDS Morally Justifiable? Ethical Reflections on the Controversy

Since the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was discovered in the 1980s, the condom has scientifically proven to be the only technological device that can prevent transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse. This technical approach to the HIV has strongly emphasized that prevention is only possible if the condom is properly used. However, as a technological artifact the condom has shown that its use is laden with values. The question of values on condoms has brought in a heated debate on the moral justifications of its use. In Malawi, just as in other African countries, the Faith Community has rejected the Governmentsplea to promote condoms as the preventive measure against the virus.The Faith Community has emphasized on abstinence and mutual faithfulness as the only reliable means to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.

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