

1054 Uppsatser om Natural remedy - Sida 29 av 71

Skötselförslag på utvalda nyckelbiotoper i Kalmar och Kronobergs län.

The objective of this study was to contribute with suggestions of nature preservation managements of selected forest objects of high nature values managed by the Swedish state-owned forest company Sveaskog. Many forests with high natural potential are relatively rare today due to modern forestry, where wood production is the main purpose. Sveaskog?s policy is to consider and to priority nature conservation on valuable objects. This assessment includes objects that in the future may develop into nature reserves.

Barnbiblioteksarbete ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this masters thesis is to investigate how childrens librarians deal with gender issues in their work when acquiring and mediating books to children, and how reviews in Bibliotekstjänsts Sambindning can be of help in this aspect. The thesis focuses on children between 6 and 12 years of age and their reading of fiction. Four interviews with childrens librarians and an examination of reviews in Sambindningen have been carried out. The reviews were examined both by finding out with what frequency gender issues are dealt with and by studying 20 childrens books from a gender perspective, comparing my judgement with the one they got in the reviews. The examination of Sambindningen showed that the reviews therein only sporadically bring up gender issues.

Brytningstid i Internkommunikationen? : vilken roll har Intranät och e-post i organisationers kommunikation?

Having a functioning internal communication is necessary for the survival and existence of every company. Traditional communication channels are for example meetings, noteboards and personnel newspapers. During the last ten years we have witnessed an explosion of new channels, who are based on information technology. IT is a natural part in new IT-companies, like Framfab and Icon Medialab, but what role does IT have in a large, manufacturing company with a long history? The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how IT has influenced the internal communication in a company.

"Stress är väldigt svårdefinierat, stort på något vis" : En kvalitativ studie om hur skolsköterskor och kuratorer definierar och arbetar med stress på skolan

Mental ill-health has increased in the community and especially among young people. Stress is considered as a conduciveness cause to the increasing mental ill-health and stress can lead to angst, worry, depression etcetera. The purpose with this study is to investigate how school nurses and welfare officers in high schools within defines and works with stress among the youths. The study also investigates how the school nurses and the welfare officers work to prevent stress in the schools and if there is cooperation between the two professions. The study is based on a social constructive perspective and a system-thinking.

Min död är min : dödens konventioner i förändring under 1900-talets andra hälft

This is a study concerning the conventions surrounding death and it´s rituals during the latter half ofthe 21th century. The study´s main material is the official magazine of SBF - Sweden´s funeral association ? Memento. By studying the undertaker and the self-image of his services at an intervalof years from 1945 to 2005, one is able to notice certain changes of values concerning what afuneral, a chest and a tombstone really is ? or rather how the meaning of these symbols of death slowly shifts from the ?dignity? of death towards the self-expression of the individual.In the 1940´s towards the 80´s, there is much talk of giving the dead a ?dignified? funeral and burial, and this is how the undertaker defends himself against public critique of his or her´sprofession´s ?trade with death?.

Visualisering ? ett verktyg för att illustrera långsiktiga konsekvenser av slutavverkning och naturhänsyn

Forestry in Sweden is currently conducted in a manner aiming at equating the production objectives and the biodiversity. To ensure that biodiversity is maintained, patches that are considered to be valuable now or in the future is saved in final fellings. How the tree retention areas will grow into the future forest stands is yet unknown.The purpose of this study was to visualize how different scenarios of natural consideration taken at final felling will evolve in a long term perspective, for two rotation periods. Projections of the forest conditions were executed with the decision support system Heureka and its applications PlanStart and PlanWise. The information about the projected forests was then used for the visualizations which were created in the software Visual Nature Studio.

Kyrka, teologi och samhälle En studie av Stanley Hauerwas och Max L. Stackhouse

The discussion concerning what role the church and theology should have in a modern, western society is a question that is ongoing in Sweden as well as in other countries. The present; American theologians Stanley Hauerwas and Max L. Stackhouse have different ideas concerning the identity of the church and theology as well as their relation to the society they are in. This essay surveys their views on the church and the theology and how they should relate to the society. Hauerwas focuses his theology on the church, and the first part of the essay deals with his view on what makes a church, how it differs from the rest of the world and what the church?s calling is.

Biogas : En systemanalys av Solna Stads matavfallsprocess

Global warming is a huge issue that humans have contributed to through over-exploitation of natural resources and extensive usage of fossil fuels. Now more than ever, we need to embrace a recycle thinking and reuse our waste, for example through producing biogas from our food waste. The purpose of this report was therefore to identify the energy usage and emissions resulting from the biogas chain which spans from Solna Stad to Uppsala Vatten. Furthermore, potential efficiency improvements were to be identified and proposed. This report focused mainly on the first part of the biogas chain that includes the collection of the food waste and the reloading process.

Sandfångaren : En undersökning av mötet mellan en byggd struktur och ett landskap i förändring

The Sand Catcher                                                       The thesis project The Sand Catcher investigates the encounter between permanent structures and an ever-changing landscape. The migrating sand dune Råbjerg Mile in northern Denmark is 40 meters high and moves more than 15 meters every year. By introducing a solid structure on the site, the fast movement of the sand dune is emphasised and thereby our view of time and space.Through intuitively building models with varied openings and densities I investigated how architectural elements react with sand. From these experiments a series of spatial features and effects were found, generated from the meeting with the sand.The Sand Catcher is a solid and permanent structure. The sand is the liquid element that generates new spaces, circulations and experiences.

Glastaket : ett bärande klimatskal

This candidate.?s work includes designing of a house with it.?s structural components andinstallations. The house had to be actual with Building Regulations (Boverkets Byggregler).Beside designing of all the crucial systems necessary for completing of claimed regulations evenan optional topic within building engineering had to be chosen.The task included designing of heating, ventilation, sanitation and electricity systems. Structuralengineering models has been made in compliance with Eurocodes. Materials for facades, floorsand roof were chosen and evaluated.As recessed portion of the work, evaluating of possibilities in designing of a glass roof waschosen.

Sverigedemokraternas kampanj mot den nya våldtäktsvågen 2010 : Strategi, motiv och funktioner hos SD:s våldtäktsmetaforik

This bachelor thesis consists of an analysis of museum environment. In the research, case studies have been done at the, Stockholm based museums, Swedish museum of Natural history?s exhibition Natur i Sverige (Nature in Sweden) and the Nordiska museet?s (Nordic history) exhibition Modemakt (Power of fashion) and learning environment Lekstugan (playhouse). The purpose of the research was to study how cultural heritage is used and developed within the museum pedagogy aimed at children. The research is based on a multimodal approach with focus on learning resources.The research examines the museums focus on children and youngsters, what the goals for this focus looks like on respective museum and how the focus is visible in the actual museums.

Klassrumskonflikter som uppstår i mötet mellan lärare och elever i klassrummet : Tio lärares uppfattningar kring konflikter och förebyggande insatser

Conflicts are a natural part of people's daily lives and we all know that they cannot be avoided. Equally common are conflicts in school as an institution, not at least in the interaction between teachers and students. The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers think and reflect on the various classroom conflicts that arise with students, and which preventive measures the teachers use. This study intends to answer the following questions;What is it that characterizes conflicts between teachers and students in middle school?    How do teachers think that these conflicts can be prevented and what solutions can be applied?I have used in this study a qualitative research method as a tool.

Värdering av föroreningsrisk - Ett förslag till angreppssätt för värdering av föroreningsrisk till följd av emission från en vägkonstruktion

When constructing a road the risk of emission of substances from the used materials to the surrounding environment has to be evaluated. The aim of this study is to present a proposal for how to evaluate the risk of contamination as a result of emission from the materials in a road construction. The study is based on literature studies, an inventory and a questionnaire that examines how experts in governmental agencies, industries and universities evaluate the risk of contamination. The inventory indicates that guidelines for evaluating the risk of emission from secondary materials in a road construction do not exist. The conclusions from the questionnaire are: that there is no common way to evaluate the risk of contamination as a result of emission from materials in the road construction, there is no uniform interpretation of the terms "minor" and "significant" risk of contamination and that the evaluation is subjective.

Varför överlåter medlemsstaterna makt åt EU? : En fallstudie om utvecklandet av en gemensam asyl- och flyktingpolitik inom EU.

The aim of this study is to explain the paradox of the memberstates willingness to surrender power of important issues such as asylum and refugee policy and therefore partly abandon its sovereignty. We also discuss the relation between internationalization, regionalization and globalization since these processes form the context in which our research problem is found. A case study is used as a method in this paper.In our quest for answers we use a theory of internationalization that we place in its context by primarily discussing the relation between globalization and regionalization. The theory is used as an explanatory force and to give it a concrete form we operationalised its three processes; internationalization of problems, internationalization of the societies and internationalization of the descisionmaking.The result of the case study shows that the increase in asylumseekers leads to a higher risk of negative competition wich give rise to the memberstates need to coordinate their politics.We found that when societies and problems are being internationalized, the state finds it difficult to resolve problems on their own and this leads to the internationalization of the dedescisionmaking. The internationalization of the decision-making process is therefore natural, which in this case means the decisions are taken by the EU rather than by the member states..

Den vägda nyttjandeperioden och dess effekter på utvalda finansiella nyckeltal: En studie av bostadsrättsföreningars avskrivningstider på byggnader

Housing cooperatives in Sweden practice very long depreciation times for their buildings and assets, subsequently depreciation costs are very low. This study aims at addressing issues relating to potential upward revisions of these costs and the revenue levels needed by housing cooperatives to address these changes, while also providing a detailed summary of some chosen financial ratios under different circumstances. This study's results are based upon recent (2015) market data within the Stockholm region, collected through a manual process and analyzed quantitatively. On average, housing cooperatives EBIT do not cover their financial costs and have low profit margins. The average depreciation time is considerably above what a technical evaluation by other sources may state.

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