

1054 Uppsatser om Natural remedy - Sida 14 av 71

Evidensbaserad praktik och underhållsbehandling - begränsningar och möjligheter

It appears from today's debate about the quality of social work and addiction treatment that largely focuses on the impact of recent various interventions in the hope of being able to alter social work's role in society and also the organizational structure. The debate points to a part of the 1970s social welfare debate. Today's aspirations to establish an evidence-based practice can hardly be expected to solve the social services basic dilemmas is that it always have to do something, despite the many times you cannot get clear instructions on which funds should be used by law or science. Even if you follow the rules and practices based on scientific studies should the importance of various key initiatives to remedy deficiencies in social service work with addicts in large part depend on how, in these initiatives define the term "evidence-based practice" and what steps will be indicated for to develop practice. My starting point was to explore how evidence-based social work in connection with medication-assisted treatment for opiate addiction look, which evidence-based interventions Social Services currently uses in connection with medication-assisted treatment for opiate addiction, as well as how to work with it in the ordinary course of business. The study showed that social services have become better at using these methods in recent years and that today there are more tools available than before.

Järnåldersboplatser och historiska byar : En studie av agrara bebyggelsemönster i mälarbygder under 1500 år

Following paper deals with the questions about prehistorian and medieval settlements in the Mälar Valley and their relations to the historically known hamlets or single farmsteads from the 17th- and 18th-century cadastral maps. Models over settlement development through the period A.D 200 to 1700 done by geographers Ulf Sporrong and Dan Carlsson are tested and compared to the knowledge won by recent archaeological excavations. Is there a connection between the older settlements linked together by dry-stone walls and the late Iron Age settlements? Does the picture differ from the one presented for the Gotland region? How well are the general theories about different settlement development depending on basic natural conditions as for the potentials for cultivation and topography, corresponding to the physical remains?  Are there other factors involved when the settlement structure takes its form?The methods that are used here constitutes mainly of a comparison between different locations in the Mälar Valley that has got a well known prehistory thanks to extensive archaeological excavations. Cadastral maps, soilmaps, topography maps and maps over ancient monuments are intertwined to the same map and analyzed through works in Geographical information systems.The results of this study reveal an interesting suspicion in the continuity-question through the Iron Age.

Barns föreställningar om de första djuren som utvecklades på jorden

No previous studies have been conducted on elementary school in Sweden about children`s thoughts about the first animals on earth. The work takes up the children`s ideas of the first animals and the difference between girls and boys knowledge. The purpose of this work was to determine if student`s views are consistent with the science know today. In the interview, five girls and five boys participated. Mankind is asking where it all began, today we know that the first life arose for 4 billion years ago and it was from the water.

Mode & identitet : - Att visa sin insida med utsidan

AbstractAim: The purpose of this thesis is to research how women think about fashion in relation to their self and to others. Can clothes be an expression of who we are who we want to be and how we look at others? What are the main characteristics in this type of communication and what kind of information can be distributed using this tool?Method/Material: InterviewsMain results: Clothes can work as a tool to show who we are and what we are, mainly on short term. We use clothes for different purposes, sometimes we what to be seen and really show who we are and what we stand for and sometimes we just what to go with the flow and not be seen at all. We will always have a physical need for clothes but it is also a natural and important part of our individual expression and our identity.Keywords: Fashion, Clothes, Identity, Lifestyle.

Allt har förändrats men ändå ingenting

Everything has changed, yet everything is the sameUsually, there is no reason for people to think about death or illness, although it is a highlynatural part of life. Most people live in health without major problems. When something does happen, people assume it will be at the end of their life and then it will be a natural part ofgrowing old. Yet some will get the notice or the feeling that something is not the way it should be, it can be something they can live with or they may have to face death.The work concerns the body?s fragility and feelings about human vulnerability.

Asymptotiska egenskaper för Lanczosspinoren

Asymptotically flat spaces are widely studied because it is one natural way of describing an isolated system in general relativity. In this thesis we study what happens to the Lanczos potential at spacelike infinity in such spacetimes. By transformations of the Weyl-Lanczos equation, we derive expressions for the limiting equations on both the timelike unit hyperboloid, and the timelike unit cylinder. Finally the Newman-Penrose formalism is used to get a component version of the equations..

How can the business potential of products with health claims increase?

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the influencing factors on the businesspotential of products with health claims, using PrimaLiv as an example. And togive recommendations on how a dairy producer, which is present in the Swedishmarket, could improve the sales rates of products with health claims. We have chosento put a main focus on the consumer, as he or she determines the business potential.This is an unusual approach since most studies cover the producer?s perspective. Wethereby wish to contribute with new knowledge on the area in question.

En bra plats för lek : kreativ och tillgänglig lekplats i Hedemora

For an outdoor environment to function optimally as a playarea requires that it is flexible, that is, contains places and elements that give room for the imagination and for own interpetretations, and also that the children in some way can influence and change their surroundings. It is also important to have variety, both in the sense that the playground has a unique character that distinguishes it from other places, and that it allows many different games and activities. There should for example be room for both wild games of running and moving around where many children can participate, and calm corners to withdraw to for rest or quiet play. A good playground should surprise, challenge and encourage children to discover their surroundings. One way to achive this is to use plants and materials from nature, whose irregular forms and structures can become interesting elements to explore. Vegetation also gives sence-experiences of various kinds, materials like twigs and leafs to play with and a place to play house.

Den bortglömda krisen ? en kritisk diskursanalys på nyhetsrapporteringen av Centralafrikanska republiken

Central African Republic has partly been portrayed in the media as a forgotten crisis, but also as something that is completely natural for how it is in Africa. The society has perceptions about Africa, which has been reproduced and reconstructed in the selected articles. The discourses in particular have appeared in articles are discourses about: us and them, the confidence in experts, social representations especially (emotional roots), ideological inequities and power relations between different parties..

Tätortsnära skogsbruksplan i Borås stad

This report is part of an Bachelor of Science work in forestry, conducted for the community of Borås, Sweden. In order to create a forest management plan for the area of Hestra, a survey was conducted. People living in the area were given the opportunity to reply to the survey. The questions in the survey are both personal and forestry-related. The aim is to reach out to the different categories of people when it comes to age, living and the different aspects of visiting the woods.

Hinder för kunskapsdelning : Att skapa förutsättningar för mer effektiv kunskapsdelning genom reducering av hinder

In today?s fast changing environment it is important for knowledge intense companies that want to stay competitive to actively work with their knowledge, knowledge sharing and Knowledge Management (KM). Barriers decrease the efficiency of how knowledge is created, stored and shared, and they are therefore important to reduce or preferably remove making the KM activities result in as much value for the organisation as possible. To achieve this, it is important that the KM activities become a natural part of the employees? daily work.

Optimal välfärd och hälsa för kalvar :

In order to optimize calf welfare and health it is important to know the behavior of cattle in free ranging conditions. When the cow is about to give birth to a calf she will leave the heard about 12 hours before. It is then rather obvious that isolating the cow about calving time in a single pen is imitating the cows? natural behavior. To save space and minimize building cost it?s common that the farmers build calving pens for four of five cows especially at larger farms.

Olfactory responses of the parasitic wasp, Trybliographa rapae (Hymenoptera: Figitidae)

Delia flies (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) are economically important pests in several horticultural crops. The control is commonly relying on chemical insecticides, though there are possibilities with biological control from the natural enemies in the field. An important natural enemy is the parasitic wasp, Trybliographa rapae Westwood (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) that lays eggs in the Delia fly larvae. The parasitoid larva and the host larva have a parallel development until the host dies within its puparium and an adult parasitoid emerges. The aim of this thesis was to understand the attraction to host- and food-associated plant volatiles of T. rapae, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the parasitic wasp as a biological control agent.

Den ekonomiska tillväxten : en redogörelse för pessimistiska och optimistiska synsätt

The economic growth we have experienced the last century is based on limited natural resources. Whether these resources will last for a further economic growth is widely debated. Pessimism and optimism have each been influential philosophies in debate whose opinions can be conceded as two opposing opinions. In this paper we have analyze these opinions from an economics perspective. To study this further, the construction and meaning of the pessimistic and optimistic arguments have been applied implicitly on the Leontief production function and the Solow growth model.

Rörelsens betydelse för inlärningsprocessen.

The purpose of this examination was to se how exercise affects the learning capacity. In this work I have chosen to integrate natural science with sport and the target group was a primary department. The two areas I integrate with sports were: the digestive system and knowledge of deciduous trees. I split the class in two different groups. One group got to have a theoretical lesson and the other one got to have an exercise lesson.

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